Year |
Citation |
Score |
2019 |
Sebestyen SD, Ross DS, Shanley JB, Elliott EM, Kendall C, Campbell JL, Dail DB, Fernandez IJ, Goodale CL, Lawrence G, Lovett GM, McHale PJ, Mitchell MJ, Nelson SJ, Shattuck MD, et al. Unprocessed atmospheric nitrate in waters of the Northern Forest Region in the USA and Canada. Environmental Science & Technology. PMID 30830765 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Est.9B01276 |
0.512 |
2018 |
Vadeboncoeur MA, Green MB, Asbjornsen H, Campbell JL, Adams MB, Boyer EW, Burns DA, Fernandez IJ, Mitchell MJ, Shanley JB. Systematic variation in evapotranspiration trends and drivers across the Northeastern United States Hydrological Processes. 32: 3547-3560. DOI: 10.1002/Hyp.13278 |
0.416 |
2017 |
Christenson L, Clark H, Livingston L, Heffernan E, Campbell J, Driscoll C, Groffman P, Fahey T, Fisk M, Mitchell M, Templer PH. Winter Climate Change Influences on Soil Faunal Distribution and Abundance: Implications for Decomposition in the Northern Forest Northeastern Naturalist. 24: B209-B234. DOI: 10.1656/045.024.S721 |
0.792 |
2017 |
Durán J, Morse JL, Rodríguez A, Campbell JL, Christenson LM, Driscoll CT, Fahey TJ, Fisk MC, Mitchell MJ, Templer PH, Groffman PM. Differential sensitivity to climate change of C and N cycling processes across soil horizons in a northern hardwood forest Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 107: 77-84. DOI: 10.1016/J.Soilbio.2016.12.028 |
0.803 |
2017 |
Siegert CM, Levia DF, Leathers DJ, Van Stan JT, Mitchell MJ. Do storm synoptic patterns affect biogeochemical fluxes from temperate deciduous forest canopies? Biogeochemistry. 132: 273-292. DOI: 10.1007/S105333-017-0300-6 |
0.513 |
2016 |
Pourmokhtarian A, Driscoll CT, Campbell JL, Hayhoe K, Stoner AM, Adams MB, Fernandez I, Burns D, Mitchell MJ, Shanley JB. Modeled ecohydrological responses to climate change at seven small watersheds in the northeastern U.S. Global Change Biology. PMID 27472269 DOI: 10.1111/Gcb.13444 |
0.463 |
2016 |
Gomez J, Vidon P, Gross J, Beier C, Caputo J, Mitchell M. Estimating greenhouse gas emissions at the soil-atmosphere interface in forested watersheds of the US Northeast. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 188: 295. PMID 27085717 DOI: 10.1007/S10661-016-5297-0 |
0.442 |
2016 |
Puntsag T, Mitchell MJ, Campbell JL, Klein ES, Likens GE, Welker JM. Arctic Vortex changes alter the sources and isotopic values of precipitation in northeastern US. Scientific Reports. 6: 22647. PMID 26971874 DOI: 10.1038/Srep22647 |
0.356 |
2016 |
Kang PG, Mitchell MJ, McHale PJ, Driscoll CT, Inamdar S, Park JH. Importance of within-lake processes in affecting the dynamics of dissolved organic carbon and dissolved organic and inorganic nitrogen in an Adirondack forested lake/watershed Biogeosciences. 13: 2787-2801. DOI: 10.5194/Bg-13-2787-2016 |
0.675 |
2016 |
Siegert CM, Levia DF, Hudson SA, Dowtin AL, Zhang F, Mitchell MJ. Small-scale topographic variability influences tree species distribution and canopy throughfall partitioning in a temperate deciduous forest Forest Ecology and Management. 359: 109-117. DOI: 10.1016/J.Foreco.2015.09.028 |
0.411 |
2016 |
Fuss CB, Driscoll CT, Groffman PM, Campbell JL, Christenson LM, Fahey TJ, Fisk MC, Mitchell MJ, Templer PH, Durán J, Morse JL. Nitrate and dissolved organic carbon mobilization in response to soil freezing variability Biogeochemistry. 1-13. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-016-0262-0 |
0.797 |
2016 |
Crossman J, Catherine Eimers M, Casson NJ, Burns DA, Campbell JL, Likens GE, Mitchell MJ, Nelson SJ, Shanley JB, Watmough SA, Webster KL. Regional meteorological drivers and long term trends of winter-spring nitrate dynamics across watersheds in northeastern North America Biogeochemistry. 1-19. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-016-0255-Z |
0.442 |
2016 |
Durán J, Morse JL, Groffman PM, Campbell JL, Christenson LM, Driscoll CT, Fahey TJ, Fisk MC, Likens GE, Melillo JM, Mitchell MJ, Templer PH, Vadeboncoeur MA. Climate change decreases nitrogen pools and mineralization rates in northern hardwood forests Ecosphere. 7. DOI: 10.1002/Ecs2.1251 |
0.811 |
2015 |
Levia DF, Shiklomanov AN, Van Stan JT, Scheick CE, Inamdar SP, Mitchell MJ, McHale PJ. Calcium and aluminum cycling in a temperate broadleaved deciduous forest of the eastern USA: relative impacts of tree species, canopy state, and flux type. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 187: 458. PMID 26100445 DOI: 10.1007/S10661-015-4675-3 |
0.608 |
2015 |
Shibata H, Branquinho C, McDowell WH, Mitchell MJ, Monteith DT, Tang J, Arvola L, Cruz C, Cusack DF, Halada L, Kopá?ek J, Máguas C, Sajidu S, Schubert H, Tokuchi N, et al. Consequence of altered nitrogen cycles in the coupled human and ecological system under changing climate: The need for long-term and site-based research. Ambio. 44: 178-93. PMID 25037589 DOI: 10.1007/S13280-014-0545-4 |
0.382 |
2015 |
Singh S, Inamdar S, Mitchell M. Changes in dissolved organic matter (DOM) amount and composition along nested headwater stream locations during baseflow and stormflow Hydrological Processes. 29: 1505-1520. DOI: 10.1002/Hyp.10286 |
0.637 |
2014 |
Kang PG, Mitchell MJ, Mayer B, Campbell JL. Isotopic evidence for determining the sources of dissolved organic sulfur in a forested catchment. Environmental Science & Technology. 48: 11259-67. PMID 25209676 DOI: 10.1021/Es502563N |
0.351 |
2014 |
Vidon P, Carleton W, Mitchell MJ. Mercury proxies and mercury dynamics in a forested watershed of the US Northeast Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 186: 7475-7488. PMID 25017991 DOI: 10.1007/S10661-014-3941-0 |
0.457 |
2014 |
Durán J, Morse JL, Groffman PM, Campbell JL, Christenson LM, Driscoll CT, Fahey TJ, Fisk MC, Mitchell MJ, Templer PH. Winter climate change affects growing-season soil microbial biomass and activity in northern hardwood forests. Global Change Biology. 20: 3568-77. PMID 24796872 DOI: 10.1111/Gcb.12624 |
0.798 |
2014 |
