Andrea J. Luthi, Ph.D.

2014 Chemistry Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
"Andrea Luthi"
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Chad A. Mirkin grad student 2014 Northwestern
 (Biomimetic High-Density Lipoproteins from a Gold Nanoparticle Template.)
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Luthi AJ, Lyssenko NN, Quach D, et al. (2015) Robust passive and active efflux of cellular cholesterol to a designer functional mimic of high density lipoprotein. Journal of Lipid Research. 56: 972-85
Jensen SA, Day ES, Ko CH, et al. (2013) Spherical nucleic acid nanoparticle conjugates as an RNAi-based therapy for glioblastoma. Science Translational Medicine. 5: 209ra152
Yang S, Damiano MG, Zhang H, et al. (2013) Biomimetic, synthetic HDL nanostructures for lymphoma. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110: 2511-6
Luthi AJ, Zhang H, Kim D, et al. (2012) Tailoring of biomimetic high-density lipoprotein nanostructures changes cholesterol binding and efflux. Acs Nano. 6: 276-85
Yang S, Damiano MG, Zhang H, et al. (2012) Biomimetic Synthetic High Density Lipoprotein Nanostructures Target the SR-B1 Receptor and Differentially Manipulate Cellular Cholesterol Flux in Lymphoma Cells: A Novel Treatment Paradigm Blood. 120: 157-157
McMahon KM, Mutharasan RK, Tripathy S, et al. (2011) Biomimetic high density lipoprotein nanoparticles for nucleic acid delivery. Nano Letters. 11: 1208-14
Luthi AJ, Patel PC, Ko CH, et al. (2010) Nanotechnology for synthetic high-density lipoproteins. Trends in Molecular Medicine. 16: 553-60
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