University of Oregon

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Sequoia Alba Ray J. Weldon (grad student)
Parvez AnandamElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2000 Davison Eugene Soper (grad student)
Francesco Arcerisoft matter, active matter, jamming Physics20172021 Eric I. Corwin (grad student)
Wolfram T. ArnoldElectronic Structure of solids2000 Roger Haydock (grad student)
Laura Austin Ray J. Weldon (grad student)
G. Barello Physics20122016 Spencer Chang (grad student)
Carlo F. Barenghilow temperature physics Physics19781982 Russell J. Donnelly (grad student)
Jason Barkeloo Physics James Edward Brau (grad student)
Isolde L. BelienGeology Department of Geological Sciences2011 Katharine V. Cashman (grad student)
Deitrich BelitzCondensed Matter Physics
Dietrich BelitzTheory Physics, Mathematics
Michael Scott Belsley Michael Gordon Raymer (research assistant)
Sean P. BemisPlate Tectonics, Geology, Geomorphology2010 Ray J. Weldon (grad student)
Jason D. BiggsPhysical Chemistry, Quantum Physics, Theory Physics Department of Chemistry2010 Jeffrey A. Cina (grad student)
Ethan L. BlansettOptics Physics2002 Michael Gordon Raymer (grad student)
Jason R. BochinskiOptical Physics, Quantum Optics2000 Thomas William Mossberg (grad student)
Gregory David BothunAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics
James Edward BrauHigh Energy Physics
James Stephen BrooksLow-temperature and high-magnetic-field physics1973 Russell J. Donnelly (grad student)
Elizabeth Brost Physics James Edward Brau (grad student)
Reed Burgette Ray J. Weldon (grad student)
Esther Caballero-ManriqueGeneral Biophysics, Physical Chemistry2006 Marina G. Guenza (grad student)
Ryan Cahalan20152020 Josef D. Dufek (grad student)
Howard J. CarmichaelAtomic Physics, Optics Physics
Katharine V. CashmanGeophysics
Spencer Changtheoretical particle physics
Aiqing ChenOptics Physics, Materials Science Engineering2009 Miriam Deutsch (grad student)
Leiming ChenCondensed Matter Physics2006 Dietrich Belitz (grad student), John Toner (grad student)
Calvin H. Cheng2005 Mark C. Lonergan (grad student)
Xiaolu ChengPhysical Chemistry, Low Temperature Physics Department of Physics2013 Miriam Deutsch (grad student)
Jeffrey A. CinaPhysical Chemistry, Low Temperature Physics
Francisco Claro19691972 Gregory Wannier (grad student)
Carrie L. Daniels-Hafer2004 Mark C. Lonergan (grad student)
Francis Eliot Dart
Nicholas D. DeardorffGeology Department of Geological Sciences2011 Katharine V. Cashman (grad student)
Natalia I. DeligneGeology Geological Sciences2012 Katharine V. Cashman (grad student)
Alexandre DenissovElectronic Structure of solids2004 Roger Haydock (grad student)
Philip Allen Deutchman1967 Ian Ellery McCarthy (grad student)
Miriam DeutschOptics Physics
Thomas Peter Devereaux1991 Dietrich Belitz (grad student)
Hannah R. DietterichGeology, Geomorphology, Geodesy Geological Sciences2014 Katharine V. Cashman (grad student)
Khodadad N. DinyariQuantum Physics, Optics Physics, General Physics Department of Physics2012 Hailin Wang (grad student)
Russell J. DonnellyCryogenic Helium Turbulence
Josef D. DufekGeology, Geophysics, Fluid dynamics, granular physics, planetary flows
Douglas T. DurantMarine Geology, Geophysics, Petrology Department of Geological Sciences2011 Douglas R. Toomey (grad student)
Thomas R. DykeMolecular Physics
Klaus M. Engenhardt2005 Stephen Gregory (grad student)
Steven v. EnkOptics Physics
Scott ErnstAstrophysics Physics Department of Physics2011 James N. Imamura (grad student)
Xudong FanOptics Physics, Condensed Matter Physics2000 Hailin Wang (grad student)
Noah P. FayGeophysics2006 Eugene Humphreys (grad student)
Ricky FokGeneral Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Department of Physics2011 Graham Douglas Kribs (grad student)
Raymond FreyAstronomy and Astrophysics
Andrew C. FunkOptics Physics2004 Michael Gordon Raymer (grad student)
Lei Gao2006 Mark C. Lonergan (grad student)
Haiying GaoGeophysics, Plate Tectonics Department of Geological Sciences2011 Eugene Humphreys (grad student)
David A. GolterCondensed Matter Physics, Optics Physics Physics2014 Hailin Wang (grad student)
Stephen Gregory
Christoph M. GreinerOptical Physics, Quantum Optics2002 Thomas William Mossberg (grad student)
Marina G. GuenzaGeneral Physics, Physical Chemistry
William C. HammondGeophysics, Physical Oceanography2000 Eugene Humphreys (grad student)
Andrew Hammond Physics2020 Eric I. Corwin (grad student)
Emelie D. HarstadAstrophysics Physics Department of Physics2013 James Edward Brau (grad student)
Keisuke HasegawaOptics Physics2008 Miriam Deutsch (grad student)
Roger HaydockElectronic Structure of solids
Eric A. HoffmannSolid State Physics, Materials Science Engineering2009 Heiner Linke (grad student)
Hyun Huang Physics1994 James Edward Brau (grad student)
Travis S. HumblePhysical Chemistry, Electricity and Magnetism Physics2005 Jeffrey A. Cina (grad student)
Eugene HumphreysGeophysics
Rudolph C HwaStrong Interaction, Nonlinear Dynamics, Fluctuations, Quark-Gluon Plasma
James N. ImamuraAstrophysics Physics
Masahiro ItoAstronomy and Astrophysics2006 James Edward Brau (grad student)
Elsa M. JohnsonAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics2010 Gregory David Bothun (grad student)
Frank E. Jones2004 Mark C. Lonergan (grad student)
Peter K.
