Charles Jesse Bullock

Economics Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Charles Bullock"
Cross-listing: Econometree


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Richard T. Ely grad student 1895 UW Madison (History of History Tree)
 (The Finances of the United States from 1775 to 1789, with especial reference to the budget)
William Amasa Scott grad student 1895 UW Madison (Econometree)
 (The Finances of the United States from 1775 to 1789, with especial reference to the budget)
Frederick Jackson Turner grad student 1895 UW Madison (History of History Tree)
 (The Finances of the United States from 1775 to 1789, with especial reference to the budget)


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Charles Phillips Huse grad student 1907 Harvard
Joseph Stancliffe Davis grad student 1913 Harvard (Econometree)
Tsung Deison Chen grad student 1926 Harvard (Econometree)
James Ackley Maxwell grad student 1927 Harvard (Econometree)
Jen-Tsun Chao grad student 1928 Harvard (Econometree)
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Bullock CJ. (1938) Public finance and the compound-interest principle Quarterly Journal of Economics. 52: 641-658
Bullock CJ. (1918) The operation of the massachusetts income tax Quarterly Journal of Economics. 32: 525-532
Bullock CJ. (1917) Financing the war Quarterly Journal of Economics. 31: 357-379
Bullock CJ. (1916) The taxation of property and income in massachusetts Quarterly Journal of Economics. 31: 1-61
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