Vidon P, Carleton W, Mitchell MJ. Spatial and temporal variability in stream dissolved organic carbon quantity and quality in an Adirondack forested catchment Applied Geochemistry. 46: 10-18. DOI: 10.1016/J.Apgeochem.2014.04.008 |
0.459 |
2014 |
Buckley SM, Mitchell MJ, McHale PJ, Millard GD. Variations in carbon dioxide fluxes within a city landscape: Identifying a vehicular influence Urban Ecosystems. 1-20. DOI: 10.1007/S11252-013-0341-0 |
0.335 |
2014 |
Singh S, Inamdar S, Mitchell M, McHale P. Seasonal pattern of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in watershed sources: Influence of hydrologic flow paths and autumn leaf fall Biogeochemistry. 118: 321-337. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-013-9934-1 |
0.695 |
2013 |
Mceathron KM, Mitchell MJ, Zhang L. Acid-base characteristics of the Grass Pond watershed in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State, USA: Interactions among soil, vegetation and surface waters Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 17: 2557-2568. DOI: 10.5194/Hess-17-2557-2013 |
0.479 |
2013 |
Kurian LM, Lautz LK, Mitchell MJ. Winter Hydrology and NO3- Concentrations in a Forested Watershed: A Detailed Field Study in the Adirondack Mountains of New York Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 49: 264-283. DOI: 10.1111/Jawr.12012 |
0.528 |
2013 |
Kang PG, Mitchell MJ. Bioavailability and size-fraction of dissolved organic carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur at the Arbutus Lake watershed, Adirondack Mountains, NY Biogeochemistry. 115: 213-234. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-013-9829-1 |
0.441 |
2013 |
Inamdar S, Dhillon G, Singh S, Dutta S, Levia D, Scott D, Mitchell M, Van Stan J, McHale P. Temporal variation in end-member chemistry and its influence on runoff mixing patterns in a forested, Piedmont catchment Water Resources Research. 49: 1828-1844. DOI: 10.1002/Wrcr.20158 |
0.74 |
2013 |
Mitchell MJ, Driscoll CT, Mchale PJ, Roy KM, Dong Z. Lake/watershed sulfur budgets and their response to decreases in atmospheric sulfur deposition: Watershed and climate controls Hydrological Processes. 27: 710-720. DOI: 10.1002/Hyp.9670 |
0.441 |
2012 |
Van Stan JT, Levia DF, Inamdar SP, Lepori-Bui M, Mitchell MJ. The effects of phenoseason and storm characteristics on throughfall solute washoff and leaching dynamics from a temperate deciduous forest canopy. The Science of the Total Environment. 430: 48-58. PMID 22621811 DOI: 10.1016/J.Scitotenv.2012.04.060 |
0.63 |
2012 |
Beier CM, Woods AM, Hotopp KP, Gibbs JP, Mitchell MJ, Dovčiak M, Leopold DJ, Lawrence GB, Page BD. Changes in faunal and vegetation communities along a soil calcium gradient in northern hardwood forests Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 42: 1141-1152. DOI: 10.1139/X2012-071 |
0.706 |
2012 |
Levia DF, van Stan JT, Inamdar SP, Jarvis MT, Mitchell MJ, Mage SM, Scheick CE, Mchale PJ. Stemflow and dissolved organic carbon cycling: Temporal variability in concentration, flux, and UV-Vis spectral metrics in a temperate broadleaved deciduous forest in the eastern United States Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 42: 207-216. DOI: 10.1139/X11-173 |
0.6 |
2012 |
Miles GR, Mitchell MJ, Mayer B, Likens G, Welker J. Long-term analysis of Hubbard Brook stable oxygen isotope ratios of streamwater and precipitation sulfate Biogeochemistry. 111: 443-454. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-011-9670-3 |
0.323 |
2012 |
Kerr JG, Eimers MC, Creed IF, Adams MB, Beall F, Burns D, Campbell JL, Christopher SF, Clair TA, Courchesne F, Duchesne L, Fernandez I, Houle D, Jeffries DS, Likens GE, ... Mitchell MJ, et al. The effect of seasonal drying on sulphate dynamics in streams across southeastern Canada and the northeastern USA Biogeochemistry. 111: 393-409. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-011-9664-1 |
0.78 |
2012 |
Inamdar S, Finger N, Singh S, Mitchell M, Levia D, Bais H, Scott D, McHale P. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentration and quality in a forested mid-Atlantic watershed, USA Biogeochemistry. 108: 55-76. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-011-9572-4 |
0.631 |
2011 |
Wang H, Wang R, Yu Y, Mitchell MJ, Zhang L. Soil organic carbon of degraded wetlands treated with freshwater in the Yellow River Delta, China. Journal of Environmental Management. 92: 2628-33. PMID 21723661 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jenvman.2011.05.030 |
0.475 |
2011 |
Mitchell MJ, Likens GE. Watershed sulfur biogeochemistry: shift from atmospheric deposition dominance to climatic regulation. Environmental Science & Technology. 45: 5267-71. PMID 21595471 DOI: 10.1021/Es200844N |
0.531 |
2011 |
Inamdar S, Singh S, Dutta S, Levia D, Mitchell M, Scott D, Bais H, McHale P. Fluorescence characteristics and sources of dissolved organic matter for stream water during storm events in a forested mid-Atlantic watershed Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 116. DOI: 10.1029/2011Jg001735 |
0.724 |
2011 |
Levia DF, Van Stan JT, Siegert CM, Inamdar SP, Mitchell MJ, Mage SM, McHale PJ. Atmospheric deposition and corresponding variability of stemflow chemistry across temporal scales in a mid-Atlantic broadleaved deciduous forest Atmospheric Environment. 45: 3046-3054. DOI: 10.1016/J.Atmosenv.2011.03.022 |
0.636 |
2011 |
Mitchell MJ, Lovett G, Bailey S, Beall F, Burns D, Buso D, Clair TA, Courchesne F, Duchesne L, Eimers C, Fernandez I, Houle D, Jeffries DS, Likens GE, Moran MD, et al. Comparisons of watershed sulfur budgets in southeast Canada and northeast US: New approaches and implications Biogeochemistry. 103: 181-207. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-010-9455-0 |
0.387 |
2011 |
Mitchell MJ. Nitrate dynamics of forested watersheds: Spatial and temporal patterns in North America, Europe and Japan Journal of Forest Research. 16: 333-340. DOI: 10.1007/S10310-011-0278-1 |
0.555 |
2010 |
