Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
U.S., social and cultural, childhood, World War II
邵循正 SHAO Xun-zheng Paul Pelliot (grad student), Tsiang Tingfu (grad student)
孫江 SUN Jiang Yorihisa Namiki (grad student)
William D. Acres Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Georgius AcropolitesHistory Nicephorus Blemmydes (grad student), Theodorus Exapterigus (grad student)
John Sonley Anthony Adamson Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Stephen AddissArt History1977 Calvin L. French (grad student)
Emanuel Adler Ernst B. Haas (grad student)
John R. Alden
Golfo AlexopoulosModern European History, Russian History, History of the Soviet Union, History of Stalin and Stalinism Sheila Fitzpatrick (grad student)
Maria Jose Pereira Monteiro de Almeida19831987 Carolina Martuscelli Bori (grad student)
Konstantinos AmantosByzantine History, History of the Greek Nation Paulos Karolidis (grad student)
Timothy Amos Tessa Morris-Suzuki (grad student)
Warwick Anderson Charles Ernest Rosenberg (grad student)
James AndrewsRussian history Sheila Fitzpatrick (grad student)
John Sonley Anthony
Cécile Armand Carol Benedict (grad student)
Wilhelm Ferdinand Arndthistory Leopold von Ranke (grad student), Georg Waitz (grad student)
Sadao AsadaJapanese diplomatic and military history
Ruth K AthertonEarly Modern history, reformation, church history History History Elaine K Fulton (grad student), Simone Laqua-O'Donnell (grad student)
Kenneth R G Austinreformation history; religious history; early modern history; renaissance; italian history Bruce Gordon (grad student)
Cemil Aydin History2002 Cemal Kafadar (grad student)
Gaston Bachelard Abel Rey (grad student)
Robert Badinter
Robert W. BagleyArt History, History Economics, Asia History Max Loehr (grad student)
Mark Baimbridge A. J. P. Taylor (grad student)
John Hamilton Baker George Williams Keeton (grad student)
Karen Balcolmfamily history, US history, women's history, Canadian history Joan Sangster (grad student)
Edward J. BalleisenAmerican Economic Culture/Institutions, American Law and Society Nancy F. Cott (grad student)
Andrés Bande Alan Angell (grad student)
William Barker Vilém Mathesius (grad student), Jiři Horák (grad student)
Frank Barlow Maurice Powicke (grad student), Vivian Galbraith (grad student)
Helen Jane Barnes Alan Angell (grad student)
Charles Kingsley Barrett David Daube (grad student)
Julia BarshadskaGerman and European Studies, Ukraine, CFSP, russian-ukrainian war20172021 Andreas Umland (grad student)
Andrew E. BarshayEast Asia Irwin Scheiner (grad student)
Numan Bartley Dewey Grantham (grad student)
Munkhbilguun Batbaatar Yo-Keun Jeong (grad student)
Norman Hepburn Baynes
Charles A. Beard Frank Johnson Goodnow (grad student)
Hermann Beenken Heinrich Wölfflin (grad student)
Kenneth Norman Bell Arthur Lionel Smith (grad student)
Jasmine Unique Beltran
Carol BenedictChinese history1991 Lyman P. Van Slyke (grad student)
Ernest Alfred Benians
Michael John Bentley Maurice John Cowling (grad student)
Paul H. BergeronDissertation Title: "The Jacksonian Party on Trial: Presidential Politics in Tennessee, 1836-56" Herbert Weaver (grad student)
Robert Paul BergmanArt History, Medieval Art
Saul J. Berman David Daube (grad student)
Davi Ascher Strauss Bernstein David Daube (grad student)
Paul Allan BerryArt History1985 Calvin L. French (grad student)
Rowland Berthoff
Amanda Sonia Bevan Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Elizabeth BlackmarUS history, environmental history, urban history Stephan Thernstrom (grad student)
Barry Burden Blakeley1970 Chun-shu Chang (grad student), William B. Hauser (grad student)
Johann Kaspar Bluntschli Friedrich Carl von Savigny (grad student), Johann Christian Hasse (grad student)
Greg Bond
Hugh Borton George B. Sansom (research assistant)
Colin Bos Helen Tilley (grad student)
Eugène Joseph Bourgeois Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Alan Bowness
Francis Herbert Bradleymetaphics; British Idealism; ethics; philosophy of history; logic
Brendan Bradshaw Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Annabel Brett
Crane Brinton Harold J. Laski (grad student)
Nicholas Peter Brooks Dorothy Whitelock (grad student)
Martin Broszat
Miranda D. BrownEast Asia2002 David N. Keightley (grad student)
Rebecca M Brownart history, South Asia, modernism, colonialism, transnational, postcolonial theory, photography, architecture, painting19931999 Frederick M. Asher (grad student), Deborah S. Hutton (collaborator)
Heinrich Brunner
Gerald E. Bunker
Georg Christian BurchardiRoman law Friedrich Carl von Savigny (grad student)
Robert BurgosJapanese History James E. Ketelaar (grad student), Bruce Cumings (grad student)
Kathleen Burk A. J. P. Taylor (grad student)
