Richard J. Wassersug, Ph.D.

Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 
 2012- University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada 
"Richard Wassersug"


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Robert Frederick Inger grad student 1973 Chicago
 (Internal oral features of anuran larvae and the significance of the tadpole feeding mechanism to anuran evolution)
David Burton Wake grad student 1973 Chicago


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Michael J. Lannoo grad student 1986 Dalhousie University
Karen M. Warkentin grad student 1990 Dalhousie University
Marc J. Mazerolle grad student 1997-1999 Dalhousie University (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
Irena Rot-Nikcevic grad student 2004 Dalhousie University (Neurotree)
Gregory W Thiemann grad student 2006 Dalhousie University (Plant Biology Tree)
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Annibale FS, de Sousa VTT, de Sousa CE, et al. (2019) Influence of substrate orientation on tadpoles' feeding efficiency. Biology Open. 8
Annibale FS, de Sousa VTT, de Sousa CE, et al. (2019) Smooth, striated, or rough: how substrate textures affect the feeding performance of tadpoles with different oral morphologies Zoomorphology. 139: 97-110
Fabrezi M, Quinzio SI, Goldberg J, et al. (2016) Developmental changes and novelties in ceratophryid frogs. Evodevo. 7: 5
Wibowo E, Johnson TW, Wassersug RJ. (2016) Infertility, impotence, and emasculation - psychosocial contexts for abandoning reproduction. Asian Journal of Andrology
Wibowo E, Wassersug RJ. (2013) The effect of estrogen on the sexual interest of castrated males: Implications to prostate cancer patients on androgen-deprivation therapy. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology. 87: 224-38
Venesky MD, Rossa-Feres DC, Nomura F, et al. (2013) Comparative feeding kinematics of tropical hylid tadpoles. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 216: 1928-37
Walker LM, Tran S, Wassersug RJ, et al. (2013) Patients and partners lack knowledge of androgen deprivation therapy side effects. Urologic Oncology. 31: 1098-105
Treleaven MMM, Jackowich RA, Roberts L, et al. (2013) Castration and personality: Correlation of androgen deprivation and estrogen supplementation with the Big Five factor personality traits of adult males Journal of Research in Personality. 47: 376-379
Wibowo E, Wassersug R, Warkentin K, et al. (2012) Impact of androgen deprivation therapy on sexual function: a response. Asian Journal of Andrology. 14: 793-4
Wassersug RJ, McKenna E, Lieberman T. (2012) Eunuch as a gender identity after castration Journal of Gender Studies. 21: 253-270
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