M. Yasinul Karim2017 Eric I. Corwin (grad student)
James Chalmers Kemp
Steve KevanSolid State Physics, Materials Science Engineering
Jeffrey A. KolbElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2008 Eric Torrence (grad student)
Graham Douglas KribsGeneral Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Sasha D. KrugerOptics Physics, Condensed Matter Physics2006 Hailin Wang (grad student)
Allison Kubo20192024 Josef D. Dufek (grad student)
Darmadi KusnoParticle Theory19761979 Michael Julius Moravcsik (grad student)
Nathan J. KuwadaGeneral Physics, Molecular Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2010 Heiner Linke (grad student)
Brandi L. Langsdorf2001 Mark C. Lonergan (grad student)
Matthew D. Langston Physics James Edward Brau (grad student)
Fuding Lin2009 Mark C. Lonergan (grad student)
Hai Lin Thomas William Mossberg (grad student)
Heiner LinkeGeneral Biophysics
Thomas H. LoftusOptical Physics, Quantum Optics2001 Thomas William Mossberg (grad student)
Mark C. Lonergan
Benjamin J. LopezGeneral Biophysics Department of Physics2010 Heiner Linke (grad student)
Geoffrey A. LottMolecular Physics, Optics Physics, Physical Chemistry2010 Hailin Wang (grad student)
Xianghui LuoTheory Physics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics Department of Physics2011 James Edward Brau (grad student)
Ivan Y. LyubimovPhysical Chemistry Department of Chemistry2012 Marina G. Guenza (grad student)
Gerald D. MahanCondensed matter theory, Transport and optical properties, Solid-state devices
Jason E. MatthewsLow Temperature Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics Department of Physics Department of Physics2011 Heiner Linke (grad student), Richard Philip Taylor (grad student)
James J. McCartyComputational Biochemistry Chemistry and Biochemistry2013 Marina G. Guenza (grad student)
Hayden J. McGuinnessOptics Physics, Quantum Physics Department of Physics2011 Michael Gordon Raymer (grad student)
Daniele McKayGeology Geological Sciences2012 Katharine V. Cashman (grad student)
Donald Allan McQuarrie Terrell L. Hill (grad student)
Imran M. MirzaQuantum Physics, Optics Physics Department of Physics2014 Steven v. Enk (grad student)
Rick D. MontgomeryElectronics and Electrical Engineering, General Biophysics Physics Physics2014 Miriam Deutsch (grad student), Richard Philip Taylor (grad student)
Ian S. Moody Chemistry2011 Mark C. Lonergan (grad student)
Michael Julius MoravcsikParticle Theory
Steve Morin Thomas William Mossberg (grad student)
Peter K. Morse2016 Eric I. Corwin (grad student)
Thomas William MossbergOptical Physics, Quantum Optics
Natthapon NakpathomkunNanotechnology, Low Temperature Physics Department of Physics2010 Heiner Linke (grad student)
Christopher Newby Physics20102016 Spencer Chang (grad student)
Jens U. NockelInorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
Jens NoeckelTheory Physics, Optics Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Materials Science Engineering
Leland O'DriscollGeophysics, Plate Tectonics Department of Geological Sciences2012 Eugene Humphreys (grad student)
Shannon O'LearyOptics Physics, Condensed Matter Physics2008 Hailin Wang (grad student)
Joshua J. PakOrganic, Organometallic, Supramolecular, and Materials Chemistry Chemistry19951999 Michael M. Haley (grad student)
Phedon PalinginisCondensed Matter Physics, Optics Physics2004 Hailin Wang (grad student)
Young-Shin ParkOptics Physics, Quantum Physics2009 Hailin Wang (grad student)
Sangeet PaulGravitational waves Physics2019 Benjamin Farr (grad student)
Katie Paulson Ray J. Weldon (grad student)
Sarah M. PetersonInorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry2007 Miriam Deutsch (grad student)
Carey E. PhelpsOptics Physics, Condensed Matter Physics Department of Physics2011 Hailin Wang (grad student)
Ian PilgrimInorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry Department of Physics Department of Physics2014 Jens U. Nockel (grad student), Richard Philip Taylor (grad student)
Kevin Todd Pittshigh energy physics1994 James Edward Brau (grad student)
Rauha J. RahkolaAstronomy and Astrophysics2006 Raymond Frey (grad student)
Rahmat RahmatElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2008 Eric Torrence (grad student)
Nirmal Rajtheoretical physics, particle physics, astrophysics Physics20122015 Graham Douglas Kribs (grad student)
Megan R. RayOptics Physics, Quantum Physics, General Physics Department of Physics2013 Steven v. Enk (grad student)
