Northwestern University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Carnie Abajianbionorganic chemistry, protein crystallography2006 Amy C. Rosenzweig (grad student)
Bernard M. AbrahamThermodynamics
Lisa R. AbstonMolecular Biology20012004 William M. Miller (grad student), Ashok A Aiyar (grad student)
Jennifer L. AchtylPhysical, Analytical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Materials Chemistry2014 Franz M. Geiger (grad student)
Andrew J. AdamczykMultiscale Modeling, Computational Chemistry, Reaction Path Analysis, Materials, Catalysis Chemical and Biological Engineering2010 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student)
Debashis AdhikariInorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry2011 Joseph T. Hupp (post-doc), SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (post-doc)
Adam S. Adler20002004 Linda A. Hicke (research assistant)
Sorabh Agarwalbionorganic chemistry, protein crystallography Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2011 Amy C. Rosenzweig (grad student)
Dorothy Rose Ahlf WheatcraftBioanalytical Mass Spectrometry Chemistry2012 Neil L. Kelleher (grad student)
Hong S. AhnCatalytic Chemistry19962001 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Richard W. AhnResearch Interests: Inorganic, Synthetic, Bio-inorganic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Organic, X-Ray Crystallography, Physical, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Environmental, Nanoscience Chemistry2011 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
Michael J. Ahrensphotoinduced electron transfer and charge transport in organic molecules and materials, artificial and natural photosynthesis, self-assembly of nanoscale materials, spin dynamics of multispin organic molecules, materials for molecule-based optoelectronics2005 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student)
Pulickel M. AjayanGeneral Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering Materials Science and Engineering1989 Laurence D. Marks (grad student)
Justice M. AlabosonMaterials Science Materials Science and Engineering2012 Mark C. Hersam (grad student)
Hena AlamBiochemistry2005 Mary Hunzicker-Dunn (grad student)
Khalid K. AlamRNA, Synthetic Biology, Aptamers Chemical & Biological Engineering20162019 Julius B. Lucks (post-doc)
Methal N. AlbarghouthiChemical Engineering2002 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
Alex Albaugh Chemistry20182022 Todd Gingrich (post-doc)
Simon E. Albomultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics Chemical & Biological Engineering2007 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student), Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Thomas E. Albrecht-SchmittInorganic Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry Chemistry19931997 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Grant C. B. AlexanderMultivalent battery materials, Semiconductors, Crystallography, Solid-State Synthesis Chemistry20142019 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (grad student)
Ali H. Alhasan20092013 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Sean D. Allennanomedicine, polymer, immunology, immunotherapy Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences2019 Evan A. Scott (grad student)
Craig S. Allen Chemistry1980 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Jan Allenceramics, batteries, energy storage Chemistry19891994 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Matthew J. Alleneuropium contrast agents20002003 Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
Alan M. Allgeiercatalysis, sustainability, surface science, porous materials19921996 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Paula M. AllottaCatalysis and Surface Science Chemistry2010 Peter C. Stair (grad student)
A. Louis AllredInorganic chemistry
Ellen Wang Althaus1995 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
Robert I. Altkorn Chemistry19841986 Richard P. van Duyne (post-doc)
Hamsell M. AlvarezResearch Interests: Inorganic, Synthetic, Bio-inorganic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Organic, X-Ray Crystallography, Physical, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Environmental, Nanoscience Chemistry2008 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
Diego M. Alzate-SanchezPolymer chemistry, Materials science Chemistry20162019 William R. Dichtel (grad student)
Felix K. Amankona-DiawuoTheory & Computation, Energy Science Chemistry2013 Tamar Seideman (grad student)
Michael W. AmbrogioPharmaceutical Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Organic Chemistry, Pharmacy Chemistry2012 J. Fraser Stoddart (grad student)
Andrea Ambrosinimaterial chemistry, solar science19962000 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Smruti B. AminCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2007 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Maximilian Amsler Materials Science and Engineering Chris Wolverton (post-doc)
Jihyun AnMetal Organic Frameworks, Science Education20102011 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Ommid AnamimoghadamSynthetic Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Radical Chemistry, Photochemistry
Ryan J. Andersen2004 Hilary Arnold Godwin (grad student)
Niels H. Andersenbiorecognition1967 James A. Marshall (grad student)
Oren P. AndersonProtein Crystallography, Bioinorganic Chemistry1968 Ralph G. Pearson (grad student)
John S. Anderson20132015 T. David Harris (post-doc)
Anthony M. AndersonFluid Dynamics, Solidification and Crystal Growth, Interfacial Dynamics. Applied Mathematics2009 Stephen H. Davis (grad student)
Robert J. AngeliciOrganometallic Chemistry, Catalysis1962 Fred Basolo (grad student)
Aseem Z. AnsariRegulation of gene expression at the interface of chemistry, biology and genomics1994 Thomas V. O'Halloran (post-doc)
Vartkess Ara Apkarianphotophysics and chemical dynamics in condensed media1980 Eric Weitz (grad student)
Alice B. Apkarian Chemistry1982 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Daniel H. AppellaOrganic Chemistry
Jo Ann Arceneaux Chemistry1986 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
Hossein ArdehaliCell Biology, Physiology Biology, Biochemistry
Hans C. AroraCell Biology, Nanotechnology, Nanoscience, Oncology Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2012 Gayle E. Woloschak (grad student)
Michael Ashley20132018 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Shadid Askar John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Rajeev AssaryModeling, energy storage Chemical and Bichemical Engineering20062008 Linda J. Broadbelt (post-doc)
Mohamed AteiaWater Quality; Environmental Engineering Chemistry William R. Dichtel (grad student)
Roxanne L. Atienza Chemistry20072012 Karl A. Scheidt (grad student)
Logan K. Ausmantheory and computation as applies to problems in nanotechnology, properties of materials, macromolecular structures and dynamics, molecular self-assembly, optics, materials physics and biophysics Chemistry2010 George C. Schatz (grad student)
Evelyn AuyeungNanomaterials Materials Science and Engineering2014 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Muratahan Aykolcomputational materials science, DFT, batteries, machine learning2015 Chris Wolverton (grad student)
Navid J. AyonAnalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Separation Science, Proteomics, Metabolomics, Drug Discovery Chemistry20212022 Neil L. Kelleher (post-doc)
Yelizaveta Babayaninorganic nanostructures Chemistry2007 Teri W. Odom (grad student)
Allison A. BaczynskiGeochemistry, Paleoclimate Science, Paleoecology Earth and Planetary Sciences2014 Francesca Avril Smith McInerney (grad student)
Ah-Hyun Bae20052007 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Youn-Sang Bae20062010 Randall Q. Snurr (post-doc)
Tomas BaerKinetics, Mass Spectrometry, Environmental Chemistry19691970 Edward W. Schlag (post-doc)
Santanu Bagsolid state inorganic materials, organic polymeric materials Chemistry2009 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (grad student)
Neda BagheriComputational biology and control theory
Ryan C. Baileygenomic and proteomic analysis of single cells2004 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Kenton A. Baker2001 Theodore Jardetzky (grad student)
Robert Henry Baker
Nicole M. Bakerstructure and function of proteins and nucleic acids Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2011 Alfonso Mondragón (grad student)
Kevin BalerTheory & Computation, Energy Science Biomedical Engineering2014 Igal Szleifer (grad student)
Lorenzo BalleriniOrganic chemistry, cross coupling reactions, Pd-catalyzed direct arylation Department of Chemistry20232023 Christian A. Malapit (grad student)
David M. Ballweginorganic coordination chemistry for molecular imaging Chemistry2011 Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
Chiranjib Banerjee Reza Vafabakhsh (post-doc)
Resham Banga20112017 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Matthew J. BanholzerNanomaterials Chemistry2010 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
S. George Bankoffheat transfer and two phase flow
Xiaoying Baomultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics Chemical and Biological Engineering Chemical & Biological Engineering2010 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student), Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Richard S. BarclayBiogeochemistry, Paleontology, Paleoclimate Science Earth and Planetary Sciences2011 Bradley B. Sageman (grad student)
Gokhan BarinMolecular Nanotechnology Chemistry2012 J. Fraser Stoddart (grad student)
Kylie D. Barkerinorganic coordination chemistry for molecular imaging Chemistry2009 Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
Stacey Barnaby20112016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Jonathan C. Barnes Chemistry2014 J. Fraser Stoddart (grad student)
Melissa Barona Chemical & Biological Engineering2020 Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Mark A. Barr Chemistry1987 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Anthony GM BarrettTotal Synthesis
Annelise E. BarronChemical Engineering, Biochemistry
Gordon Milne BarrowChemical Education
Joseph T. BarssCell Biology, Molecular Biology2006 Arthur Veis (grad student)
John E. Bartmessphysical organic chemistry, reaction mechanisms, solvation effects, thermochemistry1975 Frederick G. Bordwell (grad student)
Jeremy E. Bartoninorganic nanostructures Chemistry2008 Teri W. Odom (grad student)
Jade Basinski20172018 Yoel Ohayon (research scientist)
Fred Basoloinorganic chemistry
Dario Bassani19891993 Frederick D. Lewis (grad student)
Sol Ciro Bassani1994 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
Rajiv BasuMaterials Science2006 Mark C. Hersam (grad student)
Ashish N. BasurayOrganic Nanotechnology & Materials Chemistry2013 J. Fraser Stoddart (grad student)
Jefferson E. BatesTheoretical and Computational Chemistry2014 Toru Shiozaki (post-doc)
Marina BayevaCell Biology, Physiology Biology, Biochemistry Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2012 Hossein Ardehali (grad student)
Bilge Baytekinchemistry2009 Bartosz A. Grzybowski (post-doc)
Beth M. BeadleGPCR, computational chemistry2002 Brian K. Shoichet (grad student)
Liese N. Beenken RothkopfChemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering Chemical and Biological Engineering2010 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
Heather A. BehannaBioNanotechnology 2005 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
John A. Belot, Tobin Jay Marks (post-doc)
Matthew E. BelowichMolecular Nanotechnology Chemistry2011 J. Fraser Stoddart (grad student)
Myron L. Benderreaction mechanisms and the biochemistry of enzyme action
Reinhold Beneschhemoglobin1950 Henry B. Bull (grad student)
Ruth E. Beneschhemoglobin1951 Henry B. Bull (grad student)
Goliath Beniah John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Diego BenitezOrganic chemistry Chemistry20052008 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Kurt D. Benksteinmolecular materials and supramolecular assemblies2000 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Tarun K. Berasolid state inorganic materials, organic polymeric materials Chemistry2010 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (grad student)
Miranda L. BernhardtBiochemistry, Cell Biology Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2011 Teresa K. Woodruff (grad student)
Eric J. BernsBioNanotechnology Biomedical Engineering2013 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Richard Alan BernsteinTranscription, DNA replication, Metabolism, Neuroscience
Paul A. BertinEnvironmental, Inorganic, Life Sciences, Materials, Organic 2005 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (grad student)
David R BevanBiochemistry, computational chemistry1978 David Shemin (grad student)
Ashwin Bharadwaj20032005 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Debanjan Bhowmik20162019 Teri W. Odom (post-doc)
Margaret Biddle20052008 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Kevin BiggsElectroanalytical Chemistry Chemistry2009 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Julia M. BinghamElectroanalytical Chemistry Chemistry2010 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Kyle J.M. Bishopcolloidal materials2009 Bartosz A. Grzybowski (grad student)
Kanishka BiswasSolid-state chemistry, thermoelectric and 2D-layered materials, topological insulators, halide-based perovskites20092012 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (post-doc)
Kathryn R. Bjorkmanmultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics Chemical and Biological Engineering2012 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student)
Neil Virgil Blough1983 Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
Carl M. BlumenfeldChemistry Chemistry20082011 Brian Mark Hoffman (research assistant)
Amie K. Boalbiochemistry Amy C. Rosenzweig (post-doc)
Job BoekhovenSupramolecular Chemistry, Supramolecular Materials Chemistry20122015 Samuel Isaac Stupp (post-doc)
Daniel Boggs Chemical Engineering John M. Torkelson (grad student)
William Andrew Bonnerorganic chemistry1944 Charles De Witt Hurd (grad student)
Frederick G. Bordwellorganic sulfur chemistry, carbon acids1942 Chester Merle Suter (post-doc)
Katharine BorgesLight-regulated K channels2013 Gordon M. G. Shepherd (post-doc)
Joniell B. BorgesGeology Geological Sciences2007 Bradley B. Sageman (grad student)
Richard J. Bosch1983 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
Sayantan Bosevirology Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2012 Robert A. Lamb (grad student)
Donald G. Botteronorganic chemistry Chemistry1946 Charles De Witt Hurd (grad student)
Maxime Pierre BoudjelelOrganometallic Chemistry ; Electrochemistry ; Main Group Chemistry2022 Christian A. Malapit (grad student)
Gilles Remi BourretNanomaterials Chemistry20112014 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Radha Boya20132014 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Megan M. BoyleMolecular Nanotechnology Chemistry2012 J. Fraser Stoddart (grad student)
Robert Steven Braman1956 Donald D. DeFord (grad student)
Adam B. Braunschweigsupramolecular chemistry20072011 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Gary A. BreauxCharge Detection Mass Spectrometry, Phase Transitions in Small Systems, Mechanism of Silica Charging2005 Martin F. Jarrold (grad student)
Jonathan A. Brekanchemistry Chemistry20082011 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Theodore Brennansolid state chemistry, crystallography Chemistry19871991 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
William Briley20102016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Sarah K. Bristol-GouldMolecular Biology2006 Teresa K. Woodruff (grad student)
Linda J. Broadbeltmultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics
John R. BrobeckPhysiology1939 Stephen Walter Ranson (grad student)
Joan Blanchette BroderickBioinorganic Chemistry; Mechanisms of Metalloenzyme-mediated Reactions; Mechanisms of Biological Radical Reactions; Bioremediation19871992 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
Jeffrey Brodin20132016 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Christa BrosseauAnalytical Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Plasmonics, Nanoparticles Chemistry20072009 Richard P. van Duyne (post-doc)
Andrew R BrothertonMolecular Probes, Molecular Imaging, Optical Sensing, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Chemistry Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
Aaron M. BrownNanomaterials2006 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Nathan J. BrownChemical Engineering Chemical and Biological Engineering2008 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
Samantha E. Brown-Xuinorganic, organometallic and materials chemistry Chemistry20142017 Lin X. Chen (post-doc)
Kevin P. BrowneNano science, Nanomaterials, Programmable Reactions, Chemical Networks, Theory, Cellular Dynamics Chemistry2014 Bartosz A. Grzybowski (grad student)
Lewis J Brubacher Chemistry1966 Myron L. Bender (grad student)
Joslyn K. BrunelleMolecular Biology2005 Navdeep S. Chandel (grad student)
Philip Brunnerpolymers Materials Science and Engineering2013 John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Joseph W. BrunoInorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry19781982 Frederick D. Lewis (grad student)
Carson J. BrunsMolecular Nanotechnology Chemistry2013 J. Fraser Stoddart (grad student)
Lauren E. Buchanan2D IR spectroscopy20132016 Richard P. van Duyne (post-doc)
Avram M. BuchbinderPhysical, Analytical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Materials Chemistry2011 Franz M. Geiger (grad student)
Brett A. BuchholzChemical Engineering, Molecular Biology2002 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
Benjamin J. Bucior Chemical & Biological Engineering2019 Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
José Maria Bueno Harold Kung (post-doc)
Daniel E. BugarisInorganic, Solid State, Actinides, X-Ray Crystallography, Materials Chemistry20052009 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Katherine E. BujoldSupramolecular DNA Assembly, DNA Nanotechnology, Spherical Nucleic Acids Chemistry2017 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Brandon Christopher BukowskiComputational Catalysis, Molecular Simulation Chemical and Biological Engineering2019 Randall Q. Snurr (post-doc)
Joseph L. BullBiofluid Mechanics2000 James B. Grotberg (grad student)
Steven R. Bullinorganic coordination chemistry for molecular imaging2007 Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
Lloyd A. Bummphysical chemistry, surface chemistry, microscopy Chemistry19821991 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Raymond Kenneth Burkhardmitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and microcalorimetry Biochemistry1950 Irving M. Klotz (grad student)
John L. Burmeister1963 Fred Basolo (grad student)
Wendy L. BurnsInorganic, Solid State, Actinides, X-Ray Crystallography, Materials2005 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
John G. BurrChemi- and Bioluminescence1948 E. Byron Riegel (grad student)
Robert L. Burwell, Jrcatalysis
Rosemary T. BushPaleoclimate Science, Paleoecology, Geochemistry Earth and Planetary Sciences2014 Francesca Avril Smith McInerney (grad student)
Maria Cabezas20112018 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
David Cahen19691973 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Heather Calcaterra2018 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
W. Brett Caldwell19911996 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Cassandra E. Callmann Chemistry20182021 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Ernest Edwin Campaigneorganic sulfur chemistry1942 Chester Merle Suter (post-doc)
Dean Campbell19921996 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Elbert J. CampbellEnvironmental, Inorganic, Life Sciences, Materials, Organic 2001 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (grad student)
Christopher J. CampbellNano science, Nanomaterials, Programmable Reactions, Chemical Networks, Theory, Cellular Dynamics2007 Bartosz A. Grzybowski (grad student)
Monica A. Canalizo-HernandezResearch Interests: Inorganic, Synthetic, Bio-inorganic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Organic, X-Ray Crystallography, Physical, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Environmental, Nanoscience Chemistry2010 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
Precious Cantu20162018 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Jackie Cantwell Chemistry20122018 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Dennis CaoOrganic Nanotechnology & Materials Chemistry2014 J. Fraser Stoddart (grad student)
Thomas W. Cape Chemistry1978 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
John A. Carbonmolecular genetics of yeasts, nucleic acid biochemistry, chromosome structure and function1955 Leonard S. Fosdick (grad student)
Benoit Cardinal-David20082010 Karl A. Scheidt (grad student)
Andrea S CarliniStructurally dynamic polymers, bio-integrated devices Querrey Simpson Institute for Bioelectronics John A. Rogers (post-doc)
Stephen Howard Carr
Marvin H. Carutherschemical synthesis of DNA1968 Robert Lewis Letsinger (grad student)
Jimmy Castillo Chemistry19992001 Richard P. van Duyne (post-doc)
Adam Catherman2013 Neil L. Kelleher (grad student)
Daniel P. Cavanagh1996 David M. Eckmann (grad student)
Kristina CechovaFluorescence microscopy, GPCRs, Single-molecule imaging
Jinan Chai20092011 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Julia M. ChamberlainMaterials, chemical education Chemistry20042010 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Arnold M ChanPhysical Chemistry Chemistry20182024 Lin X. Chen (grad student)
Audrey ChanOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Catalysis, Materials Chemistry2008 Karl A. Scheidt (grad student)
Jonathan M. Chan Chemical and Biological Engineering2017 Muzhou Wang (grad student)
Navdeep S. ChandelCell Biology, Biochemistry, Medicine and Surgery
Kelvin Changcrystal growth Chemistry20112015 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Yu-Hsu ChangInorganic Chemistry, Inorganic Materials Chemistry Chemistry20042005 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Anita Changelastructure and function of proteins and nucleic acids2002 Alfonso Mondragón (grad student)
Elena Pazos Chantrero Simpson Querrey Institute20122014 Samuel Isaac Stupp (post-doc)
Craig T. Chapmanphysical chemistry, theoretical chemistry, computational chemistry, chemical physics Chemistry20142017 George C. Schatz (post-doc)
Nenian CharlesComputational Materials Science Chemistry Materials Science20122017 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student), James M. Rondinelli (grad student)
Arnab K. ChatterjeeMed chem, organic synthesis Chemistry19931997 Frank Edward McDonald (research assistant)
Subhajyoti ChaudhuriTheoretical / Computational Chemistry Chemistry George C. Schatz (post-doc)
Brian P. Chekalpolymers2002 John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Erik C. Chelius Chemistry19851989 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
Shaji Chempath2004 Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Lingyi Chen2004 Theodore Jardetzky (grad student)
Tian ChenOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology Chemistry2011 Richard B. Silverman (grad student)
Ehow H. ChenPhysical, Analytical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Materials Chemistry2012 Franz M. Geiger (grad student)
Lawrence Chen John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Pengcheng Chen20132018 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Kaimin Chen19921995 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Xiao-Yang ChenOrganic Chemistry Chemistry2019 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Chaojian ChenPolymer Science
Boran ChenPolymer Science and Engineering John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Bin ChenMaterials Science
Qiu-Cheng Chen