Jennifer L. BurnsAmerican Intellectual History Daniel P. Costa (grad student)
Ernst BuschorArt History, Classical Archaeology Adolf Furtwängler (grad student)
James Francis CahillArt History Max Loehr (grad student)
Robert M. CalhoonUnited States History History1964 Jack P. Greene (grad student)
Zachary Ryan Calo Bruce Kuklick (grad student)
Albert CamarilloUnited States History, Church History, General Religion, Ethnic and Racial Studies Norris Hundley (grad student)
Daniela L. Cammackpolitical theory2012 Timothy J. Colton (grad student), Jane Mansbridge (grad student)
Dana Scott Campbell Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Geoffrey N. Cantorhistory of science, philosophy of science Larry Laudan (grad student)
Tom Carhart
Calum Carmichael David Daube (grad student)
John W. CaugheyCalifornia history1928 Herbert Eugene Bolton (grad student)
Andrew Gilbert Causey Alan Bowness (grad student)
Joan Margaret Cavanagh
henry chang
Édouard Chavannes Marie-Jean-Léon Marquis d'Hervey de Saint Denys (grad student), Henri Cordier (grad student)
Jean Chesneaux Ernest Labrousse (grad student)
Ksenia Chizhovapremodern Korean literature and history2015 Dorothy Ko (grad student)
Noam ChomskyLanguage Nelson Goodman (grad student)
Bertrand Chung
Irene J. Churchill Claude Jenkins (grad student)
M. L. Cioni Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
John Harold Claphameconomic history, British history Alfred Marshall (grad student)
George Norman Clark
Jordan R. ClevelandHistory Marc H. Lerner (grad student)
James C. Cobb Numan Bartley (grad student)
Edward M. Coffman Gerhard Weinberg (grad student)
Morris R. Cohenlegal philosophy William James (grad student)
David Cohen David Daube (grad student)
G. D. H. Cole
Richard Cole Jeffrey McDonough (grad student)
Patrick Collinson John Ernest Neale (grad student)
Anna Comnenahistory Michael of Ephesus (grad student)
James Blennerhasset Conacher
Chris Cook A. J. P. Taylor (grad student)
George Ramsay CookCanadian history; nationalism History Arthur Reginald Marsden Lower (grad student)
Kate Cooper Peter R. L. Brown (grad student)
Charles Coppel J.A.C. Mackie (grad student)
Catherine A. Corman
William Conrad Costin
George Gordon Coulton
Thomas C. Cox
John Crabtree
Joy Antonia Crane
Avery O. Craven
Donald Grant Creighton John Bartlet Brebner (grad student)
Leslie Croxford Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
C. G. Cruickshank Richard Bruce Wernham (grad student)
Ludwig CurtiusArt History, Archaeology Adolf Furtwängler (grad student)
Carrie L. Cushman2018 Jonathan McKean Reynolds (grad student)
Christine B. Damrow
David Daube
William David Davies David Daube (grad student), Charles Harold Dodd (grad student)
Anna Davinwomen's history Eric Hobsbawm (grad student)
Julie Nelson DavisArt History1997 Jerome L. Silbergeld (grad student), Paul Allan Berry (grad student)
Amira Rose Davis Mary P Ryan (grad student)
David Brion Davisslavery Perry Miller (grad student)
E. Jeffries Davis
Whitney M. DavisArt History, Philosophy1985 David G. Mitten (grad student)
Pieter de Wolffstatistics, mathematical economics and econometry Jan Tinbergen (research assistant)
Eric Thomas Dean
David Dean Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
David Malcolm Dean Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Alain Delissen Augustin Berque (grad student)
Charles DempseyArt History, Renaissance Art, Baroque Art, Italian Art, Comparative Literature Erwin Panofsky (grad student)
Thomas Kingston Derry Ephraim Lipson (grad student)
Jennifer Mara DeSilvaHistory, Digital Humanities, Renaissance Studies20022007 Nicholas Terpstra (grad student)
Devin DeWeeseModern History, European History, Middle Eastern History Yuri Bregel (grad student)
Inga K. DiederichHistory of Science Wendy Matsumura (grad student), Simeon Man (grad student), Jin-kyung Lee (grad student)
Michael R. Dietrichhistory of science Laura Lovett (collaborator), C. Robertson McClung (collaborator), Elisabeth Lloyd (grad student)
Morgan Dirodi20112015 Bryan Ward-Perkins (grad student)
Yusmarni A Djalius Taufik Abdullah (grad student)
Charles Harold Dodd
Moira Donald Ernst Wangermann (grad student)
William Edward Burghardt Du Boissociology; stratification; race; African-American studies William James (research assistant)
Alexis DuddenJapanese occupation of the Korean peninsula Bruce Cumings (grad student)
Kay Duffy20092012 Antje Richter (grad student)
James Dupree
Mary DuPreeArt History, Medieval Art
Greg Dvorak Tessa Morris-Suzuki (grad student)
Averill Erin EarlsHistory, Ireland, Gender and Sexuality2016 Susan Cahn (grad student)
Wolfram Eberhard Otto Franke (grad student)
Patricia Buckley EbreyAsia History, Women's Studies, History of Religion1975 Wm. Theodore de Bary (grad student)
