Seoul National University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Dae-Ro AhnNucleic acid chemistry Chemistry19982000 Jong-In Hong (grad student)
Sangeun Ahn2019 Kangwon Lee (grad student)
Mark Borris Aldonzacancer biology, resistance evolution, drug resistance, metastasis, systems pharmacology, chemical biology College of Pharmacy Department of Biochemistry, College of Veterinary Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine20202024 Sang Kook Lee (research assistant), Je-Yoel Cho (research assistant), Je-Yoel Cho (grad student)
Kwangjin An20032009 Taeghwan Hyeon (grad student)
Jihyun AnMetal Organic Frameworks, Science Education
Joon Soo AnNatural Product Chemist College of Pharmacy20172023 Dong-Chan Oh (grad student)
Jeehwan Bae Youngryel Ryu (grad student)
Euiyoung BaeBiochemistry, X-ray diffraction, computational biology
Chaewon Bae2017 Kangwon Lee (grad student)
Minkyung Baek Chaok Seok (grad student)
Junbeom Bahk Department of Geography20162018 Jungjae Park (grad student)
Yecheol Bak2018 Kangwon Lee (grad student)
Varun V. Begur Seung B. Park (post-doc)
Alex Brannan Chemistry20162020 Yunho Lee (grad student)
Tai Hak Chang
Kookheon Char
Namki Cho Pharmacy20082014 Sang Hyun Sung (grad student)
Jinhan Cho Chemical Engineering2001 Kookheon Char (grad student)
Eun-Bum Cho Chemical Engineering2002 Kookheon Char (grad student)
Je-Yoel Cho
Kyuhong Choe Chaok Seok (grad student)
Young Kyun ChoiChemistry
Insung S. Choibiomineralization, micro-pattern formation, and conrolled attachment of biomolecules1993 Eun Lee (research assistant)
Tae-Lim Choi
Yun-Hyuk Choi
Jaeyoo Choi Chemical Engineering2017 Chong Rae Park (grad student)
Yeonjeong Choi2019 Kangwon Lee (grad student)
Hee-Jung Choi Biology William Weis (post-doc)
Younggyun Choi Environmental Engineering19922001 Tai Hak Chang (grad student)
Junghyun Choi Chaok Seok (grad student)
Jin ChoiOrganic Synthesis Chemistry20102016 Chulbom Lee (grad student)
Jayun Choi Chemistry Chaok Seok (grad student)
Jonghoon Choi
Isaac Choi
Yun-Jaie Choi
Jin-Ho Choy
Doo Soo Chung
Taek Dong ChungElectrochemistry Chemistry1997 Hasuck Kim (grad student)
In ChungSolid state chemistry, energy harvesting materials, synthesis of inorganic solids
Bo Sup Chung
Soo Chung Biosystems Engineering Jeong-Yeol Yoon (grad student)
Mark Constantine Department of Geography20142016 Jungjae Park (grad student)
Soo Hyun EomStructural Biology, DNA polymerase, Channels19881994 Se Won Suh (grad student)
Nam-Chul Ha William Weis (post-doc)
Ji-Sook Hahn1999 Jung-Hye Roe (grad student)
Byung Woo W. HanStructural biology, X-ray crystallography, Pharmacy, Immunology19992001 Se Won Suh (research assistant)
Donghoon Han20092014 Taek Dong Chung (grad student), Hasuck Kim (grad student)
Jaehong HanDesign, Synthesis, Structures and Reactivities of Metal Clusters and Supramolecules Agricultural Chemistry19921994 Soo-Un Kim (grad student)
Jiwoo Han Department of Geography20132015 Jungjae Park (grad student)
Kyung Ho Han Chemical Engineering2011 Ji-Sook Hahn (grad student)
Lim Heo Chaok Seok (grad student)
Jong-In Hong
HunGi HongSurface chemistry
