Michael Reppert - Publications

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States 

33 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2020 Baiz CR, Błasiak B, Bredenbeck J, Cho M, Choi JH, Corcelli SA, Dijkstra AG, Feng CJ, Garrett-Roe S, Ge NH, Hanson-Heine MWD, Hirst JD, Jansen TLC, Kwac K, Kubarych KJ, ... ... Reppert M, et al. Vibrational Spectroscopic Map, Vibrational Spectroscopy, and Intermolecular Interaction. Chemical Reviews. PMID 32598850 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Chemrev.9B00813  0.711
2020 Reppert M, Reppert D, Pachon LA, Brumer P. Equilibrium stationary coherence in the multilevel spin-boson model Physical Review A. 102. DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.102.012211  0.477
2018 Reppert M, Brumer P. Quantumness in light harvesting is determined by vibrational dynamics. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 149: 234102. PMID 30579316 DOI: 10.1063/1.5058136  0.505
2018 Reppert M, Brumer P. Classical coherent two-dimensional vibrational spectroscopy. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 148: 064101. PMID 29448800 DOI: 10.1063/1.5017985  0.542
2016 Reppert M, Roy AR, Tempkin JO, Dinner AR, Tokmakoff A. Refining Disordered Peptide Ensembles with Computational Amide I Spectroscopy: Application to Elastin-Like Peptides. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. PMID 27736076 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Jpcb.6B08678  0.597
2016 Reppert M, Tokmakoff A. Computational Amide I 2D IR Spectroscopy as a Probe of Protein Structure and Dynamics. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry. PMID 27023758 DOI: 10.1146/Annurev-Physchem-040215-112055  0.659
2015 Reppert M, Tokmakoff A. Communication: Quantitative multi-site frequency maps for amide I vibrational spectroscopy. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 143: 061102. PMID 26277120 DOI: 10.1063/1.4928637  0.551
2015 Reppert M, Roy AR, Tokmakoff A. Isotope-enriched protein standards for computational amide I spectroscopy. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 142: 125104. PMID 25833611 DOI: 10.1063/1.4915271  0.582
2015 Reppert M, Kell A, Pruitt T, Jankowiak R. Comments on the optical lineshape function: application to transient hole-burned spectra of bacterial reaction centers. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 142: 094111. PMID 25747065 DOI: 10.1063/1.4913685  0.608
2015 Vrandecic K, Rätsep M, Wilk L, Rusevich L, Golub M, Reppert M, Irrgang KD, Kühlbrandt W, Pieper J. Protein dynamics tunes excited state positions in light-harvesting complex II. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 119: 3920-30. PMID 25664910 DOI: 10.1021/Jp5112873  0.422
2014 Lin C, Reppert M, Feng X, Jankowiak R. Modeling of fluorescence line-narrowed spectra in weakly coupled dimers in the presence of excitation energy transfer. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 141: 035101. PMID 25053340 DOI: 10.1063/1.4887083  0.652
2014 De Marco L, Thämer M, Reppert M, Tokmakoff A. Direct observation of intermolecular interactions mediated by hydrogen bonding. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 141: 034502. PMID 25053321 DOI: 10.1063/1.4885145  0.759
2014 Peng CS, Baiz C, Reppert M, Li D, Fedeles BI, Singh V, Essigmann JM, Tokmakoff A. Observing Tautomerization of a Deoxycytidine Analog Kp1212: Molecular Origin of Lethal Mutagenesis Against Hiv Biophysical Journal. 106: 440a. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2013.11.2480  0.705
2013 Kell A, Feng X, Reppert M, Jankowiak R. On the shape of the phonon spectral density in photosynthetic complexes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 117: 7317-23. PMID 23718713 DOI: 10.1021/Jp405094P  0.605
2013 Reppert M, Tokmakoff A. Electrostatic frequency shifts in amide I vibrational spectra: direct parameterization against experiment. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 138: 134116. PMID 23574217 DOI: 10.1063/1.4798938  0.618
2013 Baiz CR, Reppert M, Tokmakoff A. Amide I two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy: methods for visualizing the vibrational structure of large proteins. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 117: 5955-61. PMID 23228111 DOI: 10.1021/Jp310689A  0.729
2013 Baiz C, Peng CS, Reppert M, Jones KC, Tokmakoff A. Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy as a Probe of Protein Folding: Bridging the Gap between Experiment and Simulation Biophysical Journal. 104: 188a. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2012.11.1062  0.757
