Similar researchers to Mahtot Gebresselassie: Advanced Search
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Mahtot Gebresselassie (Info) Virginia Tech (City Planning Tree) rktect 2019‑03‑27
Hee Jeung Oh (Info) UC Berkeley (E-Tree) polymer, membrane heejeungoh 2019‑01‑12 Sim(0.25)
T. X. Barber (Info) (Hypnotree) dterhune 2014‑04‑21 Sim(0.25)
Paul Erbel (Info) UT Southwestern KevinGardner 2018‑09‑04 Sim(0.26)
Mariano Saborido (Info) ANMAT (Neurotree) gersha 2018‑02‑16 Sim(0.26)
Marissa Krimsky (Info) University of Miami (Neurotree) yksmirk 2010‑03‑11 Sim(0.27)
Pascal G. YOT (Info) University of Montpellier, France Crystallography, structure-properties relations, material science, metal organic frameworks pgyot 2018‑01‑18 Sim(0.28)
Susumu Mori (Info) Johns Hopkins (Anatomy Tree) Biomedical Engineering, Radiology, Medical Biophysics, Neuroscience Biology, Anatomy Biology pq 2016‑01‑27 Sim(0.3)
Glen Anderson Rebka (Info) University of Wyoming (Physics Tree) General Relativity cwilton 2014‑09‑24 Sim(0.31)
Robert E. Zillich (Info) Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria (Physics Tree) hhfan 2017‑06‑12 Sim(0.31)
Tracy L. Johnson (Info) NASA Biomedical Research Institute, Houston (Neurotree) clemenss 2013‑03‑14 Sim(0.32)
Sabine Meunier (Info) INSERM (Neurotree) qubit 2015‑09‑25 Sim(0.34)
Mohammad Abdolvahab (Info) University of Connecticut (Neurotree) Perception, Action, Cognition mabdolva 2012‑01‑29 Sim(0.36)
Otto Pedraza (Info) Mayo Clinic- JAX (Neurotree) Neuropsychology dawnbowers 2010‑07‑14 Sim(0.36)
Richard S. Myers (Info) University of Miami Miller School of Medicine (Microtree) Bacterial genetics, biochemistry, genetic recombination mechanisms Rik_Myers 2017‑02‑06 Sim(0.37)
Courtney Luan Dirksen (Info) Boston University (Neurotree) pq 2015‑08‑14 Sim(0.37)
Clark Alan Anderson (Info) University of Colorado School of Medicine (Neurotree) NeuroRM 2019‑01‑12 Sim(0.37)
Hanumantharao Paritala (Info) Wayne State Medicinal chemistry, Chemical biology, Biochemsitry hanumantharao 2010‑04‑27 Sim(0.37)
Nancy C. Andreasen (Info) University of Iowa (Neurotree) cmarvel 2008‑11‑19 Sim(0.37)
Ramin Khatami (Info) Universität Zürich (Neurotree) skurth 2022‑02‑16 Sim(0.37)
Manishha Patel (Info) GNF Novartis (Neurotree) casanovc 2014‑12‑04 Sim(0.38)
Kimberly A. Fernandes (Info) Rochester (Neurotree) Neurodegeneration kimberlyfernandes 2012‑02‑26 Sim(0.38)
Tiffany Sandoval (Info) University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University (Neurotree) Neuropsychology pq 2015‑11‑26 Sim(0.38)
Jelena Skorucak (Info) University of Zurich, Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology (Neurotree) skurth 2022‑02‑16 Sim(0.38)
Dawn Bowers (Info) UF Gainesville (Neurotree) Neuropsychology opedraza 2009‑02‑16 Sim(0.38)
Sara Neumane (Info) (Neurotree) neurotransmetteur 2016‑07‑03 Sim(0.38)
Yushi Wang (Info) Suny Optometry School (Neurotree) Visual system KittyHuaHua123 2021‑05‑06 Sim(0.38)
Stéphanie Mounayar (Info) (Neurotree) neurotransmetteur 2016‑07‑03 Sim(0.39)
Robert J. Cushley (Info) Simon Fraser (Neurotree) Biochemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑19 Sim(0.39)
Robert M. Bilder (Info) UCLA (Neurotree) neuropsychology, schizophrenia, neuroimaging bilder 2006‑09‑02 Sim(0.4)
Susan Barnett (Info) Indiana University Bloomington (EduTree) ramyajane93 2016‑10‑12 Sim(0.4)
John A. Sweeney (Info) University of Illinois, Chicago (Neurotree) Neuroscience bea 2009‑02‑24 Sim(0.41)
Brendon W. Bluestein (Info) Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Psychology (Neurotree) Psychobiology Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑29 Sim(0.41)
Danielle Bitterman (Info) Harvard Medical School (Neurotree) Natural language processing sc23 2023‑11‑14 Sim(0.41)
Jeffrey W. Bode (Info) ETH Zürich natural product total synthesis jandh 2011‑12‑21 Sim(0.41)
Jared Hinkle (Info) Johns Hopkins Medical School (Neurotree) AButala 2022‑07‑26 Sim(0.41)
Carlo Alberto Tassinari (Info) Marseille - Seattle - Sidney - Bologna - Parma (Neurotree) Neuroscience, Clinical Neurology, Neurophysiology, Epileptology cantalupo 2013‑01‑05 Sim(0.41)
Richard L. Doty (Info) Penn (Neurotree) JLand52 2005‑01‑29 Sim(0.42)
Alexander J. Krupka (Info) Drexel (Neurotree) Spinal Cord Injury krupkaa2 2011‑09‑26 Sim(0.42)
Deborah Levy (Info) Harvard University McLean Hospital (Neurotree) Schizophrenia, Genetics, Eye tracking soheepark38 2009‑04‑09 Sim(0.42)
Francisca Angulo-Olaiz (Info) UCLA (Anthropology Tree) Cultural Anthropology, Women's Studies pq 2016‑04‑06 Sim(0.42)
Lisa E. Williams (Info) UW Madison (Neurotree) Clinical Neuropsychiatry EdHubbard 2006‑01‑10 Sim(0.43)
William D. Hula (Info) U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Pittsburgh Healthcare (CSD Tree) Communication Outcome Measurement in Aphasia sgrubb 2014‑08‑20 Sim(0.43)
John S. Shiner (Info) University of Bern (Neurotree) senn 2012‑04‑30 Sim(0.43)
Benjamin Chandler (Info) Boston University (Neurotree) visual psychophysics, neural models of vision pq 2015‑10‑12 Sim(0.43)
Jacobus J. van der Werff ten Bosch (Info) Erasmus University jandh 2014‑11‑25 Sim(0.43)
Boukje Dijkstra (Info) Radboud University Nijmegen (Neurotree) dccvvg 2021‑02‑15 Sim(0.43)
Ryan Maxwell Kirk (Info) ANU Chemistry RyantheCati0n 2020‑08‑06 Sim(0.43)
Delphine Pins (Info) CNRS (Neurotree) Vision, fMRI rjardri 2012‑12‑29 Sim(0.44)
Robert Laforce (Info) Université Laval (Neurotree) StephanePoulin 2013‑06‑02 Sim(0.44)
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