Haoyuan ChenComputational Chemistry Chemical and Biological Engineering20172021 Randall Q. Snurr (post-doc)
Zhijie ChenPorous materials, inorganic chemistry, MOFs, catalysis, crystallography Chemistry20182021 Omar K. Farha (post-doc)
Eugene Y.-X. ChenPolymer Science, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Materials, and Organometallic/Catalytic Chemistry1997 Tobin Jay Marks (post-doc)
Yunqiu Chen Chemistry2013 Neil L. Kelleher (grad student)
Benjamin J. Chenvirology Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2007 Robert A. Lamb (grad student)
Hao Chengmulticomponent complex fluids2005 Monica Olvera de la Cruz (grad student)
Jinpei Cheng Chemistry19821987 Frederick G. Bordwell (grad student)
Ho Fung Cheng2016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Chuyang ChengMolecular machine / Supramolecular Chemistry / Macrocycles Chemistry Chemistry20162018 J. Fraser Stoddart (grad student), J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Cheng-U A. CheongCatalysis and Surface Science2000 Peter C. Stair (grad student)
Erin T. Chernickphotoinduced electron transfer and charge transport in organic molecules and materials, artificial and natural photosynthesis, self-assembly of nanoscale materials, spin dynamics of multispin organic molecules, materials for molecule-based optoelectronics2006 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student)
Dmitrijs Chernyak20112013 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Natalia Chernyak Chemistry20122015 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Olivier J. G. L. ChevalierQuantum dots, Nanomaterials, Inorganic Synthesis Chemistry2023 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Naihao ChiangPlasmonics, Vibrational Spectroscopy Chemistry Chemistry20122017 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student), Tamar Seideman (grad student)
Thomas N. ChieslChemical Engineering, Analytical Chemistry2006 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
Alyssa Chinen20112016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Stan ChingInorganic Chemistry19851989 Duward Felix Shriver (grad student)
So-Hye ChoEnvironmental, Inorganic, Life Sciences, Materials, Organic 2006 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (grad student), Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Andrew S. Chomultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics Chemical and Biological Engineering2009 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student)
Hyoungsoon ChoiNMR, low temperature physics Physics and Astronomy2007 William Halperin (grad student)
Chung Hang Jonathan ChoiBio-nano interactions, Nanomedicine, Bionanomaterials Chemistry20112013 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Nathaniel P. ChongsiriwatanaBiomedical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemical and Biological Engineering2008 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
Liyushang Chou2017 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Lesleyann W. ChowBioNanotechnology Materials Science and Engineering2009 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Steven T. ChristensenMaterials Science Materials Science and Engineering Materials Science and Engineering2008 Mark C. Hersam (grad student), Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Yek T. ChuaCatalysis and Surface Science2001 Peter C. Stair (grad student)
Yongchul G ChungMolecular modeling, separation, adsorption20132016 Randall Q. Snurr (post-doc)
Eun Ji Chung Biomedical Engineering20082011 Guillermo Ameer (grad student)
In ChungSolid state chemistry, energy harvesting materials, synthesis of inorganic solids Chemistry20082012 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (post-doc)
Mark Frederick CiaccioMicrowestern Arrays Neda Bagheri (post-doc)
John A. Cieslakstructural basis for interactions between proteins, and between proteins and small molecules Neuroscience Institute Graduate Program2010 Douglas M. Freymann (grad student)
Jacob W. CiszekElectronic materials, organic semiconductors, surface chemistry Chemistry20052008 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Louis A. Clark2000 Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
David ClemmerStructure analysis of biological systems using mass spectrometry-based techniques19931995 Martin F. Jarrold (post-doc)
Michael D. CliftCatalysis, natural product synthesis Chemistry2010 Regan Thomson (grad student)
Richard R. Clikeman Chemistry1973 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
Daniel J. ClingermanNanomaterials Chemistry2014 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Daniel Tzvi Cohen Chemistry20082013 Karl A. Scheidt (grad student)
Jerome B. Cohenmeasurements of residual stress, thermodynamics, ordering, clustering of defects, and phase transitions
Ralph H. ColbyRheology1985 William W. Graessley (grad student)
Lisa Cole20152018 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Christine Ann Collins
Yamil J. ColónMolecular Modeling20102015 Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Michael T. Colvinphotoinduced electron transfer and charge transport in organic molecules and materials, artificial and natural photosynthesis, self-assembly of nanoscale materials, spin dynamics of multispin organic molecules, materials for molecule-based optoelectronics Chemistry2011 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student)
Owen C. ComptonNano science, graphene materials Chemistry20082010 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (post-doc)
David J. ComstockMaterials Science Materials Science and Engineering2010 Mark C. Hersam (grad student)
Martin Conda-SheridanMedicinal chemistry, nanotechnology Material Science20122015 Samuel Isaac Stupp (post-doc)
Bronwen J. Connor Martha C. Bohn (post-doc)
Sarah M. Conronphotoinduced electron transfer and charge transport in organic molecules and materials, artificial and natural photosynthesis, self-assembly of nanoscale materials, spin dynamics of multispin organic molecules, materials for molecule-based optoelectronics Chemistry2011 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student)
Maurício Gomes ConstantinoOrganic Synthesis Department of Chemistry19791980 James A. Marshall (post-doc)
Vincent P. Conticelloself-assembly, peptides, proteins, nanomaterials, Cryo-EM1990 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Joan M. Cook-MillsImmunology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology
Garry CooperLTCC pharmacology in PD Neuroscience Institute Graduate Program20082014 D. James Surmeier (grad student)
Bryan A. Copitspain, optogenetics, glutamate receptors Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences20072012 Geoffrey T. Swanson (grad student)
Ali Coskunporous polymer, Co2 capture, supramolecular chemistry, H2 storage Chemistry20072012 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Laura J. Cote Materials Science and Engineering2012 Jiaxing Huang (grad student)
Therese M. Cotton Chemistry19761980 Richard P. van Duyne (post-doc)
Martin Cowieorganometallics, heavy metal chemistry1975 James Arthur Ibers (post-doc)
Erika A. CraneOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Catalysis, Materials Chemistry2012 Karl A. Scheidt (grad student)
Stanley J. Cristolphysical organic chemistry1937 Charles De Witt Hurd (research assistant), Malcolm Dole (research assistant)
Terence S CroftsMicrobiology
Elizabeth M. Cromptonphotochemistry
Alvin L. Crumblisstransition metals in biological systems1969 Fred Basolo (grad student)
Ji CuiCatalyic Chemistry2001 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Maria C. Curet-Arana2006 Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
M. David CurtisOrganometallic Chemistry1964 A. Louis Allred (grad student)
Dan Custar20032008 Karl A. Scheidt (grad student)
Daniel W. CustarOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Catalysis, Materials Chemistry2009 Karl A. Scheidt (grad student)
Joshua I. CutlerNanomaterials Chemistry2012 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Kenneth F. Czaplewski2001 Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Jennifer L. CzlapinskiOrganic Chemistry, Molecular Biology2002 Terry L. Sheppard (grad student)
Andrea d'Aquino2014 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Valerian T. D'SouzaOrganic Chemistry19831987 Myron L. Bender (post-doc)
Soheil (Sam) DadrasMolecular Biology, Oncology2000 Janardan K. Reddy (grad student)
Amy L. DahlEnvironmental Engineering2005 Jean-Francois Gaillard (grad student)
Duncan Hieu M. DamNanotechnology Chemistry20092014 Teri W. Odom (grad student)
Marina G. DamianoResearch Interests: Inorganic, Synthetic, Bio-inorganic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Organic, X-Ray Crystallography, Physical, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Environmental, Nanoscience Chemistry2013 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
Zachary E. Dancephotoinduced electron transfer and charge transport in organic molecules and materials, artificial and natural photosynthesis, self-assembly of nanoscale materials, spin dynamics of multispin organic molecules, materials for molecule-based optoelectronics Chemistry2007 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student)
Xiaojun Dangmolecular materials and supramolecular assemblies2001 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Weston L. DanielNanomaterials Chemistry20102011 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student), Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Alon DanonCatalysis and Surface Science Chemistry2011 Peter C. Stair (grad student)
Zachary Danziger Biomedical Engineering2011 Ferdinando A. Mussa-Ivaldi (grad student)
Dennis W. Darnalluse of microorganisms in the treatment of hazardous wastes containing both inorganic and organic pollutants1968 Irving M. Klotz (post-doc)
Anindita Das2015 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Rebecca DaughertyCell Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences20062011 Cara J. Gottardi (grad student)
Arthur H. G. DavidChemistry
John P. Davis Physics and Astronomy20012008 William Halperin (grad student)
Donald C. Davis Chemical Engineering John M. Torkelson (grad student)
JAMES F. DAVISSmart Manufacturing, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Industry 4.0 Chemical Engineering1982 Richard S. H. Mah (grad student)
Nicolynn E. DavisChemical Engineering, Polymer Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering Chemical and Biological Engineering2008 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
Ben DavisInorganic chemistry, polymers20042006 Hilary Arnold Godwin (post-doc)
Stephen H. DavisFluid Dynamics, Solidification and Crystal Growth, Interfacial Dynamics.
Heydar DavoudiSystems Neuroscience
Emily S Day Chemistry20112013 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Mrinmoy DeSupramolecular Chemistry, Nanotechnology Material Science and Engineering20092014 Vinayak P. Dravid (post-doc)
Vivian M. de ZengotitaChemical Engineering2000 William M. Miller (grad student)
Tapas DebsharmaSustainable synthetic polymer chemistry20232024 John M. Torkelson (post-doc)
Paul Anselm Deckpolymers, organometallics, cyclopentadienes, Diels-Alder reactions Chemistry19921995 Tobin Jay Marks (post-doc)
Didier deFontainephase transitions, thermodynamics1967 John E. Hilliard (grad student)
Donald D. DeFordelectrochemistry, potentiostats
Amy K. deHartCell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology2003 Linda A. Hicke (grad student)
Baillie A DeHaven Chemistry Chemistry2019 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc), Douglas Philp (post-doc)
Kristine Deibler Chemistry20122017 Karl A. Scheidt (grad student)
Shara M. DellatoreChemical Engineering Chemical and Biological Engineering2008 William M. Miller (grad student)
Erica J. DeMarcomolecular materials and supramolecular assemblies Chemistry2013 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Matthew F. Demersmulticomponent complex fluids Applied Mathematics2012 Monica Olvera de la Cruz (grad student)
Linette M. DemersNanomaterials2002 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Bin DengInorganic, Solid State, Actinides, X-Ray Crystallography, Materials2005 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Hui Dengpolymers Chemical and Biological Engineering2012 John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Sandhya DeoMolecular toxicology of heavy metals and environmental chemistry2002 Hilary Arnold Godwin (grad student)
Denise D. Deppe Materials Science and Engineering John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Pravas Deriainorganic chemistry, energy-storage and materials science20122015 Joseph T. Hupp (post-doc), Omar K. Farha (post-doc)
Victoria J. DeRoseBioinorganic Chemistry, Biophysical Chemistry & Chemical Biology Brian Mark Hoffman (post-doc)
Christine M. DettmerPolymer Chemistry2005 Son B. T. Nguyen (grad student)
Sandeep DhanjuOrganic Synthesis Chemistry2018 Regan Thomson (post-doc)
Ali DhinojwalaPolymer Chemistry Chemical Engineering19891994 John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Elizabeth Dhulst John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Sara A. DiBenedettoCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2009 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
William R. DichtelInterfacing Molecules and Polymers to Carbon-based Materials
Lisa A. Dick Chemistry1996 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Jon A. DieringerElectroanalytical Chemistry Chemistry2008 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Weiqiang DingCondensed Matter, Materials Science2005 Rodney S. Ruoff (grad student)
Wendu Dingmolecular rectification, energy transfer Chemistry2016 George C. Schatz (post-doc)
Peter H. Dinolfo2004 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Mirian Diop John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Max Distler2018 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Jasper Dittmar2017 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Felicia M. DixonNanomaterials2002 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Robert P. Dixonbio-organic Biochemistry Richard B. Silverman (post-doc)
Peter E. Doanbioinorganic chemistry, paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
Raymond M. DodsonOrganic chemistry1947 E. Byron Riegel (grad student)
Erin A. DohertyChemical Engineering2003 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
Michelle T. DohmBiochemistry, Physical Chemistry, General Biophysics Chemistry2009 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
Malcolm Doleelectrochemistry and polymer chemistry
Alex DolgonosSeimconductors Chemistry20112016 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Daniel A. DombeckBehavior Cognition Language, Brain Imaging, Cell Imaging & Electrophysiology, Learning & Memory, Systems Neuroscience
Geoffrey H. DommettCondensed Matter, Materials Science Physics and Astronomy2007 Rodney S. Ruoff (grad student)
Martin D. Donakowskicrystallography, electrochemistry Chemistry20092014 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
David J. Doolingmultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics2000 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student)
Stephen K. Doorn1990 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Michael R. DoresCell Biology Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2008 Linda A. Hicke (grad student)
Kenneth F. Drake Chemistry1979 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Bryon Shane Drown Chemistry Neil L. Kelleher (post-doc)
Jingshan S. Duchemical physics Department of Materials Science and Engineering Materials Science and Engineering20152021 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student), Vinayak P. Dravid (grad student)
Jiaxin (Dawn) DuanElectrochemistry, Metal–Organic Frameworks, Solid State Mateirals Chemistry20182023 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
David DubbeldamComputational Chemistry20062008 Randall Q. Snurr (post-doc)
Alexandr S. Dudnik Chemistry2013 Tobin Jay Marks (post-doc)
Tim DuerinckChemistry, adsorption, molecular modeling, porous materials, material synthesis
Julien Dugal-Tessier20112012 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Oliver Dumeleorganic synthesis of functional materials20162018 Samuel Isaac Stupp (post-doc)
Camilla Durbin Chemistry1972 Richard P. van Duyne (research assistant)
Tina Düren Chemical & Biological Engineering20022004 Randall Q. Snurr (post-doc)
Richard V. DuynePhysical Chemistry
Laura M. Dykespolymers Chemical and Biological Engineering2008 John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Michelle L. DykstraImmunology, Cell Biology2002 Susan K. Pierce (grad student)
Alma DzudzaCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2009 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Carlena J. EbbenPhysical, Analytical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Materials Chemistry2014 Franz M. Geiger (grad student)
Sasha Ebrahimi2016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Amanda L. Eckermann20022013 Thomas J. Meade (post-doc)
David M. Eckmann1989 James B. Grotberg (grad student)
Nikki L. EdlemanCatalyic Chemistry2002 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Smita K. EduljiEnvironmental, Inorganic, Life Sciences, Materials, Organic 2004 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (grad student)
Defne E. Egecioglugene expression regulation in eukaryotic cells2014 Jason Brickner (post-doc)
Daniel J. EichelsdoerferNanomaterials Chemistry2014 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Chad Eichmanorganic synthesis, catalysis20102012 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Adam H. EisenbergNanomaterials2002 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Robert Elghanian19951999 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Christopher J. Ellisonpolymers2005 John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Robert W. Emblidgeorganosilicon chemistry, performance materials Chemistry19881992 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
Brooke M. EmerlingMolecular Biology, Cell Biology2007 Navdeep S. Chandel (grad student)
Alan Enrique EncisoATRP, Enzymes, Organic Chemistry, Materials, Biomaterials Chemistry20182019 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Alan E EncisoPolymers, materials, organic synthesis Chemistry2018 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Paul J. Endresinorganic coordination chemistry for molecular imaging Chemistry2008 Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
John Henry EnemarkInorganic Chemistry Chemistry19661968 James Arthur Ibers (post-doc)
Ethan A. EnglundOrganic Chemistry Chemistry2007 Daniel H. Appella (grad student)
James A. EnterkinInorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry Chemistry Materials Science20052010 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student), Laurence D. Marks (grad student)
Erik P. ErdalOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology2006 Richard B. Silverman (grad student)
Natasha Erdmanmicroscopy Materials Science19982002 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student), Laurence D. Marks (grad student)
Richard Dale Ernstmetal-pentadienyl complexes1977 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
David J. EscobarMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry Clinical Assistant Professor of Pathology20102015 Cara J. Gottardi (grad student)
Chinnaraja EswaranSupramolecular chemistry, Asymmetric catalysis, Molecular machines, organometallic chemistry Department of Chemistry2021 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Michael Evangelopoulos2018 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Ward Vinton Evansphysical chemistry
Christopher M. Evanspolymers Chemical and Biological Engineering2013 John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Renee A. EvelandEnvironmental, Inorganic, Life Sciences, Materials, Organic 2000 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (grad student)
Ken EveraertsCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2013 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Dietrich M. Fabricius Chemistry1977 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
Antonio Facchetti Chemistry19981999 Tobin Jay Marks (post-doc)
Nathanael Facklersynthesis of coordinatively unsaturated transition metal and main group (corrdination) complexes and the study of their reactions wit Lewis bases1997 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
Albert C. FahrenbachOrganic Nanotechnology & Materials Chemistry2013 J. Fraser Stoddart (grad student)
Christoph FahrniMetals in Biology19961999 Thomas V. O'Halloran (post-doc)
D Howard Fairbrothersurface chemistry1994 Peter C. Stair (grad student), Eric Weitz (grad student)
David Fairen-Jimenez20112012 Randall Q. Snurr (post-doc)
Lei Fang J. Fraser Stoddart (grad student)
Omar K. Farha Chemistry Joseph T. Hupp (post-doc)
Rebecca L. FarmerOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Catalysis, Materials Chemistry2012 Karl A. Scheidt (grad student)
Joshua Farrell19941999 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Maher FathallaSupramolecular Chemistry, Nanotechnology Chemistry20112013 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Daniel J. Feldinorganic coordination chemistry for molecular imaging Chemistry2013 Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
Hao Feng Chemistry2007 Peter C. Stair (grad student)
Liang FengInorganic Chemistry; Materials Science Department of Chemistry2020 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Jennifer Ferrer20132019 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
James C. Fettinger Chemistry19871989 James Arthur Ibers (post-doc)
C Adrian Figgpolymer chemistry, nanomaterials Chemistry2018 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Morris Eugene Finephysical metallurgy
Daniel Finkelstein ShapiroPhysical, Energy Related, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental Chemistry2013 Eric Weitz (grad student)
Stacey D. Finleymultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics Chemical and Biological Engineering2009 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student)
Lydia A. FinneyResearch Interests: Inorganic, Synthetic, Bio-inorganic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Organic, X-Ray Crystallography, Physical, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Environmental, Nanoscience Chemistry2008 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
Rodney B. FinzelThermal Depolymerization of Biopolymers Chemistry1981 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
Millie Firestonepolymeric materials, soft matter Chemistry19881993 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Sighart F. FischerTheoretical chemical physics19671968 G. Ludwig Hofacker (post-doc)
Alanah FitchMolecular Chemistry, Sciences Education, Biochemistry Chemistry19841985 Richard P. van Duyne (post-doc)
Terry FitzpatrickMolecular Biology, Cell Biology Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2012 Sui Huang (grad student)
Jason A. FlaumGeology Geological Sciences2008 Bradley B. Sageman (grad student)
Amanda M. Florespolymers Chemical and Biological Engineering2008 John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Linda S. Flosenzier Chemical Engineering John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Heike FolschCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
Dan Foltzchromosome segregation, epigenetics, chromatin Molecular Pharmacology and Biological Chemistry Jeffrey S. Nye (grad student)
Lam-Kiu Fong20122018 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Robert Foreman20082012 Sean D. Crosson (grad student)
Ryan E. ForsterMaterials Science Engineering Materials Science and Engineering2009 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
Leonard S. FosdickBiochemistry1932 Ward Vinton Evans (grad student)
James Ralph Foutstoxicology and environmental health1954 E. Albert Zeller (grad student)
