Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Willem Jacob 's-Gravesandephysics1707 Herman Boerhaave (research assistant)
Daniel P. AalbertsBiological polymers19941996 Johannes (Hans) Maria Jozef van Leeuwen (post-doc), Wim van Saarloos (post-doc)
Jan Aarts
Jean-Nicolas-Sébastien Allamandphysics, natural history1742 Pieter van Musschenbroek (collaborator), Willem Jacob 's-Gravesande (grad student)
Jan Ameszbiophysics1964 Louis N. M. Duysens (grad student)
Thomas M. BaniaAstronomy and Astrophysics William Butler Burton (grad student)
Chris R. BarberAstrophysics Sterrewacht Joop Schaye (grad student)
Dick BedeauxNon-equilibrium thermodynamics, Optical properties of surfaces
Isaac Beeckman16081612 Rudolph Snell van Royen (Snellius) (grad student), Simon Stevin (grad student)
Cornelis I.M. Beenakker nanotechnology1974 Luitzen J. Oosterhoff (grad student), Jacob Kistemaker (grad student)
Jan J. M. Beenakkertransport properties of non-spherical molecules1954 Cornelis Jacobus Gorter (grad student), Krijn W. Taconis (grad student)
Carlo W.J. Beenakkercondensed matter theory Instituut-Lorentz1984 Peter Mazur (grad student)
Frederick Jozef Belinfante1939 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student)
Frederik Allard BerendsTheoretical physics1967 Jean A.M. Cox (grad student)
Eric Arnold BergshoeffTheoretical High-Energy Physics1983 Bernard Q.P.J. de Wit (grad student), Frederik Allard Berends (grad student), Mees de Roo (grad student)
Willem Bevelander1954 Sybren Ruurds de Groot (grad student)
Arie Bijl1938 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student)
Adriaan BlaauwAstronomy1946 Willem de Sitter (research assistant), Ejnar Hertzsprung (research assistant), Jan Hendrik Oort (research assistant)
Johan A.M. BleekerAstronomy, Space science1971 Hendrik Christoffel van de Hulst (grad student)
Nicolaas BloembergenLaser Spectroscopy, NMR1948 Cornelis Jacobus Gorter (grad student)
Edgar M. BlokhuisStatistical thermodynamical description of liquids at interfaces. Leiden Institute of Chemistry19891992 Dick Bedeaux (grad student)
Henk W.J. Blötetheoretical physics1972 W. Jan Huiskamp (grad student)
Johann Christoph Bohl17251726 Herman Boerhaave (grad student)
Bart J. BokAstronomy19241928 Wander Johannes de Haas (research assistant), Jan Hendrik Oort (research assistant), Paul Ehrenfest (research assistant)
annemieke boonman astronomy Steven Doty (grad student)
Johannes Bosscha, IIIphysics, mechanics18501854 Pieter Leonhard Rijke (grad student), Frederik Kaiser (research assistant)
Dirk BouwmeesterCondensed Matter Experimental Physics1995 Johannes P. Woerdman (grad student)
Bernhard R. Brandl
Gregory Breitphysics19211922 Paul Ehrenfest (post-doc)
Hendricus (Henk) BremmerRadio technology1934 Wander Johannes de Haas (grad student)
Hidde H. BrongersmaLow Energy Ion Scattering1968 Luitzen J. Oosterhoff (grad student), Jacob Kistemaker (grad student)
Dirk Brouwercelestial mechanics1927 Willem de Sitter (grad student)
Johanna Hildegonda Margaretha Brunings1938 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student)
Pieter Johannes BrussaardTheoretical Nuclear Physics1958 Sybren Ruurds de Groot (grad student)
Pierre Marie Brutel de la RivièreMechanics1849 Frederik Kaiser (research assistant)
Johannes Martinus BurgersFluid Dynamics1918 Paul Ehrenfest (grad student)
Franck Pieterszoon Burgersdijkphilosophy1620 Gilbert Jacchaeus (research assistant), Willebrord Snell van Royen (Snellius) (grad student)
Bernard F. BurkeAstrophysics
Hans Willem CapelTheoretical physics Physics1965 Sybren Ruurds de Groot (grad student)
Hendrik Brugt Gerhard CasimirTheoretical physics1931 Paul Ehrenfest (grad student)
Jacob Clayphysics1908 Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (grad student)
Pierre Alexandre Coenen1939 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student)