Park JH, Duan L, Kim B, Mitchell MJ, Shibata H. Potential effects of climate change and variability on watershed biogeochemical processes and water quality in Northeast Asia. Environment International. 36: 212-25. PMID 19926135 DOI: 10.1016/J.Envint.2009.10.008 |
0.521 |
2010 |
Puntsag T, Owen JS, Mitchell MJ, Goulden CE, McHale PJ. Patterns in solute chemistry of six inlet streams to lake hövsgöl, Mongolia Journal of Ecology and Field Biology. 33: 289-298. DOI: 10.5141/Jefb.2010.33.4.289 |
0.468 |
2010 |
Jin L, Siegel DI, Lautz LK, Mitchell MJ, Dahms DE, Mayer B. Calcite precipitation driven by the common ion effect during groundwater-surface-water mixing: A potentially common process in streams with geologic settings containing gypsum Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 122: 1027-1038. DOI: 10.1130/B30011.1 |
0.364 |
2010 |
Mayer B, Shanley J, Bailey S, Mitchell M. Identifying sources of stream water sulfate after a summer drought in the Sleepers River watershed (Vermont, USA) using hydrological, chemical, and isotopic techniques Applied Geochemistry. 25: 747-754. DOI: 10.1016/J.Apgeochem.2010.02.007 |
0.455 |
2010 |
Hubbard KA, Lautz LK, Mitchell MJ, Mayer B, Hotchkiss ER. Evaluating nitrate uptake in a Rocky Mountain stream using labelled 15N and ambient nitrate chemistry Hydrological Processes. 24: 3322-3336. DOI: 10.1002/Hyp.7764 |
0.353 |
2009 |
Piatek KB, Christopher SF, Mitchell MJ. Spatial and temporal dynamics of stream chemistry in a forested watershed Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 13: 423-439. DOI: 10.5194/Hess-13-423-2009 |
0.815 |
2009 |
Campbell JL, Rustad LE, Boyer EW, Christopher SF, Driscoll CT, Fernandez IJ, Groffman PM, Houle D, Kiekbusch J, Magill AH, Mitchell MJ, Ollinger SV. Consequences of climate change for biogeochemical cycling in forests of northeastern North America Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 39: 264-284. DOI: 10.1139/X08-104 |
0.771 |
2009 |
Inamdar S, Rupp J, Mitchell M. Groundwater flushing of solutes at wetland and hillslope positions during storm events in a small glaciated catchment in western New York, USA Hydrological Processes. 23: 1912-1926. DOI: 10.1002/Hyp.7322 |
0.638 |
2008 |
Page BD, Mitchell MJ. Influences of a calcium gradient on soil inorganic nitrogen in the Adirondack Mountains, New York. Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America. 18: 1604-14. PMID 18839757 DOI: 10.1890/07-0150.1 |
0.732 |
2008 |
Shanley JB, Mayer B, Mitchell MJ, Bailey SW. Seasonal and event variations in delta34S values of stream sulfate in a Vermont forested catchment: implications for sulfur sources and cycling. The Science of the Total Environment. 404: 262-8. PMID 18456308 DOI: 10.1016/J.Scitotenv.2008.03.020 |
0.395 |
2008 |
Inamdar SP, Mitchell MJ. Sulfate exports from multiple catchments in a glaciated forested watershed in western New York, USA. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 139: 227-45. PMID 17629785 DOI: 10.1007/S10661-007-9830-Z |
0.652 |
2008 |
Piatek KB, Christopher SF, Mitchell MJ. Spatial and temporal dynamics of stream chemistry in a forested watershed impacted by atmospheric deposition Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions. 5: 2581-2622. DOI: 10.5194/HESSD-5-2581-2008 |
0.421 |
2008 |
Page BD, Mitchell MJ. The influence of basswood (Tilia americana) and soil chemistry on soil nitrate concentrations in a northern hardwood forest Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 38: 667-676. DOI: 10.1139/X07-187 |
0.739 |
2008 |
Inamdar S, Rupp J, Mitchell M. Differences in dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen responses to storm-event and ground-water conditions in a forested, glaciated watershed in western New York Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 44: 1458-1473. DOI: 10.1111/J.1752-1688.2008.00251.X |
0.654 |
2008 |
Christopher SF, Shibata H, Ozawa M, Nakagawa Y, Mitchell MJ. The effect of soil freezing on N cycling: Comparison of two headwater subcatchments with different vegetation and snowpack conditions in the northern Hokkaido Island of Japan Biogeochemistry. 88: 15-30. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-008-9189-4 |
0.83 |
2008 |
Page BD, Bullen TD, Mitchell MJ. Influences of calcium availability and tree species on Ca isotope fractionation in soil and vegetation Biogeochemistry. 88: 1-13. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-008-9188-5 |
0.699 |
2008 |
Bushey JT, Driscoll CT, Mitchell MJ, Selvendiran P, Montesdeoca MR. Mercury transport in response to storm events from a northern forest landscape Hydrological Processes. 22: 4813-4826. DOI: 10.1002/Hyp.7091 |
0.467 |
2008 |
Mitchell MJ, Bailey SW, Shanley JB, Mayer B. Evaluating sulfur dynamics during storm events for three watersheds in the northeastern USA: a combined hydrological, chemical and isotopic approach Hydrological Processes. 22: 4023-4034. DOI: 10.1002/Hyp.7033 |
0.411 |
2008 |
Christopher SF, Mitchell MJ, McHale MR, Boyer EW, Burns DA, Kendall C. Factors controlling nitrogen release from two forested catchments with contrasting hydrochemical responses Hydrological Processes. 22: 46-62. DOI: 10.1002/Hyp.6632 |
0.835 |
2007 |
Novák M, Mitchell MJ, Jacková I, Buzek F, Schweigstillová J, Erbanová L, Prikryl R, Fottová D. Processes affecting oxygen isotope ratios of atmospheric and ecosystem sulfate in two contrasting forest catchments in Central Europe. Environmental Science & Technology. 41: 703-9. PMID 17328173 DOI: 10.1021/Es0610028 |
0.344 |
2007 |
McGee GG, Mitchell MJ, Leopold DJ, Raynal DJ. Comparison of soil nutrient fluxes from tree-fall gap zones of an old-growth northern hardwood forest Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society. 134: 269-280. DOI: 10.3159/1095-5674(2007)134[269:Cosnff]2.0.Co;2 |
0.497 |
2007 |
McGee GG, Mitchell MJ, Leopold DJ, Raynal DJ, Mbila M. Relationships among forest age, composition and elemental dynamics of Adirondack northern hardwood forests Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society. 134: 253-268. DOI: 10.3159/1095-5674(2007)134[253:Rafaca]2.0.Co;2 |
