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Benjamin P. Dailey grad student 1949 Columbia (Chemistry Tree)
Charles Hard Townes grad student 1949 Columbia (Physics Tree)
 (Stark effects of microwave spectroscopy)
Don Merlin Lee Yost post-doc 1950 Caltech (Chemistry Tree)
Sydney Brenner research scientist 1962-1963 MRC-LMB
 (Guggenheim Fellow)
Francis Harry Compton Crick research scientist 1962-1963 MRC-LMB
 (Guggenheim Fellow)


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Kerri-Ann Jones grad student 1985 Yale (Chemistry Tree)
Kevin L. Behar grad student 1979-1985 Yale
Malcolm J. Avison grad student 1986 Yale
Sharon L. Campbell grad student 1986 Yale (Chemistry Tree)
Douglas L. Rothman grad student 1987 Yale
Michael E. Stromski grad student 1987 Yale
Hoby P. Hetherington grad student 1988 Yale
Maren R. Laughlin grad student 1988 Yale
Jullie W. Pan grad student 1989 Yale
Yair Y. Shachar-Hill grad student 1990 Yale
Graeme F. Mason grad student 1991 Yale
Thomas B. Price grad student 1991 Yale
D. S. Fahmeed Hyder grad student 1995 Yale
Béat Michael Jucker grad student 1995 Yale
Rolf Gruetter post-doc 1990- Yale
Gil Navon post-doc 1965-1967 Bell Labs (Chemistry Tree)
Ian C.P. Smith post-doc 1966-1967 Bell Labs (Chemistry Tree)
Maurice Guéron post-doc 1966-1968 Bell Labs (Chemistry Tree)
Cornelis W. Hilbers post-doc 1972-1974 Bell Labs (Chemistry Tree)
Adalbert Mayer-Heinricy post-doc 1972-1974 Bell Labs
George T. Robillard post-doc 1972-1974 Bell Labs (Chemistry Tree)
James M. Salhany post-doc 1974-1975 Bell Labs
Sheila M. Cohen post-doc 1977-1979 Bell Labs (Chemistry Tree)
Jan A. den Hollander post-doc 1977-1979 Bell Labs
Kamil (Kâmil Uğurbil) Ugurbil post-doc 1977-1979 Bell Labs
Jacqueline K. Barton post-doc 1978-1980 Bell Labs, Yale (Chemistry Tree)
Jeffry R. Alger post-doc 1979-1981 Yale University
Robert J. Gillies post-doc 1979-1982 Yale (Chemistry Tree)
Laurel O. Sillerud post-doc 1980-1982 Yale (Chemistry Tree)
Paul Canioni post-doc 1981-1983 Yale
Johan Thevelein post-doc 1982-1983 Yale (Chemistry Tree)
Takashi Ogino post-doc 1982-1984 Yale
Fernando Arias-Mendoza post-doc 1982-1985 Yale
Thomas Jue post-doc 1983-1985 Yale
Susan M. Fitzpatrick post-doc 1984-1988 Yale
Emlyn W. Hughes post-doc 1987-1988 Yale (Physics Tree)
Nicola R. Sibson post-doc 1995-1999 Yale
Kurt Wüthrich research scientist 1967-1969 Bell Labs (Chemistry Tree)
Hagai Rottenberg research scientist 1977-1978 Bell Labs (Chemistry Tree)
Hadassa Degani research scientist 1984 Yale (Chemistry Tree)


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William E. Blumberg collaborator Bell Labs (Physics Tree)
Josef Eisinger collaborator Bell Labs (Physics Tree)
Angelo Anthony Lamola collaborator Bell Labs (Chemistry Tree)
Truman R. Brown collaborator 1979 Bell Labs
John J. Hopfield collaborator 1979 Bell Labs
Seiji Ogawa collaborator 1979 Bell Labs
Tetsuo Yamane collaborator 1979 Bell Labs
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Rothman DL, Moore PB, Shulman RG. (2023) The impact of metabolism on the adaptation of organisms to environmental change. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 11: 1197226
Rothman D, Behar KL, Petroff OAC, et al. (2022) The early days of ex vivo H, C and P NMR in the laboratory of Dr. Robert G Shulman from 1975 - 1995. Nmr in Biomedicine. e4879
Rothman DL, Shulman RG. (2021) Two transition states of the glycogen shunt and two steady states of gene expression support metabolic flexibility and the Warburg effect in cancer. Neoplasia (New York, N.Y.). 23: 879-886
Rothman DL, Stearns SC, Shulman RG. (2021) Gene expression regulates metabolite homeostasis during the Crabtree effect: Implications for the adaptation and evolution of Metabolism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118
Shulman RG, Rothman DL. (2019) A Non-cognitive Behavioral Model for Interpreting Functional Neuroimaging Studies. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 13: 28
Shulman RG, Rothman DL. (2017) The Glycogen Shunt Maintains Glycolytic Homeostasis and the Warburg Effect in Cancer. Trends in Cancer. 3: 761-767
Shulman RG, Rothman DL. (2015) Homeostasis and the glycogen shunt explains aerobic ethanol production in yeast. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112: 10902-7
Shulman RG, Rothman DL. (2015) Homeostasis and the glycogen shunt explains aerobic ethanol production in yeast Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112: 10902-10907
Shulman RG, Hyder F, Rothman DL. (2014) Insights from neuroenergetics into the interpretation of functional neuroimaging: an alternative empirical model for studying the brain's support of behavior. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism : Official Journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 34: 1721-35
Patel AB, Lai JC, Chowdhury GM, et al. (2014) Direct evidence for activity-dependent glucose phosphorylation in neurons with implications for the astrocyte-to-neuron lactate shuttle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111: 5385-90
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