University of Edinburgh

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
David Howard AbbottBehavioral Neuroendocrinology1979 John P. Hearn (grad student)
Simon Aeschbacher
J. Arvid Ågren20082010 Deborah Charlesworth (research assistant)
Richard Allen Sam P. Brown (grad student)
Stuart Auld20072010 tom John Little (grad student)
Jaume Baguñà Department of Genetics, Institute of Animal Genetics Department of Genetics, Institute of Animal Genetics19721974 Ruth M. Clayton (post-doc), John Campbell (post-doc)
Avik Basu Eric Schirmer (post-doc)
Dzmitry Batrakou2012 Eric Schirmer (grad student)
Hannes Becherbotany, evolutionary genetics
Mark L. BlaxterNematology, Evolutionary genomics
Iain Bell Ramsay Bowman
Liam BrierleyEpidemiology, Disease Ecology, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Zoonotic Diseases2016 Amy B. Pedersen (grad student)
David Anthony Briscoe1973 Bryan Campbell Clarke (grad student), Alan Robertson (grad student)
Maxwell N. Burton-ChellewEvolutionary Biology - Behavioural Economics20032007 Stuart A. West (grad student), David Shuker (grad student)
John Campbell
Jose L Campos20082010 Julio Rozas (post-doc)
Julius Viktor Carus
Brian Charlesworthpopulation genetics, evolutionary genetics Francis M. Jiggins (collaborator)
Deborah CharlesworthEvolutionary Genetics
Jobran Maurice ChebibEvolution, Quantitative Genetics, Cultural Evolution, Population Genetics Institute of Evolutionary Biology2019 Peter Keightley (post-doc)
Ruth M. Clayton Animal Genetics1951 Conrad Hal Waddington (research scientist)
Sinead Collins Graham Bell (grad student)
David ColtmanEvolution and Development Biology, Systematic Biology Josephine M. Pemberton (post-doc)
Rafal Czapiewski Eric Schirmer (post-doc)
Charles Robert Darwinevolution1828 Robert Jameson (grad student)
Angus Davisonevolution, genetics, molluscs20032005 Mark L. Blaxter (research scientist)
Charles Dixon Eric Schirmer (grad student)
Gytis Dudasphylogenetics, virus evolution20112015 Andrew Rambaut (grad student)
Alison Duncan20042007 tom John Little (grad student)
Kelly A. DyerEvolutionary Genetics Brian Charlesworth (post-doc)
William Eddie20002003 Robert K Jansen (grad student)
John Arthur Endler1973 Bryan Campbell Clarke (grad student)
Lel Eory Peter Keightley (grad student)
Sylvie Estrela Sam P. Brown (grad student)
John Evans
Alan Fairlamb1975 Iain Bell Ramsay Bowman (grad student)
Elizabeth Fairley Eric Schirmer (post-doc)
Aubrey W. G.
Daniel Gaffney Peter Keightley (grad student)
Andy GardnerSocial evolution theory20012004 Nicholas H. Barton (grad student), Stuart A. West (grad student)
Robert (Roy) Geddesbiochemistry1965 Charles Trevor Greenwood (grad student)
Sara Guirao-Rico Deborah Charlesworth (post-doc)
Jarrod Hadfield Ian Owens (grad student)
Daniel Halligan Peter Keightley (grad student)
John M. HancockMicrosatellites, simple sequences, amino acid repeats Adrian Sumner (grad student)
Matthew Hartfield Peter Keightley (grad student)
Jack Hearn Institute of Evolutionary Biology Graham N. Stone (grad student)
John P. Hearn
A. D. Hobson1926 James Hartley Ashworth (grad student)
Susan E. JohnstonEvolution, Genetics2013 Josephine M. Pemberton (post-doc)
Steve Jones Genetics, Evolution and Environment Bryan Campbell Clarke (grad student)
Felicity C Jones Institute of Evolutionary Biology20002005 Josephine M. Pemberton (grad student)
Peter Keightley William George Hill (grad student)
Nadia Korfali Eric Schirmer (post-doc)
Athanasios KousathanasPopulation genetics, evolutionary genetics, statistics Peter Keightley (grad student)
Sujai KumarEvolutionary genomics, Bioinformatics20092012 Mark L. Blaxter (grad student)