0.416 |
2007 |
Campbell JL, Mitchell MJ, Mayer B, Groffman PM, Christenson LM. Mobility of nitrogen-15-labeled nitrate and sulfur-34-labeled sulfate during snowmelt Soil Science Society of America Journal. 71: 1934-1944. DOI: 10.2136/Sssaj2006.0283 |
0.785 |
2007 |
Schroth AW, Bostick BC, Graham M, Kaste JM, Mitchell MJ, Friedland AJ. Sulfur species behavior in soil organic matter during decomposition Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 112. DOI: 10.1029/2007Jg000538 |
0.439 |
2007 |
Inamdar SP, Mitchell MJ. Storm event exports of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) across multiple catchments in a glaciated forested watershed Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 112. DOI: 10.1029/2006Jg000309 |
0.671 |
2007 |
Inamdar SP, Mitchell MJ. Contributions of riparian and hillslope waters to storm runoff across multiple catchments and storm events in a glaciated forested watershed Journal of Hydrology. 341: 116-130. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jhydrol.2007.05.007 |
0.432 |
2007 |
Ito M, Mitchell MJ, Driscoll CT, Newton RM, Johnson CE, Roy KM. Controls on surface water chemistry in two lake-watersheds in the Adirondack region of New York: Differences in nitrogen solute sources and sinks Hydrological Processes. 21: 1249-1264. DOI: 10.1002/Hyp.6297 |
0.67 |
2006 |
Cristopher SF, Page BD, Campbell JL, Mitchell MJ. Contrasting stream water NO3- and Ca2+ in two nearly adjacent catchments: The role of soil Ca and forest vegetation Global Change Biology. 12: 364-381. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2486.2005.01084.X |
0.746 |
2006 |
Campbell JL, Mitchell MJ, Mayer B. Isotopic assessment of NO3−and SO42−mobility during winter in two adjacent watersheds in the Adirondack Mountains, New York Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 111. DOI: 10.1029/2006Jg000208 |
0.506 |
2006 |
Inamdar SP, Mitchell MJ. Hydrologic and topographic controls on storm-event exports of dissolved organic carbon (BOC) and nitrate across catchment scales Water Resources Research. 42. DOI: 10.1029/2005Wr004212 |
0.663 |
2006 |
Pardo LH, Templer PH, Goodale CL, Duke S, Groffman PM, Adams MB, Boeckx P, Boggs J, Campbell J, Colman B, Compton J, Emmett B, Gundersen P, Kjønaas J, Lovett G, ... ... Mitchell MJ, et al. Regional assessment of N saturation using foliar and root δ15N Biogeochemistry. 80: 143-171. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-006-9015-9 |
0.423 |
2006 |
Mitchell MJ, Piatek KB, Christopher S, Mayer B, Kendall C, Mchale P. Solute sources in stream water during consecutive fall storms in a northern hardwood forest watershed: a combined hydrological, chemical and isotopic approach Biogeochemistry. 78: 217-246. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-005-4277-1 |
0.45 |
2006 |
Inamdar SP, O'Leary N, Mitchell MJ, Riley JT. The impact of storm events on solute exports from a glaciated forested watershed in western New York, USA Hydrological Processes. 20: 3423-3439. DOI: 10.1002/Hyp.6141 |
0.631 |
2006 |
Ogawa A, Shibata H, Suzuki K, Mitchell MJ, Ikegami Y. Relationship of topography to surface water chemistry with particular focus on nitrogen and organic carbon solutes within a forested watershed in Hokkaido, Japan Hydrological Processes. 20: 251-265. DOI: 10.1002/Hyp.5901 |
0.472 |
2005 |
Watmough SA, Aherne J, Alewell C, Arp P, Bailey S, Clair T, Dillon P, Duchesne L, Eimers C, Fernandez I, Foster N, Larssen T, Miller E, Mitchell M, Page S. Sulphate, nitrogen and base cation budgets at 21 forested catchments in Canada, the United States and Europe. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 109: 1-36. PMID 16240186 DOI: 10.1007/S10661-005-4336-Z |
0.483 |
2005 |
Park IH, Mitchell MJ, Driscoll CT. Winter-time climatic control on dissolved organic carbon export and surface water chemistry in an Adirondack forested watershed. Environmental Science & Technology. 39: 6993-8. PMID 16201621 DOI: 10.1021/Es048301M |
0.484 |
2005 |
Ito M, Mitchell MJ, Driscoll CT, Roy KM. Factors affecting acid neutralizing capacity in the Adirondack region of New York: a solute mass balance approach. Environmental Science & Technology. 39: 4076-81. PMID 15984785 DOI: 10.1021/Es0482132 |
0.649 |
2005 |
Walker A, Rodriguez-Cruz MS, Mitchell MJ. Influence of ageing of residues on the availability of herbicides for leaching Environmental Pollution. 133: 43-51. PMID 15327855 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2004.04.012 |
0.371 |
2005 |
Campbell JL, Mitchell MJ, Groffman PM, Christenson LM, Hardy JP. Winter in northeastern North America: A critical period for ecological processes Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 3: 314-322. DOI: 10.1890/1540-9295(2005)003[0314:Winnaa]2.0.Co;2 |
0.728 |
2005 |
Piatek KB, Mitchell MJ, Silva SR, Kendall C. Sources of Nitrate in Snowmelt Discharge: Evidence From Water Chemistry and Stable Isotopes of Nitrate Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 165: 13-35. DOI: 10.1007/S11270-005-4641-8 |
0.513 |
2005 |
Shanley JB, Mayer B, Mitchell MJ, Michel RL, Bailey SW, Kendall C. Tracing Sources of Streamwater Sulfate During Snowmelt Using S and O Isotope Ratios of Sulfate and 35S Activity Biogeochemistry. 76: 161-185. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-005-2856-9 |
0.482 |
2005 |
Hafner SD, Groffman PM, Mitchell MJ. Leaching of dissolved organic carbon, dissolved organic nitrogen, and other solutes from coarse woody debris and litter in a mixed forest in New York State Biogeochemistry. 74: 257-282. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-004-4722-6 |
0.556 |
2005 |
Ito M, Mitchell MJ, Driscoll CT, Roy KM. Nitrogen input-output budgets for lake-containing watersheds in the Adirondack region of New York Biogeochemistry. 72: 283-314. DOI: 10.1007/S10533-004-0361-1 |
0.653 |
2004 |