2012 Acharya K, Zazubovich V, Reppert M, Jankowiak R. Primary electron donor(s) in isolated reaction center of photosystem II from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 116: 4860-70. PMID 22462595 DOI: 10.1021/Jp302849D  0.602
2012 Baiz CR, Peng CS, Reppert ME, Jones KC, Tokmakoff A. Coherent two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy: quantitative analysis of protein secondary structure in solution. The Analyst. 137: 1793-9. PMID 22398665 DOI: 10.1039/C2An16031E  0.735
2012 Lessing J, Roy S, Reppert M, Baer M, Marx D, Jansen TL, Knoester J, Tokmakoff A. Identifying residual structure in intrinsically disordered systems: a 2D IR spectroscopic study of the GVGXPGVG peptide. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 134: 5032-5. PMID 22356513 DOI: 10.1021/Ja2114135  0.73
2012 Neupane B, Jaschke P, Saer R, Beatty JT, Reppert M, Jankowiak R. Electron transfer in Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction centers containing Zn-bacteriochlorophylls: a hole-burning study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 116: 3457-66. PMID 22324747 DOI: 10.1021/Jp300304R  0.596
2011 Jankowiak R, Reppert M, Zazubovich V, Pieper J, Reinot T. Site selective and single complex laser-based spectroscopies: a window on excited state electronic structure, excitation energy transfer, and electron-phonon coupling of selected photosynthetic complexes. Chemical Reviews. 111: 4546-98. PMID 21595428 DOI: 10.1021/Cr100234J  0.579
2011 Reppert M. Modeling of Resonant Hole-Burning Spectra in Excitonically Coupled Systems: The Effects of Energy-Transfer Broadening Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 2: 2716-2721. DOI: 10.1021/Jz2012353  0.445
2010 Reppert M, Acharya K, Neupane B, Jankowiak R. Lowest electronic states of the CP47 antenna protein complex of photosystem II: simulation of optical spectra and revised structural assignments. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 114: 11884-98. PMID 20722360 DOI: 10.1021/Jp103995H  0.646
2010 Reppert M, Naibo V, Jankowiak R. Accurate modeling of fluorescence line narrowing difference spectra: Direct measurement of the single-site fluorescence spectrum. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 133: 014506. PMID 20614975 DOI: 10.1063/1.3455890  0.614
2010 Neupane B, Dang NC, Acharya K, Reppert M, Zazubovich V, Picorel R, Seibert M, Jankowiak R. Insight into the electronic structure of the CP47 antenna protein complex of photosystem II: hole burning and fluorescence study. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132: 4214-29. PMID 20218564 DOI: 10.1021/Ja908510W  0.612
2010 Acharya K, Neupane B, Reppert M, Feng X, Jankowiak R. On the Unusual Temperature-Dependent Emission of the CP47 Antenna Protein Complex of Photosystem II Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 1: 2310-2315. DOI: 10.1021/Jz100560Z  0.555
2010 Reppert M, Naibo V, Jankowiak R. Modeling study of non-line-narrowed hole-burned spectra in weakly coupled dimers and multi-chromophoric molecular assemblies Chemical Physics. 367: 27-35. DOI: 10.1016/J.Chemphys.2009.10.013  0.641
2009 Reppert M, Naibo V, Jankowiak R. Analytical formulas for low-fluence non-line-narrowed hole-burned spectra in an excitonically coupled dimer. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 131: 234104. PMID 20025311 DOI: 10.1063/1.3270394  0.647
2008 Reppert M, Zazubovich V, Dang NC, Seibert M, Jankowiak R. Low-energy chlorophyll states in the CP43 antenna protein complex: simulation of various optical spectra. II. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 112: 9934-47. PMID 18642950 DOI: 10.1021/Jp8013749  0.64
2008 Dang NC, Zazubovich V, Reppert M, Neupane B, Picorel R, Seibert M, Jankowiak R. The CP43 proximal antenna complex of higher plant photosystem II revisited: modeling and hole burning study. I. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 112: 9921-33. PMID 18642949 DOI: 10.1021/Jp801373C  0.623
2007 Miksa B, Chinnappan R, Dang NC, Reppert M, Matter B, Tretyakova N, Grubor NM, Jankowiak R. Spectral differentiation and immunoaffinity capillary electrophoresis separation of enantiomeric benzo(a)pyrene diol epoxide-derived DNA adducts. Chemical Research in Toxicology. 20: 1192-9. PMID 17630708 DOI: 10.1021/Tx7001096  0.569
2007 Dang NC, Reinot T, Reppert M, Jankowiak R. Temperature dependence of hole growth kinetics in aluminum-phthalocyanine-tetrasulfonate in hyperquenched glassy water. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 111: 1582-9. PMID 17256889 DOI: 10.1021/jp065958g  0.518
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