Christofer Edling Peter Hedström (grad student)
james l egbert
Felicia Egbert
Barbara Anne Egypt
Karl Friedrich Eichhorn
Andrea E. EidingerCanadian History, Gender History
Carl Einstein
Serge Elisséeff Japanese Eduard Sachau (grad student)
Zeyad Elkelani Melissa Rogers (grad student)
John H. Elliottearly modern Spanish history1962 Herbert Butterfield (grad student)
Sandra I. EnríquezHistory Monica Perales (grad student)
Gabrielle Esparza Jonathan C. Brown (grad student)
J. Martin Evans David Daube (grad student)
Robert J.W. Evans John H. Elliott (grad student)
Sara M. Evans George Mowry (grad student)
John King FairbankChinese history Hosea Ballou Morse (research assistant)
David W. FaureAsia History, General Religion1976 James T. C. Liu (grad student)
Patrice Fava Kristofer Schipper (grad student)
Niall FergusonEuropean History, Mass Communications, Journalism Norman Stone (grad student)
Rodney Munro Fisher Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
F. J. Fisher Richard H Tawney (grad student)
Linford Fisher Jill Lepore (grad student), Laurel T. Ulrich (grad student)
Andrew Fitzmaurice
Marvin E. Fletcher
Paul W. Foos
Matthew Wong ForemanRace history, Chinese history Melissa Macauley (grad student)
Michel Foucaultcritical studies of social institutions, psychiatry, medicine, the human sciences, and the prison system; history of human sexuality. Georges Canguilhem (grad student)
J. M. France Maurice John Cowling (grad student)
William Frankel David Daube (grad student)
Paul FreedmanEurope: Medieval European history Thomas Bisson (grad student)
William Hugh Clifford Frend Norman Hepburn Baynes (grad student)
Miri Freud-Kandel
Ronald H. Fritze Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Christina Fuhr2017 Miri Freud-Kandel (grad student)
Aidan Fusco Quentin Skinner (grad student)
Christian Galan Jean-Jacques Origas (grad student)
Ernst GallArt History, History of Architecture, Medieval Art, Medieval Architecture
Norman Gash Reginald Vivian Lennard (grad student), William Conrad Costin (grad student)
Carolina A. Gatteipsycholinguistics, linguistics, language processing Luis A. Paris (grad student), Shravan Vasishth (grad student)
A. D. Gayer Ephraim Lipson (grad student)
Curtis Anderson Gayle Tessa Morris-Suzuki (grad student)
Kurt Gerstenberg Heinrich Wölfflin (grad student)
Otto von Gierke Karl Gustav Homeyer (grad student)
Wilhelm von Giesebrecht Leopold von Ranke (grad student)
John M. Giggie
Michelle Gillespie
Joseph T. Glatthaar Edward M. Coffman (grad student)
Steve J. Goldberg1981 Calvin L. French (grad student)
Mark Goldie
Risa L. GoluboffUnited States History, Black History, Law20012002 Stephen Breyer (post-doc)
Jessica Shouta GordonHoulka
Osborne Gordon
Angus Gowland Quentin Skinner (grad student)
Oleg GrabarArt History, Islamic Art Gordon Randolph Willey (grad student)
Shanti Graheli Andrew Pettegree (grad student)
Marcel Granet Marcel Mauss (grad student)
Dewey Grantham Fletcher Melvin Green (grad student)
George L. Grassmuck
Rachel F. GreenSoviet History
Amy S. Green
Fletcher Melvin Green Joseph Grégoire de Roulhac Hamilton (grad student)
Jack P. GreeneColonial America John R. Alden (grad student)
Evarts Boutell GreeneJapan; colonial US; early republic Edward Channing (grad student)
Magnus Ribbing Gren20112019 Benjamin Elman (grad student)
Pascal Griolet Jean-Jacques Origas (grad student)
Andy J Grittpoverty, rural history, industrialisation, history teaching Richard W Hoyle (grad student)
Louis GrodeckiArt History, Medieval Art, Byzantine Art Henri Focillon (grad student)
Guy L. Gronquist Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Carl Guarneri John Higham (grad student)
Jean Guitton Henri Bergson (grad student)
Hans U. GumbrechtRomance Literature, European History, Art History Hans Robert Jauss (grad student)
Nick Guoth Pierre VanderEng (grad student)
Louise Haagh Alan Angell (grad student)
P. Charles HachtenRussia
Scott Arthur Hale2015 Eric T. Meyer (grad student)
Antonette Norena Hale
Richard T. HallockAncient Language, Ancient History George G. Cameron (grad student)
Yuna Han Jennifer Welsh (grad student)
Zhongtian Han Edward A. McCord (grad student)
Sasha Handleyearly modern history; supernatural beliefs; material culture; healthcare and daily life20012004 Peter Marshall (grad student)
Henry HardyIsaiah Berlin Stuart Hampshire (grad student)
Lorraine F Harrington
James HarrisRussia Sheila Fitzpatrick (grad student)
Lauren Julius Harrisearly childhood CNS development, lateralization, hemispheric asymmetries, History of Neuroscience & Psychology Alexandr Romanovich Luria (grad student)
Robert HarristAsian Literature, Art History, Biography Wen C. Fong (grad student)