Lovett GM, Mitchell MJ. Sugar maple and nitrogen cycling in the forests of eastern North America Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2: 81-88. DOI: 10.1890/1540-9295(2004)002[0081:Smanci]2.0.Co;2 |
0.459 |
2004 |
Campbell JL, Hornbeck JW, Mitchell MJ, Adams MB, Castro MS, Driscoll CT, Kahl JS, Kochenderfer JN, Likens GE, Lynch JA, Murdoch PS, Nelson SJ, Shanley JB. Input-output budgets of inorganic nitrogen for 24 forest watersheds in the Northeastern United States: A review Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 151: 373-396. DOI: 10.1023/B:Wate.0000009908.94219.04 |
0.367 |
2004 |
Inamdar SP, Christopher SF, Mitchell MJ. Export mechanisms for dissolved organic carbon and nitrate during summer storm events in a glaciated forested catchment in New York, USA Hydrological Processes. 18: 2651-2661. DOI: 10.1002/Hyp.5572 |
0.82 |
2004 |
Chen L, Driscoll CT, Gbondo-Tugbawa S, Mitchell MJ, Murdoch PS. The application of an integrated biogeochemical model (PnET-BGC) to five forested watersheds in the Adirondack and Catskill regions of New York Hydrological Processes. 18: 2631-2650. DOI: 10.1002/Hyp.5571 |
0.452 |
2004 |
McHale MR, Cirmo CP, Mitchell MJ, McDonnell JJ. Wetland nitrogen dynamics in an Adirondack forested watershed Hydrological Processes. 18: 1853-1870. DOI: 10.1002/Hyp.1452 |
0.471 |
2004 |
Bailey SW, Mayer B, Mitchell MJ. Evidence for influence of mineral weathering on stream water sulphate in Vermont and New Hampshire (USA) Hydrological Processes. 18: 1639-1653. DOI: 10.1002/Hyp.1410 |
0.526 |
2003 |
Driscoll CT, Driscoll KM, Roy KM, Mitchell MJ. Chemical response of lakes in the Adirondack Region of New York to declines in acidic deposition. Environmental Science & Technology. 37: 2036-42. PMID 12785505 DOI: 10.1021/Es020924H |
0.421 |
2003 |
Fitzhugh RD, Likens GE, Driscoll CT, Mitchell MJ, Groffman PM, Fahey TJ, Hardy JP. Role of soil freezing events in interannual patterns of stream chemistry at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire. Environmental Science & Technology. 37: 1575-80. PMID 12731840 DOI: 10.1021/Es026189R |
0.541 |
2003 |
Mitchell MJ, Driscoll CT, Inamdar S, McGee GG, Mbila MO, Raynal DJ. Nitrogen biogeochemistry in the Adirondack Mountains of New York: hardwood ecosystems and associated surface waters. Environmental Pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 123: 355-64. PMID 12667763 DOI: 10.1016/S0269-7491(03)00026-5 |
0.667 |
2003 |
Driscoll CT, Driscoll KM, Mitchell MJ, Raynal DJ. Effects of acidic deposition on forest and aquatic ecosystems in New York State. Environmental Pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 123: 327-36. PMID 12667760 DOI: 10.1016/S0269-7491(03)00019-8 |
0.416 |
2003 |
Park JH, Mitchell MJ, Michale PJ, Christopher SF, Meyers TP. Impacts of changing climate and atmospheric deposition on N and S drainage losses from a forested watershed of the Adirondack Mountains, New York State Global Change Biology. 9: 1602-1619. DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-2486.2003.00686.X |
0.817 |
2002 |
Christenson LM, Lovett GM, Mitchell MJ, Groffman PM. The fate of nitrogen in gypsy moth frass deposited to an oak forest floor. Oecologia. 131: 444-452. PMID 28547717 DOI: 10.1007/S00442-002-0887-7 |
0.765 |
2002 |
Gbondo-Tugbawa SS, Driscoll CT, Mitchell MJ, Aber JD, Likens GE. A model to simulate the response of a northern hardwood forest ecosystem to changes in S deposition Ecological Applications. 12: 8-23. DOI: 10.1890/1051-0761(2002)012[0008:Amtstr]2.0.Co;2 |
0.537 |
2002 |
Lovett GM, Christenson LM, Groffman PM, Jones CG, Hart JE, Mitchell MJ. Insect Defoliation and Nitrogen Cycling in Forests Bioscience. 52: 335-341. DOI: 10.1641/0006-3568(2002)052[0335:Idanci]2.0.Co;2 |
0.391 |
2002 |
McHale MR, McDonnell JJ, Mitchell MJ, Cirmo CP. A field-based study of soil water and groundwater nitrate release in an Adirondack forested watershed Water Resources Research. 38: 2-1-2-16. DOI: 10.1029/2000Wr000102 |
0.514 |
2002 |
Likens GE, Driscoll CT, Buso DC, Mitchell MJ, Lovett GM, Bailey SW, Siccama TG, Reiners WA, Alewell C. The biogeochemistry of sulfur at Hubbard Brook Biogeochemistry. 60: 235-316. DOI: 10.1023/A:1020972100496 |
0.461 |
2002 |
Ito M, Mitchell MJ, Driscoll CT. Spatial patterns of precipitation quantity and chemistry and air temperature in the Adirondack region of New York Atmospheric Environment. 36: 1051-1062. DOI: 10.1016/S1352-2310(01)00484-8 |
0.624 |
2002 |
Christenson LM, Lovett GM, Mitchell MJ, Groffman PM. The fate of nitrogen in gypsy moth frass deposited to an oak forest floor Oecologia. 131: 444-452. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-002-0887-7 |
0.751 |
2001 |
Rustad L, Campbell J, Marion G, Norby R, Mitchell M, Hartley A, Cornelissen J, Gurevitch J. A meta-analysis of the response of soil respiration, net nitrogen mineralization, and aboveground plant growth to experimental ecosystem warming. Oecologia. 126: 543-562. PMID 28547240 DOI: 10.1007/S004420000544 |
0.488 |
2001 |
Ohte N, Mitchell MJ, Shibata H, Tokuchi N, Toda H, Iwatsubo G. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 130: 649-654. DOI: 10.1023/A:1013804728336 |
0.445 |
2001 |
Mitchell MJ, Driscoll CT, Owen JS, Schaefer D, Michener R, Raynal DJ. Nitrogen biogeochemistry of three hardwood ecosystems in the Adirondack Region of New York Biogeochemistry. 56: 93-133. DOI: 10.1023/A:1013001710569 |
0.498 |
2001 |
Mitchell MJ, Mayer B, Bailey SW, Hornbeck JW, Alewell C, Driscoll CT, Likens GE. Use of stable isotopes ratios for evaluating sulfur sources and losses at the hubbard brook experimental forest Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 130: 75-86. DOI: 10.1023/A:1012295301541 |
0.401 |
2001 |
Bischoff JM, Bukaveckas P, Mitchell MJ, Hurd T. N storage and cycling in vegetation of a forested wetland: Implications for watershed N processing Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 128: 97-114. DOI: 10.1023/A:1010358216481 |
0.445 |
2001 |