Seung-Tae Hongsolid state chemistry, battery electrode materials Chemistry19871994 Jin-Ho Choy (grad student)
Seunghun HongCNT based Bioelectronic sensor
Byung Hee HONG
Changgi Hong Department of Applied Bioengineering2019 Kangwon Lee (grad student)
Sukwon HongCatalyic Chemistry chemistry19951997 Eun Lee (grad student)
Mannkyu Hong Pharmacy20142016 Jeewoo Lee (grad student)
Yan Huang Youngryel Ryu (post-doc)
Yorum Hwang Youngryel Ryu (grad student)
Taeghwan Hyeonnanotechnology
Du-Jeon Jang
Jyongsik Jang
Yoon-Jung Jang Chemistry20152017 Tae-Lim Choi (grad student)
Junhyung Jang Chemical and Biological Engineering Jaewook Nam (grad student)
Noo Li Jeon3D cell culture, microfluidics, cancer cell migration, angiogenesis, organ-on-chip
Seokwoo Jeon Shinhoo Kang (grad student)
Soohyun Jeon Youngryel Ryu (grad student)
Jina Jeong Youngryel Ryu (grad student)
Dong-Won Jeong
Wooyeop Jeong Chemistry Chaok Seok (grad student)
Chongya Jiang Youngryel Ryu (post-doc)
Jin Joo Taeghwan Hyeon (grad student)
Jeong Chan Joo Chemical Engineering2011 Young Je Yoo (grad student)
YounJoon JungTheoretical Chemistry, Statistical Mechanics19941997 Sangyoub Lee (grad student)
Han Na Jung2018 Kangwon Lee (grad student)
Yoon Seok JungElectrochemistry; Batteries; Solid-state batteries20012008 Seung Mo Oh (grad student)
Yousung JungTheoretical Chemistry1999 Doo Soo Chung (research assistant)
Nuri Jung Chemistry Chaok Seok (grad student)
Sang Taek Jung
Heechan Jung Chemical and Biological Engineering Jaewook Nam (grad student)
Shinhoo Kang
Jong Hun KangZeolites synthesis, Heterogeneous Catalyst Materials Science and Technology20122014 Chong Rae Park (grad student)
Jun Hee Kangnuclear pore complex, super-resolution biophysics and chemical biology Seong Keun Kim (grad student)
Kisuk Kang Materials Science and Engineering20012006 Gerbrand Ceder (grad student)
Cheol Kang Chemistry20152020 Tae-Lim Choi (grad student)
Beomchang Kang Chaok Seok (grad student)
Yun Pyo Kang Pharmacy20162021 Gina M DeNicola (post-doc)
Heon Kang
Kunwoo KhimChemical Engineering
Seong Keun KimMolecular Reaction Dynamics
Zee Hwan H. KimLaser chemistry, Plasmonics, and Molecular Spectroscopy
Choongik Kim19992003 Seong Keun Kim (research assistant)
Yung Sam KimTwo-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy, Ultrafast Spectroscopy Chemistry19982000 Seong Keun Kim (grad student)
Deukjoon Kim
Soyoun Kim Youngryel Ryu (grad student)
Jongmin Kim Youngryel Ryu (grad student)
Hak Joong KimChemical biology, Medicinal chemistry, Organic synthesis, Natural product chemistry, Enzymology Chemistry19971999 Eun Lee (grad student)
Chan Hyuk Kim Chemistry20042008 Eun Lee (grad student)
Joon Kim Rural Systems Engineering Shashi B. Verma (grad student)
Soo-Un Kim
Hwan D KimVascular Biology, Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials, Regenerative Medicine School of Chemical and Biological Engineering20122018 Nathaniel S. Hwang (grad student)
Minkyu KimMaterial synthesis School of Chemical & Biological Engineering20112016 Jyongsik Jang (grad student)
Young Ho Kim Bo Sup Chung (grad student)
Sang-Wook Kim2002 Taeghwan Hyeon (grad student)
Jaeyun Kim20012007 Taeghwan Hyeon (grad student)
Taeho Kim20072013 Taeghwan Hyeon (grad student)