Daniel Fowlerchemical education, solid state chemistry Chemistry20102015 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Melanie C. Franciscosolid state inorganic materials, organic polymeric materials Chemistry2012 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (grad student)
Ignacio FrancoPhysical and Theoretical Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry20082011 George C. Schatz (post-doc), Mark A. Ratner (post-doc)
David L. FrattarelliCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2009 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Shanti F. Fraustosynaptic plasticity Neuroscience Institute Graduate Program20062011 Geoffrey T. Swanson (grad student)
Lisa FredinCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry20072012 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student), Mark A. Ratner (grad student)
Christopher P. FredlakeChemical Engineering Chemical and Biological Engineering2008 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
Danna E. Freedmaninorganic chemistry, quantum computing
Douglas M. Freymannstructural basis for interactions between proteins, and between proteins and small molecules
Douglas C. FriedmanMolecular Nanotechnology Chemistry2010 J. Fraser Stoddart (grad student)
Houston Frost Chemical and Biological Engineering2007 Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Arthur Atwater FrostPhysical Chemistry
Grant Frost2019 Karl A. Scheidt (grad student)
Michael J. Fullerphotoinduced electron transfer and charge transport in organic molecules and materials, artificial and natural photosynthesis, self-assembly of nanoscale materials, spin dynamics of multispin organic molecules, materials for molecule-based optoelectronics2004 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student)
Lindsay Fuocomaterials chemistry,crystal growth,Piezoelectrics20132015 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (post-doc)
Robert F. Furchgott1940 Henry B. Bull (grad student)
Yoshiaki FurukawaMechanistic Chemistry of Biomolecules2005 Thomas V. O'Halloran (post-doc)
Dennis A. Gaalmolecular materials and supramolecular assemblies2002 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Robert C. Gadwoodmedicinal chemistry
Tendai GadzikwaEnvironmental, Inorganic, Life Sciences, Materials, Organic Chemistry Chemistry20032009 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (grad student), Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Michel R. GagnéOrganic Chemistry, Catalysis, Asymmetric Catalysis, Synthetic Methods, Synthetic Receptors, Biofuels, Renewable Feedstocks19871991 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Jean-Francois GaillardEnvironmental Engineering, Geochemistry
Chris Galliford20022007 Karl A. Scheidt (grad student)
Truman C. GamblinMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
Manisha S. Ganglani2001 Stephen Howard Carr (grad student), John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Otto A. GansowNuclear magnetic resonance1966 Ralph G. Pearson (grad student)
Hanwei Gaoinorganic nanostructures Materials Science and Engineering Materials Science and Engineering2009 Teri W. Odom (grad student), Lincoln J. Lauhon (grad student)
Yanshan GaoPolymer chemistry; sustainability2013 Tobin Jay Marks (post-doc)
Amine GarciSupramolecular Chemistry Chemistry2017 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Ricardo A. GarciaMolecular toxicology of heavy metals and environmental chemistry2001 Hilary Arnold Godwin (grad student)
Anna S. GardbergInorganic, Solid State, Crystallography, Structural Biology, Enzymes2001 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Simon J. Garrettsurface and interfacial chemistry19911993 Peter C. Stair (post-doc), Eric Weitz (post-doc)
Travis B. GasaMolecular Nanotechnology Chemistry2010 J. Fraser Stoddart (grad student)
Jeremiah J. Gassensmithsupramolecular chemistry applied to biological systems Chemistry20092013 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Mark S. Gebert Chemical Engineering John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Franz M. GeigerPhysical, Analytical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Materials
Dimitra Georganopoulou20032005 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Paul N. Georgelos Chemical Engineering John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Guillaume GervaisNMR, low temperature physics2002 William Halperin (grad student)
Robert C. Gestelandolfaction, biomedical engineering
Rachel B. Getmancomputational catalysis, molecular simulations20092011 Randall Q. Snurr (post-doc)
Amy B. GheringMolecular toxicology of heavy metals and environmental chemistry2003 Hilary Arnold Godwin (grad student)
Pritha Ghosh Chemical and Biological Engineering2014 Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Emilie M. Giacobbephotoinduced electron transfer and charge transport in organic molecules and materials, artificial and natural photosynthesis, self-assembly of nanoscale materials, spin dynamics of multispin organic molecules, materials for molecule-based optoelectronics Chemistry2009 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student)
Jovan M. Giaimophotoinduced electron transfer and charge transport in organic molecules and materials, artificial and natural photosynthesis, self-assembly of nanoscale materials, spin dynamics of multispin organic molecules, materials for molecule-based optoelectronics2006 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student)
Louise R. GiamNanomaterials Materials Science and Engineering2011 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Nathan C. GianneschiBioorganic chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Bionanotechnology, Materials, Synthesis2005 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (grad student), Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Julianne M. Gibbsinterfacial chemistry20062008 Franz M. Geiger (post-doc), SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (grad student), Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Lawrence Irwin GilbertInsect endocrinology, biochemistry, molecular biology
David A. GiljohannNanomaterials Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program20102012 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student), Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Benjamin A. GilstonResearch Interests: Inorganic, Synthetic, Bio-inorganic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Organic, X-Ray Crystallography, Physical, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Environmental, Nanoscience Chemistry2012 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
David S. Gingersolar energy, materials, nanotechnology20012003 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Steven N. Girardsolid state inorganic materials, organic polymeric materials Chemistry2011 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (grad student)
Andrea GlasauerOncology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2013 Navdeep S. Chandel (grad student)
David Philip Goldberginorganic and bioinorganic chemistry1998 Brian Mark Hoffman (post-doc)
Joshua E. GoldbergerDimensionally-Reduced Materials20072010 Samuel Isaac Stupp (post-doc)
Randall H. Goldsmithsingle-molecule chemistry Chemistry Chemistry2007 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student), Mark A. Ratner (grad student)
Rustin Golnabi2015 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Maya Gomes20092014 Matthew T. Hurtgen (grad student), Bradley B. Sageman (grad student)
Joanna Gonzalez-Lergiermultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics2007 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student)
Hosahudya N. GopiPeptide chemistry, amino acids20022003 Daniel H. Appella (post-doc)
Pavlo Gordiichuk20162018 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Abha Gosavi20142019 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Nosheen A. Gothard Chemistry2013 J. Fraser Stoddart (grad student)
Cara J. GottardiCell-cell adhesion and signaling
Guillaume GoubertSurface Science, Spectroscopy, Nanoscience, Catalysis
Niklas Grabicki Chemistry20172018 Oliver Dumele (grad student)
William W. GraessleyPolymers
Christopher R. GravesEnvironmental, Inorganic, Life Sciences, Materials, Organic 2006 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (grad student)
Danielle L. GrayInorganic, Solid State, Actinides, X-Ray Crystallography, Materials2006 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Harry Barkus GrayBioinorganic chemistry, Electron-transfer chemistry1960 Fred Basolo (grad student), Ralph G. Pearson (grad student)
Maisha K. Graypolymers2004 John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Alexander A. GreenMaterials Science Materials Science and Engineering2010 Mark C. Hersam (grad student)
Mark E. GreeneMaterials Science2005 Mark C. Hersam (grad student)
Geoffrey L. Greenebreast cancer, steroid hormone action19691974 Robert Lewis Letsinger (grad student)
Nathan G. GreeneltchElectroanalytical Chemistry Chemistry2013 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Megan A. GreenfieldBioNanotechnology Chemical and Biological Engineering2009 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Kevin Greenwood Chemistry19921997 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Linda Greifenstein1973 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
Evan M. Griffingheat transfer and two phase flow2001 S. George Bankoff (grad student)
Kent Griffithenergy storage, NMR, materials Chemistry Materials Science20192022 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (post-doc), G. Jeffrey Snyder (post-doc)
Doris M. Grillo Gonzalezmulticomponent complex fluids Chemical and Biological Engineering2014 Monica Olvera de la Cruz (grad student)
Christopher A. GruberFluid Dynamics, Solidification and Crystal Growth, Interfacial Dynamics. Applied Mathematics2013 Stephen H. Davis (grad student)
Bartosz A. GrzybowskiNano science, Nanomaterials, Programmable Reactions, Chemical Networks, Theory, Cellular Dynamics
Chenxia Monica Guan20112016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Frank Thompson GuckerInorganic chemistry, chemical thermodynamics
Paulette C. Guilloryinorganic synthesis, organometallics, cluster science2004 Duward Felix Shriver (grad student)
Nathan P. GuisingerMaterials Science2005 Mark C. Hersam (grad student)
Mustafa O. GulerBioNanotechnology 2006 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Victoria L. Gundersonphotoinduced electron transfer and charge transport in organic molecules and materials, artificial and natural photosynthesis, self-assembly of nanoscale materials, spin dynamics of multispin organic molecules, materials for molecule-based optoelectronics Chemistry2011 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student)
William A. GundersonPhysical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry Brian Mark Hoffman (post-doc)
Hua GuoTheoretical and computational chemistry Department of Chemitry George C. Schatz (post-doc)
Neng GuoCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2007 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Peijun Guo
Amit Gupta2000 Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Jiwon Ha Chemistry Teri W. Odom (grad student)
Young-Geun HaCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2011 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Jacob M. HaagInorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry Chemistry20052010 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Thomas M. HaardNMR, low temperature physics2001 William Halperin (grad student)
Christopher K. Haas John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Vladimir Haensel1941 Vladimir Nikolayevich Ipatieff (grad student)
Amanda J. HaesChemistry2004 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Fredrick C. Hagemeisterinstructional technology19982001 Martin F. Jarrold (post-doc)
Jung-Mi HahOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology2002 Richard B. Silverman (grad student)
Sossina M. Haileionic conductivity, solid state materials
Alexander W. HainsCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2009 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Amiya Kumar HajraBiological chemistry1963 Norman Samuel Radin (grad student)
Amanda S. Hakemianbionorganic chemistry, protein crystallography Chemistry2008 Amy C. Rosenzweig (grad student)
P. Shiv HalasyamaniMaterials, Non-Linear Optical Materials, Crystal Growth19921996 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Eddie Hall2014 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
David B. Hall John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Kurt L. Haller Chemistry1988 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Gary L. Hallercatalysis1966 Robert L. Burwell, Jr (grad student)
Tiffany L. Haloprotein–protein and protein–DNA interactions20112013 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
William HalperinNMR, low temperature physics
Thomas W. HamannInorganic Chemistry, Energy, Materials Science Engineering Chemistry20062008 Joseph T. Hupp (post-doc)
Kenneth E. Hamilton John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Hilary Hampsch Materials Science and Engineering John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Charles E. Hamrin1964 George Thodos (grad student)
Min Su HanBioorganic chemistry nanomaterial20042007 Chad A. Mirkin (research assistant)
Mengdi Hanbioelectronics John A. Rogers (post-doc)
Shuangbing HanSilicone, inorganic, polymer, coordination polymers, MOFs, Nano-materials Chemistry2012 Bartosz A. Grzybowski (post-doc)
Liangliang Hao20102015 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Leijun Hao19992000 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Elad Harel
Mahesh HariharanPhotochemistry, Physical Organic Chemistry, Biophysical Chemistry20072009 Frederick D. Lewis (post-doc)
Allison S. Harneyinorganic coordination chemistry for molecular imaging Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2011 Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
Kristen J. HarrellEnvironmental, Inorganic, Life Sciences, Materials, Organic 2000 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (grad student)
Daniel A. HarringtonBioNanotechnology 2004 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
T. David Harris
Karl N. HarrisonChemistry Visualisation and Education Tobin Jay Marks (post-doc)
Jeffrey D. HartgerinkMolecular Chemistry, General Biophysics Chemistry19992002 Samuel Isaac Stupp (post-doc)
Matthew R. HartingsBioinorganic chemistry, heme proteins20002005 Mark A. Ratner (grad student), Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
Warefta Hasaninorganic nanostructures Chemistry2010 Teri W. Odom (grad student)
Vassily HatzimanikatisGeneral Biophysics, Applied Mathematics, Molecular Biology
Ned C. Haubeinmultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics2002 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student)
Brad G. Hausermolecular materials and supramolecular assemblies Chemistry2012 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Jeanne P. Haushalter Chemistry19811983 Richard P. van Duyne (post-doc)
Dustin D. HawkerOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology Chemistry2013 Richard B. Silverman (grad student)
Ryan T. Hayesphotoinduced electron transfer and charge transport in organic molecules and materials, artificial and natural photosynthesis, self-assembly of nanoscale materials, spin dynamics of multispin organic molecules, materials for molecule-based optoelectronics2002 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student)
Oliver Hayes2016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Barry L. Haymore19711975 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Russell D. HaynesOrganic Chemistry Chemistry2008 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
Christy L. HaynesAnalytical Chemistry; Chemical Biology; Materials Chemistry; Environmental Chemistry; Chemical Physics2003 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Qionger He2011 Anis Contractor (post-doc)
Yuan Hetranscription, DNA repair Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2008 Ishwar Radhakrishnan (grad student)
Shu He20102015 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Oscar M. HechterPhysiology, cell biology, biochemistry
James L. Hedrick20132019 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Marie Cuevas HeffernChemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry Chemistry20092014 Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
Waleed HelwehUltrafast Spectroscopy Chemistry2017 Lin X. Chen (grad student)
William HendersonCoordination and organometallic chemistry19871989 Duward Felix Shriver (post-doc)
Mark P. Hendricks2018 Samuel Isaac Stupp (post-doc)
Matthew T. Henkenatural products, biosynthesis, analytical chemistry Molecular Biosciences20112016 Neil L. Kelleher (grad student)
Jonathan W. HennekCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2013 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Joel Henzieinorganic nanostructures Chemistry2007 Teri W. Odom (grad student)
Jungseok HeoInorganic Chemistry Chemistry20022009 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Carmen Herrmann Chemistry20072010 Mark A. Ratner (post-doc)
Mark C. HersamMaterials Science
Daniel G. HertChemical Engineering Chemical and Biological Engineering2009 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
Christa N. HestekinChemical Engineering2006 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
William Bryson HeuerInorganic chemistry, materials chemistry Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
Linda A. HickeCell Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology
Scott W. HiebertBiochemistry1988 Robert A. Lamb (grad student)
Thomas Higgins19921997 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Haley D. HillNanomaterials Chemistry2008 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
John E. Hilliardthermodynamic and kinetic processes in inhomogeneous systems, the quantitative characterization of structure
Bruce J. HindsNanofabrication, Membranes1996 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Yutaka Hitomi19992001 Thomas V. O'Halloran (post-doc)
P. Shing HoDNA structure and function, Halogen bonding19791984 Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
Tong-Ing Ho Chemistry19751979 Frederick D. Lewis (grad student)
Cathleen A. HoelInorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry20052010 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student), Jean-Francois Gaillard (grad student)
Brian Mark HoffmanInorganic, Materials, Physical/Analytical
Allen G. Holcomb1970 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
Michael Hollandcrystallography, materials chemistry Chemistry20122017 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Joseph G. HollandPhysical, Analytical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Materials Chemistry2012 Franz M. Geiger (grad student)
Bradley J. HollidayNanomaterials2003 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Sukwon HongCatalyic Chemistry2003 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Seunghun HongCNT based Bioelectronic sensor19982001 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Cynthia M Hong Alexander V. Statsyuk (research assistant)
Seok Hoon Hong20112015 Michael C. Jewett (post-doc)
Jacob C. Hooker John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Mitch Hopperceramics, fuel cells, diffusion Materials Science20082012 Thomas O. Mason (grad student)
James R. HornProtein Interactions; Protein Engineering20022003 Brian K. Shoichet (post-doc)
Ashlee J. Howarthphotochemistry, materials Chemistry2015 Joseph T. Hupp (post-doc)
Amy Ruth HowellSynthetic methdology, oxetanes, lactones, spiro compounds1988 Anthony GM Barrett (post-doc)
Charles E. Hoyle19711975 Frederick D. Lewis (grad student)
Joseph A. HriljacInorganic Materials Chemistry, Crystallography, Diffraction19821987 Duward Felix Shriver (grad student)
Ming-Hsiu Hsieh Chemistry2021 Roel Tempelaar (grad student)
Darren J. HsuBiophysical Chemistry Chemistry20152020 Lin X. Chen (grad student)
Liang-Yan Hsutheoretical chemistry, chemical physics Chemistry20162017 George C. Schatz (post-doc)
Linhua Hucrystal growth, synthesis, electrochemistry, electrolytes Chemistry20092015 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (post-doc)
Wenfang Hutheory and computation as applies to problems in nanotechnology, properties of materials, macromolecular structures and dynamics, molecular self-assembly, optics, materials physics and biophysics Chemistry2007 George C. Schatz (grad student)
Feng-Qin HuInorganic Chemistry20072009 Thomas J. Meade (post-doc)
Jiaxing Huang
Qinglan HuangCatalyic Chemistry2005 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Hui HuangOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology2000 Richard B. Silverman (grad student)
Shihai HuangBiochemistry2001 Andreas T. Matouschek (grad student)
Sui HuangCell Biology, Biochemistry
Ziyin Huangnanotechnology Materials Science and Engineering2016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Liliang Huang2015 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Jin HuangCatalysis for energy conversion Chemistry2022 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Sabil HudaNano science, Nanomaterials, Programmable Reactions, Chemical Networks, Theory, Cellular Dynamics Chemical and Biological Engineering2013 Bartosz A. Grzybowski (grad student)
John L. Hudsonnonlinear dynamics1962 S. George Bankoff (grad student)
Barry J. HuebertEnvironmental Sciences, Ecology Biology, Hydrology, Atmospheric Science Physics1971 Donald E. Smith (grad student)
David L. HuffmanMetalloproteins19932001 Thomas V. O'Halloran (post-doc)
John C. Hulteen Chemstry1995 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
James F. HulvatBioNanotechnology 2004 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Albert M. HungBioNanotechnology 2007 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Mark D. Huntingtoninorganic nanostructures Materials Science and Engineering2015 Teri W. Odom (grad student)
Mary Hunzicker-DunnBiochemistry1978 Lutz Birnbaumer (post-doc), Richard Jungmann (post-doc)
Fengwei HuoNanomaterials Chemistry2009 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Joseph T. Huppmolecular materials and supramolecular assemblies
Charles De Witt HurdPyrolysis of Carbon Compounds
Sarah J. HurstNanomaterials Chemistry2009 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Geoffrey R. HutchisonChemistry19992004 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student), Mark A. Ratner (grad student)
Gerri E. Hutson20112013 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Seongpil HwangElectrochemistry and Nanotechnology20062008 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Shiou-Jyh HwuSolid State Chermistry, magnetism, synthesis19851987 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (post-doc)
Taeghwan Hyeonnanotechnology19961997 Wolfgang M. H. Sachtler (post-doc)
James Arthur IbersInorganic, Solid State, Actinides, X-Ray Crystallography, Materials
Jaclyn A. IeraOrganic Chemistry Chemistry2008 Daniel H. Appella (grad student)
Marta Imbesi2009 Geoffrey T. Swanson (post-doc)
Brian J. Ingramsolid oxide fuel cells, batteries, materials Chemistry19992003 Thomas O. Mason (grad student), Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Vladimir Nikolayevich Ipatieffcatalysis, organic synthesis and petroleum refining
Jonathan J. Ipsarostructure and function of proteins and nucleic acids Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program20042009 Alfonso Mondragón (grad student)
Michael D. IrwinCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2009 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Aysenur Iscencomputational chemistry, molecular modeling, MD, soft materials Chemistry2014 George C. Schatz (grad student)
Shakirul M Islam Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Timur IslamogluMetal-organic frameworks, porous organic polymers, CO2 capture, heterogeneous catalysis Omar K. Farha (grad student), Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Ahmed IssaMaterials Science Engineering Materials Science and Engineering2014 Chris Wolverton (grad student)
