Jaime Carbonell

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 
 1979 Yale University, New Haven, CT 
Natural language processing
"Jaime Carbonell"
Cross-listing: Computer Science Tree


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Roger C. Schank grad student 1979 Yale (Neurotree)
 (Subjective Understanding: Computer Models of Belief Systems)


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Jesse Dunietz grad student Carnegie Mellon
Jeffrey Flanigan grad student Carnegie Mellon
Dishan Gupta grad student Carnegie Mellon
Ashiqur Khudbukhsh grad student Carnegie Mellon
Shane Moon grad student Carnegie Mellon
Keerthiram Murugesan grad student Carnegie Mellon
Peter Stojano grad student Carnegie Mellon
Adams Wei Yu grad student Carnegie Mellon
Daegun Won grad student Carnegie Mellon
Manuela Veloso grad student 1992 Carnegie Mellon (Robotree)
Michael Mateas grad student 2002 Carnegie Mellon (Computer Science Tree)
Chun Jin grad student 2006 Carnegie Mellon
Lucian V. Lita grad student 2006 Carnegie Mellon
Ulas Bardak grad student 2007 Carnegie Mellon
Ariadna Font Llitjos grad student 2007 Carnegie Mellon
Bora C. Gazen grad student 2008 Carnegie Mellon
Pinar Donmez grad student 2010 Carnegie Mellon
Jingrui He grad student 2010 Carnegie Mellon
Jonathan L. Elsas grad student 2011 Carnegie Mellon
Rashmi Gangadharaiah grad student 2011 Carnegie Mellon
Vamshi Ambati grad student 2012 Carnegie Mellon
Junjie Hu grad student 2020 Carnegie Mellon (Computer Science Tree)
BETA: Related publications


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Lim K, Lee JY, Carbonell J, et al. (2020) Semi-Supervised Learning on Meta Structure: Multi-Task Tagging and Parsing in Low-Resource Scenarios Proceedings of the Aaai Conference On Artificial Intelligence. 34: 8344-8351
Kshirsagar M, Murugesan K, Carbonell JG, et al. (2017) Multitask Matrix Completion for Learning Protein Interactions Across Diseases. Journal of Computational Biology : a Journal of Computational Molecular Cell Biology
Dunietz J, Levin L, Carbonell J. (2017) Automatically Tagging Constructions of Causation and Their Slot-Fillers Transactions of the Association For Computational Linguistics. 5: 117-133
Liu H, Ma W, Yang Y, et al. (2016) Learning Concept Graphs from Online Educational Data Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. 55: 1059-1090
Marujo L, Ling W, Ribeiro R, et al. (2016) Exploring events and distributed representations of text in multi-document summarization Knowledge-Based Systems. 94: 33-42
Marujo L, Ribeiro R, Gershman A, et al. (2016) Event-based summarization using a centrality-as-relevance model Knowledge and Information Systems. 50: 945-968
Kshirsagar M, Schleker S, Carbonell J, et al. (2015) Techniques for transferring host-pathogen protein interactions knowledge to new tasks. Frontiers in Microbiology. 6: 36
Kshirsagar M, Carbonell J, Klein-Seetharaman J. (2012) Techniques to cope with missing data in host-pathogen protein interaction prediction. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 28: i466-i472
He J, Tong H, Carbonell J. (2012) An effective framework for characterizing rare categories Frontiers of Computer Science. 6: 154-165
Yang L, Hanneke S, Carbonell J. (2012) A theory of transfer learning with applications to active learning Machine Learning. 90: 161-189
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