Kimberly M. DeBiasse, Ph.D.

2011 Geography Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States 
Physical Geography, Geography
"Kimberly DeBiasse"


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Randall S. Cerveny grad student 2011 Arizona State
 (Acclimation's Influence on Physically-fit Individuals: Marathon Race Results as a Function of Meteorological Variables and Indices.)
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Svoma BM, Krahenbuhl DS, Bush CE, et al. (2013) Expansion of the northern hemisphere subtropical high pressure belt: Trends and linkages to precipitation and drought Physical Geography. 34: 174-187
Cerveny RS, DeBiasse K, Pace MB, et al. (2011) Reanalysis and extension of namias's climatological isentropic analysis: Detection and evaluation of monsoonal, severe storm, drought, and flood events Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 101: 1204-1220
Balling RC, DeBiasse K, Pace MB, et al. (2011) Long-term precipitation trend as a function of isentropic variability Atmospheric Environment. 45: 5822-5827
Svoma BM, Debiasse K, Nolte J, et al. (2011) Evaluation of the Environmental Protection Agency/National Weather Service Ultraviolet Index Forecast against independent UV measurements: Phoenix Arizona (2000-2006) International Journal of Climatology. 31: 1368-1376
Debiasse K. (2010) An Analysis of the Influences of Human Thermal Comfort on the Attendance of Indoor Versus Outdoor Shopping Malls as a Result of Afternoon and Evening Meteorological Conditions Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science. 42: 15-25
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