Matthew J. Banholzer, Ph.D.

2010 Chemistry Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
"Matthew Banholzer"
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Chad A. Mirkin grad student 2010 Northwestern
 (Anisotropic nanomaterials: Synthesis, optical and magnetic properties, and applications.)
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Schelhas LT, Banholzer MJ, Mirkin CA, et al. (2015) Magnetic confinement and coupling in narrow-diameter Au-Ni nanowires Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 379: 239-243
Schmucker AL, Harris N, Banholzer MJ, et al. (2011) Correction to Correlating Nanorod Structure with Experimentally Measured and Theoretically Predicted Surface Plasmon Resonance Acs Nano. 5: 7685-7685
Schmucker AL, Harris N, Banholzer MJ, et al. (2010) Correlating nanorod structure with experimentally measured and theoretically predicted surface plasmon resonance. Acs Nano. 4: 5453-63
Banholzer MJ, Osberg KD, Li S, et al. (2010) Silver-based nanodisk codes. Acs Nano. 4: 5446-52
Banholzer MJ, Harris N, Millstone JE, et al. (2010) Abnormally large plasmonic shifts in silica-protected gold triangular nanoprisms Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 114: 7521-7526
Banholzer MJ, Qin L, Millstone JE, et al. (2009) On-wire lithography: synthesis, encoding and biological applications. Nature Protocols. 4: 838-48
Wei W, Li S, Millstone JE, et al. (2009) Surprisingly long-range surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) on Au-Ni multisegmented nanowires. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English). 48: 4210-2
Hill HD, Millstone JE, Banholzer MJ, et al. (2009) The role radius of curvature plays in thiolated oligonucleotide loading on gold nanoparticles. Acs Nano. 3: 418-24
Chen X, Li S, Xue C, et al. (2009) Plasmonic focusing in rod-sheath heteronanostructures. Acs Nano. 3: 87-92
Banholzer MJ, Li S, Ketter JB, et al. (2008) An Electrochemical Approach to and the Physical Consequences of Preparing Nanostructures from Gold Nanorods with Smooth Ends. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and Interfaces. 112: 15729-15734
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