People with institution matching "Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia":
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Sara N L Carvalho (Info) |
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia |
adaptation, experimental evolution, quantitative genetics |
saracarvalho |
2010‑09‑08 |
Brian Charlesworth (Info) |
Edinburgh |
population genetics, evolutionary genetics |
cbergman |
2008‑05‑26 |
Isabel Gordo (Info) |
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia |
Microbial Experimental Evolution and Population Genetics |
igordo |
2010‑08‑27 |
Rupinder Kaur (Info) |
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia, Portugal |
omar42 |
2018‑01‑17 |
Rupinder Kaur (Info) |
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia, Portugal |
omar42 |
2018‑01‑17 |
Roberto A. Keller (Info) |
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia |
Systematics, morphology, EvoDevo, Formicidae |
rakeller |
2011‑06‑18 |
Anke Konrad (Info) |
University of Wyoming |
molecular evolution, comparative genomics, bioinformatics |
pq |
2015‑10‑26 |
Marta Pascual (Info) |
Universitat de Barcelona |
martapascual |
2019‑02‑27 |
Lilia Perfeito (Info) |
Universität zu Köln |
Experimental Evolution |
lperfeito |
2010‑09‑01 |
Patricia Jean Polaczyk-Wittkopp (Info) |
University of Michigan |
gene regulation, development and evolution, pigmentation |
Dietrich |
2008‑04‑17 |
Omar Rota-Stabelli (Info) |
Fondazione Edmund Mach |
Molecular Evolution, Applied Entomology, Phylogenomics, Molecular Clocks |
omar42 |
2017‑05‑09 |
Josiane Santos (Info) |
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia |
martapascual |
2019‑02‑27 |
Marija Spasikova (Info) |
School of Psychology, University of St.Andrews, Scotland |
evolution of language, pinniped communication |
moita |
2006‑02‑16 |
elio sucena (Info) |
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia |
evolution and development |
esucena |
2009‑02‑14 |
Pedro F. Vale (Info) |
CEFE CNRS, Montpellier, University of Edinburgh (UK), University of Edinburgh (UK) |
Host-pathogen interactions; evolutionary ecology |
pfvale |
2012‑07‑22 |
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