Maria Zannis-Hadjopoulos

McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
"Maria Zannis-Hadjopoulos"
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Christopher E. Pearson grad student McGill (Cell Biology Tree)
Pedro Rodriguez Collazo grad student 2000 McGill
Diamanto Matheos grad student 2001 McGill
Felipe D. Tavares de Araujo grad student 2001 McGill
David Alvarez grad student 2003 McGill
Olivia Novac grad student 2003 McGill
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Lee T, Di Paola D, Malina A, et al. (2014) Suppression of the DHX9 helicase induces premature senescence in human diploid fibroblasts in a p53-dependent manner. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 289: 22798-814
Axford MM, Wang YH, Nakamori M, et al. (2013) Detection of slipped-DNAs at the trinucleotide repeats of the myotonic dystrophy type I disease locus in patient tissues. Plos Genetics. 9: e1003866
Abdelbaqi K, Di Paola D, Rampakakis E, et al. (2013) Ku protein levels, localization and association to replication origins in different stages of breast tumor progression. Journal of Cancer. 4: 358-70
Di Paola D, Raelson J, Rampakakis E, et al. (2013) Monoallelic chromatin conformation flanking long-range silenced domains in cancer-derived and normal cells. Plos One. 8: e63190
Mills JR, Malina A, Lee T, et al. (2013) RNAi screening uncovers Dhx9 as a modifier of ABT-737 resistance in an Eμ-myc/Bcl-2 mouse model. Blood. 121: 3402-12
Di Paola D, Rampakakis E, Chan MK, et al. (2012) Differential chromatin structure encompassing replication origins in transformed and normal cells. Genes & Cancer. 3: 152-76
Andersen SD, Keijzers G, Rampakakis E, et al. (2012) 14-3-3 checkpoint regulatory proteins interact specifically with DNA repair protein human exonuclease 1 (hEXO1) via a semi-conserved motif. Dna Repair. 11: 267-77
Di Paola D, Zannis-Hadjopoulos M. (2012) Comparative analysis of pre-replication complex proteins in transformed and normal cells. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 113: 1333-47
Sideridou M, Zakopoulou R, Evangelou K, et al. (2011) Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origins. The Journal of Cell Biology. 195: 1123-40
Rampakakis E, Gkogkas C, Di Paola D, et al. (2010) Replication initiation and DNA topology: The twisted life of the origin Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 110: 35-43
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