Holm Altenbach, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h. c. mult.

1995-2011 Center of Engineering Sciences Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany 
 2011- Institute of Mechanics Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany 
"Holm Altenbach"

born in Leipzig, Germany

1974 - 1980
Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Physics and Mechanics

Diploma (approx. MSc) in "Dynamics and Strength of Machines (Diploma Thesis: Stability of a Three-layered Strip, Final Grade: With Distinction)

1980 - 1995
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg: Assistant, Senior Assistant

Leningrad Polytechnic Institute: Candidate of Engineering Sciences (Dr.-Ing., approx. PhD) - A Timoshenko-type Theory for Inhomogeneous in the Thickness Direction Elastic Shells (Supervisor Prof. Dr. V.A. Pal'mov)

Facultas docendi in "Engineering Mechanics" at the Magdeburg University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Leningrad Polytechnic Institute: Doctor of Engineering Sciences (Dr.sc.techn., Habilitation) - The Direct Approach in the Theory of Viscoelastic Shells

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Mahmood N, Kolesov I, Glüge R, et al. (2020) Influence of structure gradients in injection moldings of isotactic polypropylene on their mechanical properties Polymer. 200: 122556
Tolcha MA, Altenbach H, Tibba GS. (2020) Modeling creep-fatigue interaction damage and H13 tool steel material response for rolling die under hot milling Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 223: 106770
Nordmann J, Naumenko K, Altenbach H. (2019) A Damage Mechanics Based Cohesive Zone Model with Damage Gradient Extension for Creep-Fatigue-Interaction Key Engineering Materials. 794: 253-259
Glüge R, Altenbach H, Kolesov I, et al. (2019) On the effective elastic properties of isotactic polypropylene Polymer. 160: 291-302
Nazarenko L, Stolarski HK, Altenbach H. (2019) A statistical interphase damage model of random particulate composites International Journal of Plasticity. 116: 118-142
Nazarenko L, Chirkov AY, Stolarski H, et al. (2019) On modeling of carbon nanotubes reinforced materials and on influence of carbon nanotubes spatial distribution on mechanical behavior of structural elements International Journal of Engineering Science. 143: 1-13
Bagheri B, Schulze S, Naumenko K, et al. (2019) Identification of traction-separation curves for self-adhesive polymeric films based on non-linear theory of beams and digital images of T-peeling Composite Structures. 216: 222-227
Altenbach H, Eremeyev VA. (2019) Generalized continua with applications: Euromech Solid Mechanics Conference 2018 Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics. 31: 1571-1572
Kostyrko S, Grekov M, Altenbach H. (2019) Stress concentration analysis of nanosized thin-film coating with rough interface Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics. 31: 1863-1871
Javanbakht Z, Aßmus M, Naumenko K, et al. (2019) On thermal strains and residual stresses in the linear theory of anti‐sandwiches Zamm-Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. 99
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