Dominik R LaetschEvolutionary Biology, Genomics, Bioinformatics Institute of Evolutionary Biology Institute of Evolutionary Biology Institute of Evolutionary Biology20182023 Mark L. Blaxter (grad student), Konrad Lohse (post-doc), Laura Ross (post-doc)
Jose de las Eric Schirmer (post-doc)
Alan Lillavian social behavior and conservation1966 David Grainger Marcus Wood-Gush (grad student)
tom John LittleEvolution
James D. Lockie
Konrad Lohse Institute of Evolutionary Biology Graham N. Stone (grad student)
Nick Lowery Sam P. Brown (grad student)
Donald G. MacPhee Bacteriology & General Microbiology Bacteriology & General Microbiology1967 John Frome Wilkinson (grad student), Ian Wishart Sutherland (grad student)
Alexandr Makarov2017 Eric Schirmer (grad student)
Poonam Malik Eric Schirmer (post-doc)
Maria Manunta Eric Schirmer (post-doc)
Sarah N. Mattey Evolutionary Biology Per T. Smiseth (grad student)
Bryant McAllisterEvolutionary Genetics19961998 Brian Charlesworth (post-doc)
Eryn McFarlane Institute of Evolutionary Biology20172021 Josephine M. Pemberton (post-doc)
Luke McNally Sam P. Brown (post-doc)
Jacob A. Moorad
Isla Myers-Smith
Sean Nee John Maynard Smith (grad student)
Rob Ness Peter Keightley (post-doc)
David L G Noakesecology evolution development ethology behavior genetics fisheries orientation imprinting species Zoology Aubrey Manning (post-doc)
Darren Jack ObbardEvolutionary Genetics, Drosophila, Viruses Institute of Evolutionary Biology20132014 tom John Little (post-doc), John R. Pannell (grad student), Pedro F. Vale (collaborator)
David ParkinEvolutionary and ecological genetics Bryan Campbell Clarke (post-doc)
Amy B. Pedersen
Josephine M. Pemberton
Ally Phillimorephenology, macroevolution, macroecology
Roman Popat Sam P. Brown (post-doc)
Antoni PrevostiGenetics Conrad Hal Waddington (post-doc), F. W. Robertson (collaborator), E. Reeve (collaborator), A. Robertson (collaborator), Douglas S. Falconer (collaborator)
Andrew Rambautsoftware for evolutionary biology Sean Nee (grad student)
E. Reeve
Andrea Rizzotto2019 Eric Schirmer (grad student)
F. W. Robertson
A. Robertson
Michael Robson2015 Eric Schirmer (grad student)
Antonio M. M. RodriguesSocial Evolution Sam P. Brown (grad student)
Natalia Saiz Ros2017 Eric Schirmer (grad student)
Eric Schirmer
Aishwarya Sivakumar Eric Schirmer (grad student)
Jon Slate Josephine M. Pemberton (grad student)
Per T. Smisethbehavioural ecology, parent-offspring
Vlastimil Srsen Eric Schirmer (post-doc)
Graham N. Stone
Adrian Sumner John Evans (post-doc)
Ian Richard SwinglandConservation, Wildlife, Behaviour James D. Lockie (grad student)
Phu Le Thanh2017 Eric Schirmer (grad student)
Alex Twyford Catherine Kidner (grad student)
Michael Barham Usher1967 Derrick Norman Lawley (grad student)
Pedro F. ValeHost-pathogen interactions; evolutionary ecology20052009 tom John Little (grad student)
Isabelle M Veagenetic systems, phylogenetics, metamorphosis, sex determination, sexual dimorphism, fossils, scale insects, entomology
Jorge VieiraMolecular Evolution Brian Charlesworth (post-doc)
Conrad Hal WaddingtonDevelopmental Biology, Epigenetics Genetics Charlotte Auerbach (collaborator)
Craig A. Walling
Sarah Wedden Cheryll Tickle (grad student)
Michael C. Whitlock19921995 Nicholas H. Barton (post-doc)
Gavin Wilkie Eric Schirmer (post-doc)
David Grainger Marcus Wood-Gush1953 Conrad Hal Waddington (grad student)
Stephen I. Wright Deborah Charlesworth (grad student)
Robert Ramsay WrightZoology18731874 Julius Viktor Carus (research assistant)
Charles Maurice YongeMalacology1926 James Hartley Ashworth (grad student)
Yuanmeng Miles ZhangHymenoptera, Entomology, Phylogenomics, Population Genomics, Speciation Biological Sciences2022 Graham N. Stone (post-doc)
Nikolaj Zuleger2012 Eric Schirmer (grad student)