Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Rolena AdornoLatin American Literature, Latin American History, Romance Literature, Philosophy, Linguistics Language
Stephen R. AndersonPhonology
Shlomo ArgamonArtificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Linguistics Language Computer Science Computer Science19901994 Drew McDermott (grad student), Gregory D. Hager (research assistant)
Elizabeth N AslingerPsychology, Clinical Psychology, Quantitative Psychology, Personality Psychology, Quantitative Methodology
Maria BabyonyshevLinguistics Language, Modern Language
Matthew Veras BarrosSyntax, Semantics, Pragmatics
Ryan BennettPhonetics, Phonology, Morphology, Irish, Mayan languages
James Ross BettmanMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology, Linguistics Language Administrative Sciences1969 Gerrit Wolf (grad student)
Bernard Bloch
Paul BloomCognitive Development
Maurice Bloomfield William Dwight Whitney (grad student)
Leonard Bloomfield
Leandro Bolaños Stephen R. Anderson (grad student)
Claire L. Bowernhistorical linguistics, Australian languages
Patricio E. BoyerComparative Literature, Latin American Literature, American Literature2006 Rolena Adorno (grad student)
Judith Becker BryantExperimental Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Linguistics Language Psychology19751977 Katherine Nelson (research assistant)
Carl Darling Buck1889 Thomas Day Seymour (grad student)
Jaime CarbonellNatural language processing1979 Roger C. Schank (grad student)
Jose A. Cardenas BunsenLatin American Literature, Latin American History2008 Rolena Adorno (grad student)
Brenda C. CarterAmerican Studies, United States History, Mass Communications2007 Michael Denning (grad student)
Wallace ChafeNative American languages, discourse, prosody, language and thought1958 Bernard Bloch (grad student), Floyd Lounsbury (grad student)
Kun Chang1955 Franklin Edgerton (grad student)
Seungja K. Choipragmatics2000 Laurence Robert Horn (grad student)
Michael M. Cohen2004 Michael Denning (grad student)
Cleo A. Condoravdisemantics1994 Donka Farkas (grad student)
Thomas J. ConnersLinguistics Language2008 Dianne Jonas (grad student)
Warren Cowgill19501957 Paul Tedesco (grad student)
Michael Denning American Studies Stuart Hall (grad student)
Ashwini S. Deo
Leo DepuydtAncient Language, Classical Literature, Linguistics Language1990 William K. Simpson (grad student), Bentley Layton (grad student)
Rikker Dockum Linguistics20132019 Claire L. Bowern (grad student)
Irina A. Dumitrescu2009 Roberta Frank (grad student)
Franklin Edgerton
Murray Barnson Emeneau1931 Franklin Edgerton (grad student)
Joseph B. EntinAmerican Studies, American Literature, Fine Arts2001 Michael Denning (grad student)
Victor Erlich
Amerigo FabbriComparative Literature, Romance Literature, Modern Literature2004 Paolo Valesio (grad student)
Denis Ferhatovic2010 Roberta Frank (grad student)
Madeleine A. Fitzgerald2002 William Hallo (grad student)
Robert Frank
Roberta FrankLinguistics Language, Ancient Language
Martín FuchsPsycholinguistics, Semantics & Pragmatics, Language Variation and Change
Paola GambarotaRomance Literature, European History, Linguistics Language2002 Paolo Valesio (grad student)
Man GaoPhonetics2008 Louis M. Goldstein (grad student)
Anthony N.B. Garvan History1948 Leonard Labaree (grad student)
Emily A. GasserAustronesian, language contact & change, phonology, fieldwork2014 Claire L. Bowern (grad student), Claire L. Bowern (collaborator)
William J. Gedney1947 Franklin Edgerton (grad student)
Bryan W. GickArticulatory phonetics, speech perception, motor planning1999 Louis M. Goldstein (grad student)
Daniel A. Gilbert2008 Michael Denning (grad student)
Louise GoldsteinLinguistics Language, Cognitive Psychology, Speech Pathology
Ward Goodenough Anthropology Anthropology George Peter Murdock (grad student), Bronislaw Malinowski (grad student), Ralph Linton (grad student)