Dirk Coster1922 Paul Ehrenfest (grad student)
Jean A.M. Coxtheoretical physics1954 Sybren Ruurds de Groot (grad student)
Christiaan Hendrik Damen
Johannes de Bruynphilosophy1639 Adriaan Heereboord (research assistant)
Rudolf de Bruyn OuboterExperimental physics1961 Krijn W. Taconis (grad student)
Michiel de Dood
Jacob de Goede1973 Peter Mazur (grad student)
Sybren Ruurds de Groottheoretical physics
Wander Johannes de Haas cryogenics1912 Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (grad student)
Marc de HaasApplied Physics18931895 Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (grad student), Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (post-doc)
Frederik Jacques de Heer1956 Jacob Kistemaker (grad student), Cornelis Jan Bakker (grad student)
L. Jos de Jonghcondensed matter physics
Marc de Kampsphysics, computational neuroscience Section Cognitive Psychology19972002 Frank van der Velde (post-doc)
Dirk de Klerk1948 Cornelis Jacobus Gorter (grad student)
Jacobus de Nobel1954 Cornelis Jacobus Gorter (grad student)
Imke de PaterAstronomy, Planetary Science, Adaptive optics and Radio Observations of the giant planets, their rings and satellites1980 John R. Dickel (grad student), Harry van der Laan (grad student)
Willem de Sitter
Burchard de Volderphilosophy, mathematics1664 Franz (Franciscus Sylvius) de le Boë (Dubois) (grad student)
Daniel Alexander de Vries1952 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student), Willem Rhijnvis van Wijk (grad student)
P. Tim de ZeeuwFormation, structure, and dynamics of galaxies1984 Hendrik Christoffel van de Hulst (grad student)
Wilhelmus Theodorus Franciscus den HollanderProbability theory, statistical physics, population genetics, network theory1985 Pieter Willem Kasteleyn (grad student)
Leendert Willem Jan den Ouden1979 Hans Willem Capel (grad student)
Albert Nomdo DiddensHigh energy physics
Gerhard Heinrich Diekespectroscopic techniques used in the chemical analysis of metals1925 Paul Ehrenfest (research assistant)
Ronald J.M.M. DoesIndustrial Statistics Mathematics1982 Willem R. van Zwet (grad student)
Marileen DogteromBiophysics
Max DresdenStatistical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics1938 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (research assistant)
Louis N. M. DuysensBiophysics, clinical physics
Paul Ehrenfeststatistical mechanics
Cornelis EkamaAstronomy
Walter M. Elsasserphysics, geophysics, biophysics1927 Paul Ehrenfest (post-doc)
Willem Adriaan Enschede1834 Pieter Johannes Uylenbroek, Jr (grad student)
Paul Sophus EpsteinParticle Theory1921 Paul Ehrenfest (post-doc)
Jan Willem Ermerinsmathematics, physics1824 Cornelis Ekama (research assistant), Meinard Simon du Pui (grad student)
Martin van Exterexperimental physics and optics19891992 Johannes P. Woerdman (post-doc)
Enrico FermiParticle Theory1924 Paul Ehrenfest (post-doc)
Roberto Fieschitheoretical physics19531954 Sybren Ruurds de Groot (grad student)
Henri Florin1934 Paul Ehrenfest (grad student), Adriaan Daniël Fokker (grad student)
Adriaan Daniël FokkerTheoretical physics1913 Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (grad student)
Cornelius Marius Fortuin1971 Pieter Willem Kasteleyn (grad student)
Marijn FranxGalaxy formation, high redshift universe, galaxy structure1988 Hendrik Christoffel van de Hulst (grad student)
Hans Pieter Roetert Frederiksesolid state physics1950 Cornelis Jacobus Gorter (grad student)
Joost Wilhelmus Maria Frenkenlithography
Karel J.F. Gaemerstheoretical physics1974 Jean A.M. Cox (grad student)
Perry A. GerakinesAstrochemistry Astronomy19931995 Ewine F. van Dishoeck (grad student)
Alexander Nicolaas Gerritsenlow temperature physics1948 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student)
Herbert Martinus Gijsman1958 Cornelis Jacobus Gorter (grad student)