Hendrik HartogAmerican Literature, Law Morton Keller (grad student), John Demos (grad student), Marvin Meyers (grad student)
William R. Harwood Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
George Lee Haskins
William Owen Hassall William Abel Pantin (grad student)
Johann Christian Hasse Anton Friedrich Justus Thibaut (grad student)
Michael James HatchArt History2015 Jerome L. Silbergeld (grad student)
Harold Dexter Hazeltine Otto von Gierke (grad student)
Felicity Margaret Heal Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
G. B. Henderson Harold Temperley (grad student)
Jonathan HenshawModern China
Francine Hérail
Alvaro Joaquín Herrero Alan Angell (grad student)
Julie HesslerRussia Sheila Fitzpatrick (grad student)
Rodney Howard Hilton
Sarah Hines Margaret Chowning (grad student)
William A. Hinnebusch Maurice Powicke (grad student)
Paul HinschiusLegal history, canon law1855 Ämilius Ludwig Richter (grad student)
D. E. Hoak Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
J. S. Hodgson G. D. H. Cole (grad student)
Arthur William Hoglund
Brett A. Holmanmodern British history
Peter J. Holmes Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Karl Gustav Homeyer Friedrich Carl von Savigny (grad student), Karl Friedrich Eichhorn (grad student)
Jane HongUS in the World; immigration; US-Asia2013 Erez Manela (grad student)
Jiři Horák
Hirofumi Horie Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Clare Dahlberg Horner
Paulin Hountondji Louis Althusser (grad student), Paul Ricoeur (grad student)
Wayne HsiehSouthern History Gary Gallagher (grad student)
Yvette Huginnie
Wu Hung Kwang-chih Chang (grad student)
Michael J. Hunter2012 Mark Csikszentmihalyi (grad student)
Brianna K. Hunter Psychology Lisa Sarah Scott (research assistant)
Andrew Hurrell Hedley Bull (grad student)
Ronald E Huttonearly modern history; religious history; political history; paganism; witchcraft; magic Hugh Trevor-Roper (grad student)
Mikael M. Hveem Cindy Skach (grad student)
Jean Hyppolite Émile Bréhier (grad student)
Jaehwan 현재환 HyunHistorian of Hematology Doogab Yi (grad student)
Pedro Iacobelli Tessa Morris-Suzuki (grad student)
David John Ibbetson John Hamilton Baker (grad student)
Yamato Ichihashi William Z. Ripley (grad student)
Halil InalcikMiddle Eastern History, European History Mehmed Fuad Köprülü (grad student)
Brannon D. Ingram20052011 Carl W. Ernst (grad student)
Jacob IsraelBible
Dzul Jamari
Miriam Al Jamil Patrick Collinson (grad student)
Vladimir JankélévitchMétaphysique, morale Émile Bréhier (grad student), Léon Brunschvicg (grad student)
Hakeem Jefferson Robert W. Mickey (grad student)
Barbara Jelavich
Claude Jenkins
Audra Jennings Susan M. Hartmann (grad student)
Anna Trumbore JonesMedieval France, Church History Caroline Walker Bynum (grad student)
N. L. Jones Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Ryan P. Jordan
Jessica Jordan2015 Takashi Fujitani (grad student)
Charles Joyner Avery O. Craven (grad student)
Maxime Kaltenmark Henri Maspero (grad student)
Jinwon 강진원 Kang
Masato Karashima Tessa Morris-Suzuki (grad student)
Boris KarpaHistory, History of Ideas, Military History, Naval History David S. Katz (grad student)
Michael Mikhailovich KarpovichRussia Alexander Presnyakov (grad student)
André Kaspi
Kohei Kawabata Tessa Morris-Suzuki (grad student)
Satofumi Kawamura Tessa Morris-Suzuki (grad student)
Terence D. KeelHistory of Science, General Religion Amy Hollywood (grad student), Harvey G. Cox (grad student)
Lara L. KellandUnited States History, Museology, History of Education John D'Emilio (grad student), Norma C. Moruzzi (grad student)
Robert Kelley Richard Hofstadter (grad student)
Sonja Jean KelleyArt History2010 Jerome L. Silbergeld (grad student)
Heidi Keme Sandra Vallenas (grad student)
Stacie Kent Bruce Cumings (grad student)
Robert C. Kenzer
Adam KernJapanese literature, manga Haruko Iwasaki (grad student)
Ian Kershaw Martin Broszat (research assistant)
Lauren Kim Andrew Pettegree (grad student)
haeyoung kimhistorian of modern East Asia Bruce Cumings (grad student)
Youn-mi KimArt History, Asian Art
Paul David King Walter Ullmann (grad student)
Amy Sarah King Rosemary Foot (grad student)
Otto Kinkeldey Robert Radecke (grad student), Edward Macdowell (grad student)
James T. Kloppenberg Carl Degler (grad student)
Vasily Klyuchevsky
David A. Knox Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Hae Uk Kohistory of others
Yasuko Hassall Kobayashi Tessa Morris-Suzuki (grad student)
Peter Kolchin David Herbert Donald (grad student)
Lina Koleilat Tessa Morris-Suzuki (grad student)
E. I. Kouri Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Rachel Meredith KousserIn her writing and teaching, she focuses on the Greeks' creation, transformation, and destruction of monuments; the representation of gender, sexuality, and power in the classical era; and the place of Greek art within the globally interconnected ancient Katherine E. Welch (grad student)
