University College London

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Amal M. Al-HassawiVertebrate Palaeontology Susan E. Evans (grad student)
Jérémy AnquetinVertebrate Palaeontology Susan E. Evans (grad student)
Richard H. Bakermolecular phylogenetics, evolutionary genomics, stalk-eyed flies19992001 Andrew Pomiankowski (post-doc)
Francois BallouxPopulation genetics
Maricci Basa Ryan N. Felice (grad student)
Sade BatesEvolutionary Genetics Genes, evolution and environment Genes, evolution and environment2018 Kevin Fowler (grad student), Andrew Pomiankowski (grad student)
Margarita Beltrán20012004 James LB Mallet (grad student)
William Blaxland Benham18841887 E. Ray Lankester (grad student)
Juan BenitoVertebrate Paleontology, Ornithology, Evolution, Morphology, Phylogeny Cell and Developmental Biology Susan E. Evans (research scientist)
C. Verity BennetVertebrate Palaeontology Anjali Goswami (grad student)
Robert (Sam) James Berry1959 Hans Grüneberg (grad student)
Arnau BoletVertebrate Palaeontology Susan E. Evans (grad student)
Martin Brookes19931996 James LB Mallet (post-doc)
James Brough David Meredith Seares Watson (grad student)
Vanessa Bull19992003 James LB Mallet (grad student)
Richard J. ButlerVertebrate palaeontology Paul Upchurch (grad student)
Marcel Cardillo20022004 Georgina Mace (post-doc)
Rui CerqueiraEcology, Biogeography and evolution of mammals19761980 Kenneth A. Kermack (grad student)
Helen Chatterjee Adrian Mark Lister (grad student)
Morten H. ChristiansenPsycholinguistics, Language Evolution, Statistical Learning Nick Chater (grad student)
Martin J. CohnZoology Biology, Evolution and Development Biology1997 Cheryll Tickle (grad student)
Ben Collenconservation, biodiversity
Fabiana CostaVertebrate Paleontology Susan E. Evans (grad student)
Peter J. CrushVertebrate Palaeontology Kenneth A. Kermack (grad student)
Sarah Darwin20012009 James LB Mallet (grad student)
Kanchon Dasmahapatra19992000 James LB Mallet (grad student)
Julia Day2000 Michael Coates (grad student), Paul Upchurch (collaborator)
Lisa de Silva20052010 James LB Mallet (grad student)
Michele Drès19962000 James LB Mallet (grad student)
Christopher J. Duffin Kenneth A. Kermack (grad student)
Ben EdwardsVertebrate Palaeontology Susan E. Evans (grad student)
Igor Emelianov19932001 James LB Mallet (post-doc)
Susan E. EvansVertebrate Palaeontology Kenneth A. Kermack (grad student), Paul Upchurch (collaborator)
Anne-Claire Fabre Anjali Goswami (grad student)
Ryan N. Felice Anjali Goswami (post-doc)
Ronald A. FisherStatistical Genetics
Gordon (Tony) Elliott Fogg
Brian George Gardiner Kenneth A. Kermack (grad student)
Anjali GoswamiMammalian evolution and development Paul Upchurch (collaborator)
Sebastien Gourbière20012003 James LB Mallet (post-doc)
Robert Edmond GrantMarine biology, comparative anatomy
Bryony GreenVertebrate Palaeontology Susan E. Evans (grad student)
Duncan Greig Michael Travisano (post-doc)
Sebastian S. Groh
Hans Grüneberg19331938 John Burdon Sanderson Haldane (research scientist)
Zena Hadjivasiliou GEE Andrew Pomiankowski (grad student)
John Burdon Sanderson HaldaneEvolutionary Genetics
Thomas J.D. Halliday Anjali Goswami (grad student)
Beverly Halstead-Tarlo Pamela Lamplugh Robinson (grad student)
Stuart Alan HarrisonPrebiotic chemistry, astrobiology, origin of life, biochemistry
Yichen He Anjali Goswami (post-doc)
Gordon Hillman
A. D. Hobson1924 Lancelot Thomas Hogben (research assistant)
Sydney Ewart Hollingworth
Jerry J. HookerVertebrate Palaeontology Kenneth A. Kermack (grad student)
Blanca Huertas20062013 James LB Mallet (grad student)
Barry Hughes Pamela Lamplugh Robinson (grad student)
Chris D. JigginsEvolution, genetics19941997 James LB Mallet (grad student)
Marc E. H. JonesVertebrate Palaeontology20022006 Susan E. Evans (grad student)
Steve Jones
Kenneth Joysey19491952 Sydney Ewart Hollingworth (grad student)
Han Sung Jung1997 Cheryll Tickle (grad student), Lewis Wolpert (grad student)
Kenneth A. KermackVertebrate Palaeontology1950 John Burdon Sanderson Haldane (grad student)
Andrew Knapp Ryan N. Felice (post-doc)
Nick Lane
E. Ray Lankester