Mitchell MJ. Linkages of nitrate losses in watersheds to hydrological processes Hydrological Processes. 15: 3305-3307. DOI: 10.1002/Hyp.503 |
0.437 |
2001 |
McDonnell JJ, Tanaka T, Mitchell MJ, Ohte N. Hydrology and biogeochemistry of forested catchments Hydrological Processes. 15: 1673-1674. DOI: 10.1002/Hyp.351 |
0.395 |
2001 |
Mitchell MJ, McHale PJ, Inamdar S, Raynal DJ. Role of within-lake processes and hydrobiogeochemical changes over 16 years in a watershed in the Adirondack Mountains of New York state, USA Hydrological Processes. 15: 1951-1965. DOI: 10.1002/Hyp.249 |
0.605 |
2001 |
Ohte N, Tokuchi N, Shibata H, Tsujimura M, Tanaka T, Mitchell MJ. Hydrobiogeochemistry of forest ecosystems in Japan: major themes and research issues Hydrological Processes. 15: 1771-1789. DOI: 10.1002/Hyp.239 |
0.538 |
2000 |
Alewell C, Mitchell MJ, Likens GE, Krouse R. Assessing the origin of sulfate deposition at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest Journal of Environmental Quality. 29: 759-767. DOI: 10.2134/Jeq2000.00472425002900030011X |
0.394 |
2000 |
McHale MR, Mitchell MJ, McDonnell JJ, Cirmo CP. Nitrogen solutes in an Adirondack forested watershed: Importance of dissolved organic nitrogen Biogeochemistry. 48: 165-184. DOI: 10.1023/A:1006121828108 |
0.487 |
1999 |
Ohrui K, Mitchell MJ, Bischoff JM. Effect of landscape position on N mineralization and nitrification in a forested watershed in the Adirondack Mountains of New York Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 29: 497-508. DOI: 10.1139/X99-014 |
0.464 |
1999 |
Zhang Y, Mitchell MJ, Driscoll CT, Likens GE. Changes in soil sulfur constituents in a forested watershed 8 years after whole-tree harvesting Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 29: 356-364. DOI: 10.1139/X99-004 |
0.537 |
1999 |
Owen JS, Mitchell MJ, Michener RH. Stable nitrogen and carbon isotopic composition of seston and sediment in two Adirondack lakes Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 56: 2186-2192. DOI: 10.1139/F99-150 |
0.399 |
1999 |
Alewell C, Mitchell MJ, Likens GE, Krouse HR. Sources of stream sulfate at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: Long-term analyses using stable isotopes Biogeochemistry. 44: 281-299. DOI: 10.1023/A:1006058913822 |
0.466 |
1999 |
Ohrui K, Mitchell MJ. Hydrological flow paths controlling stream chemistry in Japanese forested watersheds Hydrological Processes. 13: 877-888. DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1099-1085(19990430)13:6<877::Aid-Hyp762>3.0.Co;2-E |
0.51 |
1998 |
Mitchell MJ, Santore RC, Driscoll CT, Dhamala BR. Forest Soil Sulfur in the Adirondack Mountains: Response to Chemical Manipulations Soil Science Society of America Journal. 62: 272-280. DOI: 10.2136/Sssaj1998.03615995006200010035X |
0.525 |
1998 |
McHale PJ, Mitchell MJ, Bowles FP. Soil warming in a northern hardwood forest: trace gas fluxes and leaf litter decomposition Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 28: 1365-1372. DOI: 10.1139/X98-118 |
0.487 |
1998 |
Ohrui K, Mitchell MJ. Stream water chemistry in Japanese forested watersheds and its variability on a small regional scale Water Resources Research. 34: 1553-1561. DOI: 10.1029/98Wr00918 |
0.506 |
1998 |
Zhang Y, Mitchell MJ, Christ M, Likens GE, Krouse HR. Stable sulfur isotopic biogeochemistry of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire Biogeochemistry. 41: 259-275. DOI: 10.1023/A:1005992430776 |
0.348 |
1998 |
Driscoll C, Postek K, Mateti D, Sequeira K, Aber J, Kretser W, Mitchell M, Raynal D. The response of lake water in the Adirondack region of New York to changes in acidic deposition Environmental Science & Policy. 1: 185-198. DOI: 10.1016/S1462-9011(98)00028-8 |
0.474 |
1998 |
Ohrui K, Mitchell MJ. Spatial patterns of soil nitrate in Japanese forested watersheds: importance of the near-stream zone as a source of nitrate in stream water Hydrological Processes. 12: 1433-1445. DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1099-1085(199807)12:9<1433::Aid-Hyp646>3.0.Co;2-N |
0.56 |
1997 |
Ohrui K, Mitchell MJ. NITROGEN SATURATION IN JAPANESE FORESTED WATERSHEDS Ecological Applications. 7: 391-401. DOI: 10.1890/1051-0761(1997)007[0391:Nsijfw]2.0.Co;2 |
0.504 |
1997 |
Mitchell MJ, Iwatsubo G, Ohrui K, Nakagawa Y. Nitrogen saturation in Japanese forests: An evaluation Forest Ecology and Management. 97: 39-51. DOI: 10.1016/S0378-1127(97)00047-9 |
0.521 |
1996 |
Rustad LE, Fernandez IJ, David MB, Mitchell MJ, Nadelhoffer KJ, Fuller RB. Experimental Soil Acidification and Recovery at the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine Soil Science Society of America Journal. 60: 1933-1943. DOI: 10.2136/SSSAJ1996.03615995006000060045X |
0.338 |
1996 |
Ohrui K, Mitchell MJ. Elemental dynamics of a Japanese watershed with sugi (Cryptomeriajaponica) and hinoki (Chamaecyparisobtuse) plantations Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 26: 2160-2169. DOI: 10.1139/X26-245 |
0.383 |
1996 |
Mitchell MJ, Mills EL, Idrisi N, Michener R. Stable isotopes of nitrogen and carbon in an aquatic food web recently invaded by (Dreissena polymorpha) (Pallas) Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 53: 1445-1450. DOI: 10.1139/F96-053 |
0.385 |
1996 |
Mitchell MJ, Driscoll CT, Kahl JS, Likens GE, Murdoch PS, Pardo LH. Climatic control of nitrate loss from forested watersheds in the northeast United States Environmental Science and Technology. 30: 2609-2612. DOI: 10.1021/Es9600237 |
0.489 |
1996 |
McHale PJ, Mitchell MJ. Disturbance effects on soil solution chemistry due to heating cable installation Biology and Fertility of Soils. 22: 40-44. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00384430 |
0.489 |
1996 |
Mitchell MJ, Raynal DJ, Driscoll CT. Biogeochemistry of a forested watershed in the central Adirondack Mountains: Temporal changes and mass balances Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 88: 355-369. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00294111 |
