Zachary E. Kayler, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2009 | Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR | |
2017- | Soil and Water Systems | University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, United States |
Biogeochemistry, Soil Science Agriculture, Forestry and Wildlife AgricultureGoogle:
"Zachary Kayler"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorBarbara Bond | grad student | 2009 | Oregon State | |
(The methodology, implementation and analysis of the isotopic composition of soil respired carbon dioxide in forest ecological research.) |
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Kayler ZE, Brédoire F, McMillan H, et al. (2018) Soil evaporation and organic matter turnover in the Sub-Taiga and Forest-Steppe of southwest Siberia. Scientific Reports. 8: 10904 |
Junker LV, Kleiber A, Jansen K, et al. (2017) Variation in short-term and long-term responses of photosynthesis and isoprenoid-mediated photoprotection to soil water availability in four Douglas-fir provenances. Scientific Reports. 7: 40145 |
Nitzsche KN, Kalettka T, Premke K, et al. (2017) Land-use and hydroperiod affect kettle hole sediment carbon and nitrogen biogeochemistry. Science of the Total Environment. 574: 46-56 |
Dijkstra FA, Jenkins M, Courcelles VdRd, et al. (2017) Enhanced decomposition and nitrogen mineralization sustain rapid growth of Eucalyptus regnans after wildfire Journal of Ecology. 105: 229-236 |
Gessler A, Roy J, Kayler Z, et al. (2017) Night and day – circadian regulation of night-time dark respiration and light-enhanced dark respiration in plant leaves and canopies Environmental and Experimental Botany. 137: 14-25 |
Kayler Z, Keitel C, Jansen K, et al. (2017) Experimental evidence of two mechanisms coupling leaf-level C assimilation to rhizosphere CO2 release Environmental and Experimental Botany. 135: 21-26 |
Dios VRd, Gessler A, Ferrio JP, et al. (2017) Circadian rhythms regulate the environmental responses of net CO2 exchange in bean and cotton canopies Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 239: 185-191 |
Felsmann K, Baudis M, Kayler ZE, et al. (2017) Responses of the structure and function of the understory plant communities to precipitation reduction across forest ecosystems in Germany Annals of Forest Science. 75 |
Resco de Dios V, Gessler A, Ferrio JP, et al. (2016) Circadian rhythms have significant effects on leaf-to-canopy scale gas exchange under field conditions. Gigascience. 5: 43 |
von Rein I, Kayler ZE, Premke K, et al. (2016) Desiccation of sediments affects assimilate transport within aquatic plants and carbon transfer to microorganisms. Plant Biology (Stuttgart, Germany) |