Albena Ivanisevicsurface techniques to immobilize bio-molecules on inorganic and tissue surfaces20002002 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Dimitar S. IvanovMolecular toxicology of heavy metals and environmental chemistry Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2008 Hilary Arnold Godwin (grad student)
David Iwig
Krishnan A. Iyer John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Abishek Kannan Iyer20192023 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (post-doc)
Javi Izquierdo20112013 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Heather K. IzumiInorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry20002005 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Nick Jackson Chemistry Chemistry20112016 Mark A. Ratner (grad student), Lin X. Chen (grad student)
Chloe Jackson
Henri-Pierre Jacquot de RouvilleSupramolecular Chemistry Chemistry20102012 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Neil E. JaffeBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology2006 Andreas T. Matouschek (grad student)
Jane H. Jameschemical biology of cell adhesion Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2009 Milan Mrksich (grad student)
Kipo Jang20112013 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Jae-Won JangPhysics Chemistry20052008 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Maria Janik-Czachor Chemistry19801982 Richard P. van Duyne (post-doc)
Matthew D. Jankowskimultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics2006 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student)
Wade K. JarrellInorganic, Materials, Physical/Analytical2000 Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
Martin F. JarroldCharge Detection Mass Spectrometry, Phase Transitions in Small Systems, Mechanism of Silica Charging
David L. Jeanmaire Chemistry1976 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Paul G. JeneInorganic, Solid State, Actinides, X-Ray Crystallography, Materials2000 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Tryg R. JensenCatalyic Chemistry2003 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Rebecca A. Jensenmolecular materials and supramolecular assemblies Chemistry2010 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Lasse JensenTheoretical Chemistry20042007 George C. Schatz (post-doc)
Traci R. Jensen Chemistry1999 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Michael JensenInorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry19871992 Duward Felix Shriver (grad student)
You-Moon Jeon20002001 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Hee-Joo JeonEnvironmental, Inorganic, Life Sciences, Materials, Organic 2000 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (grad student)
Nak Cheon Jeonginorganic chemistry, porous materials and supramolecular assemblies Chemistry20092012 Joseph T. Hupp (post-doc)
Donald M. Jerina1967 Robert Lewis Letsinger (grad student)
Jacqueline S. JerussOncology, Molecular Biology2003 Teresa K. Woodruff (grad student)
Prateek K. Jhamulticomponent complex fluids Chemical and Biological Engineering2012 Monica Olvera de la Cruz (grad student)
Jin JiaNanomaterials, Nanoplasmonics Chemistry2022 Teri W. Odom (post-doc)
Hongzhou JiangBioNanotechnology 2006 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Song JiangTip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy Chemistry2016 Richard P. van Duyne (post-doc)
Nan Jiangphysical chemistry Department of Chemistry20102015 Richard P. van Duyne (post-doc)
Liban Jibril2017 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Kailong Jin John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Shu JinCatalyic Chemistry2006 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Rongchao JinNanomaterials2003 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Richard J. Jodts Chemistry Amy C. Rosenzweig (grad student), Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
Patrik Johansson Chemistry Chemistry Mark A. Ratner (grad student), Duward Felix Shriver (grad student)
Ronald C. Johnson1960 Fred Basolo (grad student)
Robert C. Johnson2002 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Christopher S. JohnsonBattery materials, spectroscopy19871992 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Dean JohnstonInorganic Chemistry19881993 Duward Felix Shriver (grad student)
Murray V. Johnston Chemistry19801982 Richard P. van Duyne (post-doc)
Brooks A. JonesCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2007 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Nancy L. JonesInorganic, organometallic chemistry Chemistry19781982 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Matthew R. JonesNanoscience, Self-Assembly, Non-equilibrium Materials, Plasmonics Materials Science and Engineering2014 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Young J. JooGeochemistry Earth and Planetary Sciences2013 Bradley B. Sageman (grad student)
Faramarz JoodakiMolecular Modeling Chemical and Biological Engineering20202023 Randall Q. Snurr (post-doc)
Ryan P Jornelectron transport, molecular electronics, molecular dynamics, energy storage Chemistry Tamar Seideman (grad student)
Jose I. JuncosaOrganic, Bio-Organic, Theoretical and Medicinal Chemistry Chemistry20112014 Richard B. Silverman (post-doc)
Inhwa JungCondensed Matter, Materials Science Mechanical Engineering2007 Rodney S. Ruoff (grad student)
YounJoon JungTheoretical Chemistry, Statistical Mechanics Chemistry20052006 George C. Schatz (post-doc), Mark A. Ratner (post-doc)
Richard Jungmann
Titel JurcaInorganic Chemistry Chemistry2015 Tobin Jay Marks (post-doc)
Michal Juríček20112013 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Emil Thomas KaiserBioorganic Chemistry19611962 Myron L. Bender (post-doc)
Joseph Kakkassary20042006 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
David T. KaletaCharge Detection Mass Spectrometry, Phase Transitions in Small Systems, Mechanism of Silica Charging2003 Martin F. Jarrold (grad student)
Julia A. Kalow
Cheuk W. KanChemical Engineering2005 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
Mercouri G. Kanatzidissolid state inorganic materials, organic polymeric materials Tobin Jay Marks (post-doc)
Soumya KandiBottom up mass spectrometry, Top down mass spectrometry, Biomarker, LC/MS Chemistry2018 Neil L. Kelleher (grad student)
Soosung Kangmedicinal Chemistry
Richard S. KangCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2011 Heike Folsch (grad student)
Gyeongwon KangRaman Spectroscopy, Theoretical Chemistry Chemistry2015 George C. Schatz (grad student)
Joohoon Kang Materials Science and Engineering20122017 Mark C. Hersam (grad student)
Hu KangCatalyic Chemistry2005 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Byungman KangEnvironmental, Inorganic, Life Sciences, Materials, Organic Chemistry2012 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (grad student)
Justin C. KaoFluid Dynamics, Solidification and Crystal Growth, Interfacial Dynamics. Applied Mathematics2008 Stephen H. Davis (grad student)
Gail Karet19891994 Duward Felix Shriver (grad student)
Alamgir Karimpolymers Physics1991 Pulak Dutta (grad student)
Amelia B. KarlssonCell Biology, Molecular Biology Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2010 Mary Hunzicker-Dunn (grad student)
Matthew H. KatcherMedicinal chemistry, organic synthesis
Michael J. KatzPorous materials Chemistry Chemistry Joseph T. Hupp (post-doc), Omar K. Farha (post-doc)
Eric M. KawamotoResearch Interests: Inorganic, Synthetic, Bio-inorganic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Organic, X-Ray Crystallography, Physical, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Environmental, Nanoscience Chemistry2009 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
Yasufumi Kawanaka20072008 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Amber M. KawaokaCatalyic Chemistry2004 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Chenfeng Keporous material, 3D printing material, supramolecular chemistry Chemistry20112015 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Zachary Kean20152016 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Ofer KedemNanomaterials
Melinda H. Keefemolecular materials and supramolecular assemblies2001 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Charles David Keelingatmospheric greenhouse gas accumulation and climate science1954 Malcolm Dole (grad student)
Joshua A. KellarMaterials Science Materials Science and Engineering2009 Mark C. Hersam (grad student)
Neil L. Kelleher
Jacob P. Kellerstructure and function of proteins and nucleic acids Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2012 Alfonso Mondragón (grad student), Peter J Dallos (grad student)
Richard F. Kelleyphotoinduced electron transfer and charge transport in organic molecules and materials, artificial and natural photosynthesis, self-assembly of nanoscale materials, spin dynamics of multispin organic molecules, materials for molecule-based optoelectronics2007 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student)
John Fielding Kellie Chemistry2012 Neil L. Kelleher (grad student)
Glen Eugene KelloggPharmaceutical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology19861988 Tobin Jay Marks (post-doc)
K. Lance Kelly Chemistry2002 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Kevin L. KellyPhysical Chemistry2002 George C. Schatz (grad student)
Robert Kennedy20102013 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Grace E. Kenney20102018 Amy C. Rosenzweig (grad student)
Hilary A. KennyMolecular Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2005 Teresa K. Woodruff (grad student)
Doug Keszlermaterials chemistry19801984 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Sinan Keten
George KeulksHeterogeneous Catalysis
Saahir KhanBioNanotechnology Biomedical Engineering2012 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Shakil Khan1974 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
Shumaila S. Khanmultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics2005 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student)
Norman Kharasch1944 Charles De Witt Hurd (grad student)
Meisa S. KhoshbinNanomaterials2006 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Jason F. KhourySolid State Chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics Chemistry20152020 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (grad student)
Dong Jun Kim Chemistry20152018 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Choongik Kim Chemistry20052009 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Myung-Gil KimCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2012 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Jaemyung Kim Materials Science and Engineering2013 Jiaxing Huang (grad student)
Sung Dug Kim John M. Torkelson (post-doc)
Youngeun Kim20112016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Dong Woo Kim20072009 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Soo Kim Materials Science and Engineering20132017 Chris Wolverton (grad student)
Jiwon Kim Chemistry Bartosz A. Grzybowski (grad student)
Kimoon KimInorganic Chemistry19861988 James Arthur Ibers (post-doc)
Soojin Kimvirology2004 Robert A. Lamb (grad student)
Alison M. KimResearch Interests: Inorganic, Synthetic, Bio-inorganic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Organic, X-Ray Crystallography, Physical, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Environmental, Nanoscience Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2010 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
Jungki Kimpolymers Chemical and Biological Engineering2007 John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Soyoung Kimpolymers Chemical and Biological Engineering2011 John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Shelby M. KingCell Biology Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2008 Heike Folsch (grad student)
Brian S. KinnearCharge Detection Mass Spectrometry, Phase Transitions in Small Systems, Mechanism of Silica Charging2002 Martin F. Jarrold (grad student)
Robert Adam Kinneyinorganic, analytical chemistry Chemistry2011 Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
Christopher R. KinserMaterials Science2005 Mark C. Hersam (grad student)
Dale Kippsolid state chemistry Chemistry19831988 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Scott Kirklincomputational materials science, energy storage Materials Science and Engineering2014 Chris Wolverton (grad student)
Austin N. Kirschner Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2007 Theodore Jardetzky (grad student)
Lada KlaicOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology Chemistry2010 Richard B. Silverman (grad student)
Rafal KlajnNano science, Nanomaterials, Programmable Reactions, Chemical Networks, Theory, Cellular Dynamics Chemical and Biological Engineering2009 Bartosz A. Grzybowski (grad student)
Samuel L. KleinmanElectroanalytical Chemistry Chemistry2012 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Tatyana A. KlimovaCell Biology, Molecular Biology Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2008 Navdeep S. Chandel (grad student)
Jordan M. KlingspornElectroanalytical Chemistry Chemistry2014 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Deborah A. KlosCell Biology2006 Linda A. Hicke (grad student)
Irving M. Klotzchemical thermodynamics, physical biochemistry19401942 Malcolm Dole (post-doc)
Edward Kluender2014 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Stephanie N. Knezzchemical education
Amanda K. KnutsonInorganic, Materials, Physical/Analytical Chemistry2011 Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
Caroline H. KoCircadian Biology, Neurobiology, Nanotechnology, 20102015 Joseph S. Takahashi (grad student), Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Dieter Koch-Weser
Sankalp Koduvayur GaneshanBioelectronics, 2D materials, nanotechnology, Biochemical sensors, Electrical Impedance Tomography Electrical and Computer Engineering Materials Science and Engineering2023 Matthew Grayson (grad student), John A. Rogers (grad student)
Chung-Yan KohBioNanotechnology Chemistry2009 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Sharon E. KohCatalyic Chemistry2007 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Ellen K. Kohlmeirinorganic coordination chemistry for molecular imaging Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2010 Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
Kevin L. Kohlstedtmulticomponent complex fluids Chemical and Biological Engineering2009 Monica Olvera de la Cruz (grad student)
Motoya KohtaniCharge Detection Mass Spectrometry, Phase Transitions in Small Systems, Mechanism of Silica Charging2004 Martin F. Jarrold (grad student)
Joseph Koliscrystal growth, zintl compounds Chemistry Chemistry19791984 Duward Felix Shriver (grad student), Fred Basolo (grad student)
Christopher KonekPhysical, Analytical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Materials Chemistry2007 Franz M. Geiger (grad student)
Betty Y. KongCell Biology Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2013 Teresa K. Woodruff (grad student)
Leah C. Konkol Chemistry2012 Regan Thomson (grad student)
Ivan A. Konstantinovmultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics Chemical and Biological Engineering2011 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student)
Amy L. KopfInorganic Chemistry20002005 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Kelly K. Kopp-DailyCell Biology, Molecular Biology Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2009 Sui Huang (grad student)
Andrew W. Korinda Chemical and Biological Engineering2014 Justin M. Notestein (grad student)
Lukasz A. KoscielskiInorganic, Solid State, Actinides, X-Ray Crystallography, Materials Chemistry2013 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Kathryn M. KosudaElectroanalytical Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry2010 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student), Peter C. Stair (grad student)
John Krebs19971999 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Lauren E. KrenoElectroanalytical Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry2013 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student), Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Sai A. KroviEnvironmental, Inorganic, Life Sciences, Materials, Organic Chemistry2013 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (grad student)
Todd M. Krusemultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics2003 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student)
Jessie Ku20112016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Greg Kubasdihydrogen complexes, inorganic chemistry1970 Duward Felix Shriver (grad student)
Chung-Wei KungElectrochemistry Department of Chemistry Department of Chemistry Department of Chemistry20162018 Joseph T. Hupp (post-doc), Joseph T. Hupp (research scientist), Omar K. Farha (post-doc)
Todd L. Kurthphotochemistry
Donald M. Kurtz1977 Irving M. Klotz (grad student)
Caroline Kusmierz2015 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Stephanie Kwon Chemical & Biological Engineering2015 Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Jan KyciaLow Temperature Physics, Quantum Materials and Devices Physics and Astronomy William Halperin (grad student)
Nathan Todd La Portesolar fuels, photoinduced electron transfer, artificial photosynthesis Chemistry20152018 Michael R. Wasielewski (post-doc)
Kristin J. LabbyOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology Chemistry2012 Richard B. Silverman (grad student)
William C. Lackowski Chemistry1999 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Joseph M. Lakovits Chemistry1981 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Robert A. Lambvirology
Joseph B. Lambert
Tian Lan John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Rebecca M. Landrymolecular materials and supramolecular assemblies2005 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Kaitlin Landy2018 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Cooper Langford1960 Robert L. Burwell, Jr (grad student)
Mark R. LangilleNanomaterials Chemistry2012 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Peter T. Lansburynatural products synthesis1956 Robert Lewis Letsinger (grad student)
Christine Laramy20142018 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Tyler J. Lardieri
Isaac Larkin2015 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Ka Cheong Lauorganometalics, synthesis Chemical Engineering2019 Harold Kung (post-doc)
Lester F. LauCell Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry
Joseph W. LauherStructural Chemistry19701974 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Graham R. LawtonOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology2007 Richard B. Silverman (grad student)
Kiel E. Lazarski Chemistry2012 Regan Thomson (grad student)
Hoang V. LeMedicinal Chemistry and Enzymology Chemistry2016 Richard B. Silverman (post-doc)
Daniel J. LearyCell Biology2003 Sui Huang (grad student)
Andrew H. Lebovitzpolymers2003 John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Sarah LedouxRNA Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2009 Olke C. Uhlenbeck (grad student)
Sungsoo S. LeeBioNanotechnology Materials Science and Engineering2015 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Yi-Chia Leeinorganic synthesis, organometallics, cluster science2000 Duward Felix Shriver (grad student)
Jae-Seung LeeNanomaterials Chemistry2008 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Jiyoun Leeinorganic coordination chemistry for molecular imaging2006 Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
Yeseul Leesolid state inorganic materials, organic polymeric materials Chemistry2014 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (grad student)
Ki-Bum LeeNanomedicine and Regenerative Medicine20002004 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
One-Sun LeeComputational Materials Science, Computational Chemistry Chemistry George C. Schatz (post-doc)
Won-Kyu LeeSoft Materials Materials Science and Engineering20132018 Teri W. Odom (grad student)
Anna Lee Chemistry20132014 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Min Hyung Leeinorganic nanostructures Chemistry2010 Teri W. Odom (grad student)
Sang-Min LeePolymer Chemistry, Self-Assembly, Drug Delivery Chemistry Chemistry20042010 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student), SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (grad student)
Valerie W. LeeschInorganic, Materials, Physical/Analytical2000 Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
Benjamin J. LeeverCatalyic Chemistry Materials Science and Engineering2011 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Michelle D. Lefebvremulticomponent complex fluids2006 Monica Olvera de la Cruz (grad student), Kenneth R. Shull (grad student)
Kelly M. Leflerphotoinduced electron transfer and charge transport in organic molecules and materials, artificial and natural photosynthesis, self-assembly of nanoscale materials, spin dynamics of multispin organic molecules, materials for molecule-based optoelectronics Chemistry2013 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student)
Emily Leitsch John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Karson T. Leperi Chemical & Biological Engineering2018 Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Thomas F. Lerch Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2007 Theodore Jardetzky (grad student)
Abraham LermanGeology, Geochemistry, Environmental Geology
Michael M. Lernerinorganic chemistry, intercalation, energy storage Chemistry19881989 Duward Felix Shriver (post-doc)
Joseph A. LetiziaCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2007 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Robert Lewis Letsingerchemical synthesis of DNA
Robert B. LettanOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Catalysis, Materials Chemistry2007 Karl A. Scheidt (grad student)
Nancy Ellen LevingerUltrafast laser spectroscopy, confined liquids Chemistry1983 Richard P. van Duyne (research assistant)
Winford Lee Lewis
Frederick D. Lewisphotochemistry
Jiahong LiHydrogel, Bioelectronics, Metamaterials Materials science John A. Rogers (grad student)
Yuanwei Li2018 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Liming Li
Yi LiNanomaterials
Leiming LiOilfield Chemistry, Materials Science & Enineering, Physics
Tim Y.-Z. LiOrganic Synthesis, Metal-organic Frameworks
Hao Li Chemistry2013 J. Fraser Stoddart (grad student)
Chunhui LiChemical Engineering2006 Vassily Hatzimanikatis (grad student)
Peng Limetal-organic framework, enzyme immobilization, hydrogen-bonded organic framework, gas separation Chemistry Chemistry2014 Joseph T. Hupp (post-doc), Omar K. Farha (post-doc)
Jia I.A. Li Physics20082014 William Halperin (grad student)
Penghao Li2017 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Song LiMolecular Modeling20142015 Randall Q. Snurr (post-doc)
Guangqi Li Chemistry20092014 Mark A. Ratner (post-doc)
Hongbo LiCatalyic Chemistry2005 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Tina C. LiCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2010 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Zhi LiNanomaterials2005 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Zhao-Xun LiangBiochemistry, Chemical Biology2001 Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
Xing LiaoNanomaterials Materials Science and Engineering2014 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Peilin Liaotheoretical chemistry Chemical and Biological Engineering20142016 Randall Q. Snurr (post-doc)
Raquel L. Liebermanbionorganic chemistry, protein crystallography2005 Amy C. Rosenzweig (grad student)
Alejo Lifschitz20102015 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Laura M LilleyChemistry Chemistry20122017 Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
Lijun Lin2002 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
