Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
James F AmundsonHEP, Computational Physics, Accelerator Physics, Particle Theory
Marvin V Ascencio SosaHigh Energy Physics, Neutrino Physics MINERvA Experiment20182022 Minerba Betancourt (research scientist)
Karie Elizabeth Badgley
Winslow F. Bakerparticle physics
William A. Bardeentheoretical elementary particle physics
Ritoban Basu ThakurDark Matter, CMB Physics20112015 Dan Bauer (grad student)
Dan BauerAstroparticle Physics
Robert H. BernsteinParticle Physics
Kurt Alan Biery
Kip Bishofberger Accelerator Division APC20012005 Vladimir Shiltsev (grad student), Vladimir Dmitrievich Shiltsev (grad student)
James Daniel BjorkenTheoretical physics
Amber Boehnlein
David Boehnlein
Chris M. BouchardHigh Energy, lattice QCD, Nucleon physics Theory Theoretical Physics Theoretical Physics20092011 Andreas Samuel Kronfeld (grad student), Andreas Samuel Kronfeld (collaborator), Paul Blanchard Mackenzie (collaborator)
Steve BriceAstroparticle Physics
Daniel BroemmelsiekAstroparticle Physics
John M. Campbell
Maria Florencia CanelliElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Marcela Carena
Richard John Cavanaugh
Barnali Chowdhury Physics Department20152019 Richard James Tesarek (grad student)
Mike ChrislerAstroparticle Physics
Rafael Coelho Lopes de SaExperimental High Energy Physics
Peter S. Cooper
Pengfei Ding20142019 Andrew J Norman (post-doc)
Roger Lee Dixon
Alex Drlica-WagnerParticle Physics, Astrophysics
Javier Mauricio Duarteexperimental high energy physics
Donald A Edwards
Helen Thom EdwardsAccelerator physics19962015 Vladimir Shiltsev (collaborator)
Jonathan EischAstrophysics Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Juan C. Estrada VigilElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Mark Steven FischlerSupergravity, Lattice Gauge Supercompter design
George William FosterHigh energy physics
Lindsey GrayElementary Particles and High Energy Physics PPD20122015 Jeffrey W. Berryhill (post-doc)
Gerald Michael Guglielmo
Salman Habib
Alan Andrew Hahn
Sten U HansenAstroparticle Physics
Christopher T HillTheoretical Physics, Cosmology
Alexander I. HimmelParticle physics
Donald J. HolmgrenCondensed Matter Physics, Low Temperature Physics, Optoelectronics, High Performance Computing, Lattice QCD
Burt HolzmanDistributed Computing, Heavy Ion Physics
Catherine Chase James
Jonathan D. Jarvis
Bodhitha A. JayatilakaElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Timothy W. KoethElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics Accelerator Division20042009 Helen Thom Edwards (grad student)
Andreas Samuel KronfeldTheory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, General Physics
Noah A KurinskyDetector Physics
Leon M. LedermanParticle physics
Benjamin W. LeeQuantum Field Theory, Particle Physics
Donald W. LincolnHigh Energy Physics
Carl LindenmeyerAstroparticle Physics
Hugh LippincottAstroparticle Physics
Zhen LiuElementary Particle Physics
Milton Stanley LivingstonHigh Energy Physics
Sarah E. Lockwitz
Joseph David LykkenElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Adam L LyonParticle Physics
Paul Blanchard Mackenzieparticle physics
Mario Martínez Pérez
Samuel D McDermottparticle physics, particle phenomenology, particle astrophysics
Alexander S. MelnitchoukElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Frederick E Mills
Wei Muparticle physics Neutrino2019 Alexander I. Himmel (post-doc)
Sergei NagaitsevElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
E. Thomas Nashhigh energy physics, astrophysics, gravitational waves
Timothy Knight Nelson19982001 Joseph Incandela (post-doc)
Evan D. NinerHigh Energy Physics, Experimental Neutrino Physics, Neutrino Oscillations Neutrino Division20152019 Alexander I. Himmel (post-doc)
Andrew J NormanHigh Energy Physics
Piermaria J. OddoneExperimental particle physics
Cristián H. PeñaHigh Energy Physics, Quantum Sensors, Quantum Information
John Peopleshigh energy particle physics and accelerator technology
Erik RambergAstroparticle Physics
Bryan J Ramson2018 Alexander I. Himmel (post-doc)
James B. RosenzweigParticle Beam Physics Accelerator Division Frederick E Mills (grad student)
Russell A RucinskiAstroparticle Physics
Mark RuschmanAstroparticle Physics
Monica S. Nunesneutrinos
Nausheen R. ShahElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics Theoretical High Energy Physics20092012 Marcela Carena (post-doc)
Vladimir Shiltsev
Vladimir Dmitrievich Shiltsevparticle accelerators
Peter G SimonAstroparticle Physics
Andrew H. Sonnenscheinparticle physics, dark matter
Leonidas Aliaga Soplin2016 Andrew J Norman (post-doc)
Albert Joseph StebbinsCosmology, Astrophysics
Louise Suter Stefan Söldner-Rembold (grad student)
Timothy Maurice Paul TaitElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astrophysics Physics Theoretical Physics20022004 Marcela Carena (post-doc)
Richard James TesarekKaon physics, heavy flavor physics, neutrino physics, radiation damage, accelerator physics, accelerator instrumentation, particle physics instrumentation
Alvin V. TollestrupHigh-energy physics
Aristeidis Tsaris2016 Andrew J Norman (post-doc)
Michael WagmanLattice QCD
James King Walker
Michael H.L.S. Wang
Alfons Josef Gerhard WeberParticle Physics
Herman Brenner White
Robert Rathbun WilsonHigh-energy physics
marianette wospakrik
Marianette Wospakrik2018 Andrew J Norman (post-doc)
Huangyu XiaoParticle Phenomenology, Cosmology
Yi XieSuperconducting radio frequency20072009 Hasan Padamsee (grad student), Georg Heinz Hoffstaetter (grad student)
Keping XieHigh Energy Physics - Phenomenology Theoretical Physics Department John M. Campbell (grad student)
Shin-Shan Yu
Cosmas K. ZachosElementary Particle Physics Theory, Mathematical Physics
Bei ZhouParticle astrophysics, astrophysics, particle physics, cosmology
Robert Miles ZwaskaAccelerator Phyics, Particle Physics, Neutrinos