Elena L. GrigorenkoCognitive Psychology, Reading Education, Developmental Psychology, Linguistics Language
Mary HaasNative American linguistics1935 Edward Sapir (grad student)
Walter Haas William G. Moulton (grad student)
William Hallo
Sophie Haolinguistics Linguistics Computer Science20172022 Robert Frank (grad student), Dana Angluin (grad student)
K. David D. HarrisonPhonology, morphology, endangered languages, language documentation, Turkic languages19942000 Stephen R. Anderson (grad student)
Hans Henrich HockHistorical linguistics19631967 Warren Cowgill (grad student)
Charles HockettPhonology Edward Sapir (grad student), Benjamin Lee Whorf (grad student), George Peter Murdock (grad student)
Laurence Robert Hornpragmatics
Julia Horvath Stephen R. Anderson (grad student)
Philippe P. HuntComparative Literature, Modern Literature2001 Paolo Valesio (grad student)
Scott R. Hunter Yale School of Medicine2011 Elena L. Grigorenko (grad student)
Stanley Insler1963 Franklin Edgerton (grad student)
Kuniyoshi Ishikawapragmatics2003 Laurence Robert Horn (grad student)
Stephanie Wroth Jamison1977 Stanley Insler (grad student), Warren Cowgill (grad student)
Gaja Jaroszphonology, language acquisition, computational linguistics
Dianne JonasLinguistics Language
Dalton A. JonesBlack History, American Studies, Music, Biography2007 Michael Denning (grad student)
Lizanne Kaiser Stephen R. Anderson (grad student)
Ryan Kasak Linguistics Stephen R. Anderson (grad student)
Argyro KatsikaLinguistics Language Linguistics2012 Jelena Krivokapic (grad student)
Ilkyu Kim2013 Ashwini S. Deo (grad student)
Elaine C. KleinSecond lanaguage acquisition, syntax
Jared S. KleinIndo-European linguistics, Sanskrit, historical linguistics Warren Cowgill (grad student)
Hadas Koteksyntax, semantics, syntax-semantics interface
Jelena KrivokapicLinguistics Language
Yao-Ying LaiPsycho/Neurolinguistics Linguistics20102017 Maria M. Piñango (grad student)
Keith LangstonSlavic phonology, morphology, sociolinguistics, historical Slavic linguistics Slavic Languages and Literatures19861994 Edward Stankiewicz (grad student)
Charles Rockwell Lanman1873 William Dwight Whitney (grad student)
Erin LarkinRomance Literature, Modern Language2007 Paolo Valesio (grad student)
Luke S Lindemann
Floyd Lounsbury Anthropology1949 Bernard Bloch (grad student)
Maria F. MacchiLatin American Literature, Romance Literature, Theater2003 Rolena Adorno (grad student)
Jennifer E. Mackpragmatics2010 Laurence Robert Horn (grad student)
Bronislaw MalinowskiSocial Anthropology
Stefania N. MarinPhonetics2007 Louis M. Goldstein (grad student)
Samuel Elmo Martin1950 Bernard Bloch (grad student)
Ignatius Gorsline Mattingly1968 Alvin M. Liberman (grad student)
Scott Nathanael McClure2011 Gaja Jarosz (grad student), Stephen R. Anderson (grad student)
Marianne MithunMorphology, syntax, discourse, prosody, and their interrelations; language contact and language change; typology and universals; language documentation; American Indian linguistics; Austronesian linguistics1974 Floyd Lounsbury (grad student)
Gloria S. MontiCinema, American Studies, Women's Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Black Studies, Biography2000 Michael Denning (grad student)
Laura M. MorettCognitive neuroscience, learning, gesture, autism spectrum disorder, psycholinguistics Child Study Center20162017 James C. McPartland (post-doc)
William G. Moulton Eduard Prokosch (grad student), Edward Sapir (research assistant), Leonard Bloomfield (grad student)
George Peter Murdockanthropology1925 Albert Galloway Keller (grad student)
Hosung NamPhonetics2007 Louis M. Goldstein (grad student)
Adam J. NaplesCognitive Psychology, Reading Education, Developmental Psychology, Linguistics Language2009 Elena L. Grigorenko (grad student)
Kelly M. Nedwickpragmatics2014 Laurence Robert Horn (grad student)
Stanley NewmanZuni1932 Edward Sapir (grad student)
E-Ching NgPhonology, language contact Stephen R. Anderson (grad student)
