Jianxiang Wang

Peking University, Beijing, Beijing Shi, China 
"Jianxiang Wang"
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Dang X, Feng F, Duan H, et al. (2022) Theorem on the Compatibility of Spherical Kirigami Tessellations. Physical Review Letters. 128: 035501
Dang X, Feng F, Duan H, et al. (2021) Theorem for the design of deployable kirigami tessellations with different topologies. Physical Review. E. 104: 055006
Wang L, Xu J, Wang J, et al. (2020) Nonlocal thermo-elastic constitutive relation of fibre-reinforced composites Acta Mechanica Sinica. 36: 176-187
Ren K, Chen L, Cheng Y, et al. (2019) A grain level model for deformation and failure of ultrafine-grained tungsten Science China Technological Sciences. 62: 755-761
Dang X, Liu Y, Wang L, et al. (2019) Solutions of the elastic fields in a half-plane region containing multiple inhomogeneities with the equivalent inclusion method and the applications to properties of composites Acta Mechanica. 230: 1529-1547
Du F, Huang J, Duan H, et al. (2018) Wetting transparency of supported graphene is regulated by polarities of liquids and substrates Applied Surface Science. 454: 249-255
Lin F, Du F, Huang J, et al. (2016) Substrate effect modulates adhesion and proliferation of fibroblast on graphene layer. Colloids and Surfaces. B, Biointerfaces. 146: 785-793
Du F, Huang J, Duan H, et al. (2016) Surface stress of graphene layers supported on soft substrate. Scientific Reports. 6: 25653
Shi Y, Ji Y, Sun H, et al. (2015) Nanoscale characterization of PM2.5 airborne pollutants reveals high adhesiveness and aggregation capability of soot particles. Scientific Reports. 5: 11232
Dong H, Wang J, Rubin MB. (2015) A nonlinear Cosserat interphase model for residual stresses in an inclusion and the interphase that bonds it to an infinite matrix International Journal of Solids and Structures. 62: 186-206
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