Yuyuan LinInorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry Materials Science and Engineering Materials Science20102014 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student), Laurence D. Marks (grad student)
Wendy W. LinCell Biology2006 Linda A. Hicke (grad student)
Qingyuan Lin20132017 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Millicent Lin2019 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Cheng-Wei LinConducting Polymers, 2D Materials, Solid State Physics Materials Science and Engineering20112013 Jiaxing Huang (grad student)
Wenbin LinMaterials and Catalytic Chemistry; Renewable Energy; Nanomedicine19941997 Tobin Jay Marks (post-doc)
Grace Y. Linvirology2000 Robert A. Lamb (grad student)
Julia Y. Lininorganic nanostructures Chemistry2012 Teri W. Odom (grad student)
Shuo-Yen J. Lin Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2010 Theodore Jardetzky (grad student)
Scott Lindsey Materials Science and Engineering John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Albert L. LipsonMaterials Science, Energy Storage, Spectroscopy Materials Science and Engineering20092013 Mark C. Hersam (grad student)
Maritoni Litorja Chemistry1996 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Elizabeth A. LitzingerOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology2005 Richard B. Silverman (grad student)
Xiaogang LiuNanomaterials2004 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Fang Liu2006 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Youcheng Liu E. Byron Riegel (research assistant)
Zhichang LiuMolecular-Strain Engineering, Supramolecular Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
Zach Liu20182019 Yoel Ohayon (research scientist)
Zhongqiang Liu2005 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
Jian LiuHeterogeneous Catalyst, Photocatalyst, 1D, 2D, 3D Porous Materials Chemistry2016 Joseph T. Hupp (post-doc)
Wenqi LiuSupramolecular Organic Chemistry Department of Chemistry2018 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Kun Liu20122014 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Guoliang LiuPolymer, Nanomaterials Chemistry20112014 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Jianqin Liuphotochemistry
Robert E. LocklairGeology2007 Bradley B. Sageman (grad student)
Vince Lombardo20112014 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Mark C. Lonergan19901994 Mark A. Ratner (grad student), Duward Felix Shriver (grad student)
Hai Longtheory and computation as applies to problems in nanotechnology, properties of materials, macromolecular structures and dynamics, molecular self-assembly, optics, materials physics and biophysics2006 George C. Schatz (grad student)
John Harper Long
Rafael López-ArteagaUltrafast Laser Spectroscopy, Excited State Dynamics Chemistry2019 Emily A. Weiss (post-doc)
Laszlo LorandAlzheimer's Disease; Apoptosis; Autoimmune Diseases; Proteins, Macromolecules; Vascular Biology
David M. LorberGPCR, computational chemistry2001 Brian K. Shoichet (grad student)
Richard L. Lord Chemistry20022003 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (research assistant)
Sharon Loverdemulticomponent complex fluids2007 Monica Olvera de la Cruz (grad student)
John P. LoweQuantum Chemistry, Computational Chemistry1964 Arthur Atwater Frost (grad student)
Shaoning LuCondensed Matter, Materials Science2005 Rodney S. Ruoff (grad student)
H. Peter LuBiophysical chemistry1995 Joseph T. Hupp (post-doc)
Hongcheng LuInorganic&Solid State Chemistry chemistry20102014 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Erik LuijtenComputational statistical mechanics of complex fluids; electrostatically driven self-assembly phenomena; phase behavior and kinetics of colloidal suspensions and polymeric systems; Monte Carlo algorithms
Aaron S. Lukasphotoinduced electron transfer and charge transport in organic molecules and materials, artificial and natural photosynthesis, self-assembly of nanoscale materials, spin dynamics of multispin organic molecules, materials for molecule-based optoelectronics2001 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student)
Jiayan Luo Materials Science and Engineering2013 Jiaxing Huang (grad student)
Andrea J. LuthiNanomaterials Chemistry2014 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Kelly E. Lutz Chemistry2012 Regan Thomson (grad student)
Joseph Lydingscanning tunneling microscopy, nanofabrication, nanoelectronics, and IC chip reliability1983 Carl Raeside Kannewurf (grad student)
Abigail K. Lytton-JeanNanomaterials Chemistry2007 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Ke MaElectroanalytical Chemistry Biomedical Engineering2014 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Yinglun Ma20182020 Yoel Ohayon (research scientist)
Eric A. Maatta1981 Tobin Jay Marks (post-doc)
Frederick MacDonnellMolecular Catalysts,1992 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
Robert J. MacfarlaneNanomaterials Chemistry2013 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Charles W. MachanInorganic Chemistry Chemistry2012 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Keith W. MacRenarisinorganic coordination chemistry for molecular imaging Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2009 Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
Paul MaggardSolid State Chemistry20002002 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (post-doc)
John A. Maguire Chemistry1963 Ralph G. Pearson (grad student)
John Stedman MagyarPhysical and environmental bioinorganic chemistry2002 Hilary Arnold Godwin (grad student)
Richard S. H. MahModeling and Computation in Chemical and Biological Engineering
Khaled A. Mahdimulticomponent complex fluids2000 Monica Olvera de la Cruz (grad student)
Meghan T. MaherCell Biology, Molecular Biology
Goher MahmudNanomaterials Chemical and Biological Engineering2011 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Marek B. Majewski
Jody L. Majorinorganic coordination chemistry for molecular imaging Chemistry2008 Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
Michael D. Major Chemical Engineering John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Debarshi Majumdermultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics2006 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student)
Brooks E. Maki Chemistry20042009 Karl A. Scheidt (grad student)
Sunil Malapativirology2001 Robert A. Lamb (grad student)
Jessica N. MalinPhysical, Analytical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Materials Chemistry2011 Franz M. Geiger (grad student)
Joshua E. MalinskyCatalyic Chemistry2000 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Michelle D. Malinsky2000 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
James P. MaloneBiochemistry2002 Arthur Veis (grad student)
Aritra Mandal20172019 Michael R. Wasielewski (post-doc)
Alfonso MandragonGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry
Bryan F. MangelsonNanomaterials Chemistry2014 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Michael F. Mansuetto Chemistry19901994 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Jason R. ManteiBioNanotechnology Materials Science and Engineering2012 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Lisa M. Manusinorganic coordination chemistry for molecular imaging Chemistry2012 Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
Lingling Mao Chemistry20142018 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (grad student)
Yi MaoCharge Detection Mass Spectrometry, Phase Transitions in Small Systems, Mechanism of Silica Charging2000 Martin F. Jarrold (grad student)
Arthur MarSolid State Chemistry19891993 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Michael W. Mara Chemistry2014 Lin X. Chen (grad student)
Yoriel MarcanoBiochemistry Chemistry2009 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
Michelle E. MarcheseImmunology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2012 Joan M. Cook-Mills (grad student)
Timothy W. Marinmolecular materials and supramolecular assemblies2001 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Dale E. Marko1987 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
Tobin Jay MarksCatalyic Chemistry
Michael J. MaroneyInorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry19811983 William C. Trogler (post-doc)
Patricia Maroney-Benassi Chemistry1985 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Stephen R. Marroupolymers Chemical and Biological Engineering2013 John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Jan M.L. MartinComputational quantum chemistry Chemistry20072008 George C. Schatz (research scientist)
Lenore M MartinBioorganic Peptides Bioanalytical Bioinformatics Chemistry19801983 Robert Lewis Letsinger (research assistant)
Alex B. Martinsonmolecular materials and supramolecular assemblies, photovoltaics Chemistry20042008 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Michael R. Marvel Chemistry20042008 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Rebecca G. MarvinResearch Interests: Inorganic, Synthetic, Bio-inorganic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Organic, X-Ray Crystallography, Physical, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Environmental, Nanoscience Chemistry2009 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
Martin S. MasarNanomaterials2005 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
David J. MasielloNanophotonics, electron microscopy20062009 George C. Schatz (post-doc)
Mark A. MaskeriOrganic Chemistry Karl A. Scheidt (grad student)
Jarad Mason20152017 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Thomas O. Masonceramics, defects, phase equilibria, TCO Chemistry19852015 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (collaborator)
Daniel MaspochMetal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs), Covalent-Organic Frameworks (COFs), Metal-Organic Polyhedra (MOPs), Delivery Systems International Institute for Nanotechnology20042006 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Aaron M. MassariPhysical Chemistry; Materials Chemistry; Chemical Physics; Polymer Chemistry; Experimental Physical Chemistry2004 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Matthew D. MassichNanomaterials Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2012 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Daniel J. Mastaroneinorganic coordination chemistry for molecular imaging Chemistry2011 Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
Andrew Masterson
Alex K. Mathies20062007 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Andreas T. MatouschekBiochemistry
John B. MatsonPolymer chemistry Institute for Bionanotechnolgy in Medicine20092012 Samuel Isaac Stupp (post-doc)
Hisae Matsuura Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2013 Theodore Jardetzky (grad student)
Anita E. MattsonSynthetic Methods Chemistry20022007 Karl A. Scheidt (grad student)
Catherine M. Mauck Chemistry20122017 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student)
Anne M. Mayespolymers, particularly self-organizing and nanostructured polymer systems, for applications including filtration membranes, biomedical devices and rechargeable batteries1991 Monica Olvera de la Cruz (grad student)
Diana N. MayweatherInorganic, Materials, Physical/Analytical Chemistry2012 Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
Matthew N. McCainCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2007 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Kyle M. McCall20142019 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (grad student)
James McCarthycatalysis, inroganic chemistry Chemistry Chemistry20122017 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student), Peter C. Stair (grad student)
Christine A. McCaryImmunology, Molecular Biology, Nutrition Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2011 Joan M. Cook-Mills (grad student)
Mark T. McClendonBioNanotechnology Chemical and Biological Engineering2014 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Martin McCullaghtheory and computation as applies to problems in nanotechnology, properties of materials, macromolecular structures and dynamics, molecular self-assembly, optics, materials physics and biophysics Chemistry2010 George C. Schatz (grad student)
Elizabeth O’Bryan McCusker20112013 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Frank Edward McDonaldSynthetic Methods and Natural Products Synthesis
Abbye E. McEwenCell Biology, Molecular Biology
Adam D. McFarlandElectroanalytical Chemistry Chemistry20042005 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student), Richard P. van Duyne (post-doc)
Paul R. McGonigalSupramolecular Chemistry, Organic Synthesis20122015 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Susan L. McGovernRadiation Oncology; CNS cancers: Proton radiotherapy: GPCR, computational chemistry2003 Brian K. Shoichet (grad student)
C. Michael McGuirk20112016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Jennifer P. McInnisCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2014 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Craig C. McLauchlanInorganic, Solid State, Actinides, X-Ray Crystallography, Materials2000 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Erin C. McLellanElectroanalytical Chemistry Chemistry2007 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Scott A. McMillanmultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics Chemical & Biological Engineering2003 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student), Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Janet McMillan20142019 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Laurie K. McNamaraBiochemistry, General Biophysics Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2009 Daniel M. Watterson (grad student)
Richard J. McNeelyInorganic Chemistry Chemistry19941999 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Jeffrey McVey Chemistry1972 Richard P. van Duyne (research assistant)
Thomas J. Meadeinorganic coordination chemistry for molecular imaging
Robert J. MeagherChemical Engineering, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry2005 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
Amit MehraChemical Engineering, Molecular Biology, General Biophysics2005 Vassily Hatzimanikatis (grad student)
Douglas C. MeierSurface Chemistry and Catalysis Chemistry1996 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Jacklyn B. MelchiorBiochemistry19461949 Irving M. Klotz (post-doc)
Ferdinand S. MelkonyanChemistry, Materials Science Chemistry20132016 Tobin Jay Marks (post-doc)
Madeline Elisabeth Melzer Cell and Developmental Biology, Synthetic Biology2023 Yogesh Goyal (grad student)
Alice S. Mendelsohn John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Jose Mendez-Arroyo20102016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Matthew L. Mendonca Chemical & Biological Engineering2020 Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Fredric M. Mengersynthesis and examination of organic systems and materials having biological import1965 Myron L. Bender (post-doc)
Kwame N. MensahMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Pathology2006 Andreas T. Matouschek (grad student)
Bryce Meredigcomputational materials science, energy storage Materials Science and Engineering2012 Chris Wolverton (grad student)
Timothy James MerkelNanotechnology, Polymer Chemistry, Nanomedicine20112015 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Melissa L. MerlauEnvironmental, Inorganic, Life Sciences, Materials, Organic 2001 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (grad student), Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Joshua Leighton MertzSolid State Chemistry, Ion exchange, Adsorption, Water Treatment Chemistry20062011 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (grad student)
Benjamin W. MessmoreBioNanotechnology 2005 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Gabriella S. MetrauxNanomaterials2006 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Matthew V. MetzCatalyic Chemistry2002 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Andrew W. MetzCatalyic Chemistry2003 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Qixi Miphotoinduced electron transfer and charge transport in organic molecules and materials, artificial and natural photosynthesis, self-assembly of nanoscale materials, spin dynamics of multispin organic molecules, materials for molecule-based optoelectronics Chemistry2009 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student)
Ziyi Miao2016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Sarah L. J. MichelZinc finger proteins, metalloregulatory proteins19952000 Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
Amanda L. MifflinPhysical, Analytical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Materials2006 Franz M. Geiger (grad student)
Kristin Milby Chemistry1976 Richard P. van Duyne (research assistant)
Keith E. Miller John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Brian E. Miller Chemistry1989 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Randy M. Millerspectroscopy, computational chemistry Chemistry19871988 Kenneth G. Spears (post-doc)
Derek M. MillerNeural origins of post-stroke spasticity
William M. Miller
Eric R. Miller Chemistry20162021 Karl A. Scheidt (grad student)
Paul S. MillerDNA, Oligonucleotides1969 Robert Lewis Letsinger (grad student)
Jill Millstonenanoparticle Chemistry20032008 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Gilbert K. MinCharge Detection Mass Spectrometry, Phase Transitions in Small Systems, Mechanism of Silica Charging2006 Martin F. Jarrold (grad student)
Eric A. MintzOrganic, organometallic, and materials chemistry1981 Tobin Jay Marks (post-doc)
Chad A. MirkinNanomaterials
Pere Miro20152016 Randall Q. Snurr (post-doc)
Gregory Mitchell19972000 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Kwasi MitchellInorganic, Solid State, Actinides, X-Ray Crystallography, Materials2003 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Deanna J. MitchellOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology2000 Richard B. Silverman (grad student)
Vesna F. MitrovicNMR, low temperature physics2001 William Halperin (grad student)
Peyman Moghadam20132015 Randall Q. Snurr (post-doc)
Michelle M. Mokpolymers Materials Science and Engineering2010 John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Kenneth G. MoloyChemistry Chemistry19801984 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Alfonso Mondragónstructure and function of proteins and nucleic acids
John W. MooreChemical education1965 Ralph G. Pearson (grad student)
Andrew M. MoranSpectroscopy and Dynamics in Condensed Phases; Nonlinear Optics20032004 Kenneth G. Spears (post-doc)
Benjamin J. Moritz Chemistry2013 Regan Thomson (grad student)
Gregory A. MorrisEnvironmental, Inorganic, Life Sciences, Materials, Organic 2001 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (grad student)
Collin D. Morrissolid state inorganic materials, organic polymeric materials Chemistry2012 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (grad student)
William Morris20022007 Karl A. Scheidt (grad student)
William Morris20122015 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Lorenzo M. MoscaSupramolecular Chemistry2016 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Martin A Mosquera Chemistry Chemistry20152018 Mark A. Ratner (post-doc), George C. Schatz (post-doc)
Andrew M. MounceNMR, low temperature physics Physics2013 William Halperin (grad student)
Arman Moussavi
Tyson MoyerBioNanotechnology Materials Science and Engineering2013 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Milan Mrksichchemical biology of cell adhesion
Robert Mucic19941999 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Karen L. Mulfortmolecular materials and supramolecular assemblies Chemistry2008 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Maureen M. Mullen2004 Theodore Jardetzky (grad student)
Michael Warren MullowneyNatural products drug discovery, chemistry, microbiology, mass spectrometry, metabolomics, bacterial genomics Department of Chemistry Department of Chemistry20162021 Neil L. Kelleher (post-doc), Regan Thomson (post-doc)
Devon A. Mundal Chemistry2011 Regan Thomson (grad student)
Manish K. Mundrapolymers Materials Science and Engineering2007 John M. Torkelson (grad student)
George P. MunsonMicrobial pathogenesis and transcriptional regulation1997 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
R. Kent Murmanncoordination chemistry1953 Fred Basolo (grad student)
Megan E. Muroskinanoparticles, neuro oncology
Adam E. MurphyBiogeochemistry, Paleoecology, Geology2000 Bradley B. Sageman (grad student)
Royce W. MurrayElectrochemistry, Molecular Design, Sensors1960 Richard C. Bowers (grad student), Donald D. DeFord (grad student)
Manohar Murthi Chemical and Biological Engineering2007 Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Melissa A. MushrushCatalyic Chemistry2003 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Michael J. MusorrafitiPhysical, Analytical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Materials Chemistry2007 Franz M. Geiger (grad student)
Siva Krishna Mohan NalluriOrganic and Supramolecular Materials, Materials Science, Self-Assembly, Stimuli-Responsive Materials, Biochemistry, Nanotechnology
Jwa-Min NamNanomaterials2004 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Suguna Narayan20112016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Michael J. Natan Chemistry19911992 Thomas V. O'Halloran (post-doc), Richard P. van Duyne (post-doc)
Bilal Naved2018 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Prakash P. Neelakandan20092012 Frederick D. Lewis (post-doc)
Christina J. NewcombBioNanotechnology Materials Science and Engineering2013 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Davis Tai Wai NgCell Biology, Biochemistry19861990 Robert A. Lamb (grad student)
SonBinh TheBao NguyenEnvironmental, Inorganic, Life Sciences, Materials, Organic
Jun NiCatalyic Chemistry2005 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Antoinette E. Nibbs Chemistry20062012 Karl A. Scheidt (grad student)
Shuming Niebioconjugated nanoparticles for cancer molecular imaging, molecular profiling, pharmacogenomics, and targeted therapy1990 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Krista L. NieceBioNanotechnology 2006 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Hyunho NohElectrochemistry, metal-organic frameworks, electrocatalysis, thermochemistry Chemistry Chemistry20152019 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student), Omar K. Farha (grad student)
Steven P. NolanOrganic Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis Tobin Jay Marks (post-doc)
Alexander Jon Norquist19962000 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Justin M. Notesteinheterogeneous catalysts
Ioanna Ntai
Luís A. Nunes Amaralemergence, evolution, and stability of complex social and biological systems
Jeffrey S. Nye
Matthew O'Brien20112016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Jodi L. O'Donnellmolecular materials and supramolecular assemblies2005 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Thomas V. O'HalloranResearch Interests: Inorganic, Synthetic, Bio-inorganic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Organic, X-Ray Crystallography, Physical, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Environmental, Nanoscience
Patrick T O'KaneChemistry, Synthetic biology Chemistry20112019 Milan Mrksich (grad student)
Chester O'Konskiphysical chemistry of nucleic acids and proteins1948 Frank Thompson Gucker (grad student)
Gregory A. O'Neil John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Teri W. OdomNanomedicine and bioimaging, nanophotonics and nano-optics, nanomaterials and nanofabrication
Michael Y. Ogawainorganic chemistry, photochemistry Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
Kelvin K. Ogilvie1968 Robert Lewis Letsinger (grad student)
Taegon Oh Materials Science and Engineering20132019 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Moonhyun OhMetal-organic framework, Coordination Polymer, Nano materials, organometallic chemistry Department of Chemistry20032005 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
