John L. Schlacter

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States 
Marketing Business Administration
"John Schlacter"
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Jackson DW, Keith JE, Schlacter JL. (2013) Evaluation of Selling Performance: A Study of Current Practices Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. 3: 42-51
Pass MW, Evans KR, Lastovicka J, et al. (2012) Manufacturers' Representative-Principal Relationship Management: A Principal Leadership Style and Support Perspective Journal of Relationship Marketing. 11: 125-148
Pass MW, Evans KR, Schlacter JL. (2004) Sales force involvement in CRM information systems: Participation, support, and focus Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. 24: 229-234
Fudge RS, Schlacter JL. (1999) Motivating employees to act ethically: An expectancy theory approach Journal of Business Ethics. 18: 295-304
Christiansen T, Evans KR, Schlacter JL, et al. (1996) Training Differences Between Services and Goods Firms: Impact on Performance, Satisfaction, and Commitment Journal of Professional Services Marketing. 15: 47-70
Evans KR, Gremler DD, Schlacter JL, et al. (1995) The impact of salesperson socialization on organizational commitment, satisfaction, and performance in a professional service organization Journal of Professional Services Marketing. 11: 139-156
Jackson DW, Schlacter JL, Wolfe WG. (1995) Examining the bases utilized for evaluating salespeoples’ performance Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. 15: 58-65
Murray KB, Schlacter JL. (1995) Using consumer perceptions to operationalize the service construct: Exploratory research in theory extension and validation Psychology & Marketing. 12: 501-530
Gotlieb JB, Schlacter JL, Louis RDS. (1992) Consumer decision making: A model of the effects of involvement, source credibility, and location on the size of the price difference required to induce consumers to change suppliers Psychology & Marketing. 9: 191-208
Murray KB, Schlacter JL. (1990) The impact of services versus goods on consumers’ assessment of perceived risk and variability Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 18: 51-65
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