Susan R Wessler, PhD

1983-2010 Plant Biology University of Georgia, Athens, Athens, GA, United States 
 2010- Botany and Plant Sciences University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA, United States 
plant transposable element evolution
"Susan Wessler"


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Joseph Mark Calvo grad student 1975-1980 Cornell
Barbara McClintock post-doc (FlyTree)
Nina Fedoroff post-doc 1980-1982 Carnegie Institute of Washington (MathTree)


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Ron Okagaki grad student 1984-1988 University of Georgia
Rita Varagona grad student 1984-1989 University of Georgia
Michael Purugganan grad student 1987-1992 University of Georgia
Ron Damiani grad student 1989-1994 University of Georgia
Shawn White grad student 1990-1995 University of Georgia
Sylvestre Marillonnet grad student 1991-1996 University of Georgia
Jianping Hu grad student 1992-1997 University of Georgia (Plant Biology Tree)
Yanhong Liu grad student 1992-1997 University of Georgia
Qiang Zhang grad student 1992-1998 University of Georgia
Xiaoyu Zhang grad student 1993-1998 University of Georgia (Plant Biology Tree)
Liangjiang Wang grad student 1994-1999 University of Georgia (Chemistry Tree)
Alex Nagel grad student 1998-2001 University of Georgia
Ning Jiang grad student 1997-2002 University of Georgia
Ed Kentner grad student 1997-2004 University of Georgia
Amy Bouck grad student 1999-2004 University of Georgia
Dawn (Holligan) Nagel grad student 2003-2008 University of Georgia
Yujun Han grad student 2005-2010 University of Georgia
Kun Liu grad student 2011-2017 UC Riverside
George Baran post-doc 1984-1986 University of Georgia
Don Fleenor post-doc 1986-1987 University of Georgia
Thomas Bureau post-doc 1987-1989 University of Georgia
Steve Ludwig post-doc 1987-1990 University of Georgia
Cliff Weil post-doc 1988-1993 University of Georgia
Lane Arthur post-doc 1997-2000 University of Georgia
Vaka Reddy post-doc 1999-2001 University of Georgia
Mark T. Osterlund post-doc 2000-2003 University of Georgia (Plant Biology Tree)
Cedric Feschotte post-doc 2001-2004 University of Georgia
Ellen Pritham post-doc 2002-2005 University of Georgia
Matt Campbell post-doc 2003-2006 University of Georgia
Guojun Yang post-doc 2003-2006 University of Georgia
Feng Zhang post-doc 2005-2008 University of Georgia
Nathan Hancock post-doc 2005-2009 University of Georgia
Ken Naito post-doc 2007-2010 University of Georgia
Aaron O. Richardson post-doc 2007-2010 University of Georgia
Yaowu Yuan post-doc 2008-2010 University of Georgia (Neurotree)
Lu Lu post-doc 2011-2016 UC Riverside
Jinfeng Chen post-doc 2012-2019 (Mycotree)
BETA: Related publications


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Yan H, Mendieta JP, Zhang X, et al. (2024) Evolution of cell-type-specific accessible chromatin regions and the -regulatory elements that drive lineage-specific innovation. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Chen J, Lu L, Robb SMC, et al. (2020) Genomic diversity generated by a transposable element burst in a rice recombinant inbred population. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Chen J, Lu L, Benjamin J, et al. (2019) Tracking the origin of two genetic components associated with transposable element bursts in domesticated rice. Nature Communications. 10: 641
Lu L, Chen J, Robb SMC, et al. (2017) Tracking the genome-wide outcomes of a transposable element burst over decades of amplification. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Liu K, Wessler SR. (2017) Transposition of Mutator-like transposable elements (MULEs) resembles hAT and Transib elements and V(D)J recombination. Nucleic Acids Research
Chen J, Wrightsman TR, Wessler SR, et al. (2017) RelocaTE2: a high resolution transposable element insertion site mapping tool for population resequencing. Peerj. 5: e2942
Liu K, Wessler SR. (2017) Functional characterization of the active Mutator-like transposable element, Muta1 from the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Mobile Dna. 8: 1
Hellsten U, Wright KM, Jenkins J, et al. (2013) Fine-scale variation in meiotic recombination in Mimulus inferred from population shotgun sequencing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110: 19478-82
Robb SM, Lu L, Valencia E, et al. (2013) The use of RelocaTE and unassembled short reads to produce high-resolution snapshots of transposable element generated diversity in rice. G3 (Bethesda, Md.). 3: 949-57
Han Y, Qin S, Wessler SR. (2013) Comparison of class 2 transposable elements at superfamily resolution reveals conserved and distinct features in cereal grass genomes. Bmc Genomics. 14: 71
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