EunBi Oh2015 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Sangwon OhNMR, low temperature physics Physics2013 William Halperin (grad student)
George N. OhInorganic, Solid State, Actinides, X-Ray Crystallography, Materials Chemistry2011 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Youngtak Ohsolid state inorganic materials, organic polymeric materials Chemistry2012 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (grad student)
Melvin Y. Okamuraprimary processes of photosynthesis1970 Irving M. Klotz (grad student)
Julia OktawiecInorganic chemistry, X-ray diffraction Chemistry2020 Nathan C. Gianneschi (post-doc)
Wallace Oliver1970 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
John S. OliverBioorganic Chemistry1988 Richard B. Silverman (grad student)
Christopher G. OliveriNanomaterials Chemistry2007 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Jacob H Olshansky Chemistry20172020 Michael R. Wasielewski (post-doc)
Katherine Liu Olson19941997 Thomas V. O'Halloran (post-doc)
Mark Anthony OlsonSupramolecular chemistry, Soft Matter, Pharmaceutical Material Science Chemistry20052010 J. Fraser Stoddart (grad student)
Monica Olvera de la Cruzmulticomponent complex fluids
Anjeanette D. OrmondeElectroanalytical Chemistry2001 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Kyle D. OsbergNanomaterials Materials Science and Engineering2012 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Michael T. OtleySupramolecular chemistry, conjugated polymers, organic electronics Chemistry2015 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Caryn E. Outtenbioinorganic chemistry2001 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
F. Wayne OuttenMetal Ions in Biology2001 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
Maxim V. OvchinnikovOrganometallic Chemistry, Catalysis20012005 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Gloria A. Oxfordmultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics Chemical and Biological Engineering Chemical & Biological Engineering2010 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student), Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Javin P. OzaBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, General Biophysics20122015 Michael C. Jewett (post-doc)
Robert L. PaddockEnvironmental, Inorganic, Life Sciences, Materials, Organic 2004 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (grad student)
Robert S. Paleysynthetic organic chemistry: organometallics and asymmetric synthesis Anthony GM Barrett (post-doc)
Amy Paller
Liam C. PalmerMaterials Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry Department of Chemistry20052007 Samuel Isaac Stupp (post-doc)
Prativa PandeyEnvironmental, Inorganic, Life Sciences, Materials, Organic Chemistry2013 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (grad student)
Stephanie A. PangasCell Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2002 Teresa K. Woodruff (grad student)
Krishna Paranandi2019 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Daniel Park20102015 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Jungsoo Park2016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Heyjin Park Chemistry2005 Richard P. van Duyne (research assistant)
So-Jung Parknanoscale inorganic solids and their hybrids with functional bio/organic materials2002 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Hongjun Parkmaterials chemistry Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering2023 Justin M. Notestein (post-doc)
Keith D. Parks Chemistry1980 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Benjamin E. PartridgeSupramolecular chemistry; nanotechnology; protein assembly Department of Chemistry2019 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Eugene T. PashuckBioNanotechnology Materials Science and Engineering2009 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Pablo A. PastenEnvironmental Engineering, Biogeochemistry2002 Jean-Francois Gaillard (grad student)
James A. PatchChemical Engineering, Biochemistry, General Biophysics2004 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
Kaushik B. PatelOrganic Chemistry Chemistry2009 J. Fraser Stoddart (grad student)
Hasmukh PatelMaterials Chemistry
Pinal C. PatelNanomaterials Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2011 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Ami D. PatelInorganic, Materials, Physical/Analytical Chemistry2009 Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
Mara L Patersonpolymer chemistry, physical organic chemistry, photochemistry Chemistry Julia A. Kalow (post-doc)
Swapan K. PatiPhotochemistry, Thermoelectric Materials, Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis, Energy Storage and Harvesting, Electronic Transport, Quantum Many Body Systems Mark A. Ratner (post-doc)
John Miles Patterson1953 Charles De Witt Hurd (grad student)
Bryan D. PaulsenOrganic and Molecular Electronics Biomedical Engineering Jonathan Rivnay (post-doc)
John C. PayneMolecular toxicology of heavy metals and environmental chemistry2002 Hilary Arnold Godwin (grad student)
Ralph G. Pearsontheoretical inorganic chemistry1943 Ward Vinton Evans (grad student)
Shannon E. Pease DodsonInorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry Chemistry20082013 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Joshua Pelberg
Edward F. PeltierEnvironmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences2002 Jean-Francois Gaillard (grad student)
Adam W. PelzerTheory & Computation, Energy Science Chemistry2010 Tamar Seideman (grad student)
Beatriz Penalver Bernabemultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics Chemical and Biological Engineering Chemical and Biological Engineering Chemical and Biological Engineering20152016 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student), Lonnie D. Shea (grad student), Luís A. Nunes Amaral (post-doc)
Emily B. PentzerEnvironmental, Inorganic, Life Sciences, Materials, Organic Chemistry2010 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (grad student)
Alex G. PeroffElectroanalytical Chemistry Chemistry2014 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Kay H. PerryGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry2002 Alfonso Mandragon (grad student)
Abigail L. Personneurophysiology, cerebellum, motor control20082011 Indira M. Raman (post-doc)
Michelle L. PersonickNanomaterials Chemistry2013 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Luis Ruiz Pestanamolecular simulation Civil and Environmental Engineering20102015 Sinan Keten (grad student)
Sebastian Chirambatte Peter20082010 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (post-doc)
Jeffrey L. PetersenEarly transition metal chemistry and catalysis, x-ray crystallography.19741975 Brian Mark Hoffman (post-doc), Tobin Jay Marks (post-doc)
Warner Leland Peticolasbiophysical chemistry1954 Irving M. Klotz (grad student)
Jim Pfaendtnermultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics2007 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student)
Robert D. Phairmolecular cell biology, metabolism, physiology, non-steady state tracer kinetics, ProcessDB19681969 Richard W. Jones (grad student)
Manfred Philippserine hydrolases, boronic acids, enzyme inhibitors, bioinformatics Chemistry19661971 Myron L. Bender (grad student)
Eric Phillips20052010 Karl A. Scheidt (grad student)
Douglas Philp
Susan K. PierceImmunology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry
Cynthia Pierrepolymers Materials Science and Engineering2009 John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Karl Anton PiezCollagen1952 Leonard S. Fosdick (grad student)
Pramod P Pillai Chemistry Bartosz A. Grzybowski (post-doc)
Krishnan S. Pillai20002001 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Richard Piner19951998 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Liam S. PingreeMaterials Science2006 Mark C. Hersam (grad student)
Rachelle A. PinlacInorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry Chemistry20062011 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Andrew C. Pipino Chemistry1995 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Jason D. PlessCatalysis and Surface Science2003 Peter C. Stair (grad student)
Kenneth R. PoeppelmeierInorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry
Jonathan K. PokorskiOrganic Chemistry Chemistry2007 Daniel H. Appella (grad student)
Johannes PollanenNMR, low temperature physics Physics and Astronomy2012 William Halperin (grad student)
Darja Pollpetervirology Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2011 Robert A. Lamb (grad student)
Adam Ponedal2014 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Christopher R. Popebionorganic chemistry, protein crystallography Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2013 Amy C. Rosenzweig (grad student)
John Anthony Poplestatistical mechanics of water
Lynne-Marie PostovitCell Biology Mary J. C. Hendrix (post-doc)
Pierre Ferdinand Poudeu PoudeuMaterials for energy conversion and storage, Thermoelectric, Photovoltaics, Battery, Spintronic Chemistry20042007 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (post-doc)
Rachel A. PowersGPCR, computational chemistry2002 Brian K. Shoichet (grad student)
Jai PrakashStrongly Correlated Materials for Thermoelectric and Superconducting Applications, Inorganic Chemistry, Small Molecule Crystallography, Metal Chalcogenides & Intermetallics20112015 James Arthur Ibers (post-doc)
Chaiya Prasittichaimolecular materials and supramolecular assemblies Chemistry20062011 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Owen P. Priestorganic chemistry, chemical education
Rodney D. Priestleypolymeric materials Chemical and Biological Engineering2008 John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Dario Prieto-Centurion Chemical and Biological Engineering2013 Justin M. Notestein (grad student)
Andrew E. PrigodichNanomaterials Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2011 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Danielle Proffitenergy storage, batteries, ceramics, thin films Materials Science and Engineering20092013 Thomas O. Mason (grad student)
Robert A. Pufahl19941999 Thomas V. O'Halloran (post-doc)
Melissa Puga2017 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Gerard J. Putz1970 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
Sean R. PyperMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2012 Janardan K. Reddy (grad student)
Jeffrey Pyun1997 Joseph B. Lambert (research assistant)
Lidong QinNanomaterials Chemistry2007 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Emily L. QueBioinorganic chemistry20092014 Thomas V. O'Halloran (post-doc)
Jason C. Quirinpolymers2002 John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Bryan M. RabaticBioNanotechnology 2004 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Federico A. Rabuffetti Chemistry Chemistry20062010 Peter C. Stair (grad student), Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Norman Samuel RadinNeurochemistry
Kalyan RaidongiaNanofluidics, materials chemistry20112015 Jiaxing Huang (post-doc)
Meera R. RajaResearch Interests: Inorganic, Synthetic, Bio-inorganic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Organic, X-Ray Crystallography, Physical, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Environmental, Nanoscience Chemistry2010 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
Kanya RajangamBioNanotechnology 2006 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Veena RajaramMolecular genetics of brain tumor (by FISH)
Chen E. Ramachandranmultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics Chemical & Biological Engineering2005 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student), Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Charusheela RamananCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2011 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Namrata Ramani2019 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Ursula D. Ramirezstructural basis for interactions between proteins, and between proteins and small molecules2006 Douglas M. Freymann (grad student)
Pratik Randeria20102015 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Shahnawaz Rafiq RatherPhysical chemistry, laser spectroscopy20212023 Lin X. Chen (post-doc)
Mark A. RatnerPhysical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials1969 G. Ludwig Hofacker (grad student), Sighart F. Fischer (grad student)
Dustin Raup20062011 Karl A. Scheidt (grad student)
Adam D. RawInorganic, Solid State, Actinides, X-Ray Crystallography, Materials Chemistry2011 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
James R. Y. Rawson1969 Erhard Stutz (grad student)
Thomas M RayderCatalysis in Porous Materials Chemistry Omar K. Farha (post-doc)
Kenneth Norman Raymondinorganic chemistry19651968 Fred Basolo (grad student), James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Gregory A. RechtsteinerCharge Detection Mass Spectrometry, Phase Transitions in Small Systems, Mechanism of Silica Charging2000 Martin F. Jarrold (grad student)
Janardan K. ReddyMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry
Heather Reylea Chemistry2007 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
Troy E. Reynolds Chemistry20042009 Karl A. Scheidt (grad student)
Robert A. Reynolds19972000 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Austin J. Ricebionorganic chemistry, protein crystallography Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program Molecular Biosciences2014 Amy C. Rosenzweig (grad student), Heather W. Pinkett (grad student)
Darrin S. RichesonInorganic Chemistry chemistry19891991 Tobin Jay Marks (post-doc)
Thomas G. Richmondorganometallic chemistry of fluorocarbons1984 Duward Felix Shriver (grad student), Fred Basolo (grad student)
Karl Rickertsolid state chemistry Chemistry20112016 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Annie B. Ricksphotoinduced electron transfer and charge transport in organic molecules and materials, artificial and natural photosynthesis, self-assembly of nanoscale materials, spin dynamics of multispin organic molecules, materials for molecule-based optoelectronics Chemistry2010 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student)
Matthias Riedrich20092010 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Theodore R. RiegerChemical Engineering, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology2005 Vassily Hatzimanikatis (grad student)
Job RijssenbeekEnergy Storage, lithium19982002 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Dolev Rimmerman Chemistry2018 Lin X. Chen (grad student)
Amy K. RinesMolecular Biology Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2012 Hossein Ardehali (grad student)
Emilie RingeElectroanalytical Chemistry Chemistry Materials Science2012 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student), Laurence D. Marks (grad student)
Perla Rittigsteinpolymers Chemical and Biological Engineering2008 John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Jessica G. Robachvirology Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2010 Robert A. Lamb (grad student)
Dana Robinson
Stephanie R. Roder2001 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
Brandon A. RodriguezCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2009 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Arthur Steadman Roe1938 Charles De Witt Hurd (grad student)
Peter W. Roesky19951996 Tobin Jay Marks (post-doc)
Lynn Marie Rogers Biomedical Engineering David A. Brown (grad student)
John A. RogersNanotechnology
Adrian Enrique RoitbergComputational Chemistry19921995 Mark A. Ratner (post-doc)
Brian S. Rolczynski Chemistry2012 Lin X. Chen (grad student)
Christian Scriver Rondestvedt1947 Frederick G. Bordwell (grad student)
Brian E. RootMaterials Science Engineering Materials Science and Engineering2009 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
John A. Roper Chemistry19821983 Richard P. van Duyne (post-doc)
Gabriel J. RosanioRNA Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2015 Olke C. Uhlenbeck (grad student)
Mari S. RosenNanomaterials Chemistry2014 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Andrew S. RosenComputational materials design and discovery20162021 Randall Q. Snurr (grad student), Justin M. Notestein (grad student)
Amy C. Rosenzweigbionorganic chemistry, protein crystallography
Nathaniel L. Rosimetal organic frameworks20032006 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Michael B. Ross Chemistry20112016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student), George C. Schatz (grad student)
Matthew O. Ross20142019 Amy C. Rosenzweig (grad student), Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
Jessica L. RougeGeneral Chemistry, Nanoscience, Biochemistry20132015 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Michael J. RourkeOrganic Chemistry Chemistry20192024 Karl A. Scheidt (grad student)
Brian W. RousMolecular toxicology of heavy metals and environmental chemistry2004 Hilary Arnold Godwin (grad student)
Robert Harvey RowndDNA replication control, molecular medicine Molecular Biology and Biochemistry1963 Paul Mead Doty (grad student)
Indranil RoySupramolecular Chemistry, Materials Chemistry2017 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Palas Roy20182018 Elad Harel (post-doc)
J. Scot Royal Chemical Engineering John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Sergey Rozhok20012006 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Charles M. Rubert PerezChemical Biology20122016 Samuel Isaac Stupp (post-doc)
Rodney S. RuoffCondensed Matter, Materials Science
Dennis S. Rushforth Chemistry1977 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Matthew T. RussellCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2008 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Laura K. RuvunaElectroanalytical Chemistry Chemistry2013 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Patrick J. Ryanmultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics Chemical and Biological Engineering Chemical & Biological Engineering2011 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student), Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Matthew RycengaNanocrystals20112014 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Soo-Ryoon Ryoo Materials Science and Engineering2015 Vinayak P. Dravid (post-doc)
Seol Ryutheoretical understanding of dynamics in liquids Chemistry20032006 George C. Schatz (post-doc)
Jae-Sang RyuCatalyic Chemistry2003 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Jacob Saar Chemistry19831986 Richard P. van Duyne (post-doc)
Wolfgang M. H. Sachtlercatalysis
Tumpa Sadhukhan20202022 George C. Schatz (post-doc)
Bradley B. SagemanGeochemistry
Michael J. Sailor porous silicon, chemical and biological sensors, biomaterials, electrochemistry19841988 Duward Felix Shriver (grad student)
Shyam M. SaladiComputational Biology, Structural Biology2011 Jaime García-Añoveros (research assistant)
Khalid S. SalaitaBiophysical, Materials, Nanoscience2006 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Santiago D SalasProcess Systems Engineering
Paul SalvadorFuel Cells, PVD, MBE Materials Science19931997 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student), Thomas O. Mason (grad student)
Lisa M. SalvadorCell Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2003 Mary Hunzicker-Dunn (grad student)
Avik SamantaSystems Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Self-assembly, Macrocycles Chemistry20152017 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Devleena SamantaAnalytical chemistry, chemical biology, materials science20172021 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Izabela A. Samek Chemical & Biological Engineering2019 Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Srinivasan Sampath Chemistry20102012 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Tracy J. SanbornChemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering2002 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
Martin J. Sanborn2002 Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Gerald M. Sandomolecular materials and supramolecular assemblies2003 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Robert W. Sandovalpolymers Chemical and Biological Engineering2010 John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Raymond J. SanedrinNanomaterials Chemistry2007 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Jose Y. SantiagoCell Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2003 Teresa K. Woodruff (grad student)
Ian SaratovskyInorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry20022006 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student), Jean-Francois Gaillard (grad student)
Timothy D. SargeantBioNanotechnology Materials Science and Engineering2007 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Sumanta SarkarSolid State Chemistry, Intermetallics, Magnetism, Thermoelectrics,
Debajit SarmaInorganic chemistry/ Solid state chemistry20132016 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (post-doc)
Stephen L. Sass Materials Science and Engineering1966 Jerome B. Cohen (grad student)
William H. Saunders1952 Charles De Witt Hurd (grad student)
Dana J. Sauter Van NessCatalysis and Surface Science Chemistry2010 Peter C. Stair (grad student)
Aditya SavaraPhysical, Energy Related, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental Chemistry2008 Eric Weitz (grad student)
Brett M. SavoieCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2014 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Mehmet SayarBioNanotechnology 2003 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Richard D. SchallerSpectroscopy
George C. Schatztheory and computation as applies to problems in nanotechnology, properties of materials, macromolecular structures and dynamics, molecular self-assembly, optics, materials physics and biophysics
Cynthia K. SchauerInorganic, Energy, Computational19851988 Duward Felix Shriver (post-doc)
Karl A. ScheidtOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Catalysis, Materials
Christine A. ScheringOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology2004 Richard B. Silverman (grad student)
Michael SchieberCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Aging Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2014 Navdeep S. Chandel (grad student)
Edward W. Schlagspectroscopy and dynamics—principally ZEKE spectroscopy, but also multiphoton mass spectrometry, radiationless processes, cluster research, unimolecular reactions, electron transfer and ionization mechanisms
C Richard SchlegelMolecular Biology, Biochemistry Microbiology1974 Hutton Davison Slade (grad student)
Alaina C. SchlinkerChemical Engineering Chemical and Biological Engineering2014 William M. Miller (grad student)
John Schlueter Chemistry19871992 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Albert E. SchmelzerChemical Engineering, Biochemistry, Cell Biology2001 William M. Miller (grad student)
Catherine M. SchmidtPhysical, Analytical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Materials Chemistry20022007 Franz M. Geiger (grad student)
Abrin L. SchmuckerNanomaterials Chemistry2013 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Severin T. Schneebeliphysical organic chemistry Chemistry20112014 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Sven SchneiderOrganometallic Chemistry20032006 Tobin Jay Marks (post-doc)
Joshua D. SchnellCell Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology2004 Linda A. Hicke (grad student)
Callie B. SchookCell Biology, Biochemistry Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2011 Sui Huang (grad student)
Margaret E. SchottOrganic chemistry, Nanoscience19771982 Robert Lewis Letsinger (grad student)
Erin K. SchraderMolecular Biology Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2011 Andreas T. Matouschek (grad student)
Jared M. SchraderRNA Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2011 Olke C. Uhlenbeck (grad student)
