Nathan T. Carter

Psychology University of Georgia, Athens, Athens, GA, United States 
"Nathan T. Carter"

Carter, Nathan, Applications of Differential Functioning Methods to the Generalized Graded Unfolding Model (2011). Psychology Ph.D. Dissertations. 125.

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Michael John Zickar grad student 2011 Bowling Green State University
 (Applications of Differential Functioning Methods to the Generalized Graded Unfolding Model)
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Smith RW, Kim YJ, Carter NT. (2020) Does it matter where you're helpful? Organizational citizenship behavior from work and home. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Harris A, McMillan J, Listyg B, et al. (2020) Measuring Intelligence with the Sandia Matrices: Psychometric Review and Recommendations for Free Raven-Like Item Sets Personnel Assessment and Decisions. 6
Carter NT, Dalal DK, Guan L, et al. (2016) Item Response Theory Scoring and the Detection of Curvilinear Relationships. Psychological Methods
Carter NT, Guan L, Maples JL, et al. (2015) The Downsides of Extreme Conscientiousness for Psychological Well-being: The Role of Obsessive Compulsive Tendencies. Journal of Personality
LoPilato AC, Carter NT, Wang M. (2015) Updating Generalizability Theory in Management Research: Bayesian Estimation of Variance Components Journal of Management. 41: 692-717
Carter NT, Dalal DK, Boyce AS, et al. (2014) Uncovering curvilinear relationships between conscientiousness and job performance: how theoretically appropriate measurement makes an empirical difference. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 99: 564-86
Carter NT, Daniels MA, Zickar MJ. (2013) Projective testing: Historical foundations and uses for human resources management Human Resource Management Review. 23: 205-218
Carter NT, Kotrba LM, Diab DL, et al. (2012) A Comparison of a Subjective and Statistical Method for Establishing Score Comparability in an Organizational Culture Survey Journal of Business and Psychology. 27: 451-466
Carter NT, Dalal DK, Lake CJ, et al. (2011) Using Mixed-Model Item Response Theory to Analyze Organizational Survey Responses: An Illustration Using the Job Descriptive Index Organizational Research Methods. 14: 116-146
Carter NT, Zickar MJ. (2011) A comparison of the LR and dfit frameworks of differential functioning applied to the generalized graded unfolding model Applied Psychological Measurement. 35: 623-642
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