Ameesh Makadia, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2007 | University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States |
Intelligent Systems: Computer VisionGoogle:
"Ameesh Makadia"Parents
Sign in to add mentorKostas Daniilidis | grad student | 2007 | Penn | |
(Robust correspondence -free algorithms for 3D motion recovery.) |
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Esteves C, Allen-Blanchette C, Makadia A, et al. (2019) Learning SO(3) Equivariant Representations with Spherical CNNs International Journal of Computer Vision. 128: 588-600 |
Makadia A, Pavlovic V, Kumar S. (2010) Baselines for image annotation International Journal of Computer Vision. 90: 88-105 |
Makadia A, Daniilidis K. (2010) Spherical correlation of visual representations for 3D model retrieval International Journal of Computer Vision. 89: 193-210 |
Makadia A. (2010) Feature tracking for wide-baseline image retrieval Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 6315: 310-323 |
Toshev A, Makadia A, Daniilidis K. (2009) Shape-based object recognition in videos using 3D synthetic object models 2009 Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, Cvpr Workshops 2009. 288-295 |
Makadia A, Gupta D, Daniilidis K. (2007) Planar ego-motion without correspondences Proceedings - Ieee Workshop On Motion and Video Computing, Motion 2005. 160-165 |
Makadia A, Visontai M, Daniilidis K. (2007) Harmonic silhouette matching for 3D models Proceedings of 3dtv-Con |
Makadia A, Geyer C, Daniilidis K. (2007) Correspondence-free structure from motion International Journal of Computer Vision. 75: 311-327 |
Makadia A, Daniilidis K. (2006) Rotation recovery from spherical images without correspondences. Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 28: 1170-5 |
Makadia A, Patterson IV A, Daniilidis K. (2006) Fully automatic registration of 3D point clouds Proceedings of the Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 1: 1297-1304 |