Max Krochmal20092011 Sarah Deutsch (grad student), Robert Rodgers Korstad (grad student), Dana Frank (research assistant), Nancy MacLean (grad student)
Gustav Krüger
Wolfgang Kubin Alfred Hoffmann (grad student)
Stefanie A KubinakWWI
Karen Kupperman Quentin Skinner (grad student)
Zoe Song-Yi Kwok2013 Jerome L. Silbergeld (grad student)
Ernest Labrousse Albert Aftalion (grad student), François Joseph Charles Simiand (research assistant)
Michael LacknerChinese history, Chinese philosophy Wolfgang Bauer (grad student)
Ellen Mae Johnston LaingArt History Ying-shih Yu (grad student)
Spyridon LamprosHistory of the Greek Nation Paulos Karolidis (research scientist), Konstantinos Amantos (collaborator)
Edward William Lane
Simone Laqua-O'Donnell
Chelsea Larssonviolent crime, law, adminstration, gender, society
Barnes Fletcher Lathrop Charles W. Ramsdell (grad student)
Marilyn Aronberg LavinArt History, Renaissance Art
John Herbert Le Patourel Maurice Powicke (grad student)
Jun Hee Lee Michael Bourdaghs (grad student)
Susan Jung LeeArt History2003 Martin J. Powers (grad student)
Sonya LeeArt History, Asian Studies Wu Hung (grad student)
Lyndsey S. LefebvreFisheries biology/ecology, early life history of fishes, reproductive biology/ecology of fishes
Mitchell Macdonald Leimon Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Glenn Arlen Lemasters Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Matthew LenoeRussia Sheila Fitzpatrick (grad student)
Ari Daniel LevineAsia History Conrad Schirokauer (grad student)
W. Arthur Lewis
Amanda LewisAfrican History, Environmental History, History of Science, Conservation Social Science Melvin Page (grad student)
Mark E. Lewis Ping-ti Ho (grad student)
Tana LiVietnamese History David G Marr (grad student)
Walter LichtUS Economic, Social, Labor Alfred DuPont Chandler (grad student)
David Lidington Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Michelle Y. Lim2013 Jerome L. Silbergeld (grad student)
Zhengyuan LingCultural history of capitalism in East Asia Peter Zarrow (grad student), Kenneth Pomeranz (grad student), Jacob Eyferth (grad student)
Ephraim Lipson
W. A. Lloyd George Norman Clark (grad student)
Ella Lonn William Archibald Dunning (grad student)
Laura LovettWomen's History, History of Children and Youth Mary P Ryan (grad student)
Heath W. LowryMiddle Eastern History, Medieval History Bernard Lewis (Cleveland E. Dodge professor) (research scientist)
Anton Lucas1980 Anthony Reid (grad student)
Michael Lucken Jean-Jacques Origas (grad student)
J Lunn George Gordon Coulton (grad student)
Lorenz M. LuthiCold War; diplomatic history Jonathan Spence (grad student), Paul M. Kennedy (grad student), Alonzo Hamby (grad student), Chester Pach (grad student), Steven M. Miner (grad student)
Robert D. MacDougall Peter L. Galison (grad student), Stephan Thernstrom (grad student)
A. H. Maclean George Norman Clark (grad student)
Kiernan Innes Majerus-Collins
Stéphane Mallarmé poet
Dumas Malone Allen Johnson (grad student)
Daniel R MandellEarly America, Native American history, history of American law James Axtell (grad student)
Christophe Marquet Jean-Jacques Origas (grad student)
David G MarrVietnamese History Frederic Wakeman (grad student)
Waldo E. MartinAmerica since 1607 Leon Litwack (grad student)
Karl MarxPolitics, economics, philosophy, sociology, labour, history, class struggle,
Henri Maspero Édouard Chavannes (grad student)
Vilém Mathesius
John McCallumHistory of human rights. Political, legal, diplomatic, and intellectual history History Mark Philip Bradley (grad student), James T. Sparrow (grad student)
Charlotte McCallum Quentin Skinner (grad student)
John McCannonRussian History Sheila Fitzpatrick (grad student)
John McCardell
Caley McCarthy2020 Faith Wallis (grad student)
Martha J. McClintock1991 Paul Allan Berry (grad student)
Lisa McGirr Eric Foner (grad student)
Matthew McKelwayArt History, Asian Studies Henry Dewitt Smith II (grad student)
Grady McWhiney
Maurits MeerwijkJava, Public messaging in the colonies, Fever prevention robert Peckham (grad student)
Charlotte I. Merton Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Eric T. Meyer
Marvin Meyers
Robert W. Mickey John Aldrich (grad student), Daniel Kryder (grad student), Steven Levitsky (collaborator), Robert P. Van Houweling (collaborator), Anthony S. Chen (collaborator), Vincent Hutchings (collaborator), Lucan A. Way (collaborator), Steven Teles (collaborator), Eric Schickler (collaborator), Jacob Grumbach (collaborator)
Milan MihalArt History1974 Calvin L. French (grad student)
