Frank Press
Affiliations: | California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA |
"Frank Press"Bio:
Cross-listing: Physics Tree
Sign in to add mentorW. Maurice Ewing | grad student | 1949 | Columbia | |
(Two applications of normal mode sound propagation in the ocean.) |
Sign in to add traineeDonald W. Forsyth | grad student | (Physics Tree) | |
William L. Donn | grad student | 1951 | Columbia |
Jack Oliver | grad student | 1953 | Columbia |
Donald L. Anderson | grad student | 1962 | Caltech (Physics Tree) |
David Garrison Harkrider | grad student | 1963 | Caltech (Physics Tree) |
M. Nafi Toksöz | grad student | 1963 | Caltech (Physics Tree) |
Charles B. Archambeau | grad student | 1964 | Caltech |
Armando Cisternas Silva | grad student | 1965 | Caltech (Physics Tree) |
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Press F, Dewart G. (2010) Extent of the Antarctic Continent. Science (New York, N.Y.). 129: 462-3 |
Press F. (1976) President's page: Energy and geothermal resources Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 57: 435-436 |
Press F, Briggs P. (1975) Chandler Wobble, earthquakes, rotation, and geomagnetic changes Nature. 256: 270-273 |
Nakamura Y, Lammlein D, Latham G, et al. (1973) New seismic data on the state of the deep lunar interior. Science (New York, N.Y.). 181: 49-51 |
Hart RS, Press F. (1973) Snvelocities and the composition of the lithosphere in the regionalized Atlantic Journal of Geophysical Research. 78: 407-411 |
Toksöz MN, Press F, Anderson K, et al. (1972) Lunar crust: structure and composition. Science (New York, N.Y.). 176: 1012-6 |
L. Anderson D, Kovach RL, Latham G, et al. (1972) Seismic investigations: The Viking Mars Lander Icarus. 16: 205-216 |
Forsyth DW, Press F. (1971) Geophysical tests of petrological models of the spreading lithosphere Journal of Geophysical Research. 76: 7963-7979 |
Press F, Stommel H, Wunsch CI. (1971) Tenth presentation: James B. Macelwane Award to Carl I. Wunsch Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 52: 539 |
Ewing M, Latham G, Press F, et al. (1971) Seismology of the Moon and Implications on Internal Structure, Origin and Evolution Highlights of Astronomy. 2: 155-172 |