Jang-Joo Kim
Hee Joong Kimpolymer Jong-Chan Lee (grad student)
Jae Bum Kim
Kang Ho Kim School of Biological Sciences Jae Bum Kim (grad student)
Jung Hyeun Kim Chemical Engineering19921994 Kookheon Char (grad student)
Hongkyeong Kim Chemical Engineering2000 Kookheon Char (grad student)
Seji Kim Chemistry20142020 Yunho Lee (grad student)
Changheon KimBiosensors20172022 Kangwon Lee (grad student)
Dongwoo Kim Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology2020 Kangwon Lee (grad student)
Hyerim KimBiomaterials, Hydrogel, Tissue engineering2016 Kangwon Lee (grad student)
Jiyun Kim2019 Kangwon Lee (grad student)
Hasuck Kim
Ikyon KimOrganic Chemistry Deukjoon Kim (grad student)
Soohyun KimAntibody Medicine (Biochemistry)20152020 Junho Chung (grad student)
Seung-Joo Kim Chemistry19891991 Jin-Ho Choy (grad student)
Soobin Kim Chemistry2021 Dongwhan Lee (grad student)
Dongjae KimCoating process, nanowires, fluidized bed, image analysis, carbon capture
Hakjean Kim Chemistry Chaok Seok (grad student)
Seeun Kim Chemistry Chaok Seok (grad student)
Yubeen Kim Chemistry Chaok Seok (grad student)
Sanghee Kim College of Pharmacy Deukjoon Kim (grad student)
Young-Woo KimMedicinal Chemistry, Peptide Chemistry1992 Deukjoon Kim (grad student)
Jae-Ho KimNanophotonics Chemistry Jwa-Min Nam (grad student)
Hyungsuk Kimm20132016 Youngryel Ryu (grad student)
Jaehan Ko2019 Kangwon Lee (grad student)
Junsu Ko Chaok Seok (grad student)
Jai Hyun KohPolymer, Lithography, Energy, Catalysis Chemical Engineering Kookheon Char (grad student)
Minseob KohProtein chemistry Chemistry20072013 Seung Bum Park (grad student)
Jeonghun Kwak Electrical and Computer Engineering20052010 Changhee Lee (grad student)
Hyungryeol Kwak Chemical and Biological Engineering Jaewook Nam (grad student)
Oh-Hoon KwonChemistry, Physical Chemistry, Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Femtochemistry, Ultrafast Electron Microscopy Chemistry19982004 Du-Jeon Jang (grad student)
Min Sang KwonPolymer chemistry, Organic chemistry, Photochemistry Chemistry Materials Science & Engineering20112013 Eun Lee (grad student), Soo Young Park (post-doc)
Yong Tae Kwon
Yonghoon KwonOrganic Chemistry
Sohee Kwon Chaok Seok (grad student)
Prem Lama20122012 Myunghyun Paik Suh (post-doc)
Sangho LeeStructural biology, polyubiquitin19931997 Se Won Suh (grad student)
Sang Bok Lee Jong-In Hong (grad student)
Hee-Yoon LeeOrganic Chemistry, Organic Synthesis19801982 Eun Lee (research assistant)
Sangyoub Lee
Eun LeeOrganic Chemistry
Dongwhan Leesynthetic inorganic and organic chemistry of functional molecules and materials
Jongkook LeePharmaceutical chemistry Pharmacy19952001 Deukjoon Kim (grad student)
Dowon Lee
Seungjun Lee Youngryel Ryu (grad student)
Jane Lee Youngryel Ryu (grad student)
Galam Lee Youngryel Ryu (grad student)
Sang Kook Lee
Jinwoo Lee19982003 Taeghwan Hyeon (grad student)
Nohyun Lee Taeghwan Hyeon (grad student)
Bongjoon LeePolymer physics Materials Science and Engineering20072009 Jang-Joo Kim (grad student)
Jong-Chan Lee
Hyung Ho LeeStructural Biology
Changhee LeeOLED Display, Quantum Dot Display, Organic Electronics, Organic Optoelectronic Devices