Tim CD LucasEpidemiology, Ecology
Frank Eugene Lutz1902 Karl Pearson (research assistant)
Georgina Mace
James LB MalletButterflies, mimicry, speciation, genomics John R G Turner (collaborator), Keith S. Brown (collaborator)
Judith Mankevolutionary genomics, sexual selection
Ryan D. Marek Ryan N. Felice (post-doc)
Ferdinand MarletazEvolution, zoology, phylogeny
Omar Matar2022 Ferdinand Marletaz (grad student)
Ryoko MatsumotoVertebrate Palaeontology Susan E. Evans (grad student)
Jesus Mavarez20022004 James LB Mallet (post-doc)
John Maynard SmithEvolutionary Biology John Burdon Sanderson Haldane (grad student)
W. Owen McMillan19941997 James LB Mallet (post-doc)
Charlotte E. MillerBiomechanics John R. Hutchinson (grad student)
Matthew J. Mitchell Ryan N. Felice (grad student)
Mehran Moazen Michael J Fagan (grad student)
John Morris
Russell Naisbit19972001 James LB Mallet (grad student)
Mark NesbittBotany, history, archaeology, museums Institute of Archaeology19941997 Gordon Hillman (grad student)
John F. Oatesprimate ecology, primate conservation19661968 Peter A. Jewell (grad student)
Fred Owen Adrian Mark Lister (grad student)
David PaceyVertebrate Palaeontology Kenneth A. Kermack (grad student)
Elise Parey2022 Ferdinand Marletaz (post-doc)
William Parr Helen Chatterjee (grad student)
Colin PattersonVertebrate Palaeontology Kenneth A. Kermack (grad student)
Marianne Pearson Susan E. Evans (grad student)
Helga Pearson David Meredith Seares Watson (grad student)
Josephine M. Pemberton Robert (Sam) James Berry (post-doc)
Silvana PinnaPrebiotic chemistry, astrobiology, origin of life, biochemistry Genetics, Evolution and Environment20172021 Nick Lane (grad student)
Laura Piovani GEE20222021 Maximilian J Telford (grad student), Ferdinand Marletaz (post-doc)
Andrew Pomiankowski
Arunas RadzvilaviciusEvolutionary biology Andrew Pomiankowski (grad student)
Marcela Randau Carvalho Burgess Anjali Goswami (grad student)
Omar Rafael Regalado FernandezEvolutionary biology, palaeontology Earth Sciences20142018 Paul Upchurch (grad student)
Stephen Rewcastle Pamela Lamplugh Robinson (grad student)
Ivan Rodrigo Reyes Cell and Developmental Biology20182022 Susan E. Evans (grad student)
Lucy Emma RobertsPalaeontology, morphometrics, macroevolution Anjali Goswami (post-doc)
Pamela Lamplugh Robinson
Owen Rose19931997 James LB Mallet (grad student)
Neil Rosser20082012 James LB Mallet (grad student)
Omar Rota-StabelliMolecular Evolution, Applied Entomology, Phylogenomics, Molecular Clocks GEE20052010 Maximilian J Telford (grad student)
Arthur E. Shipley18871889 Walter Frank Raphael Weldon (grad student)
Cedric Austen Bardell SmithStatistics and Genetics19461947 John Burdon Sanderson Haldane (post-doc)
Robert G. SpracklandHerpetology, systematics, physiology Susan E. Evans (grad student)
Neville George Stephenson Embryology1949 Gavin Rylands de Beer (grad student)
Paul James Sunnucks1995 Robert (Sam) James Berry (grad student)
Samuel J. TazzymanSexual selection
Maximilian J Telford
Richard Anthony ThulbornVertebrate Palaeontology1970 Kenneth A. Kermack (grad student)
Cheryll Tickle Lewis Wolpert (post-doc)
Garth Leon UnderwoodSystematics and morphology David Meredith Seares Watson (research assistant)
Paul Upchurch Marc E. H. Jones (collaborator)
Conrad Hal WaddingtonDevelopmental Biology, Epigenetics1931 John Burdon Sanderson Haldane (research assistant)
Rachel Warnock Ziheng Yang (grad student)
Diane Warrener Kenneth A. Kermack (grad student)
David Meredith Seares WatsonVertebrate Palaeontology
Emily C. Watt Anjali Goswami (grad student), Ryan N. Felice (grad student)
Walter Frank Raphael Weldon
Alaine Whinnett20012005 James LB Mallet (grad student)
Michael James Denham White1932 David Meredith Seares Watson (grad student)
Brian A. Whitton Gordon (Tony) Elliott Fogg (grad student)
Stuart WigbyEvolutionary biology, genetics, behavioural ecology, Drosophila20012005 Tracey Chapman (grad student)
Keith Willmott20012004 James LB Mallet (grad student)
John Miall Winterbottom1932 Julian Sorell Huxley (grad student)
Ian Wynne19992002 James LB Mallet (grad student)
Marie Zimmermann20022004 James LB Mallet (post-doc)