People with institution matching "Oregon State University": Advanced Search | |||||
Name | Institution | Area | Added by | Date | Katherine W. Ferrara (Info) | UC Davis | Biomedical Engineering, Acoustics Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Radiology | pq | 2016‑02‑19 | Brian Gaylord (Info) | Bodega Marine Lab, UC Davis, UC Davis | Ecological biomechanics and biological physical coupling in coastal marine systems | millerlp | 2009‑09‑18 | Brian Helmuth (Info) | Northeastern University | Ecological Forecasting, Ecomechanics | millerlp | 2009‑09‑18 | Annaliese Hettinger (Info) | Oregon State | climate change, biomechanics, larval biology, ocean acidification | ahettinger | 2009‑10‑17 | Jane Lubchenco (Info) | Oregon State | Marine ecology and conservation | mebracken | 2009‑10‑14 | Dianna K. Padilla (Info) | SUNY Stony Brook | Limpet radular function and morphology | rich.palmer | 2009‑10‑12 | Susanne Stieger-Vanegas (Info) | Oregon State | jonbmartin | 2020‑11‑12 | Jenna Marie Sullivan (Info) | Yale | jeanl | 2016‑12‑28 |
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