Kyu Tae LeeElectrochemistry, Batteries Chemical Engineering20002006 Seung Mo Oh (grad student)
Su Seong Lee
Jaewoo Lee
Kanghyun Lee Chemical Engineering2011 Ji-Sook Hahn (grad student)
In-Hwan Lee Chemistry20102015 Tae-Lim Choi (grad student)
Yunho LeeInorganic chemistry
Kangwon LeeTissue engineering, Biomaterials, Biomedical engineering, Biosensor
Doohee Leedrug delivery department of applied bioengineering20192021 Kangwon Lee (grad student)
Gyubok Lee Department of Applied Bioengineering2020 Kangwon Lee (grad student)
Hyunsu Lee2019 Kangwon Lee (grad student)
Jieun Lee
Yong Rok Lee1992 Eun Lee (grad student)
Chung Whan LeeOrganic Chemistry Chemistry20072009 Eun Lee (grad student)
Jeewoo Lee
Juyong Lee Chaok Seok (grad student)
Hasup Lee Chaok Seok (grad student)
Dongseon Lee Chaok Seok (grad student)
Gyu Rie Lee Chaok Seok (grad student)
Younkyung Lee Chaok Seok (grad student)
Chulbom Lee
Changsoo Lee Chemistry Chaok Seok (grad student)
Sumin Lee Chemistry Chaok Seok (grad student)
Seho Lee Chemistry Chaok Seok (grad student)
Jihyeon Lee Chemistry Chaok Seok (grad student)
Seonghoon Lee
Minho Lee Chemical and Biological Engineering Jaewook Nam (grad student)
Junmo Lee Chemical and Biological Engineering Jaewook Nam (grad student)
Sang-Mok LeeHost-microbe interactions, Metabolomics, Systems biology Yun-Jaie Choi (grad student)
Jeong-Seob LeeProcess chemistry, discovery chemistry
Sang Jae LeeXFEL, SBDD20052011 Se Won Suh (grad student)
Jong Kuk LimPhysical Chemistry19992006 Seong Keun Kim (grad student)
Jaehoon LimSemiconductor Nanocrystals, Quantum Dots, Light-emitting Diodes Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Department of Chemistry20092013 Kookheon Char (grad student), Seonghoon Lee (grad student)
Daishun Ling20092013 Taeghwan Hyeon (grad student)
Yang Lu20122014 Taeghwan Hyeon (post-doc)
Kyeongsik MinStructural Biology, Drug Discovery19911999 Se Won Suh (grad student)
Kyung Suk MinPhysical Chemistry
Sa Hoon MinComputational chemistry Chemical and Biological Engineering20072013 Jyongsik Jang (grad student)
KyungSuk MinTEM, EELS, LIB, in-situ/Operando microscopy Chemistry20122021 Seong Keun Kim (grad student)
Byung Joon MOON Chemistry2019 Byung Hee HONG (grad student)
Kyuho Moon College of Pharmacy Dong-Chan Oh (grad student)
Hyon Bin Na20012008 Taeghwan Hyeon (grad student)
Ki Tae Nam
Jaewook Nam
Jeong-wook Oh Department of Chemistry20022009 Hasuck Kim (grad student)
Joon Hak Oh2004 Jyongsik Jang (grad student)
Seung Mo Oh
Simaek Oh Chemistry Chaok Seok (grad student)
Jaiwook ParkOrganometallics Chemistry19801982 Eun Lee (grad student)
Han Jung ParkPhotoacoustic effect Chemistry20032005 Du-Jeon Jang (grad student)
Chong Rae ParkCarbon nanomaterials & porous materials
Jongnam Park19992005 Taeghwan Hyeon (grad student)
Yong Il Park20052011 Taeghwan Hyeon (grad student)
Jin A Park Department of Geography20122014 Jungjae Park (grad student)
Soo Young Park
Jiyong ParkComputational chemistry, Biophysics Physics College of Pharmacy20022008 Byungnam Kahng (grad student), Deukjoon Kim (collaborator)
Sangook Park Department of Geoscience19982004 Hasuck Kim (grad student)
