Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universität Straßburg

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Edgar Wedekind
Wilhelm Rudolph FittigDiscovered the pinacol coupling reaction, mesitylene, diacetyl and biphenyl
Oswald SchmiedebergPharmacology
Friedrich August Flückiger
Paul EhrlichBacteriology Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried von Waldeyer-Hartz (research assistant)
Sydney Howard Vines Heinrich Anton de Bary (post-doc)
Thomas Vipond Barker Paul Heinrich von Groth (research assistant)
Hermann (Emil) Louis FischerOrganic chemistry, biochemistry18721874 Adolf von Baeyer (grad student)
Otto Philipp Fischer1874 Adolf von Baeyer (grad student)
Emil Gabriel Warburg
Fredrick Orpen Bower18791880 Heinrich Anton de Bary (research assistant)
Frederick Belding Powerflavours1880 Friedrich August Flückiger (grad student)
Léon Crismer1880 Ernst Felix Immanuel Hoppe-Seyler (post-doc)
Samuel Lewis PenfieldGeology and Geophysics1881 Wilhelm Rudolph Fittig (post-doc)
Albrecht Kossel1881 Ernst Felix Immanuel Hoppe-Seyler (research scientist)
Harry Marshall Wardbotany, mycology, and plant pathology.1882 Heinrich Anton de Bary (post-doc)
Gottlob Eduard LinckMineralogy, Geology, Crystallography1883 Emil Wilhelm Cohen (grad student)
Hugo Erdmann1883 Wilhelm Rudolph Fittig (grad student)
Alfred Kochnitrogen-fixing by soil bacteria1884 Heinrich Anton de Bary (grad student)
Emil Wilhelm CohenPetrography
Harry F. KellerOrganic chemistry, inorganic chemistry1888 Wilhelm Rudolph Fittig (grad student)
John Jacob Abelisolation and characterization of hormones18871888 Oswald Schmiedeberg (post-doc), Adolf Kussmaul (post-doc), Friedrich Daniel von Recklinghausen (post-doc), Ernst Felix Immanuel Hoppe-Seyler (post-doc)
Rudolf Gottlieb18891890 Oswald Schmiedeberg (post-doc)
Arthur Wilhelm Karl HeffterMescalin1892 Oswald Schmiedeberg (research scientist)
Arthur Robertson CushnyPharmacology1892 Oswald Schmiedeberg (post-doc)
Friedrich FichterInorganic chemistry1894 Wilhelm Rudolph Fittig (grad student)
John Edwin Mackenzie1894 Wilhelm Rudolph Fittig (grad student)
Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Kohlrauschphysics
Otto Loewipharmacology18911896 Oswald Schmiedeberg (grad student)
Carl L. Alsbergprotein metabolism, maize deterioration, sea mussels nutritive value, cell activity mechanisms, mold metabolism, fermentation theories1901 Oswald Schmiedeberg (post-doc)
Hamilton McCombie1905 Johannes Thiele (grad student)
Hermann StaudingerPolymer Chemistry19031907 Johannes Thiele (post-doc)
Erwin Ott1909 Hermann Staudinger (grad student)
George B. Wallace19041909 Oswald Schmiedeberg (research scientist)
Johannes Thiele
Heinrich RheinboldtChemistry1918 Edgar Wedekind (grad student), Johannes Thiele (grad student)