Luca Giomicondensed matter physics
Jacob Adriaan GoedkoopNuclear Physics
Cornelis Jacobus Gortermagnetism1932 Wander Johannes de Haas (grad student)
Samuel A. Goudsmit1927 Paul Ehrenfest (grad student)
Johannes Petrus Groen1982 Nicolaas Johannes Poulis (grad student), Hans Willem Capel (grad student)
Harm Jan HabingAstrophysics
Hendrik F. HamekaTheoretical Chemistry1956 Luitzen J. Oosterhoff (grad student)
Christiaan Dirk Hartogh1958 Sybren Ruurds de Groot (grad student)
Friedrich (Fritz) HasenöhrlTheoretical Physics18981899 Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (post-doc)
Amina Helmigalaxy evolution and dynamics2000 P. Tim de Zeeuw (grad student), Simon David Manton White (grad student)
Nathaniel HermosaOptics20092011 Johannes P. Woerdman (post-doc)
Ejnar Hertzsprungastronomy
Hendrik Jan Hilhorst
Henri Hoek1939 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student)
Arnold Jan HoffBiophysics
Gilles Holstincandescent lamps: light measurement, properties of tungsten and glow discharge; vacuum tubes, X-ray tubes, photocells; ferromagnetism19101914 Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (research assistant)
Maarten Dirk Hoogerland1989 Johannes P. Woerdman (research assistant)
Gerardus Johannes Hooyman1955 Sybren Ruurds de Groot (grad student)
Raymond Marie Ferdinand Houtappel1950 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student)
Joannes Huddetheory of equations, annuities, hydrostatics1657 Frans van Schooten, Jr. (research assistant)
W. Jan HuiskampMagnetism at low temperatures1958 Cornelis Jacobus Gorter (grad student)
Christiaan Huygenshydrostatics, mathematics, geometrical optics, pendulum clock1647 Frans van Schooten, Jr. (research assistant)
Timon Idema2009 Helmut Schiessel (grad student), Cornelis Storm (grad student)
William M. Irvineastrochemistry, astrobiology19611962 Hendrik Christoffel van de Hulst (post-doc)
Gilbert Jacchaeus
Laurens JansenTheoretical chemistry1955 Sybren Ruurds de Groot (grad student)
Charles Christiaan Jonkerradioactivity1937 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student)
Frederik Kaiserastronomy18261831 Pieter Johannes Uylenbroek, Jr (research assistant)
Heike Kamerlingh Onnesphysics
George Karremanmathematical biology and mathematical biophysics, membrane biophysics, photosynthetic mechanisms, quantum biochemistry and quantum biophysics, biological energy transfer, quantum biology, physiological irritability1941 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (research assistant)
Drishyaman KashyapAstronomy, Physics
Pieter Willem KasteleynTheoretical physics1956 Sybren Ruurds de Groot (grad student)
Wilhelmus Hendrikus Keesomlow temperature physics
Pieter Hendrik Keesomlow temperature physics1948 Cornelis Jacobus Gorter (grad student)
John T. M. Kennis19921997 Jan Amesz (grad student), Thijs J. Aartsma (grad student)
Jacob Kistemakernuclear physics1945 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student)
Oskar Benjamin Klein1926 Paul Ehrenfest (post-doc)
Gerrit Alfred Kluitenberg1954 Sybren Ruurds de Groot (grad student)
Hein F. P. Knaap1962 Krijn W. Taconis (grad student)
Johannes Marie Joseph Kooy1936 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student)
Hendrik Antonie Kramersquantum mechanics1919 Paul Ehrenfest (grad student)
Roelof Luppo Krans1931 Paul Ehrenfest (grad student)
Mariska Therese KriekGalaxy Evolution2007 Marijn Franx (grad student), Pieter G. van Dokkum (grad student)
Philip Henry Kuenen1925 Berend Georg Escher (grad student)
Johannes Petrus Kuenen1892 Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (grad student)
Renze Kuiken1971 Jacob Adriaan Goedkoop (grad student), Cornelis Jacobus Gorter (grad student), Hans Postma (grad student)
