Jacob K. Rosenstein, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Electrical Engineering | Brown University, Providence, RI | |
2013 | Electrical Engineering | Columbia University, New York, NY |
Mixed-signal electronics, instrumentation, electrophysiology, nanopore sensors, embedded systems, VLSI, sensor interfaces, microfluidics.Google:
"Jacob Rosenstein"Parents
Sign in to add mentorKenneth Lyle Shepard | grad student | 2013 | Columbia | |
(Noise Optimization for High-Bandwidth Ion Channel Recordings.) |
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Kennedy E, Geiser J, Arcadia CE, et al. (2021) Secret messaging with endogenous chemistry. Scientific Reports. 11: 13960 |
Arcadia CE, Dombroski A, Oakley K, et al. (2021) Leveraging autocatalytic reactions for chemical domain image classification. Chemical Science. 12: 5464-5472 |
Rosenstein JK, Dombroski A, Oakley K, et al. (2020) Principles of Information Storage in Small-Molecule Mixtures. Ieee Transactions On Nanobioscience |
Arcadia CE, Kennedy E, Geiser J, et al. (2020) Multicomponent molecular memory. Nature Communications. 11: 691 |
Hu K, Kennedy E, Rosenstein JK. (2020) Radio-Frequency Electrochemical Sensor Arrays for Biological Imaging Biophysical Journal. 118: 622a |
Kennedy E, Arcadia CE, Geiser J, et al. (2019) Encoding information in synthetic metabolomes. Plos One. 14: e0217364 |
Fleischer DA, Shekar S, Dai S, et al. (2018) CMOS-Integrated Low-Noise Junction Field-Effect Transistors for Bioelectronic Applications. Ieee Electron Device Letters : a Publication of the Ieee Electron Devices Society. 39: 931-934 |
Ozmen M, Kennedy E, Rose J, et al. (2018) High Speed Chemical Vapor Communication Using Photoionization Detectors in Turbulent Flow Ieee Transactions On Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications. 4: 160-170 |
Carminati M, Rosenstein JK, Thewes R, et al. (2018) Guest Editorial Special Issue on Advances and Open Challenges for Integrated Circuits Detecting Bio Molecules Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Circuits and Systems. 12: 1334-1336 |
Shakya P, Kennedy E, Rose C, et al. (2018) Correlated Transmission and Detection of Concentration-Modulated Chemical Vapor Plumes Ieee Sensors Journal. 18: 6504-6509 |