Christina V. Schwarz - Publications

Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
Sciences Education, Instructional Design Education, Elementary Education

26 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Shiroda M, Franovic CG, de Lima J, Noyes K, Babi D, Beltran-Flores E, Kesh J, McKay RL, Persson-Gordon E, Cooper MM, Long TM, Schwarz CV, Stoltzfus JR. Examining and Supporting Mechanistic Explanations Across Chemistry and Biology Courses. Cbe Life Sciences Education. 23: ar38. PMID 39172965 DOI: 10.1187/cbe.23-08-0157  0.309
2020 Haverly C, Barton AC, Schwarz CV, Braaten M. “Making Space”: How Novice Teachers Create Opportunities for Equitable Sense-Making in Elementary Science: Journal of Teacher Education. 71: 63-79. DOI: 10.1177/0022487118800706  0.661
2020 Schwarz CV, Braaten M, Haverly C, Santos EXdl. Using Sense-Making Moments to Understand How Elementary Teachers’ Interactions Expand, Maintain, or Shut Down Sense-making in Science Cognition and Instruction. 1-36. DOI: 10.1080/07370008.2020.1763349  0.377
2020 Ke L, Schwarz CV. Supporting students' meaningful engagement in scientific modeling through epistemological messages: A case study of contrasting teaching approaches Journal of Research in Science Teaching. DOI: 10.1002/Tea.21662  0.518
2019 Krist C, Schwarz CV, Reiser BJ. Identifying Essential Epistemic Heuristics for Guiding Mechanistic Reasoning in Science Learning The Journal of the Learning Sciences. 28: 160-205. DOI: 10.1080/10508406.2018.1510404  0.36
2019 Vo T, Forbes C, Zangori L, Schwarz CV. Longitudinal investigation of primary inservice teachers’ modelling the hydrological phenomena International Journal of Science Education. 41: 2788-2807. DOI: 10.1080/09500693.2019.1698786  0.543
2019 Baumfalk B, Bhattacharya D, Vo T, Forbes C, Zangori L, Schwarz C. Impact of model‐based science curriculum and instruction on elementary students' explanations for the hydrosphere Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 56: 570-597. DOI: 10.1002/Tea.21514  0.518
2018 Akcaoglu M, Rosenberg JM, Ranellucci J, Schwarz CV. Outcomes from a self-generated utility value intervention on fifth and sixth-grade students’ value and interest in science International Journal of Educational Research. 87: 67-77. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijer.2017.12.001  0.382
2017 Bierema AM, Schwarz CV, Stoltzfus JR. Engaging Undergraduate Biology Students in Scientific Modeling: Analysis of Group Interactions, Sense-Making, and Justification. Cbe Life Sciences Education. 16. PMID 29196429 DOI: 10.1187/Cbe.17-01-0023  0.539
2017 Zangori L, Vo T, Forbes CT, Schwarz CV. Supporting 3rd-grade students model-based explanations about groundwater: a quasi-experimental study of a curricular intervention International Journal of Science Education. 39: 1421-1442. DOI: 10.1080/09500693.2017.1336683  0.542
2016 Campbell T, Schwarz C, Windschitl M. What We Call Misconceptions May Be Necessary Stepping-Stones toward Making Sense of the World. The Science Teacher. 83: 69-74. DOI: 10.2505/4/Tst16_083_03_69  0.583
2015 Vo T, Forbes CT, Zangori L, Schwarz CV. Fostering Third-Grade Students’ Use of Scientific Models with the Water Cycle: Elementary teachers’ conceptions and practices International Journal of Science Education. DOI: 10.1080/09500693.2015.1080880  0.59
2015 Zangori L, Forbes CT, Schwarz CV. Exploring the Effect of Embedded Scaffolding Within Curricular Tasks on Third-Grade Students’ Model-Based Explanations about Hydrologic Cycling Science and Education. 24: 957-981. DOI: 10.1007/S11191-015-9771-9  0.426
2015 Baek H, Schwarz CV. The Influence of Curriculum, Instruction, Technology, and Social Interactions on Two Fifth-Grade Students’ Epistemologies in Modeling Throughout a Model-Based Curriculum Unit Journal of Science Education and Technology. 24: 216-233. DOI: 10.1007/S10956-014-9532-6  0.633
2015 Berland LK, Schwarz CV, Krist C, Kenyon L, Lo AS, Reiser BJ. Epistemologies in practice: Making scientific practices meaningful for students Journal of Research in Science Teaching. DOI: 10.1002/Tea.21257  0.578
2015 Forbes CT, Zangori L, Schwarz CV. Empirical validation of integrated learning performances for hydrologic phenomena: 3rd-grade students' model-driven explanation-construction Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 52: 895-921. DOI: 10.1002/Tea.21226  0.534
2014 Hokayem H, Schwarz C. Engaging fifth graders in scientific modeling to learn about evaporation and condensation International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 12: 49-72. DOI: 10.1007/S10763-012-9395-3  0.569
2014 Zangori L, Forbes CT, Schwarz CV. Investigating the effect of curricular scaffolds on 3rd-grade students' model-based explanations for hydrologic cycling Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Icls. 2: 942-946.  0.328
2014 Schwarz CV, Ke L, Lee M, Rosenberg J. Developing mechanistic model-based explanations of phenomena: Case studies of two fifth grade students' epistemologies in practice over time Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Icls. 1: 182-189.  0.408
2009 Schwarz CV, Reiser BJ, Davis EA, Kenyon L, Achér A, Fortus D, Shwartz Y, Hug B, Krajcik J. Developing a learning progression for scientific modeling: Making scientific modeling accessible and meaningful for learners Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 46: 632-654. DOI: 10.1002/Tea.20311  0.481
2009 Schwarz C. Developing preservice elementary teachers' knowledge and practices through modeling-centered scientific inquiry Science Education. 93: 720-744. DOI: 10.1002/Sce.20324  0.706
2009 Mikeska JN, Anderson CW, Schwarz CV. Principled reasoning about problems of practice Science Education. 93: 678-686. DOI: 10.1002/Sce.20312  0.466
2008 Schwarz CV, Gunckel KL, Smith EL, Covitt BA, Bae M, Enfield M, Tsurusaki BK. Helping elementary preservice teachers learn to use curriculum materials for effective science teaching Science Education. 92: 345-377. DOI: 10.1002/Sce.20243  0.629
2007 Schwarz CV, Meyer J, Sharma A. Technology, pedagogy, and epistemology: Opportunities and challenges of using computer modeling and simulation tools in elementary science methods Journal of Science Teacher Education. 18: 243-269. DOI: 10.1007/S10972-007-9039-6  0.598
2007 Schwarz CV, Gwekwerere YN. Using a guided inquiry and modeling instructional framework (EIMA) to support preservice K-8 science teaching Science Education. 91: 158-186. DOI: 10.1002/Sce.20177  0.679
2005 Schwarz CV, White BY. Metamodeling knowledge: Developing students' understanding of scientific modeling Cognition and Instruction. 23: 165-205. DOI: 10.1207/S1532690Xci2302_1  0.526
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