Kathleen M Campbell
Affiliations: | 1997-2002 | Biochemistry | Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO |
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Campbell KM, Lumb KJ. (2002) Structurally distinct modes of recognition of the KIX domain of CBP by Jun and CREB. Biochemistry. 41: 13956-64 |
Campbell KM, Lumb KJ. (2002) Complementation of buried lysine and surface polar residues in a designed heterodimeric coiled coil. Biochemistry. 41: 7169-75 |
Campbell KM, Sholders AJ, Lumb KJ. (2002) Contribution of buried lysine residues to the oligomerization specificity and stability of the fos coiled coil. Biochemistry. 41: 4866-71 |