University of Louisville

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Paula BatesMolecular Biology
Michael Edward Douglas1974 Burt Leavelle Monroe, Jr. (grad student)
Jason R Neale
Ryan L. EarleyEcology Biology19972002 Lee A. Dugatkin (grad student)
Michael S. AlfieriEcology Biology2000 Lee A. Dugatkin (grad student)
Smita S. Karandikar-GhareImmunology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology2006 Shirish S. Barve (grad student)
Tanvi S. JaniPharmacology, Molecular Biology, Toxicology2006 Shirish S. Barve (grad student)
Shi GuMolecular Biology2004 Thomas E. Geoghegan (grad student)
Steven MathisMolecular Biology, Immunology2007 Haribabu Bodduluri (grad student)
Wen-Hai ShaoImmunology2005 Haribabu Bodduluri (grad student)
Sonja M. UthoffGenetics, Medicine and Surgery, Oncology2004 Susan Galandiuk (grad student)
Allicia C. GirvanMolecular Biology2006 Paula Bates (grad student)
Diego E. Montoya-DurangoMolecular Biology2004 Harry L. Grimes (grad student)
Ryan G. RecaCell Biology, Molecular Biology2004 Mariusz Z. Ratajczak (grad student)
Haribabu BodduluriMolecular Biology, Immunology
Ken McLeishCell Biology
Harry L. GrimesMolecular Biology
Thomas E. GeogheganMolecular Biology
Susan GalandiukGenetics, Molecular Biology, Pathology
Shirish S. BarveImmunology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology
Theresa S. ChenPharmacology, Toxicology, Cell Biology
Kenneth R. McLeishCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Immunology
Mariusz Z. RatajczakCell Biology, Molecular Biology
Neelakshi R. JogImmunology2006 Ken McLeish (grad student)
George LominadzeCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Immunology2005 Ken McLeish (grad student)
Tieliu ShiMolecular Biology2000 Michael H. Peslin (grad student)
Michael H. PeslinMolecular Biology
Joseph M. SteffenAnimal Physiology Biology, Molecular Biology
William G. CheadleImmunology, Cell Biology