J. I. Miklovich Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Tracy Gay MillerArt History Nancy S. Steinhardt (grad student)
David W. Miller Emmet J. Larkin (grad student)
Ian M. Millersocial and environmental history of China2017 Peter Bol (grad student), Ian J. Miller (grad student), Kalyanakrishnan Sivaramakrishnan (post-doc), James C. Scott (post-doc), Lillian M. Li (grad student)
Matthew MilnerHistory, Reformation History, Digital History, Late Medieval History, Sensory History
Stroud Francis Charles Milsom George Lee Haskins (grad student)
Joanna Milstein Andrew Pettegree (grad student)
Steven M. Miner Barbara Jelavich (grad student)
Matthew Campbell Mirow John Hamilton Baker (grad student)
Tian Mo Robert Cribb (grad student)
Pieter J. R. Modderman1945 Albert Egges van Giffen (grad student)
John Morgan Roger Schofield (grad student)
M. Carol MorlandArt History1989 Paul Allan Berry (grad student)
Ivan Morris Arthur Waley (grad student)
Sarah Kruman Mountain2011 Jun Sung Hong (grad student)
George Mowry
Barbara Elizabeth MundyPre-Columbian America, Sixteenth-century Mexico, Latin America, Cartography Mary Ellen Miller (grad student)
Virginia M. Murphy Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Milton Joseph Nadworny
Ellen Nakamura Tessa Morris-Suzuki (grad student)
Ryoko Nakano Andrew Hurrell (grad student)
Craig Meran NakashianMedieval European history Theodore South (grad student)
John Ernest Neale Albert Frederick Pollard (grad student)
David G. Newcombe Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Graham David Nicholson Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
David P. Nicklesdiplomatic history2000 Ernest R. May (grad student)
Barthold Georg NiebuhrAncient Roman history Carsten Niebuhr (research assistant)
Renée-Michelle Niessen
P. H. Noyes A. J. P. Taylor (grad student)
Michael NylanEast Asia1982 Michael Loewe (grad student)
Rosamund OatesReformation history, book history, sermons History Bill Sheils (grad student)
Sadako OhkiArt History1984 Calvin L. French (grad student)
Hermann Oncken
Dara Orenstein Jean-Christophe Agnew (grad student)
Uchralt Otede Tessa Morris-Suzuki (grad student)
Georgius Pachymeresmathematics, music, history, philosophy Georgius Acropolites (grad student)
Yonjae Paik Tessa Morris-Suzuki (grad student)
Pablo Palomino Margaret Chowning (grad student)
William Abel Pantin
Felix Papencordt Christian August Brandis (grad student), Friedrich W. J. Schelling (grad student), August Wilhelm Schlegel (grad student)
Sandra ParkHistory of 20th century South Korea Bruce Cumings (grad student)
Jon Parkin Quentin Skinner (grad student)
Glyndwr John Robert Parry Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Ryan John PattersonHistory of Science
Frederic L. Paxson John Bach McMaster (grad student)
Matthew PayneRussia Sheila Fitzpatrick (grad student)
robert Peckham
Thomas Innes Pegram John Crabtree (grad student)
Paul Pelliot Sylvain Lévi (grad student), Marie-Jean-Léon Marquis d'Hervey de Saint Denys (grad student)
Michelle Perrot Ernest Labrousse (grad student), Michel Foucault (grad student), Robert Badinter (grad student)
Andrew Pettegree Joan Thirsk (grad student)
Theodore Frank Thomas Plucknett Harold Dexter Hazeltine (grad student), Albert Frederick Pollard (grad student), E. Jeffries Davis (grad student)
Cynthia Poe
Rex Hartley Pogson Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Albert Frederick Pollard
Frederick Pollock
Reginald Lane Poole Edward William Lane (grad student)
H. Jefferson PowellAmerican Constitution theory and thought Stanley Hauerwas (grad student)
J. Tracy PowerHistory
Maurice Powicke Thomas Tout (grad student)
H. K. Prescot G. D. H. Cole (grad student)
Alexander Presnyakov
Wendell Pritchettlaw, legal history, urban history Thomas J. Sugrue (grad student)
Emily E. PyleRussian History Sheila Fitzpatrick (grad student)
Kenneth B. PyleAsia History, History Economics1965 Thomas C. Smith (grad student)
Linzhao Qian19341937 Edward N. Da C. Andrade (grad student)
Nigel Livingston Ramsay John Hamilton Baker (grad student)
Aziz Ranapolitical theory2007 Michael J. Sandel (grad student), Stanley Hoffmann (grad student)
Erika RappaportEuropean History, Modern History, Recreation, Women's Studies Judith Walkowitz (grad student)
John G Reekshistory; early modern history; parish history; religious history Ronald E Hutton (grad student)
L. J. Reeve Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Ke RenChinese Histort Tobie Meyer-Fong (grad student), William T. Rowe (grad student)
Abel Rey Émile Boutroux (grad student)
Jonathan McKean Reynolds1991 Paul V. Turner (grad student)
Jongwook 이종욱 RheeAncient Korean history Gibaek 이기백 Rhee (grad student)
Steven RichmondRussian History, Turkish History Sheila Fitzpatrick (grad student)
