Duke University School of Medicine

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Hashim M. Al-HashimiStructure and dynamics of nucleic acids and ribonucleoproteins using NMR spectroscopy
Sushant BangruAlternative splicing, liver regeneration, zebrafish regeneration, mouse genetics Cell Biology Cell Biology2021 Kenneth D. Poss (post-doc), Stefano Di Talia (post-doc)
Yehia DaakaMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Oncology Medicine Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
William J. Dannnutrition
Dylan S. Eiger Biochemistry20192022 Sudarshan Rajagopal (grad student)
Patrick Landon FerreeHistory of Science, Philosophy of Science Department of Cell Biology20142022 Stefano Di Talia (grad student)
Philip HandlerNicotinic acid deficiency William J. Dann (post-doc)
Dolph Lee HatfieldMolecular Biology of Selenium James B. Wyngaarden (post-doc)
Gayle Howard
Megan L. KellyBiochemistry, infectious diseases Biochemistry20172021 Hashim M. Al-Hashimi (grad student)
Michael S. Kinchcell biology, immunology Microbiology & Immunology19891993 Carolyn Doyle (grad student)
Akanksha Manghrani Biochemistry Hashim M. Al-Hashimi (grad student)
Alexey J. MerzCell biology, Membrane biology, Membrane fusion, Golgi, Vacuole19992000 Michael P. Sheetz (post-doc)
Paul L. ModrichDNA Mismatch Repair
Hai Nguyen Department of Biochemistry Kenichi Yokoyama (post-doc)
William A. PerlzweigBiochemistry
Salvatore V. Pizzoproteolytic events in angiogenesis, regulation of cellular growth, and immune regulation1973 Patrick A. McKee (grad student)
Richard T PremontSignal Transduction, GPCRs, GTP-binding proteins Medicine Cell Biology19921997 Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc), Marc Caron (collaborator)
Christian R.H. Raetzlipid biochemistry
Sudarshan RajagopalG protein-coupled receptors, Signaling Medicine20082011 Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Rohit Roy Biochemistry Hashim M. Al-Hashimi (grad student)
Matthew SaderholmPeptide Synthesis, Enzymology, Molecular Modeling Biochemistry19981999 Carol A. Fierke (post-doc)
Jeffrey S. Smith Biochemistry20152018 Sudarshan Rajagopal (grad student)
Or Szekely Biochemistry Hashim M. Al-Hashimi (grad student)
James B. Wyngaarden
Kenichi Yokoyama
John David York