Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Matthias M. L. ArrasPolymers Spallation Neutron Source20162018 Gregory S. Smith (post-doc), Thomas P. Russell (post-doc)
Yaocai Bai Energy Storage20202022 Ilias Belharouak (post-doc)
Ilias Belharouakenergy storage, materials development
Albina Y. BorisevichMaterials Science Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry;microscopy
George E. Boyd
Vyacheslav Bryantsev
John G. BurrChemi- and Bioluminescence
C. Kevin ChamblissBiochemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Statistics19981999 Bruce Moyer (post-doc)
Si Athena Chen
Shiwang ChengPolymer Nanocomposites, Dielectric spectroscopy20142017 Alexei P. Sokolov (post-doc)
Taek Dong ChungElectrochemistry20012002 J. Michael Ramsey (post-doc)
Valentino R Cooper
Charles D. Coryellnuclear chemistry
Mengmeng CuiPolymer
Brian M. CullumAnalytical Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering19992002 Tuân Vo-Dinh (post-doc)
Sheng Dainanomaterials, ionic liquids, energy
Sheldon Datzmolecular beam chemistry, atomic physics
Russell Bruce DavidsonComputational Chemistry, Biophysics
R. Clinton Fullerphotosynthesis
Pasquale Fernando FulvioMaterials Chemistry, Adsorption, Energy Storage, Catalysis, Separations Chemical Sciences Division20092013 Sheng Dai (post-doc)
Arvind Ganesanseparations
Anna S. GardbergInorganic, Solid State, Crystallography, Structural Biology, Enzymes
Linxiao Geng
Ahmad Hasan
Kevin A HaysBatteries, energy storage Materials Science and Technology20162018 Gabriel M. Veith (post-doc)
Claude Hélènenucleic acids, RNA1972 Richard B. Setlow (research scientist)
Stephan Irlequantum chemistry, molecular dynamics, complex systems
Palani Raja Jothi
Gang Seob Jung Computational Sciences and Engineering Division2019 Stephan Irle (research scientist)
Francis Thomas Kenney
Peter G. Khalifahsolid state chemistry
Rabi Khanal Computational Sciences and Engineering Division2020 Stephan Irle (post-doc)
Sungjin Kim20202023 Tomonori Saito (post-doc)
Richard F. Kimball
Stephen A LammertMass Spectrometry
Meijia LiHeterogeneous catalysis Chemical Science Division20222025 Sheng Dai (post-doc)
Chen Liaoionic liquids, electrolytes, energy storage Nanomaterials20102013 Sheng Dai (post-doc)
Yingzhong Ma
Zhen Masurface chemistry Sheng Dai (post-doc)
Joshua Michener
Debasish MohantyMaterials Chemistry, energy storage Materials Science20112013 David Wood (post-doc)
Bruce Moyer
Katharine L. Pagematerials chemistry
M. Parans Paranthanman
Connor Parker2022 Samantha Kim Schrell (post-doc)
Sai Krishna Reddy Andrew G. Stack (grad student)
Peter T. A. Reilly19951998 J. Michael Ramsey (post-doc)
Ryan P RodgersMass Spectrometry, FT ICR MS, petroleum chemistry
Lockhart Burgess Rogersanalytical chemistry
Rose E. Ruthernanoscience, spectroscopy, energy storage
Matthew R. RyderNeutron Scattering, Infrared Spectroscopy, Raman Spectroscopy, Density Functional Theory, Mechanical Properties
Liurukara D. SanjeewaSolid State Chemistry, diffraction, crystallography
Adrian M. Schrell
Samantha Kim SchrellActinide Science
Ada A Sedovabiophysical chemistry, electrochemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, theoretical chemistry, biophysics, materials science Center for Molecular Biophysics Scientific Computing Jeremy C. Smith (collaborator), Arnold Tharrington (post-doc)
Jiho SeoRheology, Fiber spinning
Richard B. SetlowDNA damages, DNA repair, mutagenesis and carcinogenesis
Jaswinder Sharma
Jeremy C. Smith
Andrew G. StackGeochemistry
Audrey Stevens Niyogi
Bernard L Strehlerbiogerontology
Yifan Sun Chemical Sciences Division20182021 Sheng Dai (post-doc)
Betsy M. Sutherland Richard F. Kimball (grad student)
Andrew D. SuttonChemistry, Organometallic, Catalysis, Biomass
Ellison Hall Taylorphysical chemistry
Arnold Tharrington
Gabriel M. Veithenergy storage, catalysis, materials synthesis
Elliot VolkinmRNA
Yangyang WangPolymer dynamics and rheology
Xiaoping Wang
Wei WangNano-Materials Chemistry, Physical chemistry, Molecular Spectroscopy
Juliane Weber Andrew G. Stack (post-doc)
David Wesolowski
James Lamar Wittliff Biology Divison19671969 Francis Thomas Kenney (post-doc)
David Wood
Peng Yanggeoscience, interfaces, soil science
Panchao Yinpolyelectrolyte, polyoxometalates, self-assembly, light scattering, hybrid materials
Ke Yuan Udo Becker (grad student)
George Yumnamneutron scattering
Junjie ZhangStrongle correlated materials, crystal growth