Jeremy Boyd, Ph.D.

University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
"Jeremy Boyd"
Cross-listing: Neurotree

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Goldberg AE, Boyd JK. (2015) A-adjectives, statistical preemption, and the evidence: Reply to Yang (2015) Language. 91: e184-e197
Scudder MR, Federmeier KD, Raine LB, et al. (2014) The association between aerobic fitness and language processing in children: implications for academic achievement. Brain and Cognition. 87: 140-52
Boyd JK, Goldberg AE. (2012) Young children fail to fully generalize a novel argument structure construction when exposed to the same input as older learners. Journal of Child Language. 39: 457-81
Boyd JK, Ackerman F, Kutas M. (2012) Adult learners use both entrenchment and preemption to infer grammatical constraints 2012 Ieee International Conference On Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics, Icdl 2012
Wonnacott E, Boyd JK, Thomson J, et al. (2012) Input effects on the acquisition of a novel phrasal construction in 5year olds Journal of Memory and Language. 66: 458-478
Boyd JK, Goldberg AE. (2011) Learning what not to say: The role of statistical preemption and categorization in a-adjective production Language. 87: 55-83
Boyd JK, Goldberg AE. (2009) Input effects within a constructionist framework Modern Language Journal. 93: 418-429
Boyd JK, Gottschalk EA, Goldberg AE. (2009) Linking rule acquisition in novel phrasal constructions Language Learning. 59: 64-89
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