Timothy K. Horiuchi

ECE, ISR, NACS University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD 
Sensory systems
"Timothy Horiuchi"


Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Christof Koch grad student 1997 Caltech (Neurotree)
Ernst Niebur post-doc 1997-1999 Johns Hopkins (Neurotree)


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Chetan Bansal grad student University of Maryland (Neurotree)
Matthew Cheely grad student University of Maryland (Neurotree)
Nil Z Gurel grad student University of Maryland (Neurotree)
Shashikant Koul grad student University of Maryland (Neurotree)
Matthew Runchey grad student University of Maryland (Neurotree)
Chenxi Wen grad student University of Maryland (Neurotree)
Zhiping Shi grad student 2006 University of Maryland (Neurotree)
Kaushik Ghose grad student 1999-2006 University of Maryland
Murat Aytekin grad student 2007 University of Maryland (Neurotree)
Rock Zhiping Shi grad student 2007 University of Maryland (Neurotree)
Hisham A. Abdalla grad student 2009 University of Maryland (Neurotree)
Tarek M. Massoud grad student 2012 University of Maryland
Jacob Isbell grad student 2021 University of Maryland (Neurotree)
BETA: Related publications


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Wen C, Horiuchi TK. (2022) The Curved Openspace Algorithm and a Spike-Latency Model for Sonar-Based Obstacle Avoidance. Frontiers in Neurorobotics. 16: 850013
Isbell JD, Horiuchi TK. (2020) Echo View Cells From Bio-Inspired Sonar. Frontiers in Neurorobotics. 14: 567991
Koul S, Horiuchi TK. (2019) Waypoint Path Planning With Synaptic-Dependent Spike Latency Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 66: 1544-1557
Isbell J, Horiuchi TK. (2018) Managing Clutter in a High Pulse Rate Echolocation System. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 12: 177
Horiuchi TK, Moss CF. (2015) Grid cells in 3-D: Reconciling data and models. Hippocampus
Lee W, Sändig S, Denzinger A, et al. (2014) Reconstructing the acoustic scenes encountered by free-flying, foraging bats The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 135: 2174-2174
Horiuchi TK, Massoud TM. (2014) A neuromorphic VLSI model of grid cells in the echolocating bat Ieee 2014 Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, Biocas 2014 - Proceedings. 540-543
Massoud TM, Horiuchi TK. (2012) A neuromorphic VLSI grid cell system Iscas 2012 - 2012 Ieee International Symposium On Circuits and Systems. 2421-2424
Indiveri G, Horiuchi TK. (2011) Frontiers in neuromorphic engineering. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 5: 118
MacLeod KM, Horiuchi TK. (2011) A rapid form of activity-dependent recovery from short-term synaptic depression in the intensity pathway of the auditory brainstem. Biological Cybernetics. 104: 209-23
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