Gerard P. KuiperAstronomy1933 Ejnar Hertzsprung (grad student), Anton Pannekoek (research assistant), Jan Woltjer (research assistant), Willem de Sitter (research assistant), Jan Hendrik Oort (research assistant)
Willem Pieter Jacobus Lignac1949 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student)
Frank L. LindeHigh energy physics1988 Albert Nomdo Diddens (grad student)
Markus Lippitz20022005 Michel Orrit (post-doc)
Johannes Locceniusjuris and history1625 Johannes Meursius (grad student)
Pieter Robert Locher Physics1962 Cornelis Jacobus Gorter (grad student)
Hendrik Antoon Lorentzphysics18701875 Pieter Leonhard Rijke (grad student), Frederik Kaiser (research assistant)
Joop LosAtomic and molecular physics1963 Jacob Kistemaker (grad student)
Johannes Lulofsphysics, astronomy
Willem Jacob LuytenAstronomy1921 Ejnar Hertzsprung (grad student)
Eric MazurUltrafast Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry1981 Jan J. M. Beenakker (grad student), Hein F. P. Knaap (grad student)
Peter MazurStatistical mechanics
Richard Mead16831685 Paul Hermann (grad student), Archibald Pitcairne (grad student)
Paul Herman Ernst Meijergroup theory in quantum mechanics, solid state physics1951 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student)
Johannes MeursiusJuris, history, Greek
Shuo MiCondensed Matter Physics
Andries R. Miedemaexperimental physics1960 Cornelis Jacobus Gorter (grad student)
Marcel G.J. Minnaertastrophysics19151916 Paul Ehrenfest (post-doc)
Nicolaus Muleriusmedicine, mathematics and astronomy1589 Gerard Bontius (grad student), Rudolph Snell van Royen (Snellius) (research assistant), Johan van Heurne (research assistant)
John A. Mydoshmetal physics
Gerard NienhuisQuantum Matter & Optics
Pieter NieuwlandPhysics, astronomy
Gunnar Nordström19161918 Paul Ehrenfest (post-doc)
Dirk Onderdelinden1968 Jacob Kistemaker (grad student)
Jan Hendrik Oortastronomy
Wiebe Aaldert Oost1968 Jacob Kistemaker (grad student)
Luitzen J. Oosterhofftheoretical chemistry1949 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student)
J. Robert Oppenheimernuclear physics1928 Paul Ehrenfest (post-doc)
Leonard Salomon Ornsteinphysics1908 Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (grad student)
Hendrik Albert Otten1973 Louis N. M. Duysens (grad student)
Jean A. C. Oudemansastronomy1852 Frederik Kaiser (grad student)
Anton Pannekoekastronomy1902 Hendricus Gerardus van de Sande Bakhuijzen (grad student)
Lambertus Adrianus PeletierApplied mathematics
Jacques Herman Henri PerkCondensed Matter Physics1979 Hans Willem Capel (grad student)
Sir William Petty16431645 René Descartes (research assistant)
Archibald Pitcairne
Dirk PolderTheoretical physics1941 Hendrik Brugt Gerhard Casimir (grad student)
Nicolaas Johannes Poulisnuclear magnetic resonance1952 Cornelis Jacobus Gorter (grad student)
Luis Henry Quiroga-NunezAstrophysics Leiden Observatory20152019 Huib Jan van Langevelde (grad student)
Jörg ReussMolecular and Laser Physics1962 Krijn W. Taconis (grad student)
Alex Richings Sterrewacht Joop Schaye (grad student)
Pieter Leonhard Rijkephysics1836 Pieter Johannes Uylenbroek, Jr (grad student)
Elena Maria Rossi
Arend Joan Rutgers1930 Paul Ehrenfest (grad student)
Bryan C. Sanctuaryphysical chemistry19721974 Jan J. M. Beenakker (post-doc)
Frans W. Sarismolecular physics1971 Jacob Kistemaker (grad student)
Koenraad Eduard Schalmstring theory
Joop Schaye
Helmut Schiessel
Jan SchmidtExcited States of Molecules1971 Joan H. van der Waals (grad student)
Maarten Schmidtquasars19531956 Jan Hendrik Oort (grad student), Hendrik Christoffel van de Hulst (research assistant), Adriaan Blaauw (research assistant)
Marijke Segers Sterrewacht Joop Schaye (grad student)
Wolferd Senguerdphysics1667 David Stuart (grad student)
Arnold Senguerdphysics1630 Franck Pieterszoon Burgersdijk (research assistant), Antonius Thysius (research assistant)
