Keith Yates

1959 Chemistry University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada 
 1968-1991 Chemistry University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
"Keith Yates"
Bio: I would like to express sincere thanks to Dr. R. Stewart for his valuable and patient guidance throughout the course of this work

Mean distance: 9.14


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Ross Stewart grad student 1959 UBC
 (A study of the protonation of carbonyl compounds.)
Ronald P. Bell grad student 1961 Oxford
 (D.Phil.: The kinetics of chlorination of some reactive organic compounds.)
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Marcoccia JF, Yates K, Csizmadia IG. (1996) An ab initio study on the protonation of formaldoxime in its ground and low-lying valence excited states. A model study for the early steps of acid-catalysed photochemical reactions Journal of Molecular Structure: Theochem. 360: 1-39
Rachina V, Blagoeva IB, Pojarlieff IG, et al. (1990) β-Ureido acids and dihydrouracils. The kinetics and mechanism of the reversible ring closure of 3-(3'-methylureido)-propanoic acid and 3-(3-phenylureido)-2-methylpropanoic acid in sulfuric acid solutions Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 68: 1676-1684
Sinha HK, Thomson PCP, Yates K. (1990) Excited state dipole moments and polarizabilities of some aromatic alkenes and alkynes Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 68: 1507-1513
Martin PS, Yates K, Csizmadia IG. (1989) A theoretical study of adiabatic proton transfer to simple substituted acetylenes In Their Ground And Excited States Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 67: 2178-2187
Yates K. (1989) Application of Marcus theory to photochemical proton transfer reactions. II. Modifications based on intersecting state models Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry. 2: 300-322
Yates K, Martin P, Csizmadia IG. (1988) Theoretical study of acid-catalyzed hydration of ground and excited state acetylenes Pure and Applied Chemistry. 60: 205-207
Anderson SW, Yates K. (1988) Enhanced nucleophile selectivity in the photoaddition to styrene. Comparison with the thermal addition Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 66: 2412-2421
McEwen J, Yates K. (1987) Photohydration of styrenes and phenylacetylenes. General acid catalysis and Broensted relationships Journal of the American Chemical Society. 109: 5800-5808
Wan P, Yates K. (1986) Photoredox chemistry of nitrobenzyl alcohols in aqueous solution. Acid and base catalysis of reaction Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 64: 2076-2086
Cox RA, Yates K. (1986) Mechanistic studies in strong acids. 11. An excess acidity analysis of acylal and thioacylal hydrolysis in sulfuric acid. Variation of .rho. with acidity Journal of Organic Chemistry. 51: 3619-3624
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