0.493 |
1996 |
Dhamala BR, Mitchell MJ. Soil disturbance and elemental dynamics in a northern hardwood forest soil, USA Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 88: 343-353. DOI: 10.1007/BF00294110 |
0.411 |
1995 |
Dhamala B, Mitchell M. Sulfur speciation, vertical distribution, and seasonal variation in a northern hardwood forest soil, U.S.A Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 25: 234-243. DOI: 10.1139/X95-028 |
0.395 |
1995 |
Zhang Y, Mitchell MJ. Phosphorus cycling in a hardwood forest in the Adirondack Mountains, New York Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 25: 81-87. DOI: 10.1139/X95-010 |
0.502 |
1994 |
Mitchell MJ, Driscoll CT, Porter JH, Raynal DJ, Schaefer D, White EH. The Adirondack Manipulation and Modeling Project (AMMP): design and preliminary results Forest Ecology and Management. 68: 87-100. DOI: 10.1016/0378-1127(94)90140-6 |
0.46 |
1992 |
Mitchell M, Foster N, Shepard J, Morrison I. Nutrient cycling in Huntington Forest and Turkey Lakes deciduous stands: nitrogen and sulfur Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 22: 457-464. DOI: 10.1139/X92-060 |
0.46 |
1992 |
Burke MK, Raynal DJ, Mitchell MJ. Soil nitrogen availability influences seasonal carbon allocation patterns in sugar maple (Acersaccharum) Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 22: 447-456. DOI: 10.1139/X92-059 |
0.405 |
1992 |
Foster N, Mitchell M, Morrison I, Shepard J. Cycling of acid and base cations in deciduous stands of Huntington Forest, New York, and Turkey Lakes, Ontario Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 22: 167-174. DOI: 10.1139/X92-022 |
0.522 |
1992 |
Stam AC, Mitchell MJ, Krouse HR, Kahl JS. Stable sulfur isotopes of sulfate in precipitation and stream solutions in a northern hardwood watershed Water Resources Research. 28: 231-236. DOI: 10.1029/91Wr02481 |
0.438 |
1992 |
Mitchell MJ, Burke MK, Shepard JP. Seasonal and spatial patterns of S, Ca, and N dynamics of a Northern Hardwood forest ecosystem Biogeochemistry. 17: 165-189. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00004040 |
0.563 |
1992 |
Mitchell MJ, Lindberg SE. Sulfur chemistry, deposition, and cycling in forests Ecological Studies. 91: 72-149. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4612-2806-6_5 |
0.388 |
1991 |
Shepard JP, Mitchell MJ. Solution Chemistry in a Red Pine Plantation Thirty-Nine Years after Potassium Fertilization Soil Science Society of America Journal. 55: 1446-1452. DOI: 10.2136/Sssaj1991.03615995005500050041X |
0.437 |
1991 |
Mitchell MJ. Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur Pollutants and Their Determination in Air and Water Journal of Environmental Quality. 20: 881-881. DOI: 10.2134/Jeq1991.00472425002000040038X |
0.324 |
1990 |
Shepard JP, Mitchell MJ. Nutrient Cycling in a Red Pine Plantation Thirty-Nine Years after Potassium Fertilization Soil Science Society of America Journal. 54: 1433-1440. DOI: 10.2136/Sssaj1990.03615995005400050037X |
0.36 |
1990 |
Homann PS, Mitchell MJ, Miegroet HV, Cole DW. Organic sulfur in throughfall, stem flow, and soil solutions from temperate forests Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 20: 1535-1539. DOI: 10.1139/X90-204 |
0.448 |
1990 |
Shepard JP, Mitchell MJ, Scott TJ, Driscoll CT. Soil solution chemistry of an Adirondack Spodosol: lysimetry and N dynamics Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 20: 818-824. DOI: 10.1139/X90-108 |
0.515 |
1990 |
Kingston JC, Cook RB, Kreis RG, Camburn KE, Norton SA, Sweets PR, Binford MW, Mitchell MJ, Schindler SC, Shane LCK, King GA. Paleoecological investigation of recent lake acidification in the northern Great Lakes states Journal of Paleolimnology. 4: 153-201. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00226322 |
0.359 |
1990 |
Charles DF, Binford MW, Furlong ET, Hites RA, Mitchell MJ, Norton SA, Oldfield F, Paterson MJ, Smol JP, Uutala AJ, White JR, Whitehead DR, Wise RJ. Paleoecological investigation of recent lake acidification in the Adirondack Mountains, N.Y. Journal of Paleolimnology. 3: 195-241. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00219459 |
0.412 |
1990 |
Cook RB, Kreis RG, Kingston JC, Camburn KE, Norton SA, Mitchell MJ, Fry B, Shane LCK. Paleolimnology of McNearney lake: an acidic lake in northern Michigan Journal of Paleolimnology. 3: 13-34. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00209297 |
0.372 |
1990 |
Mitchell MJ, Owen JS, Schindler SC. Factors affecting sulfur incorporation into lake sediments: paleoecological implications Journal of Paleolimnology. 4: 1-22. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00208295 |
0.387 |
1990 |
Dhamala BR, Mitchell MJ, Stam AC. Sulfur dynamics in mineral horizons of two northern hardwood soils. A column study with 35S Biogeochemistry. 10: 143-160. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00002227 |
0.457 |
1989 |
Mitchell MJ, Driscoll CT, Fuller RD, David MB, Likens GE. Effect of Whole-Tree Harvesting on the Sulfur Dynamics of a Forest Soil Soil Science Society of America Journal. 53: 933-940. DOI: 10.2136/Sssaj1989.03615995005300030050X |
0.449 |
1989 |
David MB, Mitchell MJ, Aldcorn D, Harrison RB. Analysis of sulfur in soil, plant and sediment materials: Sample handling and use of an automated analyzer Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 21: 119-123. DOI: 10.1016/0038-0717(89)90020-5 |
0.457 |
1989 |
White JR, Gubala CP, Fry B, Owen J, Mitchell MJ. Sediment biogeochemistry of iron and sulfur in an acidic lake Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 53: 2547-2559. DOI: 10.1016/0016-7037(89)90127-0 |
0.345 |
1989 |
Morgan CR, Schindler SC, Mitchell MJ. The effects of feeding by Oniscus asellus (Isopoda) on nutrient cycling in an incubated hardwood forest soil Biology and Fertility of Soils. 7: 239-246. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00709655 |
0.497 |
1989 |