Amy C. Riggs2017 Jerome L. Silbergeld (grad student)
Jonathan Simon Christopher Riley-Smith Raymond Charles Smail (grad student)
Gerhard Georg Bernhard Ritter Hermann Oncken (research assistant)
Ronald Edward Robinson
K. W. D. Rolf Maurice John Cowling (grad student)
Jarod RollUS History Steven Hahn (grad student), Josef J. Barton (grad student)
Wilhelm Georg Friedrich Roscherhistory, Political economy Leopold von Ranke (grad student), August Boeckh (grad student)
Leonard RosenbandFrench Papermaking, Eighteenth Century Europe Robert Darnton (grad student)
John Smith Roskell Vivian Galbraith (grad student)
Donald K. Routhpediatric psychology, child clinical psychology, history of psychology Logan Wright (grad student)
Alain Roux André Kaspi (grad student)
Stephen RowlstoneEarly Modern History, Puritans, English Civil War History19932005 Jackie Eales (grad student)
Robert Lewis RuckUS labor history, sports history, African-American history
Ernest Gordon Rupp
John Ruskinaesthetics; art criticism; social reform Osborne Gordon (grad student)
Mårten Söderblom Saarela2015 Anthony Grafton (grad student), Susan Naquin (grad student)
Lorenzo Sabbadini Quentin Skinner (grad student)
Emma Samman Rosemary Thorp (grad student)
Joshua SanbornRussia Sheila Fitzpatrick (grad student)
Fernando Sánchez Campos Alan Angell (grad student)
Oscar Sanchez-Sibony history Bruce Cumings (grad student)
Brenda Sansom
Sam L. Schaffer Joel Williamson (research assistant)
Walton O. Schalick, IIIMedieval Medical History, Medieavl Administrative History, History of Childhood, Medieval Disability, Disability Studies, Pediatric Rehabilitation, Clinical Research Ethics Jerome J. Bylebyl (grad student)
Hans Georg Schenk
Christopher Schmidt-Nowara Rebecca J. Scott (grad student)
Roger Schofield Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Anne Firor Scott
Robert Scott
Robert (Bob) Scribner Arthur Geoffrey Dickens (grad student)
Sarah Seene
Charles SeignobosFrench history1871 Stéphane Mallarmé (grad student)
Sarah Selvidge Margaret Chowning (grad student)
Frank Huff Serene
Kevin Michael Sharpe Hugh Trevor-Roper (grad student)
Anton Shekhovtsovfascism, radical right, far right, extreme right, Europe, radical right-wing populism Roger D. Griffin (research scientist)
William Alan Sheppard
Futoshi ShibayamaModern Japanese history19831994 James B. Crowley (grad student)
Jacqueline S. Shine Rebecca M. McLennan (grad student), Mary P Ryan (grad student)
Gustav Gustavovich ShpetHusserlian transcendental phenomenology, aesthetics, hermeneutics, the history of Russian philosophy and the philosophy of language Georgij Chelpanov (grad student)
Jonah G. Sinowitz
Cindy Skach
Lynsay Skiba Margaret Chowning (grad student)
Yuri SlezkineRussian history, Jewish history Sheila Fitzpatrick (grad student)
Raymond Charles Smail
Marissa J Smit-BoseOttoman history, animal history, Mediterranean history, Italian Renaissance history History Cemal Kafadar (grad student)
Arthur Lionel Smith Benjamin Jowett (grad student)
Robert Smith
Aminda M. SmithAsia History Ruth Rogaski (grad student)
Helmut W. SmithEuropean History, Military History Peter Gay (grad student)
Sophie Smith Annabel Brett (grad student)
Gregory E. Smoak Richard White (grad student)
Jill Snider
Peter Jeffrey SnyderNeuropsychology, Neuropharmacology, Alzheimer's Disease, History of Neuroscience, Bioethics, Neurophysiology19992005 Zaven Khachaturian (research scientist), Paul T. Maruff (collaborator)
Kaihonelson So Micah S. Muscolino (grad student)
Sergei Mikhailovich SolovevRussia Timofey Granovsky (grad student)
Barbara M. StaffordMass Communications, Art History, Philosophy Ernst Hans Josef Gombrich (grad student)
Nancy S. SteinhardtArt History, Archaeology Anthropology John M. Rosenfield (grad student), Oleg Grabar (grad student), Joseph F. Fletcher (grad student)
Phillip StoneAmerican history, South Carolina history History19962003 Lacy Ford (grad student)
Norman Stone A. J. P. Taylor (research assistant)
Oliver Strunk Otto Kinkeldey (grad student)
Lynn StruveAsia History1974 Chun-shu Chang (grad student)
Joseph StubenrauchHistory, Britain History20052011 Dror Wahrman (grad student)
myung-sahm 서명삼 suhhistory of the church in South Korea Bruce Cumings (grad student)
E-tu Zen SunChinese History John King Fairbank (research assistant)
Helen Szamuely A. J. P. Taylor (grad student)
Shinnosuke Takahashi Tessa Morris-Suzuki (grad student)
Melinda TakeuchiArt History1979 Calvin L. French (grad student)
Guojia Tang
Alan S. Taylor Marvin Myers (grad student)
Nicholas TerpstraEuropean History Paul F. Grendler (grad student)
Moriz ThausingArt History1861 Rudolf Eitelberger von Edelberg (grad student)
Bernard Thomann Bertrand Chung (grad student)
Dexter Thomas Jr, Naoki Sakai (grad student)