David I. NoravianRomance Literature2000 Paolo Valesio (grad student)
Irene Nye1911 Hanns Oertel (grad student)
Hanns Oertel Comparative Philology1890 William Dwight Whitney (grad student)
Sejin Oh20192022 Jason A. Shaw (grad student)
Elena Pellus PerezLatin American Literature, Latin American History, Romance Literature, Philosophy, Linguistics Language2012 Rolena Adorno (grad student)
Josh Phillips Linguistics Claire L. Bowern (grad student)
Maria M. Piñango
Marianne PouplierPhonetics2003 Louis M. Goldstein (grad student)
Eduard Prokosch
Jodi Anne ReichLanguage Acquisition
John Robert Rosssyntax, semantics, linguistics Bernard Bloch (research assistant)
Erich R. RoundPhonology2009 Stephen R. Anderson (grad student)
William N. Salmonpragmatics2008 Laurence Robert Horn (grad student)
Sara Sanchez-AlonsoPsycho- and Neurolinguistics Linguistics Linguistics2011 Maria M. Piñango (grad student), Ashwini S. Deo (grad student)
Francisco J. SangradorRomance Literature, Latin American Literature2008 Rolena Adorno (grad student)
Edward SapirLinguistics
Scott A. SaulAmerican Studies, United States History, Music2001 Michael Denning (grad student)
Alexander Schenker
Rebecca M Schreiber2000 Michael Denning (grad student)
Thomas Day SeymourGreek
William K. Simpson
Iris SmorodinskyPhonetics2002 Louis M. Goldstein (grad student)
Minjung SonPhonetics2008 Louis M. Goldstein (grad student)
Edward Stankiewicz
Dennis S. SurrencyRomance Literature, History of Religion, General Psychology2003 Paolo Valesio (grad student)
Morris SwadeshNative American languages, historical linguistics1933 Edward Sapir (grad student)
Kevin Tangspeech perception, lexicon modelling, big data, psycholinguistics, phonetics, and phonology Linguistics Linguistics20172017 Ryan Bennett (post-doc), Jason A. Shaw (collaborator)
Twila Tardif Psychology Psychology19901993 Robert J. Sternberg (grad student), William Kessen (grad student)
Paul TedescoHistorical Linguistics
Sarah G. ThomasonLanguage contact, historical linguistics Alexander Schenker (grad student)
Laurence C. Thompson Franklin Edgerton (grad student)
Mark K. TiedeLinguistics Language Linguistics2013 Jelena Krivokapic (grad student)
Charles Cutler Torrey
Alfredo TroianoMedieval Literature, General Religion2006 Paolo Valesio (grad student)
Maria R. TruglioRomance Literature, Modern Literature2001 Paolo Valesio (grad student)
Rashad Ullahpragmatics, semantics, Indo-Aryan languages, Bengali, indefinites, negation, negative polarity, free choice, typology Linguistics Linguistics2009 Laurence Robert Horn (grad student), Ashwini S. Deo (grad student), Hadas Kotek (grad student)
Paolo ValesioRomance Literature, European History, Linguistics Language
Nienke C. Venderbosch2014 Paul Fry (grad student)
Brendan M Walsh2001 Michael Denning (grad student)
Robert WasonMusic, Linguistics Language Allen Forte (grad student)
Franziska Wegdell Martin Surbeck (grad student)
Douglas H. Whalen Linguistics1982 Louis M. Goldstein (grad student)
William Dwight Whitney
Benjamin Lee WhorfLinguistics Edward Sapir (grad student)
Ivy G. WilsonAmerican Literature, American Studies2002 Michael Denning (grad student)
Laura V. WittmanModern Literature, Comparative Literature, Romance Literature, General Religion2001 Paolo Valesio (grad student)
Matthew A. Wolf
Hanni Woodbury Anthropology Floyd Lounsbury (grad student)
Karen Wynn
Mariko YanagawaPhonetics2006 Louis M. Goldstein (grad student)
Yuan-Chen J. Yangpragmatics2012 Laurence Robert Horn (grad student)
Raffaella ZanuttiniSyntax, Field Linguistics, Linguistic Variation
Jason ZentzSyntax, Morphology, Bantu, Shona, Wh-questions, Extraction Marking Linguistics Linguistics2016 Claire L. Bowern (grad student), Robert Frank (grad student), Raffaella Zanuttini (grad student)
Muye ZhangLinguistics, cognitive science, cognitive neuroscience Linguistics Linguistics20162021 Maria M. Piñango (grad student), Jason A. Shaw (grad student)
Jordan Zweck2010 Roberta Frank (grad student)