James K. Hopkins, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2014 | Mechanical Engineering | University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD |
Mechanical Engineering, Robotics EngineeringGoogle:
"James Hopkins"Parents
Sign in to add mentorSatyandra K. Gupta | grad student | 2014 | University of Maryland | |
(Design and Analysis of Exaggerated Rectilinear Gait-Based Snake-Inspired Robots.) |
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Hopkins JK, Gupta SK. (2014) Design and modeling of a new drive system and exaggerated rectilinear-gait for a snake-inspired robot Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics. 6 |
Hopkins JK, Gupta SK. (2013) Analysis of a low effort rectilinear gait for a snake-inspired robot Proceedings of the Asme Design Engineering Technical Conference. 6 |
Hopkins JK, Gupta SK. (2012) Characterization of forward rectilinear-gait performance for a snake-inspired robot Performance Metrics For Intelligent Systems (Permis) Workshop. 136-144 |
Hopkins JK, Gupta SK. (2012) Dynamics-based model for a new class of rectilinear-gait for a snake-inspired robot Proceedings of the Asme Design Engineering Technical Conference. 4: 151-160 |
Hopkins JK, Gupta SK. (2011) Design of a drive mechanism for a rectilinear-gait based snake-inspired robot Proceedings of the Asme Design Engineering Technical Conference. 6: 817-825 |
Hopkins JK, Spranklin BW, Gupta SK. (2011) A case study in optimization of gait and physical parameters for a snake-inspired robot based on a rectilinear gait Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics. 3 |
Hopkins JK, Spranklin BW, Gupta SK. (2009) A survey of snake-inspired robot designs. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. 4: 021001 |
Hopkins JK, Spranklin BW, Gupta SK. (2009) System-level optimization model for a snake-inspired robot based on a rectilinear gait 2008 Proceedings of the Asme International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Detc 2008. 2: 913-924 |