Eunsook Park Georgia Drakakaki (post-doc)
Seung Bum Park
Youngwook Park20142020 Heon Kang (grad student)
Hahnbeom Park Chaok Seok (grad student)
Taeyong Park Chaok Seok (grad student)
Sangwoo Park Chaok Seok (grad student)
Gun-Sik Park
Sujin Park Chemistry Chaok Seok (grad student)
Jungwon Park Chemical and Biological Engineering Jaewook Nam (grad student)
Animesh PatraSpectroscopy, THz, Solvation, Physical Chemistry20172018 Gun-Sik Park (post-doc)
Yuanzhe Piao20042009 Taeghwan Hyeon (post-doc)
Yuanze Piao Graduate School of Covergence Science and Technology20002004 Hasuck Kim (grad student)
Bo Quan Chemistry2010 Yuanzhe Piao (grad student), Doo Soo Chung (grad student)
Jung-Hye Roe
Soo-Ryoon Ryoo Chemistry20082012 Dal-Hee Min (grad student)
Youngryel Ryu Dowon Lee (grad student)
ILL RYUComputational Mechanics, Computational Materials Science
Dong-Hwa Seobatteries, computational materials science20092011 Kisuk Kang (grad student)
Jimin SeokBioprinting, Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering2019 Kangwon Lee (grad student)
Chaok Seok
Hyunbo ShimAntibody engineering19921994 Junghun Suh (grad student)
Sangwoo ShimQuantum Dynamics, Quantum Monte Carlo Chaok Seok (grad student)
Seokmin Shin
Injae Shin chemistry19851987 Eun Lee (grad student)
Inchul Shinstructural biology, enzymology, molecular biology
Woong-Hee Shin Chaok Seok (grad student)
Jiho Sim Chemistry Chaok Seok (grad student)
Byeong-Hyeok Sohn
Jae Sung Son20052011 Taeghwan Hyeon (grad student)
Seung Uk Son20032005 Taeghwan Hyeon (post-doc)
Younggon Son Chemical Engineering1998 Kookheon Char (grad student)
Hyun Kyu SongProtein degradation, ubiquitylation, autophagy, structural biology19911999 Se Won Suh (grad student)
Youngkeun Song Youngryel Ryu (post-doc)
Jung-Ah Song Chemistry20122018 Tae-Lim Choi (grad student)
Yeonghun Song
Se Won Suhprotein crystallography
Junghun SuhBioorganic Chemistry
Myunghyun Paik Suh
Sang Hyun Sung
Younghun SungNanotechnology Chemical and Biological Engineering20102016 Kookheon Char (grad student)
Sae Jin Sungperovskite solar cells Materials Science and Engineering2020 Chong Rae Park (grad student)
Patrick Theato20022003 Do Y. Yoon (post-doc)
Kathavarayan Thenmozhi School of Chemical and Biological Engineering Young Je Yoo (post-doc)
Truong Thanh TungMedicinal chemistry Chemistry20122014 Seung B. Park (grad student)
Jonghun Won Chaok Seok (grad student)
Hyeonuk Woo Chemistry Chaok Seok (grad student)
Young Duk Yang Uhtaek Oh (grad student)
Chungmo YangPolymeric nanoparticles, gasotransmitters, hydrogel, tissue engineering. Transdiciplinary Studies2015 Kangwon Lee (grad student)
Sanghee Yang20152020 Tae-Lim Choi (grad student)
Jinsol Yang Chaok Seok (grad student)
Insu Yeon20222024 Hyungsuk Kimm (grad student)
Hyungjoo Yim Chemical and Biological Engineering Jaewook Nam (grad student)
Byung-Kuk YOOBiophysics Du-Jeon Jang (grad student)
Hyun Deog Yooenergy storage, electrochemistry Chemical and Biological Engineering20042011 Seung Mo Oh (grad student)
Young Je Yoo
Do Y. Yoon
Ki-Young YoonChemistry Chemistry20102012 Tae-Lim Choi (grad student)
Hong-Duk Youn Jun O. Liu (post-doc)
Taekyung Yu20022008 Taeghwan Hyeon (grad student)