Richard G. Schwartz, Ph.D.

Speech and Hearing Sciences  City University of New York, New York, NY, United States 
speech and language processing in children with Specific Language Impairment, children with Cochlear Implants, children with Autism, neurobiology of childhood language impairments
"Richard Schwartz"


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Baila Epstein grad student CUNY
Linda Jarmulowicz grad student CUNY
Michelle MacRoy-Higgens grad student CUNY
Klara Marton grad student CUNY
Cheryl K. Messick grad student Purdue
Karen Pollock grad student Purdue
Patricia Prelock grad student University of Pittsburgh
Brenda Rapp grad student CUNY
Peggy Jacobson grad student 2002 CUNY
Frances L. Scheffler grad student 2002 CUNY
Joanne Gerenser grad student 2004 CUNY
Liat Seiger-Gardner grad student 2005 CUNY
Carol P. Munger grad student 2007 CUNY
Naama Kenan grad student 2008 CUNY
Michelle MacRoy-Higgins grad student 2009 CUNY
Baila Tropper grad student 2009 CUNY
Deena Wechsler-Kashi grad student 2010 CUNY
Kristen Russo Victorino grad student 2011 CUNY
Dana Battaglia grad student 2012 CUNY
Bernadette P. Kuntz grad student 2012 CUNY
Christine Rota-Donahue grad student 2013 CUNY
Diana Almodovar grad student 2014 CUNY
Arild Hestvik post-doc CUNY
Maria Mody post-doc CUNY
Valerie L. Shafer post-doc CUNY
BETA: Related publications


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Fortunato-Tavares T, Schwartz RG, Andrade CRF, et al. (2023) Are prosodic effects on sentence comprehension dependent on age? Codas. 35: e20210062
DeLuca ZW, Schwartz RG, Marton K, et al. (2022) The effect of sentence length on question comprehension in children with cochlear implants. Cochlear Implants International. 24: 14-26
Hestvik A, Epstein B, Schwartz RG, et al. (2022) Developmental Language Disorder as Syntactic Prediction Impairment. Frontiers in Communication. 6
Sasaki M, Schwartz RG, Hisano M, et al. (2021) Relative Clause Sentence Comprehension by Japanese-Speaking Children With and Without Specific Language Impairment. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : Jslhr. 1-15
Chondrogianni V, Schwartz RG. (2020) Case marking and word order in Greek heritage children. Journal of Child Language. 1-30
Levi SV, Harel D, Schwartz RG. (2019) Language Ability and the Familiar Talker Advantage: Generalizing to Unfamiliar Talkers Is What Matters. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : Jslhr. 1-10
Rajan V, Konishi H, Ridge K, et al. (2019) Novel word learning at 21 months predicts receptive vocabulary outcomes in later childhood. Journal of Child Language. 1-15
Fortunato-Tavares T, Schwartz RG, Marton K, et al. (2018) Prosodic Boundary Effects on Syntactic Disambiguation in Children With Cochlear Implants. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : Jslhr. 61: 1188-1202
Schwartz RG, Hestvik A, Seiger-Gardner L, et al. (2016) Processing Binding Relations in Specific Language Impairment. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : Jslhr. 1-11
Cantiani C, Choudhury NA, Yu YH, et al. (2016) From Sensory Perception to Lexical-Semantic Processing: An ERP Study in Non-Verbal Children with Autism. Plos One. 11: e0161637
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