Jacqueline A. Aitkenhead-Peterson

2000 University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, United States 
"Jacqueline Aitkenhead-Peterson"


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William H. McDowell grad student 2000 UNH
 (Source, production and export of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen.)
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Gatson SN, Cisneros M, Brown R, et al. (2021) Urban Networks, Micro-agriculture, and Community Food Security. Circular Economy and Sustainability. 1-13
Chang B, Wherley B, Aitkenhead-Peterson JA, et al. (2021) Effects of urban residential landscape composition on surface runoff generation. The Science of the Total Environment. 783: 146977
Heo CC, Tomberlin JK, Aitkenhead-Peterson JA. (2020) Soil chemistry dynamics of Sus scrofa carcasses with and without delayed Diptera colonization. Journal of Forensic Sciences
Aitkenhead-Peterson JA, Fancher JP, Alexander MB, et al. (2020) Estimating postmortem interval for human cadavers in a sub-tropical climate using UV-Vis-near-infrared Spectroscopy. Journal of Forensic Sciences
Chang B, Wherley B, Aitkenhead-Peterson J, et al. (2020) Effect of Wetting Agent on Nutrient and Water Retention and Runoff from Simulated Urban Lawns Hortscience. 55: 1005-1013
Chang B, Wherley B, Aitkenhead-Peterson J, et al. (2020) Water chemistry and nitrogen source affect foliar uptake efficiency in ‘champion’ bermudagrass Journal of Plant Nutrition. 43: 2480-2492
Chang B, Wherley BG, Aitkenhead-Peterson JA, et al. (2019) Irrigation Salinity Effects on Tifway Bermudagrass Growth and Nitrogen Uptake Crop Science. 59: 2820-2828
Gregory LF, Harmel RD, Karthikeyan R, et al. (2019) Elucidating the Effects of Land Cover and Usage on Background Escherichia coli Sources in Edge-of-Field Runoff Journal of Environmental Quality. 48: 1800-1808
Aminiyan MM, Aitkenhead-Peterson J, Aminiyan FM. (2018) Evaluation of multiple water quality indices for drinking and irrigation purposes for the Karoon river, Iran. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 40: 2707-2728
Basatnia N, Hossein SA, Rodrigo-Comino J, et al. (2018) Assessment of temporal and spatial water quality in international Gomishan Lagoon, Iran, using multivariate analysis. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 190: 314
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