Damon R. Fick, Ph.D.

2008 Civil Engineering Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States 
Civil Engineering
"Damon Fick"


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Michael E. Kreger grad student 2008 Purdue
 (Experimental investigation of a full-scale flat-plate reinforced concrete structure subjected to cyclic lateral loading in the inelastic range of response.)
Mete A. Sozen grad student 2008 Purdue
 (Experimental investigation of a full-scale flat-plate reinforced concrete structure subjected to cyclic lateral loading in the inelastic range of response.)
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Bell M, Fick D, Ament R, et al. (2020) The Use of Fiber-Reinforced Polymers in Wildlife Crossing Infrastructure Sustainability. 12: 1557
Sharma R, Fick DR, West MK, et al. (2019) Fatigue and Static Properties of Built-up Friction Stir Welded Ti-6Al-4V I-Beams Materials Performance and Characterization. 8
Fick DR, Sozen MA, Kreger ME. (2017) Response of Full-Scale Three-Story Flat-Plate Test Structure to Cycles of Increasing Lateral Load Aci Structural Journal. 114: 1507-1517
Barbosa AR, Fahnestock LA, Fick DR, et al. (2017) Performance of Medium-to-High Rise Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings with Masonry Infill in the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake Earthquake Spectra. 33: 197-218
Fick DR. (2014) A procedure to estimate the drift response of flat-plate structures subjected to strong ground motions Ncee 2014 - 10th U.S. National Conference On Earthquake Engineering: Frontiers of Earthquake Engineering
Belzer BE, Robinson MJ, Fick DR. (2013) Composite action of concrete-filled rectangular GFRP tubes Journal of Composites For Construction. 17: 722-731
Fick DR, Sozen MA, Kreger ME. (2012) Cyclic lateral load test and the estimation of elastic drift response of a full-scale three-story flat-plate structure American Concrete Institute, Aci Special Publication. 215-228
Roberts LA, Fick D, Misra A. (2011) Performance-Based Design of Drilled Shaft Bridge Foundations Journal of Bridge Engineering. 16: 749-758
Pujol S, Fick D. (2010) The test of a full-scale three-story RC structure with masonry infill walls Engineering Structures. 32: 3112-3121
Fick DR. (2010) Cyclic lateral-load test to failure of a full-scale three-story flat-plate reinforced concrete structure 9th Us National and 10th Canadian Conference On Earthquake Engineering 2010, Including Papers From the 4th International Tsunami Symposium. 2: 1551-1560
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