Arnold L. Glass

Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States 
Memory, Learning, Language, Computational Modeling
"Arnold Glass"
Cross-listing: Neurotree - LinguisTree


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Gordon H. Bower grad student Stanford (Neurotree)
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Sinha N, Glass AL. (2017) Dissociating Medial Temporal and Striatal Memory Systems With a Same/Different Matching Task: Evidence for Two Neural Systems in Human Recognition. The Journal of General Psychology. 144: 110-129
Sinha N, Glass AL. (2015) Delayed, but not immediate, feedback after multiple-choice questions increases performance on a subsequent short-answer, but not multiple-choice, exam: evidence for the dual-process theory of memory. The Journal of General Psychology. 142: 118-34
Glass AL, Sinha N. (2013) Multiple-Choice Questioning Is an Efficient Instructional Methodology That May Be Widely Implemented in Academic Courses to Improve Exam Performance Current Directions in Psychological Science. 22: 471-477
Glass AL, Sinha N. (2013) Providing the answers does not improve performance on a college final exam Educational Psychology. 33: 87-118
Glass AL. (2009) The effect of distributed questioning with varied examples on exam performance on inference questions Educational Psychology. 29: 831-848
Brill GA, Glass AL, Rashid H, et al. (2008) Visual identity and uncertainty in repetition blindness. The American Journal of Psychology. 121: 409-49
Glass AL, Brill G, Ingate M. (2008) Combined online and in-class pretesting improves exam performance in general psychology Educational Psychology. 28: 483-503
Glass AL, Lian A, Buyske S. (2006) Retrieval independence between parts and wholes in successive recognition tasks. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 59: 136-49
Glass A, Lian A, Lau J. (2004) Detection of repeated trigrams: Evidence of all-or-none learning American Journal of Psychology. 117: 497-515
Glass AL, Lian A, Helstrup T. (2003) Retrieval independence in successive recognition tasks. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. a, Human Experimental Psychology. 56: 657-84
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