Robert Farris ThompsonHistory of Art, African Art, African-American Art1965 George Kubler (grad student)
M. A. Thomson George Norman Clark (grad student)
Rosemary Thorp
William J. Tighe Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Ronald P. TobyAsia History, Asian Literature Herschel Webb (grad student)
Isenbike ToganHistory of Inner Asia and China, tribe-state relations, womens history, intellectual history and historiography, commercial and cultural interaction along the Silk Road. Joseph F. Fletcher (grad student), Francis Woodman Cleaves (grad student)
Sugimura TohArt History1981 Calvin L. French (grad student)
Thomas Tout William Stubbs (grad student)
Charles Townshend A. J. P. Taylor (grad student)
Ernst Troeltsch
Jason Frederick Trumpbour John Hamilton Baker (grad student)
David M. TurnerHistory of disability; social history; cultural history History Martin Ingram (grad student)
Maria Isabel Turrent Archie Brown (grad student)
Sharon Ullman Mary P Ryan (grad student)
Andreas UmlandRussian nationalism, Ukrainian far right, East European geopolitics, post- communist higher education, comparative fascism, Ukrainian decentralization Roger D. Griffin (research scientist), Anton Shekhovtsov (collaborator)
David UnderdownModern History, European History Christopher Hill (grad student)
Jonathan G. Utley
Sandra Vallenas
Mercedes Valmisa2017 Franklin T. Perkins (grad student), Melissa S. Lane (grad student)
Hendrik Willem van
Antonius A.F.J. van Helvoorthistory of science
Bernard van PraagApplied Economics Johan Koerts (grad student)
Pieter Vincent van Stein CallenfelsPrehistory, Java1924 Godard Arend Johannes Hazeu (grad student)
Pierre VanderEng
Germán Vergara Margaret Chowning (grad student)
Gary Kent VikanArt History, Medieval Art, Byzantine Art
Evelyn Villarreal Fernández Alan Angell (grad student)
Paul Vinogradoff Vasily Klyuchevsky (grad student), Theodor Mommsen (grad student), Heinrich Brunner (grad student)
Domenic Vitiello Walter Licht (grad student)
Heinrich Rudolf Hermann Friedrich von Gneistlaw; British constitution Friedrich Carl von Savigny (grad student)
Karl Friedrich Johann von Noordenhistory Leopold von Ranke (grad student)
Gustav von Schmollereconomics; sociology; social policy Karl Wolfgang Christoph Schüz (research scientist)
Joachim Wachreligion1922 Friedrich Heiler (grad student), Ernst Troeltsch (grad student), Edmund G. Husserl (grad student)
Georg WaitzGerman history Barthold Georg Niebuhr (grad student), Friedrich Carl von Savigny (grad student)
Martha Elizabeth WallsCanadian, Atlantic Canadian, First Nations
John Patrick Walsh
Ernst Wangermann Hans Georg Schenk (grad student)
Leslie Joan Ward Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (grad student)
Jonathan D. T. Ward Henrietta Harrison (grad student)
Vanessa Ward Tessa Morris-Suzuki (grad student)
Ann Waswo
Christopher WatermanFolklore, American Studies, United States History19771986 Bruno Nettl (grad student)
Alan Watson David Daube (grad student)
Jeffrey R. Watt
Gail Capitol WeiglArt History1976 Calvin L. French (grad student)
Matthew Raymond WelchArt History1995 Stephen Addiss (grad student)
Jennifer Welsh
Richard Bruce Wernham
Victoria L. Weston1991 Paul Allan Berry (grad student)
Ronald C. White Jr.
Endymion WilkinsonChinese history
Michael J. Wilks Walter Ullmann (grad student)
Thomas Stuart Willan George Norman Clark (grad student)
W. J.A. Willems Albert Egges van Giffen (grad student)
Philip A. Williamson Maurice John Cowling (grad student)
Jonathan WillisReformation History History20052009 Peter Marshall (grad student)
Sandra Wilsonmodern Japanese history1989 Ann Waswo (grad student)
Dorothy WongArt History, General Religion, Asian Studies John M. Rosenfield (grad student), Wu Hung (grad student)
Yee Tuan Wong Carl A Trocki (grad student)
James Jay WoodModern British, Modern American History
Spence Wood
A. C. Wood George Norman Clark (grad student)
Peter Matthews Wright20012008 Carl W. Ernst (grad student)
Marshall WuArt History1989 Paul Allan Berry (grad student)
Hugh WylieArt History1991 Stephen Addiss (grad student)
Yu YangArt History2018 Jonathan McKean Reynolds (grad student)
jongsik christian yi Victor Seow (grad student), Janet Browne (grad student), Warwick Anderson (grad student)
Gimoon 이기문 Yi Gibaek 이기백 Rhee (collaborator)
Qingfai Yin Edward A. McCord (grad student)
Julia Yonetani Tessa Morris-Suzuki (grad student)
C.F. Yong Ken Inglis (grad student)
L. M. Young Ernest Alfred Benians (grad student)
Neil Younger
Jaxon Toumberstone Ziebarth
Peter B. ZinomanSoutheast Asia Benedict Anderson (grad student)
Edward Zychowicz-Coghill20172020 Andrew Wallace-Hadrill (post-doc), Sofia Greaves (collaborator)
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