Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Philipp AdelhelmPhysical Chemistry of Materials, Electrochemistry
Christoph ArenzOrganic chemistry, bioorganic chemistry
Fabian BergerComputational Chemistry Joachim Sauer (grad student)
Krishna Pada BhabakBioorganic chemistry20102012 Christoph Arenz (post-doc)
Vlasta Bonačić-Kouteckýtheoretical chemistry
Thomas Braun
Jonghoon Choi Chemistry20212022 Christian Limberg (post-doc)
Nikolaus P. Ernsting
Bärbel Friedrichmicrobiology
Walter FriedrichBiophysics
Heinz GerischerPhysical chemistry
Robert Göstlpolymer chemistry, organic chemistry Department of Chemistry20112014 Stefan Hecht (grad student)
Karl-Heinz Heckner
Peter Hegemannmicrobial opsins
Andreas HerrmannMolecular Biophysics, Membrane Biophysics
Ryan Hugh18971899 Hermann (Emil) Louis Fischer (post-doc)
Roman S IwasakiSynthetic Biology Biophysics Andreas Möglich (grad student)
Anne Katherine Jones20022004 Bärbel Friedrich (post-doc)
Oliver KannNeuronal Bioenergetics, Neuroimmunology20012010 Uwe Heinemann (research scientist)
Alexander (Sandy) KilpatrickOrganometallic chemistry, catalysis, small molecule activation, electrochemistry, polymerisation Institut für Chemie2018 Christian Limberg (post-doc)
Burghard F. Klapp
Subrata KunduBioinorganic Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic Reaction Mechanisms, Transition-metal-catalyzed organic transformations, Organometallic chemistry of first-row late transition metals20092013 Kallol Ray (grad student)
Rolf Landsberg1950 Karl Friedrich Bonhoeffer (grad student)
Christian LimbergOrganometallic chemistry and catalysis
Tilo Mathes20082011 Peter Hegemann (post-doc)
Christine MayrmRNA metabolism in cancer2001 Burghard F. Klapp (grad student), Werner Reutter (grad student)
Ramprasad Misra Peter Hegemann (post-doc)
Andreas Möglichphotoreceptors Keith Moffat (post-doc), Thomas Kiefhaber (grad student)
Otto Neunhoefferorganic chemistry
Thangavelu PalaniselvamMaterials chemistry20172022 Philipp Adelhelm (post-doc)
Jiří Pittner19911996 Vlasta Bonačić-Koutecký (grad student)
Tom A. RapoportEndoplasmic Reticulum, Secretion1972 Reinhart Heinrich (collaborator), Peter Heitmann (grad student)
Gabriele Ricchiardi19961998 Joachim Sauer (post-doc)
Paolo SamorìNanoscience, Materials Science, Nanochemistry, 2D materials19962000 Jürgen P. Rabe (grad student)
Joachim Sauer1974 Karl-Heinz Heckner (grad student)
Sven SchneiderOrganometallic Chemistry19992003 Alexander Constantin Filippou (grad student)
Henrik SteffensNatural sciences, theology, philosophy, natural philosophy
Max VolmerPhysical chemistry, electrochemistry
Xiaomin XuMaterials Science