David J. Klein

auditory system
"David Klein"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Shihab A. Shamma grad student University of Maryland
Rodney J. Douglas post-doc 2001-2004 (Neurotree)


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Konrad P. Kording collaborator (Neurotree)
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Simon JZ, Depireux DA, Klein DJ, et al. (2007) Temporal symmetry in primary auditory cortex: implications for cortical connectivity. Neural Computation. 19: 583-638
Klein DJ, Simon JZ, Depireux DA, et al. (2006) Stimulus-invariant processing and spectrotemporal reverse correlation in primary auditory cortex. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 20: 111-36
Elhilali M, Fritz JB, Klein DJ, et al. (2004) Dynamics of precise spike timing in primary auditory cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 24: 1159-72
Fritz J, Shamma S, Elhilali M, et al. (2003) Rapid task-related plasticity of spectrotemporal receptive fields in primary auditory cortex. Nature Neuroscience. 6: 1216-23
Eng K, Klein D, Bäbler A, et al. (2003) Design for a brain revisited: the neuromorphic design and functionality of the interactive space 'Ada'. Reviews in the Neurosciences. 14: 145-80
Klein DJ, König P, Körding KP. (2003) Sparse spectrotemporal coding of sounds Eurasip Journal On Applied Signal Processing. 2003: 659-667
Eng K, Bäbler A, Bernardet U, et al. (2003) Ada-intelligent space: An artificial creature for the Swiss Expo.02 Proceedings - Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Automation. 3: 4154-4159
Eng K, Bäbler A, Bernardet U, et al. (2002) Ada: Constructing a synthetic organism Ieee International Conference On Intelligent Robots and Systems. 2: 1808-1813
Depireux DA, Simon JZ, Klein DJ, et al. (2001) Spectro-temporal response field characterization with dynamic ripples in ferret primary auditory cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 85: 1220-34
Klein DJ, Depireux DA, Simon JZ, et al. (2000) Robust spectrotemporal reverse correlation for the auditory system: optimizing stimulus design. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 9: 85-111
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