Joseph Serrurier physics1690 Burchard de Volder (grad student)
Arnold Johannes Friedrich Siegertstatistical mechanics19341936 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (post-doc)
Remmelt SissinghPhysics1885 Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (grad student)
Gerardus Johannes SizooNuclear physics1926 Wander Johannes de Haas (grad student), Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (research assistant)
Karl Isak SkauCatalysis, Polymers19992003 Edgar M. Blokhuis (grad student)
Willebrord Snell van Royen (Snellius)1607 Ludolph van Keulen (grad student), Rudolph Snell van Royen (Snellius) (research assistant)
Rudolph Snell van Royen (Snellius)Greek and Hebrew, mathematics
Jacco H SnoeijerCapillary Flows & Elasticity2003 Wim van Saarloos (grad student)
Simon Speyert van der EykMathematics, physics1794 Christiaan Hendrik Damen (research assistant), Pieter Nieuwland (research assistant)
Wijnand Carel Hugo Staringgeology, agronomy1833 Jacob G.S. van Breda (grad student)
Martinus Jan Steenland1952 Cornelis Jacobus Gorter (grad student)
Simon Stevin
Cornelis Storm2001 Wim van Saarloos (grad student)
Krijn W. Taconisexperimental physics1938 Wilhelmus Hendrikus Keesom (grad student)
Igor Yevgenyevich Tamm1928 Paul Ehrenfest (post-doc)
Dirk ter HaarStatistical Mechanics1948 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student)
Henk E D J ter KeursMedical Biophysics, Medicine and Surgery, Animal Physiology Biology1970 A. Bert (Alettus Albertinus) Verveen (grad student)
Robert Harko TerwielTheoretical physics1964 Peter Mazur (grad student)
Alexander G.G.M. Tielensastrochemistry1982 Harm Jan Habing (grad student), Louis John Allamandola (grad student)
Keith O TirimbaStar clusters, Exoplanets
Jan Tresling1919 Paul Ehrenfest (grad student)
Rudolf M Trompstructure and growth of surfaces and interfaces, surface phase transitions, modifications of crystal growth by organic and inorganic monolayers ('surfactants'), and the development of novel experimental techniques and methods
Monica Turner Sterrewacht Joop Schaye (grad student)
Johan Bernard UbbinkPhilosophy of science1945 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student)
George Eugene Uhlenbeckquantum mechanics, statistical mechanics1927 Paul Ehrenfest (grad student)
Pieter Johannes Uylenbroek, Jrmathematics, physics, astronomy, oriental languages1822 Hendrik Arent Hamaker (grad student)
Willem van BemmelenPhysical geography1893 Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (grad student)
Hendrik Gerard van BuerenAstronomy, Astrophysics1956 Hendrik Brugt Gerhard Casimir (grad student)
Hendrik Tjapko van Dam1968 Luitzen J. Oosterhoff (grad student)
Hendrik Christoffel van de Hulstastronomy , space science
Hendricus Gerardus van de Sande Bakhuijzenastronomy18601863 Frederik Kaiser (grad student), Gideon Jan Verdam (research assistant), Pieter Leonhard Rijke (research assistant)
Freeke van de Voort Astronomy2012 Joop Schaye (grad student)
Willem Hendrik van den BosAstronomy1925 Willem de Sitter (grad student)
Joost van den Handel1940 Wander Johannes de Haas (grad student)
Cornelis Johannes Nicolaas van den MeijdenbergExperimental physics1961 Krijn W. Taconis (grad student)
Harry van der LaanRadio Astronomy
Pieter van der Leeden1940 Wander Johannes de Haas (grad student)
Roeland P. van der MarelThe Hubble Space Telescope Proper Motion Collaboration1994 P. Tim de Zeeuw (grad student), Marijn Franx (grad student)
Kees van der Meerarchiving systems1975 Jan J. Cornelis (Jan Kees) Mulder (grad student), Luitzen J. Oosterhoff (grad student)
Johannes Hermanus van der Merwe1952 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student)
Frank van der Velde
Johannes Diderik van der Waalsphysics1873 Pieter Leonhard Rijke (grad student)