Shepard JP, Mitchell MJ, Scott TJ, Zhang YM, Raynal DJ. Measurements of wet and dry deposition in a Northern Hardwood forest Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 48: 225-238. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00282380 |
0.414 |
1989 |
Nowak CA, Shepard JP, Downard RB, White EH, Raynal DJ, Mitchell MJ. Nutrient cycling in adirondack conifer plantations: Is acidic deposition an influencing factor? Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 48: 209-224. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00282379 |
0.53 |
1988 |
Hamilton WE, Dindal DL, Parkinson CM, Mitchell MJ. Interaction of Earthworm Species in Sewage Sludge-Amended Soil Microcosms: Lumbricus terrestris and Eisenia fetida The Journal of Applied Ecology. 25: 847. DOI: 10.2307/2403750 |
0.308 |
1988 |
Mitchell MJ, Fuller RD. Models of sulfur dynamics in forest and grassland ecosystems with emphasis on soil processes Biogeochemistry. 5: 133-163. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02180321 |
0.411 |
1988 |
Norton SA, Mitchell MJ, Kahl JS, Brewer GF. In-lake alkalinity generation by sulfate reduction: A paleolimnological assessment Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 39: 33-45. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00250946 |
0.369 |
1988 |
Landers DH, Mitchell MJ. Incorporation of 35SO(Formula presented.) into sediments of three New York lakes Hydrobiologia: the International Journal of Aquatic Sciences. 160: 85-95. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00014281 |
0.38 |
1988 |
Mitchell MJ, Schindler SC, Owen JS, Norton SA. Comparison of sulfur concentrations within lake sediment profiles Hydrobiologia. 157: 219-229. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00004199 |
0.366 |
1987 |
David MB, Mitchell MJ. Transformations of organic and inorganic sulfur: Importance to sulfate flux in an adirondack forest soil Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association. 37: 39-44. DOI: 10.1080/08940630.1987.10466198 |
0.517 |
1987 |
Schindler SC, Mitchell MJ. Dynamics of 35S in horizons and leachates from a hardwood forest spodosol Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 19: 531-538. DOI: 10.1016/0038-0717(87)90095-2 |
0.439 |
1987 |
Morgan CR, Mitchell MJ. The effects of feeding by Oniscus asellus on leaf litter sulfur constituents Biology and Fertility of Soils. 3: 107-111. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00260589 |
0.338 |
1987 |
David MB, Mitchell MJ, Scott TJ. Importance of biological processes in the sulfur budget of a northern hardwood ecosystem Biology and Fertility of Soils. 5: 258-264. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00256911 |
0.437 |
1986 |
Mitchell MJ, David MB, Maynard DG, Telang SA. Sulfur constituents in soils and streams of a watershed in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 16: 315-320. DOI: 10.1139/X86-053 |
0.49 |
1986 |
Fuller RD, Driscoll CT, Schindler SC, Mitchell MJ. A simulation model of sulfur transformations in forested Spodosols Biogeochemistry. 2: 313-328. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02180323 |
0.358 |
1985 |
David MB, Mitchell MJ. Sulfur constituents and cycling in waters, seston, and sediments of an oligotrophic lake Limnology and Oceanography. 30: 1196-1207. DOI: 10.4319/Lo.1985.30.6.1196 |
0.36 |
1985 |
Lawrence GB, Mitchell MJ. Use of 35S to determine the influence of Hexagenia on sulfur cycling in lake sediments Hydrobiologia. 128: 91-95. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00008943 |
0.359 |
1985 |
Mitchell MJ, David MB, Uutala AJ. Sulfur distribution in lake sediment profiles as an index of historical depositional patterns Hydrobiologia. 121: 121-127. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00008714 |
0.361 |
1984 |
Mitchell MJ, Landers DH, Brodowski DF, Lawrence GB, David MB. Organic and inorganic sulfur constituents of the Sediments in three New York lakes: Effect of site, sediment depth and season Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 21: 231-245. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00163627 |
0.391 |
1983 |
Landerst DH, David MB, Mitchell MJ. Analysis of Organic and Inorganic Sulfur Constituents in Sediments, Soils and Water International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 14: 245-256. DOI: 10.1080/03067318308071623 |
0.403 |
1983 |
David MB, Schindler SC, Mitchell MJ, Strick JE. Importance of organic and inorganic sulfur to mineralization processes in a forest soil Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 15: 671-677. DOI: 10.1016/0038-0717(83)90031-7 |
0.394 |
1982 |
Mitchell MJ, Parkinson CM, Hamilton WE, Dindal DL. Role of the Earthworm, Eisenia foetida, in Affecting Organic Matter Decomposition in Microcosms of Sludge-Amended Soil The Journal of Applied Ecology. 19: 805. DOI: 10.2307/2403283 |
0.315 |
1982 |
David MB, Mitchell MJ, Nakas JP. Organic and inorganic sulfur constituents of a forest soil and their relationship to microbial activity Soil Science Society of America Journal. 46: 847-852. DOI: 10.2136/Sssaj1982.03615995004600040036X |
0.485 |
1982 |
Lawrence GB, Mitchell MJ, Landers DH. Effects of the burrowing mayfly, Hexagenia, on nitrogen and sulfur fractions in lake sediment microcosms Hydrobiologia. 87: 273-283. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00007235 |
0.308 |
1978 |
Mitchell MJ. Vertical and Horizontal Distributions of Oribatid Mites (Acari: Cryptostigmata) in an Aspen Woodland Soil Ecology. 59: 516-525. DOI: 10.2307/1936582 |
0.356 |
1978 |
Mitchell MJ, Hartenstein R, Swift BL, Neuhauser EF, Abrams BI, Mulligan RM, Brown BA, Craig D, Kaplan D. Effects of Different Sewage Sludges on Some Chemical and Biological Characteristics of Soil Journal of Environmental Quality. 7: 551-559. DOI: 10.2134/Jeq1978.00472425000700040017X |
0.363 |
1976 |
Mitchell MJ, Parkinson D. Fungal Feeding or Oribatid Mites (Acari: Cryptostigmata) in an Aspen Woodland Soil Ecology. 57: 302-312. DOI: 10.2307/1934818 |
0.764 |
Show low-probability matches. |