Mike RaymerTheory Physics, Optics Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Materials Science Engineering
Michael Gordon RaymerOptics
Andreas D. ReinschGeneral Physics, Astrophysics Physics Department of Physics2012 David Mattill Strom (grad student)
Mark A. Richards
Laura RiihimakiAtmospheric Sciences2008 Gregory David Bothun (grad student)
Mary A. RohrdanzPhysical Chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics2005 Jeffrey A. Cina (grad student)
Diana C. RomanGeophysics, Volcanology2004 Katharine V. Cashman (grad student)
Susan M. RosenbergGenome Instability in Evolution, Antibiotic Resistance, and Cancer1986 Franklin Stahl (grad student)
Alison C. RustGeology2003 Katharine V. Cashman (grad student)
Junichi SakuraiAstronomy and Astrophysics2000 James Schombert (grad student)
Edward J. SambriskiPhysical Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics2006 Marina G. Guenza (grad student)
Yan SangCondensed Matter Physics, Quantum Physics Department of Physics2014 Miriam Deutsch (grad student)
Karl F. SaundersCondensed Matter Physics, Statistics2001 John Toner (grad student)
William C. ScannellCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering, Solid State Physics, Quantum Physics2010 Steve Kevan (grad student)
Brandon SchmandtGeophysics Department of Geological Sciences2011 Eugene Humphreys (grad student)
Elizabeth A. SchoeneAtomic Physics, Optics Physics, Quantum Physics, Low Temperature Physics Department of Physics2010 Hailin Wang (grad student)
James SchombertAstronomy and Astrophysics
James Moeller SchombertAstronomy
Derek L. SchuttGeophysics, Geology2000 Eugene Humphreys (grad student)
Lucia SchwarzQuantum Physics, Optics Physics Department of Physics2014 Steven v. Enk (grad student)
Jacob SearcyElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Department of Physics2012 James Edward Brau (grad student)
Peter Sellin Thomas William Mossberg (grad student)
Sharon L. SessionsCondensed Matter Physics2002 Dietrich Belitz (grad student)
Shachar Shamay Chemistry2012 Mark C. Lonergan (grad student)
Robert W. ShivitzOptical Physics, Quantum Optics2003 Thomas William Mossberg (grad student)
Ismet SiralExperimental Hig Energy Physics
Davison Eugene SoperGeneral Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Samuel A. SouleGeology, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Computer Science2003 Katharine V. Cashman (grad student)
David Patrick StayPolymer Chemistry Chemistry20042012 Mark C. Lonergan (grad student)
Amanda L Steinhebel
Ashley R. StreigGeology, Geophysics Department of Geological Sciences2014 Ray J. Weldon (grad student)
David Mattill StromGeneral Physics, Astrophysics Physics
Jan StrubeElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2008 James Edward Brau (grad student)
Timothy M. SweeneyQuantum Physics, Optics Physics, Materials Science Engineering Department of Physics2011 Hailin Wang (grad student)
Michael J. TaorminaGeneral Biophysics, Optics Physics Department of Physics2014 Gregory David Bothun (grad student)
Richard Philip TaylorNanoelectronics, retinal implants, solar cells, visual science of fractals
Sumanta Tewari Department of Physics20032005 Dietrich Belitz (post-doc)
John TonerCondensed matter physics
Douglas R. ToomeyGeophysics
Eric TorrenceElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Alexander J. Trevelyan2018 Eric I. Corwin (grad student)
James Vallescondensed matter physics, biophysics
Michael van der NaaldExperimental condensed matter Physics2016 Eric I. Corwin (research assistant)
Darwin R. Villagomez DiazGeophysics Department of Geological Sciences2010 Douglas R. Toomey (grad student)
Sean E. WalstonElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2004 James Edward Brau (grad student)
Yongjun Wang2008 Mark C. Lonergan (grad student)
Hailin WangAtomic Physics, Optics Physics, Quantum Physics, Low Temperature Physics
Tsaipei. Wang Thomas William Mossberg (grad student)
Xin-Nian Wanghigh-energy particle and nuclear physics Physics Department19851989 Rudolph C Hwa (grad student)
Gregory WannierTheoretical solid-state physics
Chaowaroj Wanotayaroj Physics James Edward Brau (grad student)
Kyle J. Welch2016 Eric I. Corwin (grad student)
Ray J. WeldonGeology, Geophysics
Amelia Winner20162021 Josef D. Dufek (grad student)
Chunbai WuOptics Physics Department of Physics2010 Steven v. Enk (grad student)
Qilin Wu Physics Thomas William Mossberg (grad student)
Chung Chieh Yu Thomas William Mossberg (grad student)
Jiaming Zhang Thomas William Mossberg (grad student)