Jacqueline M. SchriewerCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Physiology Biology Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2012 Hossein Ardehali (grad student)
Thomas B. H. SchroederBiomimicry, Bio-inspired materials, Functional materials, Lipid membranes, Ion transport Chemistry20102011 Karl A. Scheidt (research assistant)
Robert D. Schuetz1947 Robert Henry Baker (grad student)
Steven G. Schultz Chemistry1981 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Lyle H. Schwartz1964 Jerome B. Cohen (grad student)
Greg Schwartzretina
Neil Michael SchweitzerHeterogeneous catalysis
Alex Scott20102016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Amy M. Scottphotoinduced electron transfer and charge transport in organic molecules and materials, artificial and natural photosynthesis, self-assembly of nanoscale materials, spin dynamics of multispin organic molecules, materials for molecule-based optoelectronics Chemistry2009 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student)
Bernd U. SehgalMolecular toxicology of heavy metals and environmental chemistry2002 Hilary Arnold Godwin (grad student)
Tamar SeidemanTheory & Computation, Energy Science
Jennifer L. SeifertInorganic, Materials, Physical/Analytical2005 Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
Laura A. SenaMolecular Biology Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2013 Navdeep S. Chandel (grad student)
Andrew J. SenesiNanomaterials Chemistry2012 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Jiwon SeoOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology2006 Richard B. Silverman (grad student)
Eileen Soyoung Seocolloidal crystal engineering with DNA, polymerization Chemistry20122018 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Jonathan D. ServaitesCatalyic Chemistry Materials Science and Engineering2011 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Shannon Servosspeptoids, chemical synthesis Chemical Engineering Mark Johnson (grad student), Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
Shannon L. SeurynckChemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, General Biophysics2005 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
Benjamin L. Severson2007 Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Chad M. ShadeInorganic Chemistry, General Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering20112014 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Karen Shafer-Peltier Chemistry20012002 Richard P. van Duyne (post-doc)
Nilam C. ShahElectroanalytical Chemistry Clinical Psychology2009 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Mohammad Shahjamali20132015 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Dean Y. ShahriariInorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry19992004 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Chun-Hong ShamMaterials Science Materials Science and Engineering2014 Mark C. Hersam (grad student)
Hayden Sharma20152016 Karl A. Scheidt (research assistant)
Lisa M. Sharpe EllesRNA Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2008 Olke C. Uhlenbeck (grad student)
William C. SheetsCatalyic Chemistry2006 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Patrick L. SheetsIon channels, cellular physiology, pharmacology, cortical circuits20082012 Gordon M. G. Shepherd (post-doc)
David Sheminusing stable nitrogen isotopes to trace the mechanism of construction of red blood cells
Sunny Shen Chemical Engineering John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Bo Shennanoscience Chemistry2018 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Terry L. SheppardOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry
Leif J. Sherrytheory and computation as applies to problems in nanotechnology, properties of materials, macromolecular structures and dynamics, molecular self-assembly, optics, materials physics and biophysics Chemistry2007 George C. Schatz (grad student)
Xiaobo Shi19941996 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Wooyoung ShimNanomaterials Materials Science and Engineering2012 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Yurina Shimsolid state inorganic materials, organic polymeric materials Chemistry2014 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (grad student)
Donghoon Shin2018 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Yongjin ShinFirst-principles calculation, perovskite, oxide, transition metal compounds Materials Science and Engineering20152020 James M. Rondinelli (grad student)
Toru ShiozakiTheoretical chemistry
Brian K. ShoichetGPCR, computational chemistry
Krishna Shrinivasbiophysics, physics of living systems, cell biology
Duward Felix Shriverinorganic synthesis, organometallics, cluster science
Emelyn H. ShroffMolecular Biology, Cell Biology Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2009 Navdeep S. Chandel (grad student)
Jon K. Shuckvirology2003 Robert A. Lamb (grad student)
Abraham M. ShultzEnvironmental, Inorganic, Life Sciences, Materials, Organic Chemistry2011 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (grad student)
Alexander K. ShveydPhysical Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering, Organic Chemistry Chemistry2011 J. Fraser Stoddart (grad student)
John W. Sibert IVmacrocyclic chemistry, coordination chemistry19921995 Brian Mark Hoffman (post-doc)
Eric E. SigmundNMR, low temperature physics2002 William Halperin (grad student)
Elise A. Sikmainorganic coordination chemistry for molecular imaging Chemistry2010 Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
Ben Sikora Chemical and Biological Engineering2013 Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Richard B. SilvermanOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology
Tomekia SimeonComputational Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry20092014 George C. Schatz (post-doc), Mark A. Ratner (post-doc)
Yamil Simon-Manso
Andrew Sinegra2016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Stephanie Singer Chemistry2001 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
Christopher P. SingerResearch Interests: Inorganic, Synthetic, Bio-inorganic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Organic, X-Ray Crystallography, Physical, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Environmental, Nanoscience2005 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
Elizabeth Singewald19911995 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Louise E. Sinksphotoinduced electron transfer and charge transport in organic molecules and materials, artificial and natural photosynthesis, self-assembly of nanoscale materials, spin dynamics of multispin organic molecules, materials for molecule-based optoelectronics2004 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student)
David P. Siskainorganic synthesis, organometallics, cluster science2000 Duward Felix Shriver (grad student)
Timothy Sita20122016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Paul Siu2013 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Kacper Skakuj2014 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Owen S Skinner Chemistry20122016 Neil L. Kelleher (grad student)
Robin M. SkoryGeneral Biology, Endocrinology Biology, Obstetrics and Gynecology Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2013 Teresa K. Woodruff (grad student)
Carla Slebodnick Chemistry19911995 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Caroline Slone19931997 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Jared P. SmitCatalysis and Surface Science2006 Peter C. Stair (grad student)
Kurt A. Smithmulticomponent complex fluids2003 Monica Olvera de la Cruz (grad student)
DeeDee SmithEnvironmental, Inorganic, Life Sciences, Materials, Organic Chemistry2010 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (grad student)
Matthew T. Smith Chemistry1999 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Emily A. Smith Chemistry1998 Richard P. van Duyne (research assistant)
Donald E. Smith
Aaron T. Smithbioinorganic chemistry, structural biology, spectroscopy Molecular Biosciences, Chemistry20122016 Amy C. Rosenzweig (post-doc)
Stoyan K. SmoukovAdaptive and intelligent materials, nanomaterials20042007 Bartosz A. Grzybowski (post-doc), Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
Randall Q. Snurr
Greg A. Snyderstructure and function of proteins and nucleic acids2006 Alfonso Mondragón (grad student)
Colleen M. SnyderMolecular Biology, Cell Biology Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2009 Navdeep S. Chandel (grad student)
G. Jeffrey Snyderthermoelectric materials
Monica C. So20112015 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Courtney J. Soberschemical biology of cell adhesion Chemistry2014 Milan Mrksich (grad student)
Siowling SohNano science, Nanomaterials, Programmable Reactions, Chemical Networks, Theory, Cellular Dynamics Chemical and Biological Engineering2011 Bartosz A. Grzybowski (grad student)
Tomas Solomek ANSER and Department of Chemistry20152017 Michael R. Wasielewski (post-doc)
Eli D. SoneBioNanotechnology 2003 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Charles K. SongCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2014 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Ying Songinorganic coordination chemistry for molecular imaging Chemistry2009 Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
Seung-won Song Chemical Engineering John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Ki-Hee Song Biomedical Engineering YANG ZHANG (collaborator)
Matthew D. SonntagElectroanalytical Chemistry Chemistry2013 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Erik J. SontheimerRNA biology, CRISPR, genome editing
Joseph R. Sootsmansolid state inorganic materials, organic polymeric materials Chemistry2009 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (grad student)
Erin Sorensensolid state chemistry, adsorbants, cryogenics20012005 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Ronald B. Sorianosolid state inorganic materials, organic polymeric materials Chemistry2014 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (grad student)
Stephen SoukaseneBioNanotechnology Materials Science and Engineering2009 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Lora L. Spangler Chemical Engineering John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Ioannis D. SpanopoulosHybrid Semiconductors, Molecular Engineering, Crystal Engineering, Light-matter Interactions, Reticular Chemistry Chemistry20162021 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (post-doc)
Kenneth G. SpearsUse of picosecond and femtosecond visible, ultraviolet, and infrared laser methods to understand specific chemical phenomena involving electron transfer and reaction dynamics in liquids and solids
Austin P. Spencer Chemistry Chemistry20182020 Elad Harel (post-doc), Lin X. Chen (post-doc)
Christopher D. SpillingOrganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry19861989 Anthony GM Barrett (post-doc)
Kathryn E. Splanmolecular materials and supramolecular assemblies2004 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Erik D. SpoerkeBioNanotechnology 2003 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Alexander Michael Spokoynyinorganic and organomimetic clusters and assemblies Chemistry20062011 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Julian R. Sprague Chemistry1988 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Emily A. Sprague-KleinUltrafast photochemistry and plasmonics Chemistry Materials Science Chemistry20192022 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student), Tamar Seideman (grad student), Lin X. Chen (post-doc)
Anthony Sprangers20122017 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Timothy W. SproulImmunology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology2001 Susan K. Pierce (grad student)
Jason M. SpruellOrganic Nanotechnology & Materials Chemistry2009 J. Fraser Stoddart (grad student)
M. Sharon Stackmolecular mechanisms of metastasis
Angelica M. StacySolid State, Physical and Inorganic Chemistry19811983 Richard P. van Duyne (post-doc), Peter C. Stair (post-doc)
Peter C. StairCatalysis and Surface Science
Evan S. StamplerCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry20082010 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student), Tobin Jay Marks (post-doc)
Stacey D. Standridgetheory and computation as applies to problems in nanotechnology, properties of materials, macromolecular structures and dynamics, molecular self-assembly, optics, materials physics and biophysics Chemistry2010 George C. Schatz (grad student)
Alexander V. Statsyukchemical biology
John Joseph Stegemanbiochemical toxicology, metabolism and effects of pollutants and natural products1972 Erwin Goldberg (grad student)
Thomas A. SteitzBiochemistry, structural chemistry19601960 Laszlo Lorand (research assistant)
Eric D. A. StempBioinorganic Chemistry Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
John C. StendahlBioNanotechnology 2005 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Christopher L. Stenderinorganic nanostructures Chemistry2008 Teri W. Odom (grad student)
Keith J. StevensonAnalytical Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Energy Storage and Surface Chemistry19972000 Joseph T. Hupp (post-doc)
J. Fraser StoddartMolecular Nanotechnology
Grace Y. StokesPhysical, Analytical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Materials Chemistry2009 Franz M. Geiger (grad student)
James J. StorhoffNanomaterials2000 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Hannah StorrieBioNanotechnology 2004 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Renee C. Strauchinorganic coordination chemistry for molecular imaging Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2011 Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
Steven H. StraussInorganic Chemistry, Fluorine Materials1979 Duward Felix Shriver (grad student)
Eric J. Strobel
Nathan L. StruttOrganic Chemistry, Molecular Chemistry Chemistry2014 J. Fraser Stoddart (grad student)
Douglas A. StuartAnalytical Chemistry, nanotechnology, spectroscopu
Bryan D. StubbertCatalyic Chemistry2006 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Samuel Isaac StuppBioNanotechnology 1977 Stephen Howard Carr (grad student)
Erhard StutzPlant Biochemistry
Dennis V. Stynes1972 A. Louis Allred (grad student)
Evangeline Y. SuCatalysis and Surface Science Chemistry2011 Peter C. Stair (grad student)
Elizabeth SuarezMolecular toxicology of heavy metals and environmental chemistry2006 Hilary Arnold Godwin (grad student)
Mary R. Suchanski Chemistry1977 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Lucas B. SullivanCell Biology, Biochemistry, Medicine and Surgery Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2013 Navdeep S. Chandel (grad student)
Christian Suloway
Lindsay K. Sulzerinorganic coordination chemistry for molecular imaging Chemical and Biological Engineering2009 Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
Lei Sun Chemistry2017 Danna E. Freedman (post-doc)
Peng Sun Chemistry20042009 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Lin Sun2014 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Li Sun Chemistry1990 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Hao SunPolymer-biomolecule conjugate; RDRP20172020 Nathan C. Gianneschi (post-doc)
Shih-Sheng SunInorganic Chemistry20012003 Joseph T. Hupp (post-doc)
Jiha SungElectroanalytical Chemistry Chemistry2007 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Chun-Yi Sungmultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics Chemical and Biological Engineering Chemical & Biological Engineering2009 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student), Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Maurice Sussman
Magdalena I. SuszkoMolecular Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Cell Biology2004 Teresa K. Woodruff (grad student)
Chester Merle Suterorganic chemistry of sulfur
Basil I. SwansonChemistry, Biosensors, Inorganic chemistry, Actinides, Biophysics19661970 Duward Felix Shriver (grad student), James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Geoffrey T. SwansonGlutamate receptors, neuropharmacology
Christina M. Sweeneyinorganic nanostructures Chemistry2011 Teri W. Odom (grad student)
Dwight A. Sweigartorganometallic chemistry1971 Ralph G. Pearson (grad student)
Jordan H SwisherMaterials/Nanotechnology Chemistry Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Jaime E. Symowiczmolecular mechanisms of metastasis2007 M. Sharon Stack (grad student)
Igal SzleiferTheory & Computation, Energy Science
Carole B. Szpunar1977 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
Son B. T. NguyenPolymer Chemistry
Kalulu N. Taba Chemistry1979 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
Martial TaillefertGeochemistry, Biogeochemistry Civil Engineering19951997 Jean-Francois Gaillard (grad student)
Michelle Takacs Jane Ying Wu (post-doc)
Masayasu Taki20022004 Thomas V. O'Halloran (post-doc)
Anthony Tan John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Ying Taopolymers2006 John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Elizabeth TarasewiczCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Oncology Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2014 Jacqueline S. Jeruss (grad student)
T. Andrew Tatonmulticomponent nanomaterials by self-assembly of organic and inorganic nano-parts19992000 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc), Robert Lewis Letsinger (post-doc)
Michael J. TauberPhysical chemistry; Optical and magnetic spectroscopy; Fundamental studies of charge transport and solvation; Applications to energy conversion and energy storage20032005 Michael R. Wasielewski (post-doc)
Hadi TavassolAnalytical Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Material Science Materials Science and Engineering20142016 Sossina M. Haile (post-doc)
Edwin W. TaylorThe Mechanism of Molecular Motors
Joshua A. TelserInorganic chemistry, paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy19841986 Brian Mark Hoffman (post-doc)
Roel Tempelaar
Alexei S. TenPeptide synthesis, Molecular Data storage, InkJet Printing, Ion Selective Electrodes Chemistry20102020 Milan Mrksich (grad student)
Jason Tenenbaum20082010 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Michelle Teplenskynanotechnology, therapeutic delivery Chemistry2018 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Ksenia A. TerekhovaMolecular Biology, General Biophysics, Biochemistry
Claire A. TessierInorganic chemistry, materials chemistry1982 Duward Felix Shriver (post-doc)
Ian D. TevisBioNanotechnology Chemistry2010 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Mark ThachukChemical dynamics19911993 George C. Schatz (post-doc)
Ryan Thaner20112016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Abel L. ThangawngCondensed Matter, Materials Science Mechanical Engineering2007 Rodney S. Ruoff (grad student)
Colby S. ThaxtonNanomaterials2007 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Kelly Marie Thayer Chemistry20042005 Jonathan Widom (post-doc)
George Thodosheat and mass transfer, thermodynamic and transport properties, and solar energy
Sara A. Thomas Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering20122017 Jean-Francois Gaillard (grad student)
Christopher D. ThomasOrganic Chemistry Chemistry20112012 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Anthony B. Thompson Chemical and Biological Engineering2014 Justin M. Notestein (grad student)
Thomas B. ThompsonStructural Biology, TGFbeta signaling2005 Theodore Jardetzky (grad student)
Regan Thomson
Stephen Thonginorganic chemistry Chemistry19851989 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Kenneth E. ThurnMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Oncology Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2009 Gayle E. Woloschak (grad student)
Budalur S. ThyagarajanOrganic chemistry, natural products chemistry, Claisen rearrangements, heterocyclics19561958 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (post-doc)
David L. TierneyPhysical Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry Brian Mark Hoffman (post-doc)
Candace M. TingenPhysiology Biology Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2010 Teresa K. Woodruff (grad student)
Stacey C. TobinCell Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2003 Teresa K. Woodruff (grad student)
Iliya S. TodorovChemistry of Main-Group Metals and Semimetals in Negative Oxidation States
Herbert Lawrence ToorChemical engineering1952 Leroy F. Stutzman (grad student)
John M. Torkelsonpolymers
Kathryn V. TormosCell Biology Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2011 Navdeep S. Chandel (grad student)
Andrew S. TorresResearch Interests: Inorganic, Synthetic, Bio-inorganic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Organic, X-Ray Crystallography, Physical, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Environmental, Nanoscience2002 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
Ryan K. TottenEnvironmental, Inorganic, Life Sciences, Materials, Organic Chemistry2013 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (grad student)
John D. Tovarorganic semiconductors Samuel Isaac Stupp (post-doc)
Lorraine Townsendmaterials science Chemistry19851989 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Lynn TraheyPhysical and Inorganic Chemistry Chemical Engineering20072009 Harold Kung (post-doc)
Ethan N. TranaInorganic, Materials, Physical/Analytical Chemistry2014 Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
Matt Traversobionorganic chemistry, protein crystallography Chemistry2010 Amy C. Rosenzweig (grad student)
James Gibson Traynham1950 Robert Lewis Letsinger (grad student)
David A. Treichel Chemistry1992 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Dhara Trivedi20152018 George C. Schatz (post-doc)
Evan R. TrivediInorganic, Materials, Physical/Analytical Chemistry2011 Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
Daniel J. TromblyGeneral Biology, Human Development, Physiology Biology Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2010 Teresa K. Woodruff (grad student)
Diego TroyaComputational Chemistry20012004 George C. Schatz (post-doc)
William Everett Truce1943 Chester Merle Suter (grad student)
Wei-Wen TsaiBioNanotechnology Chemistry2010 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Fu-Jya Tsai Chemical Engineering John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Christos TsenoglouPolymer Rheology; Viscoelasticity; Physical Properties of Polymers Chemical Engineering19811985 William W. Graessley (grad student)
Pamela L. TumaBiochemistry, Cell Biology1995 Christine Ann Collins (grad student)
Timothy P. TylerMaterials Science Materials Science and Engineering2012 Mark C. Hersam (grad student)
Olke C. UhlenbeckRNA
Uchechi E. Ukaegbubionorganic chemistry, protein crystallography Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2009 Amy C. Rosenzweig (grad student)
Franz J. Ulm Zdenek P. Bazant (research scientist)
Abraham Ulmanself-assembled monolayers19781980 James Arthur Ibers (post-doc)
Pirmin A. UlmannNanomaterials Chemistry2009 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Bradley D. Ulrichinorganic coordination chemistry for molecular imaging Chemistry2008 Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
Vinzenz M. UngerBiochemistry
Brice Uno2014 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Ritesh Uppulurimaterials, diffraction, energy Chemistry2023 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (post-doc)
Zachary Urbach2015 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Pranathi Vadlamani
Michael T. Vagniniphotoinduced electron transfer and charge transport in organic molecules and materials, artificial and natural photosynthesis, self-assembly of nanoscale materials, spin dynamics of multispin organic molecules, materials for molecule-based optoelectronics Chemistry2013 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student)
