Karen Levy

2007 University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
"Karen Levy"


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Wayne M. Getz grad student 2007 UC Berkeley
 (Environmental drivers of water quality and waterborne disease in the tropics with a particular focus on northern coastal Ecuador.)
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Lee GO, Whitney HJ, Blum AG, et al. (2019) Household coping strategies associated with unreliable water supplies and diarrhea in Ecuador, an upper-middle-income country. Water Research. 170: 115269
Peña-Gonzalez A, Soto-Girón MJ, Smith S, et al. (2019) Metagenomic signatures of gut infection caused by different pathotypes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Lee D, Chang HH, Sarnat SE, et al. (2019) Precipitation and Salmonellosis Incidence in Georgia, USA: Interactions between Extreme Rainfall Events and Antecedent Rainfall Conditions. Environmental Health Perspectives. 127: 97005
Smith SM, Montero L, Paez M, et al. (2018) Locals Get Travelers' Diarrhea Too: Risk factors for diarrheal illness and pathogenic E. coli infection across an urban-rural gradient in Ecuador. Tropical Medicine & International Health : Tm & Ih
Lee D, Tertuliano M, Vellidis G, et al. (2018) Evaluation of Grower-Friendly, Science-Based Sampling Approaches for the Detection of Salmonella in Ponds Used for Irrigation of Fresh Produce. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 15: 627-636
Delahoy MJ, Wodnik B, McAliley L, et al. (2018) Pathogens transmitted in animal feces in low- and middle-income countries. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
Harris CS, Tertuliano M, Rajeev S, et al. (2018) Impact of storm runoff on Salmonella and Escherichia coli prevalence in irrigation ponds of fresh produce farms in southern Georgia. Journal of Applied Microbiology
Penakalapati G, Swarthout J, Delahoy MJ, et al. (2017) Exposure to animal feces and human health: A systematic review and proposed research priorities. Environmental Science & Technology
Levy K, Klein M, Sarnat SE, et al. (2016) Refined assessment of associations between drinking water residence time and emergency department visits for gastrointestinal illness in Metro Atlanta, Georgia. Journal of Water and Health. 14: 672-681
Antaki EM, Vellidis G, Harris C, et al. (2016) Low Concentration of Salmonella enterica and Generic Escherichia coli in Farm Ponds and Irrigation Distribution Systems Used for Mixed Produce Production in Southern Georgia. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease
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