Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Aftab AhmedElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics, Analytical Chemistry2012 Reuven Gordon (grad student)
Arif BabulAstronomy and Astrophysics
Natalie J. BalfouGeophysics2011 J F. Cassiday (grad student)
H.M. K. BandaraAstronomy and Astrophysics2012 D Crampton (grad student)
Chris R. BarberAstrophysics Physics and Astronomy Julio F. Navarro (grad student)
Frank BerghausElementary Particles and High Energy Physics bsheaff@uvic.ca2013 Michel Lefebvre (grad student)
Christopher J. BildfellAstronomy and Astrophysics Physics and Astronomy20072013 Arif Babul (grad student)
Krzysztof CaputaElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics2003 Maria A. Stuchly (grad student)
J F. CassidayGeophysics
John CassidyGeophysics
Justin ChiuATLAS, high energy physics, particle physics, LHC
Tyler Cocker20062006 Alexandre G. Brolo (research assistant)
Fred Isaac CooperstockRelativity, gravitation
D CramptonAstronomy and Astrophysics
Claire A. CurrieGeophysics2004 Roy D. Hyndman (grad student)
Thomas E. DarcieElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics
Claire David Robert A. McPherson (grad student)
Nikolai DechevMedical Biophysics, Acoustics Physics, Mechanical Engineering
Eileen V. der Flier-KellerGeomorphology, Geophysics, Geology
Michael Mauro De RobertisAstronomy and Astrophysics1983 John B. Hutchings (grad student), J. Anthony Burke (grad student)
Matt Dobbscosmology2002 Michel Lefebvre (grad student)
Stanley E. DossoAcoustics Physics, Remote Sensing
Stan DossoGeophysics
Herb DragertGeophysics, Geology
Valerio Faraoni Physics and Astronomy19911996 Fred Isaac Cooperstock (post-doc)
Azadeh Fattahi Physics and Astronomy Julio F. Navarro (grad student)
Elise C. FearBiomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics, Radiology2001 Maria A. Stuchly (grad student)
Laura FerrareseAstrophysics Physics
Paul FluckGeophysics, Geology2003 George D. Spence (grad student)
Lisa A. GlassAstrophysics Physics bsheaff@uvic.ca2012 Laura Ferrarese (grad student)
Reuven GordonNanophotonics, plasmonics
Stephen D. GwynAstronomy and Astrophysics2001 F David A. Hartwick (grad student)
John Hart
F David A. HartwickAstronomy and Astrophysics
Eric HayashiAstronomy and Astrophysics2004 Julio F. Navarro (grad student)
Joseph A. HentonGeophysics, Geology2000 Roy D. Hyndman (grad student)
Falk HerwigAstronomy and Astrophysics
Adrian S. HickinGeomorphology, Geophysics, Geology bsheaff@uvic.ca2013 Eileen V. der Flier-Keller (grad student)
Sabine HippchenGeophysics, Plate Tectonics2011 George D. Spence (grad student)
Eric HsiaoSupernova, Cosmology Physics and Astronomy2009 Christopher J. Pritchet (grad student)
Roy D. HyndmanGeophysics
Leopoldo Infanteastrophysics1990 Christopher J. Pritchet (grad student)
Kailash Chandra Jena20072010 Dennis K. Hore (post-doc)
Dean Albert KarlenElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
JJ KavelaarsAstronomy and Astrophysics
Richard Keeler
Laura Lee Kormos2003 Randall Sobie (grad student), Richard Keeler (grad student)
Robert Victor KowalewskiElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Paul Laskarides1973 F David A. Hartwick (grad student)
Ian Timothy Lawson2000 Randall Sobie (grad student), Richard Keeler (grad student)
Ryan LeamanAstronomy and Astrophysics2012 Kim Venn (grad student), Kim Venn (grad student)
Matt LeBlancHigh-Energy Physics Department of Physics20112017 Robert A. McPherson (grad student)
Michel LefebvreElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Jean-Raphael LessardElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2012 Michel Lefebvre (grad student)
Robert Lipson Boris P. Stoicheff (grad student)
Warren MagnussonPublic Administration, Environmental Philosophy, Metaphysics
Sebastien MalettePublic Administration, Environmental Philosophy, Metaphysics2010 Warren Magnusson (grad student)
Christian MaroisExoplanets, High-contrast imaging, Coronagraphy, Instrumentation and Adaptive Optics
Stephane MazzottiGeophysics, Plate Tectonics
Ian G. McCarthy Astrophysics20002005 Arif Babul (grad student)
Robert A. McPherson
Sheri MolnarGeophysics2011 John Cassidy (grad student)
Julio F. NavarroAstronomy and Astrophysics
Dugan Clive O'NeilAstrophysics Physics1999 Michel Lefebvre (grad student)
John A. OuelletteAstronomy and Astrophysics2000 Christopher J. Pritchet (grad student)
James Martin Overduingravitation,cosmology,astrophysics,particle physics Physics and Astronomy19921997 Fred Isaac Cooperstock (grad student)
Aviv Padawer-BlattAstrophysics Physics and Astronomy2022 Arif Babul (grad student)
Hamid PahlevaninezhadElectronics and Electrical Engineering2012 Thomas E. Darcie (grad student)
Yuanjie PangElectronics and Electrical Engineering2012 Reuven Gordon (grad student)
Alex H. ParkerAstronomy and Astrophysics2011 JJ Kavelaars (grad student)
Jean-Claude PassyAstronomy and Astrophysics bsheaff@uvic.ca2013 Falk Herwig (grad student)
Gregory B. Poole Astronomy2007 Arif Babul (grad student)
Christopher J. PritchetAstronomy and Astrophysics
Roberto De Propris Department of Physics and Astronomy1996 Christopher J. Pritchet (grad student)
Min QiaoElectronics and Electrical Engineering2011 Reuven Gordon (grad student)
Michael RiedelGeophysics, Geochemistry2001 Roy D. Hyndman (grad student)
Johannes P. RistauGeophysics2004 George D. Spence (grad student)
Steven Hugh Robertson Richard Keeler (grad student), Randall Sobie (grad student)
Garry C. RogersGeophysics
Andrew M. RoweMechanical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Energy
Heather L RussellExperimental particle physics
Colin Scarfe Roderick O. Redman (grad student)
C D. ScarfeAstronomy and Astrophysics
Nastasja A. ScholzMarine Geology, Environmental Geology Earth and Ocean Sciences2014 Michael Riedel (grad student)
Randall Sobie
George D. SpenceGeophysics
Steven Starkovich Physics and Astronomy19871993 Fred Isaac Cooperstock (grad student)
Kelly J. StegmanMedical Biophysics, Acoustics Physics, Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering2014 Nikolai Dechev (grad student)
Eric SteinbringAstronomy and Astrophysics2001 D Crampton (grad student)
Gavin SteiningerAcoustics Physics, Remote Sensing Earth and Ocean Sciences2014 Stan Dosso (grad student)
Maria A. StuchlyBiomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics, Radiology
Vahid TavassoliElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2012 Thomas E. Darcie (grad student)
James Taylor Physics and Astronomy19972001 Arif Babul (grad student)
Thomas TiedjeCondensed Matter Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering
Armando TuraMechanical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Energy Mechanical Engineering2013 Andrew M. Rowe (grad student)
Brigitte VachonElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2002 Randall Sobie (grad student), Robert A. McPherson (grad student)
Kim VennAstronomy and Astrophysics
Manuella VincterElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1996 Richard Keeler (grad student)
Andreas Warburtonphysics, particle physics, high energy physics, subatomic physics, instrumentation