Nicholas A. Valleytheory and computation as applies to problems in nanotechnology, properties of materials, macromolecular structures and dynamics, molecular self-assembly, optics, materials physics and biophysics Chemistry2012 George C. Schatz (grad student)
Milko Erik van der Boomnanofabricated nanostructures19992002 Tobin Jay Marks (post-doc)
Richard P. van DuyneElectroanalytical Chemistry
Robert Lee Van EttenBiochemistry, Analytical Chemistry19651966 Myron L. Bender (post-doc)
Douglas Alan Vander Griendinorganic chemistry, chemical education19962000 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Jonathan Vander Woude
Matthew Vasher2017 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
John VaugheyMaterials Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Energy Storage Chemistry19871992 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Rafael A. VegaNanomaterials2007 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Jonathan G. C. VeinotGroup 14 Nanomaterials, Hybrid Nanostructures, Organic Functional Materials20002001 Tobin Jay Marks (post-doc)
Arthur VeisBiochemistry
Brad S. Veldkampphotoinduced electron transfer and charge transport in organic molecules and materials, artificial and natural photosynthesis, self-assembly of nanoscale materials, spin dynamics of multispin organic molecules, materials for molecule-based optoelectronics Chemistry2013 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student)
Adai Vellaichamy20072010 Neil L. Kelleher (post-doc)
Michael J. Vermeermolecular materials and supramolecular assemblies Chemistry2012 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Nicolaas Vermeulenorganic synthesis, transition-metal mediated reactions Chemistry Chemistry20152016 Omar K. Farha (post-doc), J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Benjamin J. VesperInorganic, Materials, Physical/Analytical2005 Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
Martha M. Vestling1967 Frederick G. Bordwell (grad student)
John G. Victor Chemical Engineering John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Kanchustambham Vijayalakshmi Neil L. Kelleher (post-doc)
Supapat Visanpattanasin
SRC VivekchandNanomaterials, Nanoscale optics20102012 Teri W. Odom (post-doc)
Bess Vlaisavljevich20152017 Toru Shiozaki (post-doc)
Walter C. Voegtlibionorganic chemistry, protein crystallography2002 Amy C. Rosenzweig (grad student)
Andrea B. VogesPhysical, Analytical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Materials2006 Franz M. Geiger (grad student)
Rakesh VogguQuantum Computing, Drug Design, Materials Research20102011 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Christopher J. VoglFluid Dynamics, Solidification and Crystal Growth, Interfacial Dynamics. Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics2013 Stephen H. Davis (grad student)
Alex Vogt Yuan He (grad student)
Hanns von Weyssenhoff1967 Edward W. Schlag (research scientist)
Eric VossInorganic Chemistry19871992 Duward Felix Shriver (grad student)
Wyatt N. VreelandChemical Engineering, Analytical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry2002 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
Joshua A. Vura-Weisphotoinduced electron transfer and charge transport in organic molecules and materials, artificial and natural photosynthesis, self-assembly of nanoscale materials, spin dynamics of multispin organic molecules, materials for molecule-based optoelectronics Chemistry2009 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student), Mark A. Ratner (grad student)
Manabu Wadamoto20062007 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Thomas Edwards Wagner1966 Robert Lewis Letsinger (grad student)
James Bruce Wagner
Kathryn J Wahl
Michael R. WaiselewskiPhysical Chemistry
Katsuyuki WakabayashiPolymeric materials John M. Torkelson (post-doc)
Anna R. Waldeck David T Johnston (grad student)
David Walker20142016 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
William L. Wallace Chemistry1977 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Charles J. WalsbyBioinorganic chemistry, spectroscopy20022004 Brian Mark Hoffman (post-doc)
Jodi Pflug Walsh Chemistry1994 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
James P. S. Walsh20152019 Danna E. Freedman (post-doc)
Michael A. WalshMaterials Science Materials Science and Engineering2009 Mark C. Hersam (grad student)
Stephanie R. WalterPhysical, Analytical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Materials Chemistry2013 Franz M. Geiger (grad student)
Krista S. Walton20052006 Randall Q. Snurr (post-doc)
Shiwei WangNeurotechnology, Glycobiology, Supramolecular Polymer Chemistry William R. Dichtel (research assistant), Yue Yang (research assistant)
Ziliang WangComputational Materials Science Chris Wolverton (post-doc)
Lian WangCatalyic Chemistry2006 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Zhiyong WangOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology2005 Richard B. Silverman (grad student)
Chuandao WangCatalysis and Surface Science Materials Science and Engineering Materials Science2014 Peter C. Stair (grad student), Laurence D. Marks (grad student)
Peijiao Wanginorganic coordination chemistry for molecular imaging Chemistry2009 Thomas J. Meade (grad student)
Yongli Wangcomputational materials science, energy storage Materials Science and Engineering2014 Chris Wolverton (grad student)
Danqing Wangactive plasmonics Department of Chemistry Department of Chemistry2013 George C. Schatz (grad student), Teri W. Odom (grad student)
Yingli WangOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry2004 Terry L. Sheppard (grad student)
Binghao WangOrganic and Oxide Transistors Chemsitry Chemistry Chemistry20172016 Antonio Facchetti (grad student), Tobin Jay Marks (grad student), Antonio Facchetti (post-doc)
Mary X. WangDNA Nanoparticle Assembly Chemical and Biological Engineering20122017 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
YuHuang Wang20042008 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
JingQi Wang20092011 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Lin Wangmultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics Chemical and Biological Engineering2010 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student)
Shunzhi Wang20132019 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Shuya Wang2015 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Jiuyuan WangGeosciences Earth and Planetary Sciences Bradley B. Sageman (grad student)
Xijun WangPhysical Chemistry, Machine Learning Chemical and Biological Engineering2021 Randall Q. Snurr (post-doc)
David L. Waningvirology2004 Robert A. Lamb (grad student)
Matthew D. WardInorganic, Solid State, Actinides, X-Ray Crystallography, Materials Chemistry2014 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Scott C. WarrenNanoscience, 2D materials, plasmonics, energy conversion Chemistry20112013 Bartosz A. Grzybowski (post-doc)
Michael R. Wasielewskiphotoinduced electron transfer and charge transport in organic molecules and materials, artificial and natural photosynthesis, self-assembly of nanoscale materials, spin dynamics of multispin organic molecules, materials for molecule-based optoelectronics
Keith J. WatsonNanomaterials2001 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Daniel M. WattersonBiochemistry, General Biophysics
Stephen Watton1992 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
Samuel M. WebbEnvironmental Engineering, Geochemistry2001 Jean-Francois Gaillard (grad student)
Matthew J. WebberBioNanotechnology, Supramolecular Materials Biomedical Engineering2011 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Michael P. WeberskiCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2011 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Frederick Charles Oliver WedlerCancer and neurochemistry1968 Myron L. Bender (grad student)
Pathum WeerawarnaBioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Chemistry20162021 Richard B. Silverman (post-doc)
Staci L. WegenerCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry2011 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student), Peter C. Stair (grad student)
Binqing WeiGPCR, computational chemistry2003 Brian K. Shoichet (grad student)
Yanhu WeiOrganic chemistry, self assembly, nanomaterials Bartosz A. Grzybowski (post-doc)
Wei David Wei Chemistry20072009 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Frank D. WeinbergCell Biology Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2010 Navdeep S. Chandel (grad student)
Dana A. WeinbergerNanomaterials2000 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Charles S. Weinertinorganic synthesis, organometallics, cluster science2000 Duward Felix Shriver (grad student)
Nicholas P. WeingartzPhysical Chemistry Chemistry20192024 Lin X. Chen (grad student)
Charles J. WeissCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2010 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Eric WeitzPhysical, Energy Related, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental
Margaret E. WelkInorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry19982002 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Daniel M. WellsInorganic, Solid State, Actinides, X-Ray Crystallography, Materials Chemistry2009 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Shuyi Wengcomputational geometry, dynamical systems Mathematics20162020 Laura G. DeMarco (grad student)
Michael J. Went Chemistry19861988 Duward Felix Shriver (post-doc)
Paul J. WessonNano science, Nanomaterials, Programmable Reactions, Chemical Networks, Theory, Cellular Dynamics Chemical and Biological Engineering2010 Bartosz A. Grzybowski (grad student)
Adam C. WhalleyContorted Aromatics, Molecular Electronics20092012 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Stephen M. Wharry Chemistry1981 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
Korin E. WheelerInorganic, Materials, Physical/Analytical2006 Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
Cassandra L. Whitford Chemical & Biological Engineering2018 Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Kenton H. WhitmireInorganic and Organometallic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry1981 Duward Felix Shriver (grad student)
Frank Clifford Whitmoreorganic chemistry
Alyson V. WhitneyElectroanalytical Chemistry2007 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Jonathan Widom
Michael J. WiesterNanomaterials Chemistry2010 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Alexander J. WilcoxCell Biology, Molecular Biology2005 Andreas T. Matouschek (grad student)
John B. WileyMaterials Chemistry Chemistry19841989 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Katherine A. Willets20052007 Richard P. van Duyne (post-doc)
Ffrancon Williams19571959 Malcolm Dole (research scientist)
Linda A. WilliamsCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2011 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Mary Elizabeth Williams Chemistry19992001 Joseph T. Hupp (post-doc)
Andrew WilliamsOrganic chemistry19641965 Myron L. Bender (post-doc)
Christopher E. Wilmermultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics Chemical and Biological Engineering Chemical & Biological Engineering2013 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student), Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Thea M. Wilsonphotoinduced electron transfer and charge transport in organic molecules and materials, artificial and natural photosynthesis, self-assembly of nanoscale materials, spin dynamics of multispin organic molecules, materials for molecule-based optoelectronics Chemistry2009 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student)
Peter Winegar2017 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Nicolas D. Wintercomputational chemistry20062009 George C. Schatz (post-doc)
Marc B. Wisnudel Chemical Engineeringeering John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Jane E. Wissingerdevelopment of organic chemistry laboratory experiments1987 Robert C. Gadwood (grad student)
Mark A. WitschiOrganic Chemistry2006 Daniel H. Appella (grad student)
Harold A. Wittcoffindustrial organic chemistry1943 E. Byron Riegel (grad student)
Stephen D. WobserCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2012 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Janet L. WolfordResearch Interests: Inorganic, Synthetic, Bio-inorganic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Organic, X-Ray Crystallography, Physical, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Environmental, Nanoscience2006 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
Melville Lawrence Wolfromcarbohydrate chemistry1927 Winford Lee Lewis (grad student)
Gayle E. WoloschakMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry
Chris Wolvertoncomputational materials science, energy storage
Jong-In WonChemical Engineering2003 Annelise E. Barron (grad student)
Hsi-Wu Wongmultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics2003 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student)
Lu Shin Wong20102011 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Megan Novak Wood Office of Undergraduate Research20132017 Cara J. Gottardi (grad student)
Teresa K. WoodruffMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry Molecular Bioscience1989 Kelly Edward Mayo (grad student)
Yi Wumolecular mechanisms of metastasis2004 M. Sharon Stack (grad student)
Yilei WuSupramolecular Chemistry, Photochemistry, Photophysics, Organic Electronics, Bioimaging Chemistry Chemistry20122017 Michael R. Wasielewski (grad student), J. Fraser Stoddart (grad student)
Jishan Wuπ-conjugated systems, supramolecular chemistry20052007 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Jiun Wei WuOrganic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Material Science Chemistry2023 Julia A. Kalow (post-doc)
Guangcheng WuSupramolecular Chemistry Chemistry2021 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Jia Wu Chemical and Biological Engineering Neda Bagheri (grad student), William M. Miller (grad student)
Hongwei Wu Chemistry1998 Joseph B. Lambert (grad student)
Yansheng Wuphotochemistry
Guosheng Wutheory and computation as applies to problems in nanotechnology, properties of materials, macromolecular structures and dynamics, molecular self-assembly, optics, materials physics and biophysics2002 George C. Schatz (grad student)
Gene G. Wubbelsorganic photochemistry1969 Robert Lewis Letsinger (grad student)
Bernhard WunderlichPolymer Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering, Physical Chemistry19521957 Malcolm Dole (grad student)
Kristin L. Wustholz2010 Richard P. van Duyne (post-doc)
Allison Wustrowsynthesis, inorganic materials Chemistry20142019 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (grad student)
Eugene J. WyattCell Biology Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2012 Hossein Ardehali (grad student)
Rui Patrick Xian Neurobiology20192020 Yevgenia Kozorovitskiy (post-doc)
Li Xiaojian2013 Gordon M. G. Shepherd (post-doc)
Zhuang Xienanotechnology20152017 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Minwei Xie Civil and Environmental Engineering2016 Jean-Francois Gaillard (grad student)
Hang XingDNA Nanotechnology, Quorum Sensing, MOFs Chemistry20152017 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Qinsi XiongMolecular Dynamic Simulations, Self-Assembly Chemistry2020 George C. Schatz (grad student)
Feng Xu19941999 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Xin Xusolid state ionics Materials Science & Engineering20142019 Sossina M. Haile (grad student)
Xiaoyang XuNanomaterials Chemistry2009 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Can XueNanomaterials Chemistry2007 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Albert Xue Neda Bagheri (grad student)
Yi XueResearch Interests: Inorganic, Synthetic, Bio-inorganic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Organic, X-Ray Crystallography, Physical, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Environmental, Nanoscience Chemistry2008 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
Tyrone J. YacoubTheory & Computation, Energy Science Chemical and Biological Engineering2014 Igal Szleifer (grad student)
Gokay Yamankurt2014 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Ryosuke YamazakiResearch Interests: Inorganic, Synthetic, Bio-inorganic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Organic, X-Ray Crystallography, Physical, Biophysical, Bio-analytical, Environmental, Nanoscience Chemistry2009 Thomas V. O'Halloran (grad student)
He YanCatalyic Chemistry2004 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Yuting Yangprotein crytsallography19972000 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Xiaojing Yangphotoreceptors, light-sensitive proteins19961999 Alfonso Mondragón (post-doc)
Jye-Shane YangOrganic Photochemistry and Materials Chemistry1997 Frederick D. Lewis (grad student)
Wen-Hui Yang Chemistry1995 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Eric Yangcomputational
Jiyong YaoInorganic, Solid State, Actinides, X-Ray Crystallography, Materials2004 James Arthur Ibers (grad student)
Zhenpeng YaoComputational materials research Materials Science and Engineering20122018 Chris Wolverton (grad student)
Mai Yasunagastructure and function of proteins and nucleic acids Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2013 Alfonso Mondragón (grad student)
Nai-hsing Yeh Physiology2020 Anis Contractor (grad student)
Scott YockelResearch Computing Chemistry George C. Schatz (post-doc)
Nathan L. YoderMaterials Science Materials Science and Engineering2007 Mark C. Hersam (grad student)
Chanda R. YonzonElectroanalytical Chemistry2006 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Hyojong Yoo Chemistry20062009 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Myung-Han YoonCatalyic Chemistry2006 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Hyo J. YoonNanomaterials Chemistry2010 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Hyo Jae YoonMaterials Chemistry Department of Chemistry20062010 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Eun-Ah Youinorganic nanostructures Chemistry2012 Teri W. Odom (grad student)
Jangdae YounCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2012 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Kaylie L. YoungNanomaterials Chemistry2013 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Pria D. Young Chemical and Biological Engineering2013 Justin M. Notestein (grad student)
Daniel H.-S. Yu Chemical Engineering John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Hongwei Yucrystal growth, NLO Materials Chemistry2017 Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (post-doc)
Insuk YuLow Temperature Physics1987 William Halperin (grad student)
Xinrui Yumultiscale modeling, complex kinetics modeling, environmental catalysis, novel biochemical pathways, and polymerization/depolymerization kinetics Chemical and Biological Engineering2008 Linda J. Broadbelt (grad student)
Hai YuanOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology2006 Richard B. Silverman (grad student)
Holming F. YuenCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry2009 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Young Ju Yun
Tom Zabawa20072009 Karl A. Scheidt (post-doc)
Joseph M. ZadroznyInorganic and Solid State Chemistry Danna E. Freedman (post-doc)
Luciana ZanellaEnvironmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Civil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2011 Jean-Francois Gaillard (grad student)
Ellen J. Zeman Chemistry1987 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Li Zengmulti-electron redox reactions in biological systems Applied Physics2017 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Lanhe Zhang John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Xinpeng ZhangPolymer chemistry Chemistry2019 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Wuliang Zhang2016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Hongda Zhang Chemical & Biological Engineering2017 Randall Q. Snurr (grad student)
Anqi ZhangMedicinal chemistry Chemistry20192021 SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (post-doc)
Jian Zhang20082011 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Jialong ZhangOlefin Polymerizaiton, Homogeneous & Heterogeneous Catalysts Chemistry Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Huacheng Zhangorganic chemistry Chemistry20132014 J. Fraser Stoddart (post-doc)
Yu ZhangChemical Physics Chemistry20152017 George C. Schatz (post-doc)
YANG ZHANGPhotochromism, Superresolution Imaging, Molecular Switches Biomedical Engineering Hao F. Zhang (post-doc)
Hao F. Zhang
Hua ZhangNanoscience and technology20012003 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Ke Zhang20102012 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Hao ZhangColloidal inorganic nanocrystals, flexible electronics Materials Science and Engineering20162018 John A. Rogers (post-doc)
Shuming ZhangBioNanotechnology Materials Science and Engineering2008 Samuel Isaac Stupp (grad student)
Xiaoyu ZhangElectroanalytical Chemistry2006 Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Junlian Zhangmolecular materials and supramolecular assemblies2005 Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Linlin Zhaotheory and computation as applies to problems in nanotechnology, properties of materials, macromolecular structures and dynamics, molecular self-assembly, optics, materials physics and biophysics2006 George C. Schatz (grad student)
Jing Zhaooptical spectroscopies of semiconductor and metallic nanoparticles Chemistry2008 George C. Schatz (grad student), Richard P. van Duyne (grad student)
Yan Zhengphotochemistry
Cindy Zheng2017 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Zijian Zheng20072009 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Dan ZhengNanomaterials Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2012 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Chang ZhongInorganic, Materials, Physical/Analytical2006 Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
Boyu Zhong Chemistry1998 Richard B. Silverman (grad student)
Yu Zhou20112015 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Xiaozhu Zhou20112014 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Yige Zhounanoelectrochemistry Chemistry Material Engineering20172017 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc), Jiaxing Huang (post-doc)
Wenjie Zhou2016 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Nanjia ZhouCatalyic Chemistry Materials Science and Engineering2015 Tobin Jay Marks (grad student)
Yaoqiu ZhuOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology2006 Richard B. Silverman (grad student)
Xinjiang ZhuPhysical, Energy Related, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental2006 Eric Weitz (grad student), Joseph T. Hupp (grad student)
Jin Zhu19951999 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Jinghan Zhu2015 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Shengshuang Zhu20142019 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Huihe Zhuphotochemistry
Jian Zhunanomaterials, nanocomposites, nanoelectronics Materials Science and Engineering20132017 Mark C. Hersam (post-doc)
Aleksandr V. ZhukhovitskiyPolymer chemistry and soft materials: organic synthesis,20092011 Tobin Jay Marks (research assistant), SonBinh TheBao Nguyen (research assistant)
Eliza L. Zielazinskibionorganic chemistry, protein crystallography Chemistry2013 Amy C. Rosenzweig (grad student)
Tyler A. ZimmermanAnalytical Chemistry20142014 Neil L. Kelleher (research scientist), Margaret McElwain Kemper (research assistant), Natalia Lyashenko (collaborator), Irwin Weil (collaborator)
Howard Elliot Zimmermanorganic photochemistry
Aarohi Zokarkarvirology Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program2012 Robert A. Lamb (grad student)
Hong ZongInorganic, Materials, Physical/Analytical2007 Brian Mark Hoffman (grad student)
Hermioni D. ZouridisRNA Chemical and Biological Engineering2008 Olke C. Uhlenbeck (grad student)
Hans-Conrad zur Loyesolid state chemistry, energy materials19881989 Duward Felix Shriver (post-doc)
Luka Đorđević20182022 Samuel Isaac Stupp (post-doc)