Ming-Chia Lai - Publications

Mechanical Engineering Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, United States 
Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Chemical Engineering

15 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2020 Wang J, Duan X, Liu Y, Wang W, Liu J, Lai M, Li Y, Guo G. Numerical investigation of water injection quantity and water injection timing on the thermodynamics, combustion and emissions in a hydrogen enriched lean-burn natural gas SI engine International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 45: 17935-17952. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijhydene.2020.04.146  0.322
2020 Duan X, Li Y, Liu Y, Zhang S, Guan J, Lai M, Liu J. Dilution gas and hydrogen enrichment on the laminar flame speed and flame structure of the methane/air mixture Fuel. 281: 118794. DOI: 10.1016/J.Fuel.2020.118794  0.328
2020 Guo T, Duan X, Liu Y, Liu J, Zhou X, Li Y, Lai M, Guo G. A comparative experimental study on emission characteristics of a turbocharged gasoline direct-injection (TGDI) engine fuelled with gasoline/ethanol blends under transient cold-start and steady-state conditions Fuel. 277: 118153. DOI: 10.1016/J.Fuel.2020.118153  0.311
2020 Duan X, Zhang S, Liu Y, Li Y, Liu J, Lai M, Deng B. Numerical investigation the effects of the twin-spark plugs coupled with EGR on the combustion process and emissions characteristics in a lean burn natural gas SI engine Energy. 206: 118181. DOI: 10.1016/J.Energy.2020.118181  0.385
2019 Duan X, Liu Y, Lai M, Guo G, Liu J, Chen Z, Deng B. Effects of natural gas composition and compression ratio on the thermodynamic and combustion characteristics of a heavy-duty lean-burn SI engine fueled with liquefied natural gas Fuel. 254: 115733. DOI: 10.1016/J.Fuel.2019.115733  0.377
2019 Guo G, He Z, Lai M, Duan X, Leng X, Duan L, Chen Z. Optical experiment and Large Eddy Simulation on effects of in-nozzle stagnant air bubbles and diesel on near-nozzle spray structure variation in diesel injector Fuel. 255: 115721. DOI: 10.1016/J.Fuel.2019.115721  0.363
2019 Duan X, Liu Y, Liu J, Lai M, Jansons M, Guo G, Zhang S, Tang Q. Experimental and numerical investigation of the effects of low-pressure, high-pressure and internal EGR configurations on the performance, combustion and emission characteristics in a hydrogen-enriched heavy-duty lean-burn natural gas SI engine Energy Conversion and Management. 195: 1319-1333. DOI: 10.1016/J.Enconman.2019.05.059  0.35
2019 Im K, Zhang Z, Cook G, Lai M, Chon MS. Simulation of Liquid and Gas Phase Characteristics of Aerated-Liquid Jets in Quiescent and Cross Flow Conditions International Journal of Automotive Technology. 20: 207-213. DOI: 10.1007/S12239-019-0020-0  0.318
2014 Yang B, Wei X, Xi C, Liu Y, Zeng K, Lai M. Experimental study of the effects of natural gas injection timing on the combustion performance and emissions of a turbocharged common rail dual-fuel engine Energy Conversion and Management. 87: 297-304. DOI: 10.1016/J.Enconman.2014.07.030  0.363
2010 Matsumoto A, Moore WR, Lai M, Zheng Y, Foster M, Xie X, Yen D, Confer K, Hopkins E. Spray Characterization of Ethanol Gasoline Blends and Comparison to a CFD Model for a Gasoline Direct Injector Sae International Journal of Engines. 3: 402-425. DOI: 10.4271/2010-01-0601  0.443
2008 Matsumoto A, Xie X, Lai M, Winsor RE, Huynh TC. Characterization of Diesel Common Rail Spray Behavior for Single- and Double-hole Nozzles Sae International Journal of Engines. 1: 1144-1156. DOI: 10.4271/2008-01-2424  0.447
2005 Kim H, Yoon S, Xie X, Lai M, Quelhas S, Boyd R, Kumar N, Moran C. Effects of Injection Timings and Intake Port Flow Control on the In-Cylinder Wetted Fuel Footprints during PFI Engine Startup Process Sae Transactions. 114: 721-734. DOI: 10.4271/2005-01-2082  0.368
2003 Im K, Lai M, Yoon S. Spray Characteristics on the Electrostatic Rotating Bell Applicator Ksme International Journal. 17: 2053-2065. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02982446  0.305
2001 Im K, Kim H, Lai M, Tacina R. Parametric Study of the Swirler/Venturi Spray Injectors Journal of Propulsion and Power. 17: 717-727. DOI: 10.2514/2.5801  0.335
2000 Han J, Wang TC, Xie XB, Lai M, Henein NA, Harrington DL, Pinson J, Miles PC. Dynamics of Multiple-Injection Fuel Sprays in a Small-bore HSDI Diesel Engine Sae Transactions. 109: 1538-1554. DOI: 10.4271/2000-01-1256  0.352
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