Volkert Simon Maarten van der Willigenmathematics, physics, philosophy1847 Frederik Kaiser (grad student)
Ewine F. van DishoeckAstrochemistry1984 Harm Jan Habing (grad student), Wim J. van der Hart (research assistant), Alexander Dalgarno (grad student), Marc C. van Hemert (grad student)
Cornelis Johannes van DuijnAnalysis and Modelling of Transport Processes in Porous Media1979 Lambertus Adrianus Peletier (grad student)
Adrianus Johannes van Duyneveldt1969 Cornelis Jacobus Gorter (grad student)
Rienk van GrondelleBiophysics19731978 Louis N. M. Duysens (grad student)
Bram (Abraham) C.S. van Heeloptics1925 Wander Johannes de Haas (grad student)
Augustinus Franciscus Van Itterbeek Kammerlingh Onnes Laboratorium19281932 Wilhelmus Hendrikus Keesom (post-doc)
Nico G. van KampenTheoretical physics1952 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student)
Herman van Kempen1965 Cornelis Jacobus Gorter (grad student)
Ludolph van Keulenmathematics
Huib Jan van LangeveldeAstrophysics Leiden Observatory Leiden Observatory1992 Ewine F. van Dishoeck (post-doc), Harm Jan Habing (grad student)
Johannes (Hans) Maria Jozef van LeeuwenTheoretical physics, (quantum) mechanics
Johan Hendrik van Lommathematics, astronomy1729 Willem Jacob 's-Gravesande (post-doc)
Frans Herbert van LunterenHistory of science
Pieter van MusschenbroekPhysics, Medicine1715 Herman Boerhaave (grad student), Wolferd Senguerd (research assistant)
Antoine M. van OijenMolecular microscopy and spectroscopy2001 Jan Schmidt (grad student)
Willem Frederik van Peijpe1938 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student)
Wim van SaarloosCondensed Matter Theory1982 Peter Mazur (grad student)
Frans van Schooten, Jr. Jacob Gool (grad student)
Engel van Spronsen1975 Krijn W. Taconis (grad student), Rudolf de Bruyn Ouboter (grad student)
Jan Hendrik van Swindenphysics1766 Johann Friedrich Hennert (research assistant), Johannes Lulofs (grad student), Hieronymus David Gaubius (research assistant), Jean-Nicolas-Sébastien Allamand (research assistant)
Johan van TolMagnetic resonance, quantum materials Physics19881993 Joan H. van der Waals (grad student)
Simon C. van Veenapplied mathematics and mechanics19191927 Paul Ehrenfest (research assistant), Willem de Sitter (grad student)
Jasper van Wezel20032007 Jan Zaanen (grad student), Jeroen G. J. van den Brink (grad student)
Adrianus Jan Jasper van WoerkomCelestial mechanics1948 Jan Hendrik Oort (grad student)
Wiebren Sjoerd Veemanphysical chemistry1972 Joan H. van der Waals (grad student)
Marco Velliscig Sterrewacht Joop Schaye (grad student)
Philip J. VergragtMolecular spectroscopy1976 Joan H. van der Waals (grad student)
Jules Emile Verschaffeltexperimental physics1899 Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (grad student)
ruud visser astronomy Steven Doty (grad student)
Johann Jacob Vitrianus
Jan Vlieger1961 Sybren Ruurds de Groot (grad student)
Johan Adriaan Vollgraff1903 Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (grad student)
Paul Joseph von Riegger17291733 Johann Jacob Vitrianus (grad student)
Willem Wamsteker1975 Hendrik Christoffel van de Hulst (grad student)
John Archibald WheelerGravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics
Eliza Cornelis Wiersma1932 Wander Johannes de Haas (grad student)
Rogier A. WindhorstAstronomy and Astrophysics1984 Harry van der Laan (grad student), Peter Katgert (grad student)
Stefan Wittekoek1967 Nicolaas Johannes Poulis (grad student)
Johannes P. WoerdmanQuantum Optics
Lodewijk Woltjer1957 Jan Hendrik Oort (grad student)
Siegfried Adolf WouthuysenTheoretical physics1939 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (research assistant)
Zhihong You Physics20152019 Luca Giomi (grad student)
Jan Zaanen
Pieter Zeemanoptics1893 Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (grad student)
Guus Zoutendijkcomputer science